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Example 41 with KeyManagementServiceClient

use of in project gcp-ingestion by mozilla.

the class KeyStoreIntegrationTest method prepareKeyStoreMetadata.

 * Upload a metadata file and the referenced private keys to their testing
 * locations. The resource is a templated metadata json file. "DUMMY_*"
 * variables are replaced with their corresponding locations. This also
 * encrypts the private keys and ensures that the KMS resources are created if
 * specified.
private String prepareKeyStoreMetadata(String resource, boolean shouldEncrypt) throws Exception {
    // enable gs support
    byte[] data = Resources.toByteArray(Resources.getResource(resource));
    ArrayNode nodes = Json.readArrayNode(data);
    for (JsonNode node : nodes) {
        // replace dummy values with values related to integration testing
        String kmsResourceId = node.get("kms_resource_id").textValue().replace("DUMMY_PROJECT_ID", projectId);
        // The path may be on the local filesystem or in cloud storage by
        // referencing a variable to be replaced.
        String privateKeyUri = node.get("private_key_uri").textValue().replace("DUMMY_BUCKET", bucket).replace("DUMMY_TEMP_FOLDER", tempFolder.getRoot().toString());
        ((ObjectNode) node).put("kms_resource_id", kmsResourceId);
        ((ObjectNode) node).put("private_key_uri", privateKeyUri);
        String privateKeyId = node.get("private_key_id").textValue();
        byte[] key = Resources.toByteArray(Resources.getResource(String.format("pioneer/%s.private.json", privateKeyId)));
        // optionally encrypt the private key resources and upload to testing location
        if (shouldEncrypt) {
            try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) {
                ensureKmsResources(client, kmsResourceId);
                byte[] encryptedKey = encrypt(client, kmsResourceId, key);
                writeToStorage(privateKeyUri, encryptedKey);
        } else {
            writeToStorage(privateKeyUri, key);
    assertFalse(nodes.asText().contains("DUMMY_PROJECT_ID") || nodes.asText().contains("DUMMY_BUCKET") || nodes.asText().contains("DUMMY_TEMP_FOLDER"));
    String keyStoreMetadata = String.format("gs://%s/metadata.json", bucket);
    writeToStorage(keyStoreMetadata, nodes.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
    return keyStoreMetadata;
Also used : ObjectNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode) JsonNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode) ArrayNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode) ByteString( KeyManagementServiceClient(

Example 42 with KeyManagementServiceClient

use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class EncryptSymmetric method encryptSymmetric.

// Encrypt data with a given key.
public void encryptSymmetric(String projectId, String locationId, String keyRingId, String keyId, String plaintext) throws IOException {
    // safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) {
        // Build the key name from the project, location, key ring, and key.
        CryptoKeyName cryptoKeyName = CryptoKeyName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId);
        // Convert plaintext to ByteString.
        ByteString plaintextByteString = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(plaintext);
        // Optional, but recommended: compute plaintext's CRC32C. See helper below.
        long plaintextCrc32c = getCrc32cAsLong(plaintextByteString.toByteArray());
        // Encrypt the plaintext.
        EncryptRequest request = EncryptRequest.newBuilder().setName(cryptoKeyName.toString()).setPlaintext(plaintextByteString).setPlaintextCrc32C(Int64Value.newBuilder().setValue(plaintextCrc32c).build()).build();
        EncryptResponse response = client.encrypt(request);
        if (!response.getVerifiedPlaintextCrc32C()) {
            throw new IOException("Encrypt: request to server corrupted");
        // See helper below.
        if (!crcMatches(response.getCiphertextCrc32C().getValue(), response.getCiphertext().toByteArray())) {
            throw new IOException("Encrypt: response from server corrupted");
        System.out.printf("Ciphertext: %s%n", response.getCiphertext().toStringUtf8());
Also used : EncryptResponse( CryptoKeyName( ByteString( IOException( KeyManagementServiceClient( EncryptRequest(

Example 43 with KeyManagementServiceClient

use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class GetKeyVersionAttestation method getKeyVersionAttestation.

// Get the attestations for a key version
public void getKeyVersionAttestation(String projectId, String locationId, String keyRingId, String keyId, String keyVersionId) throws IOException {
    // safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) {
        // Build the name from the project, location, key ring, and keyId.
        CryptoKeyVersionName keyVersionName = CryptoKeyVersionName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId);
        // Get the key version.
        CryptoKeyVersion keyVersion = client.getCryptoKeyVersion(keyVersionName);
        // will be nil.
        if (!keyVersion.hasAttestation()) {
            System.out.println("no attestation");
        // Print the attestation, base64-encoded.
        KeyOperationAttestation attestation = keyVersion.getAttestation();
        String format = attestation.getFormat().toString();
        byte[] content = attestation.getContent().toByteArray();
        System.out.printf("%s: %s", format, Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(content));
Also used : CryptoKeyVersionName( KeyOperationAttestation( CryptoKeyVersion( KeyManagementServiceClient(

Example 44 with KeyManagementServiceClient

use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class IamAddMember method iamAddMember.

// Add the given IAM member to the key.
public void iamAddMember(String projectId, String locationId, String keyRingId, String keyId, String member) throws IOException {
    // safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) {
        // Build the key version name from the project, location, key ring, key,
        // and key version.
        CryptoKeyName resourceName = CryptoKeyName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId);
        // The resource name could also be a key ring.
        // KeyRingName resourceName = KeyRingName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId);
        // Get the current policy.
        Policy policy = client.getIamPolicy(resourceName);
        // Create a new IAM binding for the member and role.
        Binding binding = Binding.newBuilder().setRole("roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter").addMembers(member).build();
        // Add the binding to the policy.
        Policy newPolicy = policy.toBuilder().addBindings(binding).build();
        client.setIamPolicy(resourceName, newPolicy);
        System.out.printf("Updated IAM policy for %s%n", resourceName.toString());
Also used : Policy( Binding( CryptoKeyName( KeyManagementServiceClient(

Example 45 with KeyManagementServiceClient

use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class IamGetPolicy method iamGetPolicy.

// Get the IAM policy for the given key.
public void iamGetPolicy(String projectId, String locationId, String keyRingId, String keyId) throws IOException {
    // safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) {
        // Build the key version name from the project, location, key ring, key,
        // and key version.
        CryptoKeyName resourceName = CryptoKeyName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId);
        // The resource name could also be a key ring.
        // KeyRingName resourceName = KeyRingName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId);
        // Get the current policy.
        Policy policy = client.getIamPolicy(resourceName);
        // Print the policy.
        System.out.printf("IAM policy:%n");
        for (Binding binding : policy.getBindingsList()) {
            System.out.printf("%s%n", binding.getRole());
            for (String member : binding.getMembersList()) {
                System.out.printf("- %s%n", member);
Also used : Policy( Binding( CryptoKeyName( KeyManagementServiceClient(


KeyManagementServiceClient ( CryptoKey ( CryptoKeyVersion ( CryptoKeyVersionName ( CryptoKeyName ( ByteString ( KeyRingName ( KeyRing ( FieldMask ( PublicKey ( ImportJob ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 Digest ( EncryptResponse ( Policy ( X509EncodedKeySpec ( DecryptResponse ( AsymmetricDecryptResponse ( AsymmetricSignResponse ( LocationName (