use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.
the class WriteCommittedStream method writeCommittedStream.
public static void writeCommittedStream(String projectId, String datasetName, String tableName) throws DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException, IOException {
try (BigQueryWriteClient client = BigQueryWriteClient.create()) {
// Initialize a write stream for the specified table.
// For more information on WriteStream.Type, see:
WriteStream stream = WriteStream.newBuilder().setType(WriteStream.Type.COMMITTED).build();
TableName parentTable = TableName.of(projectId, datasetName, tableName);
CreateWriteStreamRequest createWriteStreamRequest = CreateWriteStreamRequest.newBuilder().setParent(parentTable.toString()).setWriteStream(stream).build();
WriteStream writeStream = client.createWriteStream(createWriteStreamRequest);
try (JsonStreamWriter writer = JsonStreamWriter.newBuilder(writeStream.getName(), writeStream.getTableSchema()).build()) {
// antipattern.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Create a JSON object that is compatible with the table schema.
JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
JSONObject record = new JSONObject();
record.put("col1", String.format("record %03d-%03d", i, j));
// To detect duplicate records, pass the index as the record offset.
// To disable deduplication, omit the offset or use WriteStream.Type.DEFAULT.
ApiFuture<AppendRowsResponse> future = writer.append(jsonArr, /*offset=*/
i * 10);
AppendRowsResponse response = future.get();
// Finalize the stream after use.
FinalizeWriteStreamRequest finalizeWriteStreamRequest = FinalizeWriteStreamRequest.newBuilder().setName(writeStream.getName()).build();
System.out.println("Appended records successfully.");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// If the wrapped exception is a StatusRuntimeException, check the state of the operation.
// If the state is INTERNAL, CANCELLED, or ABORTED, you can retry. For more information, see:
System.out.println("Failed to append records. \n" + e.toString());
use of in project java-bigquerystorage by googleapis.
the class WriteToDefaultStream method writeToDefaultStream.
public static void writeToDefaultStream(String projectId, String datasetName, String tableName) throws DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException, IOException {
BigQuery bigquery = BigQueryOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
Table table = bigquery.getTable(datasetName, tableName);
TableName parentTable = TableName.of(projectId, datasetName, tableName);
Schema schema = table.getDefinition().getSchema();
TableSchema tableSchema = BqToBqStorageSchemaConverter.convertTableSchema(schema);
try (JsonStreamWriter writer = JsonStreamWriter.newBuilder(parentTable.toString(), tableSchema).build()) {
// much writes as possible. Creating a writer for just one write is an antipattern.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Create a JSON object that is compatible with the table schema.
JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
JSONObject record = new JSONObject();
record.put("test_string", String.format("record %03d-%03d", i, j));
ApiFuture<AppendRowsResponse> future = writer.append(jsonArr);
AppendRowsResponse response = future.get();
System.out.println("Appended records successfully.");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// If the wrapped exception is a StatusRuntimeException, check the state of the operation.
// If the state is INTERNAL, CANCELLED, or ABORTED, you can retry. For more information, see:
System.out.println("Failed to append records. \n" + e.toString());
use of in project beam by apache.
the class BigtableClientWrapper method createTable.
void createTable(String tableName, String familyName) {
Table.Builder tableBuilder = Table.newBuilder();
tableBuilder.putColumnFamilies(familyName, ColumnFamily.newBuilder().build());
String instanceName = bigtableOptions.getInstanceName().toString(); createTableRequestBuilder =;
use of in project beam by apache.
the class BigtableWriteIT method testE2EBigtableWrite.
public void testE2EBigtableWrite() throws Exception {
final String tableName = bigtableOptions.getInstanceName().toTableNameStr(tableId);
final String instanceName = bigtableOptions.getInstanceName().toString();
final int numRows = 1000;
final List<KV<ByteString, ByteString>> testData = generateTableData(numRows);
createEmptyTable(instanceName, tableId);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
p.apply(GenerateSequence.from(0).to(numRows)).apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<Long, KV<ByteString, Iterable<Mutation>>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
int index = c.element().intValue();
Iterable<Mutation> mutations = ImmutableList.of(Mutation.newBuilder().setSetCell(Mutation.SetCell.newBuilder().setValue(testData.get(index).getValue()).setFamilyName(COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME)).build());
c.output(KV.of(testData.get(index).getKey(), mutations));
// Test number of column families and column family name equality
Table table = getTable(tableName);
assertThat(table.getColumnFamiliesMap().keySet(), Matchers.hasSize(1));
assertThat(table.getColumnFamiliesMap(), Matchers.hasKey(COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME));
// Test table data equality
List<KV<ByteString, ByteString>> tableData = getTableData(tableName);
assertThat(tableData, Matchers.containsInAnyOrder(testData.toArray()));
use of in project java-bigtable by googleapis.
the class BigtableTableAdminClientTest method testAwaitReplication.
public void testAwaitReplication() {
// Setup
TableName expectedRequest = TableName.parse(TABLE_NAME);
final AtomicBoolean wasCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Mockito.when(mockAwaitReplicationCallable.futureCall(expectedRequest)).thenAnswer((Answer<ApiFuture<Void>>) invocationOnMock -> {
return ApiFutures.immediateFuture(null);
// Execute
// Verify