use of in project cryptonomica by Cryptonomica.
the class OnlineVerificationAPI method approve.
// end of acceptTerms();
// /* --- Approve online verification (for Cryptonomica Complience Officer) */
@ApiMethod(name = "approve", path = "approve", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.POST)
public BooleanWrapperObject approve(// final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
final User googleUser, @Named("onlineVerificationApproved") final Boolean onlineVerificationApproved, @Named("verificationNotes") final String verificationNotes, @Named("fingerprint") final String fingerprint) throws // see:
UnauthorizedException, BadRequestException, NotFoundException, NumberParseException, IllegalArgumentException {
/* --- Check authorization : CRYPTONOMICA OFFICER ONLY !!! */
CryptonomicaUser cryptonomicaUser = UserTools.ensureCryptonomicaOfficer(googleUser);
/* --- Check input: */
if (fingerprint == null || fingerprint.equals("") || fingerprint.length() != 40) {
throw new BadRequestException("fingerprint is missing or invalid");
if (onlineVerificationApproved == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("onlineVerificationApproved is null");
} else if (onlineVerificationApproved == false) {
throw new BadRequestException("onlineVerificationApproved (checkbox): false");
// Check if OnlineVerification entity exists:
OnlineVerification onlineVerification = ofy().load().key(Key.create(OnlineVerification.class, fingerprint)).now();
if (onlineVerification == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("OnlineVeriication entity for fingerprint " + fingerprint + " does not exist in data base");
} else if (onlineVerification.getOnlineVerificationDataVerified() != null && onlineVerification.getOnlineVerificationDataVerified()) {
throw new BadRequestException("OnlineVerification already approved");
// mark Online Verification as approved:
// <<<<<< !!!
onlineVerification.setVerifiedByFirstNameLastName(cryptonomicaUser.getFirstName() + " " + cryptonomicaUser.getLastName());
onlineVerification.setVerifiedOn(new Date());
// mark key as verified:
PGPPublicKeyData pgpPublicKeyData = ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).filter("fingerprintStr", fingerprint).first().now();
if (pgpPublicKeyData == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("Key with fingerprint " + fingerprint + " not found");
// save data to data store:
// Send email to user:
final Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();
queue.add(TaskOptions.Builder.withUrl("/_ah/SendGridServlet").param("email", onlineVerification.getUserEmail().getEmail()).param("emailCC", "").param("messageSubject", "[cryptonomica] Online verification for key: " + onlineVerification.getKeyID() + " approved").param("messageText", "Congratulation! \n\n" + onlineVerification.getFirstName().toUpperCase() + " " + onlineVerification.getLastName().toUpperCase() + ",\n\n" + "your request for online verification for key with fingerprint : " + fingerprint + " approved! \n\n" + "See verification information on:\n" + "" + fingerprint + "\n" + "(information is not public, you have to login with your google account " + onlineVerification.getUserEmail().getEmail() + ")\n\n" + "Best regards, \n\n" + "Cryptonomica team\n\n" + new Date().toString() + "\n\n" + "if you think it's wrong or it is an error, " + "please write to\n\n"));
// create result object:
BooleanWrapperObject result = new BooleanWrapperObject(onlineVerificationApproved, "Online Verification for key " + fingerprint + " approved");
return result;
use of in project cryptonomica by Cryptonomica.
the class PGPPublicKeyAPI method getPGPPublicKeyByFingerprint.
@ApiMethod(name = "getPGPPublicKeyByFingerprint", path = "getPGPPublicKeyByFingerprint", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET)
public // get key by by fingerprint
PGPPublicKeyGeneralView getPGPPublicKeyByFingerprint(final User googleUser, @Named("fingerprint") final String fingerprint) throws Exception {
/* Log request: */
LOG.warning("Request: @Named(\"fingerprint\") : " + fingerprint);
/* Check authorization: */
// GET Key from DataBase by fingerprint:
PGPPublicKeyData pgpPublicKeyData = PGPTools.getPGPPublicKeyDataFromDataBaseByFingerprint(fingerprint);
// make key representation, return result
PGPPublicKeyGeneralView pgpPublicKeyGeneralView = new PGPPublicKeyGeneralView(pgpPublicKeyData);
LOG.warning("Result: " + GSON.toJson(pgpPublicKeyGeneralView));
return pgpPublicKeyGeneralView;
use of in project cryptonomica by Cryptonomica.
the class PGPPublicKeyAPI method getUsersKeysByUserId.
@ApiMethod(name = "getUsersKeysByUserId", path = "getUsersKeysByUserId", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.POST)
public // get keys by user ID
SearchPGPPublicKeysReturn getUsersKeysByUserId(// final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
final User googleUser, final GetUsersKeysByUserIdForm getUsersKeysByUserIdForm) throws Exception {
// authorization
SearchPGPPublicKeysReturn searchPGPPublicKeysReturn = new SearchPGPPublicKeysReturn("this are keys of user: " + getUsersKeysByUserIdForm.getUserId(), new ArrayList<>(ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).ancestor(Key.create(CryptonomicaUser.class, getUsersKeysByUserIdForm.getUserId())).list()));
return searchPGPPublicKeysReturn;
use of in project cryptonomica by Cryptonomica.
the class PGPPublicKeyAPI method getPGPPublicKeyByWebSafeString.
@ApiMethod(name = "getPGPPublicKeyByWebSafeString", path = "getPGPPublicKeyByWebSafeString", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET)
public // get key by by WebSafeString
PGPPublicKeyGeneralView getPGPPublicKeyByWebSafeString(final User googleUser, @Named("websafestring") final String webSafeString) throws Exception {
/* Check authorization */
/* Validate form: */
LOG.warning("@Named(\"websafestring\") : " + webSafeString);
if (webSafeString == null || webSafeString.length() < 1) {
throw new Exception("Invalid public key in request");
/* Load PGPPublicKeyData from DB*/
Key<PGPPublicKeyData> pgpPublicKeyDataKey = Key.create(webSafeString);
PGPPublicKeyData pgpPublicKeyData = null;
try {
pgpPublicKeyData = ofy().load().key(pgpPublicKeyDataKey).now();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warning("Load PGPPublicKeyData from DB failed: " + e.getMessage());
if (pgpPublicKeyData == null) {
LOG.warning("pgpPublicKeyData == null");
throw new Exception("Public PGP key not found");
return new PGPPublicKeyGeneralView(pgpPublicKeyData);
use of in project cryptonomica by Cryptonomica.
the class PGPPublicKeyAPI method searchPGPPublicKeys.
@ApiMethod(name = "searchPGPPublicKeys", path = "searchPGPPublicKeys", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.POST)
public // 4) by first and last names
SearchPGPPublicKeysReturn searchPGPPublicKeys(// final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
final User googleUser, final SearchPGPPublicKeysForm searchPGPPublicKeysForm) throws Exception {
// authorization
String fingerprint = searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getFingerprint();
String keyID = searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getKeyID();
String userID = searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getUserID();
String firstName = searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getFirstName();
String lastName = searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getLastName();
String cryptonomicaUserId = searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getCryptonomicaUserId();
Email userEmail = null;
if (searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getUserEmail() != null) {
userEmail = new Email(searchPGPPublicKeysForm.getUserEmail());
List<? extends PGPPublicKeyData> result;
if (fingerprint != null) {
result = ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).filter("fingerprint", fingerprint).list();
} else if (keyID != null) {
result = ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).filter("keyID", keyID).list();
} else if (userEmail != null) {
result = ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).filter("userEmail", userEmail).list();
} else if (firstName != null && lastName != null) {
result = ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).filter("firstName", firstName).filter("lastName", lastName).list();
} else if (cryptonomicaUserId != null) {
result = ofy().load().type(PGPPublicKeyData.class).filter("cryptonomicaUserId", cryptonomicaUserId).list();
} else {
throw new Exception("invalid search query: " + new Gson().toJson(searchPGPPublicKeysForm));
SearchPGPPublicKeysReturn searchPGPPublicKeysReturn = new SearchPGPPublicKeysReturn();
if (result.size() > 0) {
searchPGPPublicKeysReturn.PublicKeyDatasToGeneralViews(new ArrayList<PGPPublicKeyData>(result));
searchPGPPublicKeysReturn.setMessageToUser("search results:");
} else {
searchPGPPublicKeysReturn.PublicKeyDatasToGeneralViews(new ArrayList<PGPPublicKeyData>());
searchPGPPublicKeysReturn.setMessageToUser("no records found");
return searchPGPPublicKeysReturn;