use of in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.
the class GaeEntityStoreMixin method entityStates.
public Input<Reader, IOException> entityStates() {
return new Input<Reader, IOException>() {
public <ReceiverThrowableType extends Throwable> void transferTo(Output<? super Reader, ReceiverThrowableType> output) throws IOException, ReceiverThrowableType {
Query query = new Query();
PreparedQuery preparedQuery = datastore.prepare(query);
final QueryResultIterable<Entity> iterable = preparedQuery.asQueryResultIterable();
output.receiveFrom(new Sender<Reader, IOException>() {
public <ReceiverThrowableType extends Throwable> void sendTo(Receiver<? super Reader, ReceiverThrowableType> receiver) throws ReceiverThrowableType, IOException {
for (Entity entity : iterable) {
Text serializedState = (Text) entity.getProperty("value");
receiver.receive(new StringReader(serializedState.getValue()));
use of in project siena by mandubian.
the class GaePersistenceManager method fillAggregated.
protected <T> void fillAggregated(ClassInfo info, T ancestor, Key ancestorKey) {
// now gets aggregated one2one (one2many are retrieved by ListQuery except with @Join)
for (Field f : info.aggregatedFields) {
Class<?> cClazz = f.getType();
ClassInfo cInfo = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(cClazz);
if (ClassInfo.isModel(cClazz)) {
// creates a query for fieldname:child_tablename q = new, info, f));
PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q.setAncestor(ancestorKey));
Entity cEntity = pq.asSingleEntity();
Object cObj = Util.createObjectInstance(cClazz);
GaeMappingUtils.fillModelAndKey(cObj, cEntity);
Util.setField(ancestor, f, cObj);
} else // todo manage joined one2many listquery
if (ClassInfo.isMany(f)) {
Many4PM<?> lq = (Many4PM<?>) Util.readField(ancestor, f);
// sets the sync flag to false to tell that it should be fetched when the listquery is accessed!
use of in project siena by mandubian.
the class GaePersistenceManagerAsync method doFetchIterable.
private <T> SienaFuture<Iterable<T>> doFetchIterable(QueryAsync<T> query, int limit, int offset) {
QueryOptionGaeContext gaeCtx = (QueryOptionGaeContext) query.option(QueryOptionGaeContext.ID);
QueryOptionState state = (QueryOptionState) query.option(QueryOptionState.ID);
QueryOptionFetchType fetchType = (QueryOptionFetchType) query.option(QueryOptionFetchType.ID);
if (gaeCtx == null) {
gaeCtx = new QueryOptionGaeContext();
FetchOptions fetchOptions = FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults();
QueryOptionPage pag = (QueryOptionPage) query.option(QueryOptionPage.ID);
if (!pag.isPaginating()) {
// no pagination but pageOption active
if (pag.isActive()) {
// if local limit is set, it overrides the pageOption.pageSize
if (limit != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
gaeCtx.realPageSize = limit;
// pageOption is passivated to be sure it is not reused
} else // using pageOption.pageSize
gaeCtx.realPageSize = pag.pageSize;
// passivates the pageOption in stateless mode not to keep anything between 2 requests
if (state.isStateless()) {
} else {
if (limit != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
gaeCtx.realPageSize = limit;
} else {
// paginating so use the pagesize and don't passivate pageOption
// local limit is not taken into account
gaeCtx.realPageSize = pag.pageSize;
QueryOptionOffset off = (QueryOptionOffset) query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID);
// if local offset has been set, uses it
if (offset != 0) {
off.offset = offset;
// if previousPage has detected there is no more data, simply returns an empty list
if (gaeCtx.noMoreDataBefore) {
return new SienaFutureMock<Iterable<T>>(new ArrayList<T>());
if (state.isStateless()) {
if (pag.isPaginating()) {
if (off.isActive()) {
gaeCtx.realOffset += off.offset;
} else {
} else {
// if stateless and not paginating, resets the realoffset to 0
gaeCtx.realOffset = off.offset;
if (off.isActive()) {
switch(fetchType.fetchType) {
case ITER:
// uses iterable as it is the only async request for prepared query for the time being
Iterable<Entity> entities = prepare(query).asIterable(fetchOptions);
return new GaeSienaFutureIterableMapper<T>(this, entities, query);
} else {
if (off.isActive()) {
// by default, we add the offset but it can be added with the realoffset
// in case of cursor desactivated
gaeCtx.realOffset += off.offset;
// manages cursor limitations for IN and != operators
if (!gaeCtx.isActive()) {
// cursor not yet created
switch(fetchType.fetchType) {
case ITER:
PreparedQuery pq = prepare(query);
if (pag.isPaginating()) {
// in case of pagination, we need to allow asynchronous calls such as:
// QueryAsync<MyClass> query = pm.createQuery(MyClass).paginate(5).stateful().order("name");
// SienaFuture<Iterable<MyClass>> future1 = query.iter();
// SienaFuture<Iterable<MyClass>> future2 = query.nextPage().iter();
// Iterable<MyClass> it = future1.get().iterator();
// while(it.hasNext()) { // do it }
// it = future2.get().iterator();
// while(it.hasNext()) { // do it }
// so we can't use the asQueryResultIterable as the cursor is not moved to the end of the current page
// but moved at each call of iterable.iterator().next()
// thus we use the List in this case to be able to move directly to the next page with cursors
QueryResultList<Entity> entities = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
// activates the GaeCtx now that it is initialised
// sets the current cursor (in stateful mode, cursor is always kept for further use)
Cursor cursor = entities.getCursor();
if (cursor != null) {
return new GaeSienaFutureIterableMapper<T>(this, entities, query);
} else {
// if not paginating, we simply use the queryresultiterable and moves the current cursor
// while iterating
QueryResultIterable<Entity> entities = pq.asQueryResultIterable(fetchOptions);
// activates the GaeCtx now that it is initialised
return new GaeSienaFutureIterableMapperWithCursor<T>(this, entities, query);
} else {
switch(fetchType.fetchType) {
case ITER:
PreparedQuery pq = prepare(query);
if (pag.isPaginating()) {
// in case of pagination, we need to allow asynchronous calls such as:
// QueryAsync<MyClass> query = pm.createQuery(MyClass).paginate(5).stateful().order("name");
// SienaFuture<Iterable<MyClass>> future1 = query.iter();
// SienaFuture<Iterable<MyClass>> future2 = query.nextPage().iter();
// Iterable<MyClass> it = future1.get().iterator();
// while(it.hasNext()) { // do it }
// it = future2.get().iterator();
// while(it.hasNext()) { // do it }
// so we can't use the asQueryResultIterable as the cursor is not moved to the end of the current page
// but moved at each call of iterable.iterator().next()
// thus we use the List in this case to be able to move directly to the next page with cursors
QueryResultList<Entity> entities;
if (!gaeCtx.useCursor) {
// then uses offset (in case of IN or != operators)
// fetchOptions.offset(offset.offset);
entities = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
} else {
String cursor = gaeCtx.currentCursor();
if (cursor != null) {
entities = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions.startCursor(Cursor.fromWebSafeString(cursor)));
} else {
entities = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
// sets the current cursor (in stateful mode, cursor is always kept for further use)
return new GaeSienaFutureIterableMapper<T>(this, entities, query);
} else {
// if not paginating, we simply use the queryresultiterable and moves the current cursor
// while iterating
QueryResultIterable<Entity> entities;
if (!gaeCtx.useCursor) {
// then uses offset (in case of IN or != operators)
// fetchOptions.offset(offset.offset);
entities = pq.asQueryResultIterable(fetchOptions);
} else {
String cursor = gaeCtx.currentCursor();
if (cursor != null) {
entities = pq.asQueryResultIterable(fetchOptions.startCursor(Cursor.fromWebSafeString(gaeCtx.currentCursor())));
} else {
entities = pq.asQueryResultIterable(fetchOptions);
return new GaeSienaFutureIterableMapperWithCursor<T>(this, entities, query);