use of in project bq-pii-classifier by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class StandardDlpResultsScannerImpl method listParents.
public // return: List("project.dataset")
List<String> listParents(String project) throws NonRetryableApplicationException, InterruptedException {
String queryTemplate = "SELECT \n" + "DISTINCT \n" + "CONCAT(l.record_location.record_key.big_query_key.table_reference.project_id, '.', l.record_location.record_key.big_query_key.table_reference.dataset_id) AS dataset \n" + "FROM `%s.%s.%s` , UNNEST(location.content_locations) l\n" + "WHERE l.record_location.record_key.big_query_key.table_reference.project_id = '%s'\n";
String formattedQuery = String.format(queryTemplate, hostProject, hostDataset, dlpFindingsTable, project);
// Create a job ID so that we can safely retry.
Job queryJob = bqService.submitJob(formattedQuery);
TableResult result = bqService.waitAndGetJobResults(queryJob);
List<String> projectDatasets = new ArrayList<>();
// Construct a mapping between field names and DLP infotypes
for (FieldValueList row : result.iterateAll()) {
if (row.get("dataset").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException("processProjects query returned rows with null 'dataset' field.");
String datasetSpec = row.get("dataset").getStringValue();
return projectDatasets;
use of in project bq-pii-classifier by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class Inspector method execute.
public DlpJob execute(Operation request, String trackingId, String pubSubMessageId) throws IOException, NonRetryableApplicationException {
logger.logInfoWithTracker(trackingId, String.format("Request : %s", request.toString()));
* Check if we already processed this pubSubMessageId before to avoid submitting BQ queries
* in case we have unexpected errors with PubSub re-sending the message. This is an extra measure to avoid unnecessary cost.
* We do that by keeping simple flag files in GCS with the pubSubMessageId as file name.
String flagFileName = String.format("%s/%s", persistentSetObjectPrefix, pubSubMessageId);
if (persistentSet.contains(flagFileName)) {
// log error and ACK and return
String msg = String.format("PubSub message ID '%s' has been processed before by %s. The message should be ACK to PubSub to stop retries. Please investigate further why the message was retried in the first place.", pubSubMessageId, this.getClass().getSimpleName());
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException(msg);
// get Table Scan Limits config and Table size
TableScanLimitsConfig tableScanLimitsConfig = new TableScanLimitsConfig(config.getTableScanLimitsJsonConfig());
logger.logInfoWithTracker(trackingId, String.format("TableScanLimitsConfig is %s", tableScanLimitsConfig.toString()));
// DLP job config accepts Integer only for table scan limit. Must downcast
// NumRows from BigInteger to Integer
TableSpec targetTableSpec = TableSpec.fromSqlString(request.getEntityKey());
Integer tableNumRows = bqService.getTableNumRows(targetTableSpec).intValue();
InspectJobConfig jobConfig = createJob(targetTableSpec, tableScanLimitsConfig, tableNumRows, config);
CreateDlpJobRequest createDlpJobRequest = CreateDlpJobRequest.newBuilder().setJobId(// Letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores allowed.
trackingId).setParent(LocationName.of(config.getProjectId(), config.getRegionId()).toString()).setInspectJob(jobConfig).build();
DlpJob submittedDlpJob = dlpService.submitJob(createDlpJobRequest);
logger.logInfoWithTracker(trackingId, String.format("DLP job created successfully id='%s'", submittedDlpJob.getName()));
// Add a flag key marking that we already completed this request and no additional runs
// are required in case PubSub is in a loop of retrying due to ACK timeout while the service has already processed the request
// This is an extra measure to avoid unnecessary cost due to config issues.
logger.logInfoWithTracker(trackingId, String.format("Persisting processing key for PubSub message ID %s", pubSubMessageId));
return submittedDlpJob;
use of in project bq-pii-classifier by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class TaggingDispatcherController method receiveMessage.
@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity receiveMessage(@RequestBody PubSubEvent requestBody) {
String runId = TrackingHelper.generateTaggingRunId();
String state = "";
try {
if (requestBody == null || requestBody.getMessage() == null) {
String msg = "Bad Request: invalid message format";
logger.logSevereWithTracker(runId, msg);
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException("Request body or message is Null.");
String requestJsonString = requestBody.getMessage().dataToUtf8String();
// remove any escape characters (e.g. from Terraform
requestJsonString = requestJsonString.replace("\\", "");
logger.logInfoWithTracker(runId, String.format("Received payload: %s", requestJsonString));
BigQueryScope bqScope = gson.fromJson(requestJsonString, BigQueryScope.class);
logger.logInfoWithTracker(runId, String.format("Parsed JSON input %s ", bqScope.toString()));
Scanner dlpResultsScanner;
if (environment.getIsAutoDlpMode()) {
dlpResultsScanner = new AutoDlpResultsScannerImpl(environment.getProjectId(), environment.getSolutionDataset(), environment.getDlpTableAuto(), new BigQueryServiceImpl());
} else {
dlpResultsScanner = new StandardDlpResultsScannerImpl(environment.getProjectId(), environment.getSolutionDataset(), environment.getDlpTableStandard(), environment.getLoggingTable(), new BigQueryServiceImpl());
Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(environment.toConfig(), new BigQueryServiceImpl(), new PubSubServiceImpl(), dlpResultsScanner, new GCSPersistentSetImpl(environment.getGcsFlagsBucket()), "tagging-dispatcher-flags", runId);
PubSubPublishResults results = dispatcher.execute(bqScope, requestBody.getMessage().getMessageId());
state = String.format("Publishing results: %s SUCCESS MESSAGES and %s FAILED MESSAGES", results.getSuccessMessages().size(), results.getFailedMessages().size());
logger.logInfoWithTracker(runId, state);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.logNonRetryableExceptions(runId, e);
state = String.format("ERROR '%s'", e.getMessage());
return new ResponseEntity(String.format("Process completed with state = %s", state), HttpStatus.OK);
use of in project bq-pii-classifier by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class FindingsReaderAutoDlp method getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap.
* Look for DLP results by a tableSpec. Returns a map of fields to policy tags or null if DLP
* doesn't have findings
* @param inspectedTableSpec: "project.dataset.table"
* @return
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws NonRetryableApplicationException
* @throws IOException
public TablePolicyTags getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap(String inspectedTableSpec) throws InterruptedException, NonRetryableApplicationException, IOException {
String formattedQuery = generateQuery(inspectedTableSpec);
// Create a job ID so that we can safely retry.
Job queryJob = bqService.submitJob(formattedQuery);
TableResult result = bqService.waitAndGetJobResults(queryJob);
// Construct a mapping between field names and DLP infotypes
Map<String, String> fieldsToPolicyTagMap = new HashMap<>();
for (FieldValueList row : result.iterateAll()) {
if (row.get("field_name").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null field_name");
String column_name = row.get("field_name").getStringValue();
if (row.get("info_type").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException(String.format("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null info_type for column '%s'", column_name));
String info_type = row.get("info_type").getStringValue();
if (row.get("policy_tag").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException(String.format("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null policy_tag for column '%s' of info_type '%s'. Checkout the classification taxonomy configuration and the DLP inspection template. All InfoTypes defined in the inspection template must have corresponding entries in the classification taxonomies.", column_name, info_type));
String policy_tag = row.get("policy_tag").getStringValue();
fieldsToPolicyTagMap.put(column_name, policy_tag);
if (fieldsToPolicyTagMap.isEmpty())
return null;
return new TablePolicyTags(TableSpec.fromSqlString(inspectedTableSpec), fieldsToPolicyTagMap);
use of in project bq-pii-classifier by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class FindingsReaderStandardDlp method getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap.
* Look for DLP results by a tableSpec. Returns a map of fields to policy tags or null if DLP
* doesn't have findings
* @param dlpJobName: "projects/<PROJECT>/locations/<GCP REGION>/dlpJobs/<JOB ID>"
* @return
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws NonRetryableApplicationException
* @throws IOException
public TablePolicyTags getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap(String dlpJobName) throws InterruptedException, NonRetryableApplicationException, IOException {
String formattedQuery = generateQuery(dlpJobName);
// Create a job ID so that we can safely retry.
Job queryJob = bqService.submitJob(formattedQuery);
TableResult result = bqService.waitAndGetJobResults(queryJob);
// Construct a mapping between field names and DLP infotypes
Map<String, String> fieldsToPolicyTagMap = new HashMap<>();
String tableSpecStr = "";
for (FieldValueList row : result.iterateAll()) {
if (row.get("field_name").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null field_name");
String column_name = row.get("field_name").getStringValue();
if (row.get("info_type").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException(String.format("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null info_type for column '%s'", column_name));
String info_type = row.get("info_type").getStringValue();
if (row.get("policy_tag").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException(String.format("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null policy_tag for column '%s' of info_type '%s'. Checkout the classification taxonomy configuration and the DLP inspection template. All InfoTypes defined in the inspection template must have corresponding entries in the classification taxonomies.", column_name, info_type));
String policy_tag = row.get("policy_tag").getStringValue();
if (row.get("table_spec").isNull()) {
throw new NonRetryableApplicationException("getFieldsToPolicyTagsMap query returned rows with null table_spec");
tableSpecStr = row.get("table_spec").getStringValue();
fieldsToPolicyTagMap.put(column_name, policy_tag);
if (fieldsToPolicyTagMap.isEmpty())
return null;
return new TablePolicyTags(TableSpec.fromSqlString(tableSpecStr), fieldsToPolicyTagMap);