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Example 16 with StreamController

use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.

the class ReadRowsAttemptCallable method call.

 * Sends the actual RPC. The request being sent will first be transformed by the {@link
 * StreamResumptionStrategy}.
 * <p>This method expects to be called by one thread at a time. Furthermore, it expects that the
 * current RPC finished before the next time it's called.
public Void call() {
    Preconditions.checkState(isStarted, "Must be started first");
    ReadRowsRequest request = (++numAttempts == 1) ? initialRequest : resumptionStrategy.getResumeRequest(initialRequest);
    // Should never happen. onAttemptError will check if ResumptionStrategy can create a resume
    // request,
    // which the RetryingFuture/StreamResumptionStrategy should respect.
    Preconditions.checkState(request != null, "ResumptionStrategy returned a null request.");
    innerAttemptFuture = SettableApiFuture.create();
    seenSuccessSinceLastError = false;
    ApiCallContext attemptContext = context;
    if (!outerRetryingFuture.getAttemptSettings().getRpcTimeout().isZero()) {
        attemptContext = attemptContext.withStreamWaitTimeout(outerRetryingFuture.getAttemptSettings().getRpcTimeout());
    attemptContext.getTracer().attemptStarted(outerRetryingFuture.getAttemptSettings().getOverallAttemptCount());, new StateCheckingResponseObserver<ReadRowsResponse>() {

        public void onStartImpl(StreamController controller) {

        public void onResponseImpl(ReadRowsResponse response) {

        public void onErrorImpl(Throwable t) {

        public void onCompleteImpl() {
    }, attemptContext);
    return null;
Also used : StreamController( ReadRowsResponse( ReadRowsRequest( ApiCallContext(

Example 17 with StreamController

use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.

the class ReadRowsAttemptCallable method onRequest.

 * Called when the outer {@link ResponseObserver} is ready for more data.
 * @see StreamController#request(int)
private void onRequest(int count) {
    Preconditions.checkState(!autoFlowControl, "Automatic flow control is enabled");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(count > 0, "Count must be > 0");
    final StreamController localInnerController;
    synchronized (lock) {
        int maxInc = Integer.MAX_VALUE - pendingRequests;
        count = Math.min(maxInc, count);
        pendingRequests += count;
        localInnerController = this.innerController;
    // ignore it and the current controller will pick it up onStart.
    if (localInnerController != null) {
Also used : StreamController(

Example 18 with StreamController

use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.

the class ReadRowsAttemptCallable method start.

 * Starts the initial call. The call is attempted on the caller's thread. Further call attempts
 * will be scheduled by the {@link RetryingFuture}.
public void start() {
    Preconditions.checkState(!isStarted, "Already started");
    // Initialize the outer observer
    outerObserver.onStart(new StreamController() {

        public void disableAutoInboundFlowControl() {
            Preconditions.checkState(!isStarted, "Can't disable auto flow control once the stream is started");
            autoFlowControl = false;

        public void request(int count) {

        public void cancel() {
    if (autoFlowControl) {
        synchronized (lock) {
            pendingRequests = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    isStarted = true;
    // Propagate the totalTimeout as the overall stream deadline.
    Duration totalTimeout = outerRetryingFuture.getAttemptSettings().getGlobalSettings().getTotalTimeout();
    if (totalTimeout != null && context != null) {
        context = context.withTimeout(totalTimeout);
    // Call the inner callable
Also used : StreamController( Duration(org.threeten.bp.Duration)

Example 19 with StreamController

use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.

the class ReadRowsAttemptCallable method onCancel.

 * Called when the outer {@link ResponseObserver} wants to prematurely cancel the stream.
 * @see StreamController#cancel()
private void onCancel() {
    StreamController localInnerController;
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (cancellationCause != null) {
        // NOTE: BasicRetryingFuture will replace j.u.c.CancellationExceptions with it's own,
        // which will not have the current stacktrace, so a special wrapper has be used here.
        cancellationCause = new ServerStreamingAttemptException(new CancellationException("User cancelled stream"), resumptionStrategy.canResume(), seenSuccessSinceLastError);
        localInnerController = innerController;
    if (localInnerController != null) {
Also used : StreamController( CancellationException(java.util.concurrent.CancellationException) ServerStreamingAttemptException(

Example 20 with StreamController

use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.

the class ReadRowsAttemptCallable method start.

 * Starts the initial call. The call is attempted on the caller's thread. Further call attempts
 * will be scheduled by the {@link RetryingFuture}.
public void start() {
    Preconditions.checkState(!isStarted, "Already started");
    // Initialize the outer observer
    outerObserver.onStart(new StreamController() {

        public void disableAutoInboundFlowControl() {
            Preconditions.checkState(!isStarted, "Can't disable auto flow control once the stream is started");
            autoFlowControl = false;

        public void request(int count) {

        public void cancel() {
    if (autoFlowControl) {
        synchronized (lock) {
            pendingRequests = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    isStarted = true;
    // Propagate the totalTimeout as the overall stream deadline.
    Duration totalTimeout = outerRetryingFuture.getAttemptSettings().getGlobalSettings().getTotalTimeout();
    if (totalTimeout != null && context != null) {
        context = context.withTimeout(totalTimeout);
    // Call the inner callable
Also used : StreamController( Duration(org.threeten.bp.Duration)


StreamController ( Duration (org.threeten.bp.Duration)4 ServerStreamingAttemptException ( ApiCallContext ( CancellationException (java.util.concurrent.CancellationException)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 GrpcCallContext ( Duration ( StatusRuntimeException (io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 AudioFormat (javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat)2 DataLine (javax.sound.sampled.DataLine)2 Info (javax.sound.sampled.DataLine.Info)2 TargetDataLine (javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine)2 AbortedException ( ApiStreamObserver ( BidiStreamObserver ( ClientStream ( ResponseObserver ( ServerStream (