use of in project camel by apache.
the class CalendarCalendarListIntegrationTest method testCalendarList.
public void testCalendarList() throws Exception {
Calendar calendar = getCalendar();
assertTrue("Test calendar should be in the list", isCalendarInList(calendar));
CalendarListEntry calendarFromGet = requestBody("direct://GET", calendar.getId());
use of in project DisCal-Discord-Bot by NovaFox161.
the class Authorization method pollForAuth.
void pollForAuth(Poll poll) {
GuildSettings settings = DatabaseManager.getManager().getSettings(poll.getGuild().getLongID());
try {
String body = "client_id=" + clientData.getClientId() + "&client_secret=" + clientData.getClientSecret() + "&code=" + poll.getDevice_code() + "&grant_type=";
// Execute
com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse<JsonNode> response ="").header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").body(body).asJson();
// Handle response.
if (response.getStatus() == 403) {
// Handle access denied
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("AddCalendar.Auth.Poll.Failure.Deny", settings), poll.getUser());
} else if (response.getStatus() == 400) {
try {
// See if auth is pending, if so, just reschedule.
Type type = new TypeToken<AuthPollResponseError>() {
AuthPollResponseError apre = new Gson().fromJson(response.getBody().toString(), type);
if (apre.error.equalsIgnoreCase("authorization_pending")) {
// Response pending
} else if (apre.error.equalsIgnoreCase("expired_token")) {
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("AddCalendar.Auth.Poll.Failure.Expired", settings), poll.getUser());
} else {
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("Notification.Error.Network", settings), poll.getUser());
Logger.getLogger().debug(poll.getUser(), "Poll Failure!", "Status code: " + response.getStatus() + " | " + response.getStatusText() + " | " + response.getBody().toString(), this.getClass(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Auth is not pending, error occurred.
Logger.getLogger().exception(poll.getUser(), "Failed to poll for authorization to google account.", e, this.getClass(), true);
Logger.getLogger().debug(poll.getUser(), "More info on failure", "Status code: " + response.getStatus() + " | " + response.getStatusText() + " | " + response.getBody().toString(), this.getClass(), true);
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("Notification.Error.Network", settings), poll.getUser());
} else if (response.getStatus() == 429) {
// We got rate limited... oops. Let's just poll half as often.
poll.setInterval(poll.getInterval() * 2);
} else if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_OK) {
// Access granted
Type type = new TypeToken<AuthPollResponseGrant>() {
AuthPollResponseGrant aprg = new Gson().fromJson(response.getBody().toString(), type);
// Save credentials securely.
GuildSettings gs = DatabaseManager.getManager().getSettings(poll.getGuild().getLongID());
AESEncryption encryption = new AESEncryption(gs);
try {
Calendar service = CalendarAuth.getCalendarService(gs);
List<CalendarListEntry> items = service.calendarList().list().setMinAccessRole("writer").execute().getItems();
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("AddCalendar.Auth.Poll.Success", settings), poll.getUser());
for (CalendarListEntry i : items) {
if (!i.isDeleted()) {
EmbedBuilder em = new EmbedBuilder();
em.withTitle(MessageManager.getMessage("Embed.AddCalendar.List.Title", settings));
em.appendField(MessageManager.getMessage("Embed.AddCalendar.List.Name", settings), i.getSummary(), false);
em.appendField(MessageManager.getMessage("Embed.AddCalendar.List.TimeZone", settings), i.getTimeZone(), false);
em.appendField(MessageManager.getMessage("Embed.AddCalendar.List.ID", settings), i.getId(), false);
em.withColor(56, 138, 237);
Message.sendDirectMessage(, poll.getUser());
// Response will be handled in guild, and will check. We already saved the tokens anyway.
} catch (IOException e1) {
// Failed to get calendars list and check for calendars.
Logger.getLogger().exception(poll.getUser(), "Failed to list calendars from external account!", e1, this.getClass(), true);
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("AddCalendar.Auth.Poll.Failure.ListCalendars", settings), poll.getUser());
} else {
// Unknown network error...
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("Notification.Error.Network", settings), poll.getUser());
Logger.getLogger().debug(poll.getUser(), "Network error; poll failure", "Status code: " + response.getStatus() + " | " + response.getStatusText() + " | " + response.getBody().toString(), this.getClass(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle exception.
Logger.getLogger().exception(poll.getUser(), "Failed to poll for authorization to google account", e, this.getClass(), true);
Message.sendDirectMessage(MessageManager.getMessage("Notification.Error.Unknown", settings), poll.getUser());
use of in project drbookings by DrBookings.
the class GoogleCalendarSync method addCheckInEvent.
private static void addCheckInEvent(final BookingBean b) throws IOException {
final CalendarListEntry flats = getCalendar();
String note = "Checkin: ";
if (b.getCheckInNote() != null) {
note += b.getCheckInNote();
if (b.getSpecialRequestNote() != null) {
note = note + "\n" + b.getSpecialRequestNote();
final Event checkInEvent = new EventFactory().newEvent(getCheckInSummary(b), b.getCheckIn(), b.getGuest().getName() + ": " + note);
b.addCalendarId(addEvent(flats.getId(), checkInEvent));
use of in project drbookings by DrBookings.
the class GoogleCalendarSync method addCleaningEvent.
private static void addCleaningEvent(final CleaningEntry c) throws IOException {
final CalendarListEntry flats = getCalendar();
final String prefix = SettingsManager.getInstance().getRoomNamePrefix();
final Event event = new EventFactory().newEvent("Cleaning " + prefix + c.getRoom().getName() + " " + c.getElement().getName(), c.getDate(), "Cleaning event");
c.addCalendarId(addEvent(flats.getId(), event));
use of in project jbpm-work-items by kiegroup.
the class AddEventWorkitemHandler method getCalendarIdBySummary.
public String getCalendarIdBySummary( client, String summary) {
String resultId = null;
try {
CalendarList calendarList = getAllCalendars(client);
List<CalendarListEntry> entryList = calendarList.getItems();
for (CalendarListEntry entry : entryList) {
if (entry.getSummary().equalsIgnoreCase(summary)) {
resultId = entry.getId();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Error retrieveing calendars: {0}", e.getMessage()));
return resultId;