use of in project beam by apache.
the class CounterShortIdCache method storeNewShortIds.
* Add any new short ids received to the table. The outgoing request will have the full counter
* updates, and the incoming responses have the associated short ids. By matching up short ids
* with the counters in order we can build a mapping of name -> short_id for future use.
public void storeNewShortIds(final ReportWorkItemStatusRequest request, final ReportWorkItemStatusResponse reply) {
checkArgument(request.getWorkItemStatuses() != null && reply.getWorkItemServiceStates() != null && request.getWorkItemStatuses().size() == reply.getWorkItemServiceStates().size(), "RequestWorkItemStatus request and response are unbalanced, status: %s, states: %s", request.getWorkItemStatuses(), reply.getWorkItemServiceStates());
for (int i = 0; i < request.getWorkItemStatuses().size(); i++) {
WorkItemServiceState state = reply.getWorkItemServiceStates().get(i);
WorkItemStatus status = request.getWorkItemStatuses().get(i);
if (state.getMetricShortId() == null) {
checkArgument(status.getCounterUpdates() != null, "Response has shortids but no corresponding CounterUpdate");
for (MetricShortId shortIdMsg : state.getMetricShortId()) {
int metricIndex = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(shortIdMsg.getMetricIndex(), 0);
checkArgument(metricIndex < status.getCounterUpdates().size(), "Received aggregate index outside range of sent update %s >= %s", shortIdMsg.getMetricIndex(), status.getCounterUpdates().size());
CounterUpdate update = status.getCounterUpdates().get(metricIndex);
cache.insert(update, checkNotNull(shortIdMsg.getShortId(), "Shortid should be non-null"));
use of in project beam by apache.
the class StreamingModeExecutionContextTest method stateSamplingInStreaming.
@Test(timeout = 2000)
public void stateSamplingInStreaming() {
// Test that when writing on one thread and reading from another, updates always eventually
// reach the reading thread.
StreamingModeExecutionState state = new StreamingModeExecutionState(NameContextsForTests.nameContextForTest(), "testState", null, NoopProfileScope.NOOP, null);
ExecutionStateSampler sampler = ExecutionStateSampler.newForTest();
try {
ExecutionStateTracker tracker = new ExecutionStateTracker(sampler);
Thread executionThread = new Thread();
// Wait for the state to be incremented 3 times
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
CounterUpdate update = null;
while (update == null) {
update = state.extractUpdate(false);
long newValue = splitIntToLong(update.getInteger());
assertThat(newValue, Matchers.greaterThan(0L));
} finally {
use of in project beam by apache.
the class StreamingModeExecutionContextTest method testAtomicExtractUpdate.
* Ensure that incrementing and extracting counter updates are correct under concurrent reader and
* writer threads.
public void testAtomicExtractUpdate() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
long numUpdates = 1_000_000;
StreamingModeExecutionState state = new StreamingModeExecutionState(NameContextsForTests.nameContextForTest(), "testState", null, NoopProfileScope.NOOP, null);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
AtomicBoolean doneWriting = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Callable<Long> reader = () -> {
long count = 0;
boolean isLastRead;
do {
isLastRead = doneWriting.get();
CounterUpdate update = state.extractUpdate(false);
if (update != null) {
count += splitIntToLong(update.getInteger());
} while (!isLastRead);
return count;
Runnable writer = () -> {
for (int i = 0; i < numUpdates; i++) {
// NB: Reader is invoked before writer to ensure they execute concurrently.
List<Future<Long>> results = executor.invokeAll(Lists.newArrayList(reader, Executors.callable(writer, 0L)), 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
long count = results.get(0).get();
assertThat(count, equalTo(numUpdates));
use of in project beam by apache.
the class StreamingStepMetricsContainerTest method testDistributionUpdateExtraction.
public void testDistributionUpdateExtraction() {
Distribution distribution = c1.getDistribution(name1);
Iterable<CounterUpdate> updates = StreamingStepMetricsContainer.extractMetricUpdates(registry);
assertThat(updates, containsInAnyOrder(new CounterUpdate().setStructuredNameAndMetadata(new CounterStructuredNameAndMetadata().setName(new CounterStructuredName().setOrigin(Origin.USER.toString()).setOriginNamespace("ns").setName("name1").setOriginalStepName("s1")).setMetadata(new CounterMetadata().setKind(Kind.DISTRIBUTION.toString()))).setCumulative(false).setDistribution(new DistributionUpdate().setCount(longToSplitInt(3)).setMax(longToSplitInt(7)).setMin(longToSplitInt(5)).setSum(longToSplitInt(18)))));
updates = StreamingStepMetricsContainer.extractMetricUpdates(registry);
assertThat(updates, containsInAnyOrder(new CounterUpdate().setStructuredNameAndMetadata(new CounterStructuredNameAndMetadata().setName(new CounterStructuredName().setOrigin(Origin.USER.toString()).setOriginNamespace("ns").setName("name1").setOriginalStepName("s1")).setMetadata(new CounterMetadata().setKind(Kind.DISTRIBUTION.toString()))).setCumulative(false).setDistribution(new DistributionUpdate().setCount(longToSplitInt(1)).setMax(longToSplitInt(3)).setMin(longToSplitInt(3)).setSum(longToSplitInt(3)))));
use of in project beam by apache.
the class StreamingDataflowWorkerTest method testUnboundedSources.
public void testUnboundedSources() throws Exception {
List<Integer> finalizeTracker = Lists.newArrayList();
FakeWindmillServer server = new FakeWindmillServer(errorCollector);
StreamingDataflowWorker worker = makeWorker(makeUnboundedSourcePipeline(), createTestingPipelineOptions(server), false);
// Test new key.
server.addWorkToOffer(buildInput("work {" + " computation_id: \"computation\"" + " input_data_watermark: 0" + " work {" + " key: \"0000000000000001\"" + " sharding_key: 1" + " work_token: 1" + " cache_token: 1" + " }" + "}", null));
Map<Long, Windmill.WorkItemCommitRequest> result = server.waitForAndGetCommits(1);
Iterable<CounterUpdate> counters = worker.buildCounters();
Windmill.WorkItemCommitRequest commit = result.get(1L);
UnsignedLong finalizeId = UnsignedLong.fromLongBits(commit.getSourceStateUpdates().getFinalizeIds(0));
assertThat(commit, equalTo(setMessagesMetadata(PaneInfo.NO_FIRING, CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(CollectionCoder.of(GlobalWindow.Coder.INSTANCE), Arrays.asList(GlobalWindow.INSTANCE)), parseCommitRequest("key: \"0000000000000001\" " + "sharding_key: 1 " + "work_token: 1 " + "cache_token: 1 " + "source_backlog_bytes: 7 " + "output_messages {" + " destination_stream_id: \"out\"" + " bundles {" + " key: \"0000000000000001\"" + " messages {" + " timestamp: 0" + " data: \"0:0\"" + " }" + " messages_ids: \"\"" + " }" + "} " + "source_state_updates {" + " state: \"\000\"" + " finalize_ids: " + finalizeId + "} " + "source_watermark: 1000")).build()));
assertEquals(18L, splitIntToLong(getCounter(counters, "dataflow_input_size-computation").getInteger()));
// Test same key continuing. The counter is done.
server.addWorkToOffer(buildInput("work {" + " computation_id: \"computation\"" + " input_data_watermark: 0" + " work {" + " key: \"0000000000000001\"" + " sharding_key: 1" + " work_token: 2" + " cache_token: 1" + " source_state {" + " state: \"\001\"" + " finalize_ids: " + finalizeId + " } " + " }" + "}", null));
result = server.waitForAndGetCommits(1);
counters = worker.buildCounters();
commit = result.get(2L);
finalizeId = UnsignedLong.fromLongBits(commit.getSourceStateUpdates().getFinalizeIds(0));
assertThat(commit, equalTo(parseCommitRequest("key: \"0000000000000001\" " + "sharding_key: 1 " + "work_token: 2 " + "cache_token: 1 " + "source_backlog_bytes: 7 " + "source_state_updates {" + " state: \"\000\"" + " finalize_ids: " + finalizeId + "} " + "source_watermark: 1000").build()));
assertThat(finalizeTracker, contains(0));
assertEquals(null, getCounter(counters, "dataflow_input_size-computation"));
// Test recovery (on a new key so fresh reader state). Counter is done.
server.addWorkToOffer(buildInput("work {" + " computation_id: \"computation\"" + " input_data_watermark: 0" + " work {" + " key: \"0000000000000002\"" + " sharding_key: 2" + " work_token: 3" + " cache_token: 2" + " source_state {" + " state: \"\000\"" + " } " + " }" + "}", null));
result = server.waitForAndGetCommits(1);
counters = worker.buildCounters();
commit = result.get(3L);
finalizeId = UnsignedLong.fromLongBits(commit.getSourceStateUpdates().getFinalizeIds(0));
assertThat(commit, equalTo(parseCommitRequest("key: \"0000000000000002\" " + "sharding_key: 2 " + "work_token: 3 " + "cache_token: 2 " + "source_backlog_bytes: 7 " + "source_state_updates {" + " state: \"\000\"" + " finalize_ids: " + finalizeId + "} " + "source_watermark: 1000").build()));
assertEquals(null, getCounter(counters, "dataflow_input_size-computation"));