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Example 26 with Certificate

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class ExtractCertFromCrlCmd method execute0.

protected Object execute0() throws Exception {
    X509CRL crl = X509Util.parseCrl(crlFile);
    String oidExtnCerts = ObjectIdentifiers.id_xipki_ext_crlCertset.getId();
    byte[] extnValue = crl.getExtensionValue(oidExtnCerts);
    if (extnValue == null) {
        throw new IllegalCmdParamException("no certificate is contained in " + crlFile);
    extnValue = removingTagAndLenFromExtensionValue(extnValue);
    ASN1Set asn1Set = DERSet.getInstance(extnValue);
    final int n = asn1Set.size();
    if (n == 0) {
        throw new CmdFailure("no certificate is contained in " + crlFile);
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(out);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        ASN1Encodable asn1 = asn1Set.getObjectAt(i);
        Certificate cert;
        try {
            ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(asn1);
            cert = Certificate.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(0));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            // backwards compatibility
            cert = Certificate.getInstance(asn1);
        byte[] certBytes = cert.getEncoded();
        String sha1FpCert = HashAlgo.SHA1.hexHash(certBytes);
        ZipEntry certZipEntry = new ZipEntry(sha1FpCert + ".der");
        try {
        } finally {
    saveVerbose("extracted " + n + " certificates to", new File(outFile), out.toByteArray());
    return null;
Also used : X509CRL( ZipEntry( DEROctetString(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString) ByteArrayOutputStream( ASN1Sequence(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence) ASN1Set(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Set) CmdFailure(org.xipki.console.karaf.CmdFailure) ZipOutputStream( IllegalCmdParamException(org.xipki.console.karaf.IllegalCmdParamException) ASN1Encodable(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable) File( Certificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate)

Example 27 with Certificate

use of in project jasn1 by openmuc.

the class AuthenticateResponseOk method decode.

public int decode(InputStream is, boolean withTag) throws IOException {
    int codeLength = 0;
    int subCodeLength = 0;
    BerTag berTag = new BerTag();
    if (withTag) {
        codeLength += tag.decodeAndCheck(is);
    BerLength length = new BerLength();
    codeLength += length.decode(is);
    int totalLength = length.val;
    if (totalLength == -1) {
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(EuiccSigned1.tag)) {
            euiccSigned1 = new EuiccSigned1();
            subCodeLength += euiccSigned1.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
            euiccSignature1 = new BerOctetString();
            subCodeLength += euiccSignature1.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
            euiccCertificate = new Certificate();
            subCodeLength += euiccCertificate.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
            eumCertificate = new Certificate();
            subCodeLength += eumCertificate.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        int nextByte =;
        if (berTag.tagNumber != 0 || berTag.tagClass != 0 || berTag.primitive != 0 || nextByte != 0) {
            if (nextByte == -1) {
                throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
            throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
        codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
        return codeLength;
    codeLength += totalLength;
    subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    if (berTag.equals(EuiccSigned1.tag)) {
        euiccSigned1 = new EuiccSigned1();
        subCodeLength += euiccSigned1.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
        euiccSignature1 = new BerOctetString();
        subCodeLength += euiccSignature1.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
        euiccCertificate = new Certificate();
        subCodeLength += euiccCertificate.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
        eumCertificate = new Certificate();
        subCodeLength += eumCertificate.decode(is, false);
        if (subCodeLength == totalLength) {
            return codeLength;
    throw new IOException("Unexpected end of sequence, length tag: " + totalLength + ", actual sequence length: " + subCodeLength);
Also used : EOFException( IOException( Certificate(org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate)

Example 28 with Certificate

use of in project jruby-openssl by jruby.

the class OCSPRequest method verify.

@JRubyMethod(name = "verify", rest = true)
public IRubyObject verify(IRubyObject[] args) {
    Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
    ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
    int flags = 0;
    boolean ret = false;
    if (Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, args, 2, 3) == 3) {
        flags = RubyFixnum.fix2int((RubyFixnum) args[2]);
    IRubyObject certificates = args[0];
    IRubyObject store = args[1];
    OCSPReq bcOCSPReq = getBCOCSPReq();
    if (bcOCSPReq == null) {
        throw newOCSPError(runtime, new NullPointerException("Missing BC asn1bcReq. Missing certIDs or signature?"));
    if (!bcOCSPReq.isSigned()) {
        return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(runtime, ret);
    GeneralName genName = bcOCSPReq.getRequestorName();
    if (genName.getTagNo() != 4) {
        return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(runtime, ret);
    X500Name genX500Name = X500Name.getInstance(genName.getName());
    X509StoreContext storeContext = null;
    JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder jcacvpb = new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder();
    try { signer = findCertByName(genX500Name, certificates, flags);
        if (signer == null)
            return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(runtime, ret);
        if ((flags & RubyFixnum.fix2int(_OCSP(runtime).getConstant(OCSP_NOINTERN))) > 0 && ((flags & RubyFixnum.fix2int(_OCSP(runtime).getConstant(OCSP_TRUSTOTHER))) > 0))
            flags |= RubyFixnum.fix2int(_OCSP(runtime).getConstant(OCSP_NOVERIFY));
        if ((flags & RubyFixnum.fix2int(_OCSP(runtime).getConstant(OCSP_NOSIGS))) == 0) {
            PublicKey signerPubKey = signer.getPublicKey();
            ContentVerifierProvider cvp =;
            ret = bcOCSPReq.isSignatureValid(cvp);
            if (!ret) {
                return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(runtime, ret);
        if ((flags & RubyFixnum.fix2int(_OCSP(runtime).getConstant(OCSP_NOVERIFY))) == 0) {
            if ((flags & RubyFixnum.fix2int(_OCSP(runtime).getConstant(OCSP_NOCHAIN))) > 0) {
                storeContext = X509StoreContext.newStoreContext(context, (X509Store) store, X509Cert.wrap(runtime, signer), context.nil);
            } else {
                RubyArray certs = RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
                ASN1Sequence bcCerts = asn1bcReq.getOptionalSignature().getCerts();
                if (bcCerts != null) {
                    Iterator<ASN1Encodable> it = bcCerts.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        Certificate cert = Certificate.getInstance(;
                        certs.add(X509Cert.wrap(runtime, new X509AuxCertificate(cert)));
                storeContext = X509StoreContext.newStoreContext(context, (X509Store) store, X509Cert.wrap(runtime, signer), certs);
            storeContext.set_purpose(context, _X509(runtime).getConstant("PURPOSE_OCSP_HELPER"));
            storeContext.set_trust(context, _X509(runtime).getConstant("TRUST_OCSP_REQUEST"));
            ret = storeContext.verify(context).isTrue();
            if (!ret)
                return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(runtime, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw newOCSPError(runtime, e);
    return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(getRuntime(), ret);
Also used : RubyArray(org.jruby.RubyArray) X500Name(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name) IRubyObject(org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject) ASN1Encodable(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable) Ruby(org.jruby.Ruby) ContentVerifierProvider(org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentVerifierProvider) PublicKey( ThreadContext(org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext) RubyFixnum(org.jruby.RubyFixnum) RaiseException(org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException) OperatorCreationException(org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException) IOException( CertificateException( JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder(org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce.JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder) ASN1Sequence(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence) OCSPReq(org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPReq) GeneralName(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralName) X509AuxCertificate(org.jruby.ext.openssl.x509store.X509AuxCertificate) X509Certificate( Certificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate) X509AuxCertificate(org.jruby.ext.openssl.x509store.X509AuxCertificate) JRubyMethod(org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod)

Example 29 with Certificate

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class OcspCertStoreFromCaDbImporter method importCert0.

// method importCert
private long importCert0(HashAlgo certhashAlgo, PreparedStatement psCert, String certsZipFile, Map<Integer, String> profileMap, boolean revokedOnly, List<Integer> caIds, long minId, File processLogFile, ProcessLog processLog, int numProcessedInLastProcess, ProcessLog importLog) throws Exception {
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(new File(certsZipFile));
    ZipEntry certsXmlEntry = zipFile.getEntry("overview.xml");
    CertsReader certs;
    try {
        certs = new CertsReader(zipFile.getInputStream(certsXmlEntry));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex2) {
            LOG.error("could not close ZIP file {}: {}", certsZipFile, ex2.getMessage());
            LOG.debug("could not close ZIP file " + certsZipFile, ex2);
        throw ex;
    try {
        int numProcessedEntriesInBatch = 0;
        int numImportedEntriesInBatch = 0;
        long lastSuccessfulCertId = 0;
        while (certs.hasNext()) {
            if (stopMe.get()) {
                throw new InterruptedException("interrupted by the user");
            CertType cert = (CertType);
            long id = cert.getId();
            lastSuccessfulCertId = id;
            if (id < minId) {
            if (!revokedOnly || cert.getRev().booleanValue()) {
                int caId = cert.getCaId();
                if (caIds.contains(caId)) {
                    String filename = cert.getFile();
                    // rawcert
                    ZipEntry certZipEnty = zipFile.getEntry(filename);
                    // rawcert
                    byte[] encodedCert =;
                    String certhash = certhashAlgo.base64Hash(encodedCert);
                    TBSCertificate tbsCert;
                    try {
                        Certificate cc = Certificate.getInstance(encodedCert);
                        tbsCert = cc.getTBSCertificate();
                    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                        LOG.error("could not parse certificate in file {}", filename);
                        LOG.debug("could not parse certificate in file " + filename, ex);
                        throw new CertificateException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
                    String subject = X509Util.cutX500Name(tbsCert.getSubject(), maxX500nameLen);
                    // cert
                    try {
                        int idx = 1;
                        psCert.setLong(idx++, id);
                        psCert.setInt(idx++, caId);
                        psCert.setString(idx++, tbsCert.getSerialNumber().getPositiveValue().toString(16));
                        psCert.setLong(idx++, cert.getUpdate());
                        psCert.setLong(idx++, tbsCert.getStartDate().getDate().getTime() / 1000);
                        psCert.setLong(idx++, tbsCert.getEndDate().getDate().getTime() / 1000);
                        setBoolean(psCert, idx++, cert.getRev());
                        setInt(psCert, idx++, cert.getRr());
                        setLong(psCert, idx++, cert.getRt());
                        setLong(psCert, idx++, cert.getRit());
                        int certprofileId = cert.getPid();
                        String certprofileName = profileMap.get(certprofileId);
                        psCert.setString(idx++, certprofileName);
                        psCert.setString(idx++, certhash);
                        psCert.setString(idx++, subject);
                    } catch (SQLException ex) {
                        throw translate(SQL_ADD_CERT, ex);
            // end if (caIds.contains(caId))
            // end if (revokedOnly
            boolean isLastBlock = !certs.hasNext();
            if (numImportedEntriesInBatch > 0 && (numImportedEntriesInBatch % this.numCertsPerCommit == 0 || isLastBlock)) {
                if (evaulateOnly) {
                } else {
                    try {
                        commit("(commit import cert to OCSP)");
                    } catch (Throwable th) {
                        deleteCertGreatherThan(lastSuccessfulCertId, LOG);
                        if (th instanceof SQLException) {
                            throw translate(SQL_ADD_CERT, (SQLException) th);
                        } else if (th instanceof Exception) {
                            throw (Exception) th;
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception(th);
                lastSuccessfulCertId = id;
                numProcessedEntriesInBatch = 0;
                numImportedEntriesInBatch = 0;
                String filename = (numProcessedInLastProcess + processLog.numProcessed()) + ":" + lastSuccessfulCertId;
                echoToFile(filename, processLogFile);
            } else if (isLastBlock) {
                lastSuccessfulCertId = id;
                numProcessedEntriesInBatch = 0;
                numImportedEntriesInBatch = 0;
                String filename = (numProcessedInLastProcess + processLog.numProcessed()) + ":" + lastSuccessfulCertId;
                echoToFile(filename, processLogFile);
        // if (numImportedEntriesInBatch)
        return lastSuccessfulCertId;
    } finally {
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ZipEntry( CertType( CertificateException( InvalidInputException(org.xipki.dbtool.InvalidInputException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) DataAccessException(org.xipki.datasource.DataAccessException) IOException( CertificateException( JAXBException(javax.xml.bind.JAXBException) ZipFile( ZipFile( File( TBSCertificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.TBSCertificate) CertsReader( TBSCertificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.TBSCertificate) Certificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate)

Example 30 with Certificate

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class CaCertStoreDbImporter method importEntries.

private long importEntries(CaDbEntryType type, String entriesZipFile, long minId, File processLogFile, ProcessLog processLog, int numProcessedInLastProcess, PreparedStatement[] statements, String[] sqls) throws Exception {
    final int numEntriesPerCommit = Math.max(1, Math.round(type.getSqlBatchFactor() * numCertsPerCommit));
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(new File(entriesZipFile));
    ZipEntry entriesXmlEntry = zipFile.getEntry("overview.xml");
    DbiXmlReader entries;
    try {
        entries = createReader(type, zipFile.getInputStream(entriesXmlEntry));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            LOG.error("could not close ZIP file {}: {}", entriesZipFile, e2.getMessage());
            LOG.debug("could not close ZIP file " + entriesZipFile, e2);
        throw ex;
    try {
        int numEntriesInBatch = 0;
        long lastSuccessfulEntryId = 0;
        while (entries.hasNext()) {
            if (stopMe.get()) {
                throw new InterruptedException("interrupted by the user");
            IdentifidDbObjectType entry = (IdentifidDbObjectType);
            long id = entry.getId();
            if (id < minId) {
            if (CaDbEntryType.CERT == type) {
                CertType cert = (CertType) entry;
                int certArt = (cert.getArt() == null) ? 1 : cert.getArt();
                String filename = cert.getFile();
                // rawcert
                ZipEntry certZipEnty = zipFile.getEntry(filename);
                // rawcert
                byte[] encodedCert =;
                TBSCertificate tbsCert;
                try {
                    Certificate cc = Certificate.getInstance(encodedCert);
                    tbsCert = cc.getTBSCertificate();
                } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                    LOG.error("could not parse certificate in file {}", filename);
                    LOG.debug("could not parse certificate in file " + filename, ex);
                    throw new CertificateException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
                byte[] encodedKey = tbsCert.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo().getPublicKeyData().getBytes();
                String b64Sha1FpCert = HashAlgo.SHA1.base64Hash(encodedCert);
                // cert
                String subjectText = X509Util.cutX500Name(tbsCert.getSubject(), maxX500nameLen);
                PreparedStatement psCert = statements[0];
                PreparedStatement psRawcert = statements[1];
                try {
                    int idx = 1;
                    psCert.setLong(idx++, id);
                    psCert.setInt(idx++, certArt);
                    psCert.setLong(idx++, cert.getUpdate());
                    psCert.setString(idx++, tbsCert.getSerialNumber().getPositiveValue().toString(16));
                    psCert.setString(idx++, subjectText);
                    long fpSubject = X509Util.fpCanonicalizedName(tbsCert.getSubject());
                    psCert.setLong(idx++, fpSubject);
                    if (cert.getFpRs() != null) {
                        psCert.setLong(idx++, cert.getFpRs());
                    } else {
                        psCert.setNull(idx++, Types.BIGINT);
                    psCert.setLong(idx++, tbsCert.getStartDate().getDate().getTime() / 1000);
                    psCert.setLong(idx++, tbsCert.getEndDate().getDate().getTime() / 1000);
                    setBoolean(psCert, idx++, cert.getRev());
                    setInt(psCert, idx++, cert.getRr());
                    setLong(psCert, idx++, cert.getRt());
                    setLong(psCert, idx++, cert.getRit());
                    setInt(psCert, idx++, cert.getPid());
                    setInt(psCert, idx++, cert.getCaId());
                    setInt(psCert, idx++, cert.getRid());
                    setInt(psCert, idx++, cert.getUid());
                    psCert.setLong(idx++, FpIdCalculator.hash(encodedKey));
                    Extension extension = tbsCert.getExtensions().getExtension(Extension.basicConstraints);
                    boolean ee = true;
                    if (extension != null) {
                        ASN1Encodable asn1 = extension.getParsedValue();
                        ee = !BasicConstraints.getInstance(asn1).isCA();
                    psCert.setInt(idx++, ee ? 1 : 0);
                    psCert.setInt(idx++, cert.getReqType());
                    String tidS = null;
                    if (cert.getTid() != null) {
                        tidS = cert.getTid();
                    psCert.setString(idx++, tidS);
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    throw translate(SQL_ADD_CERT, ex);
                try {
                    int idx = 1;
                    psRawcert.setLong(idx++, cert.getId());
                    psRawcert.setString(idx++, b64Sha1FpCert);
                    psRawcert.setString(idx++, cert.getRs());
                    psRawcert.setString(idx++, Base64.encodeToString(encodedCert));
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    throw translate(SQL_ADD_CRAW, ex);
            } else if (CaDbEntryType.CRL == type) {
                PreparedStatement psAddCrl = statements[0];
                CrlType crl = (CrlType) entry;
                String filename = crl.getFile();
                // CRL
                ZipEntry zipEnty = zipFile.getEntry(filename);
                // rawcert
                byte[] encodedCrl =;
                X509CRL x509crl = null;
                try {
                    x509crl = X509Util.parseCrl(encodedCrl);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    LOG.error("could not parse CRL in file {}", filename);
                    LOG.debug("could not parse CRL in file " + filename, ex);
                    if (ex instanceof CRLException) {
                        throw (CRLException) ex;
                    } else {
                        throw new CRLException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
                try {
                    byte[] octetString = x509crl.getExtensionValue(Extension.cRLNumber.getId());
                    if (octetString == null) {
                        LOG.warn("CRL without CRL number, ignore it");
                    byte[] extnValue = DEROctetString.getInstance(octetString).getOctets();
                    // CHECKSTYLE:SKIP
                    BigInteger crlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(extnValue).getPositiveValue();
                    BigInteger baseCrlNumber = null;
                    octetString = x509crl.getExtensionValue(Extension.deltaCRLIndicator.getId());
                    if (octetString != null) {
                        extnValue = DEROctetString.getInstance(octetString).getOctets();
                        baseCrlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(extnValue).getPositiveValue();
                    int idx = 1;
                    psAddCrl.setLong(idx++, crl.getId());
                    psAddCrl.setInt(idx++, crl.getCaId());
                    psAddCrl.setLong(idx++, crlNumber.longValue());
                    psAddCrl.setLong(idx++, x509crl.getThisUpdate().getTime() / 1000);
                    if (x509crl.getNextUpdate() != null) {
                        psAddCrl.setLong(idx++, x509crl.getNextUpdate().getTime() / 1000);
                    } else {
                        psAddCrl.setNull(idx++, Types.INTEGER);
                    if (baseCrlNumber == null) {
                        setBoolean(psAddCrl, idx++, false);
                        psAddCrl.setNull(idx++, Types.BIGINT);
                    } else {
                        setBoolean(psAddCrl, idx++, true);
                        psAddCrl.setLong(idx++, baseCrlNumber.longValue());
                    String str = Base64.encodeToString(encodedCrl);
                    psAddCrl.setString(idx++, str);
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    System.err.println("could not import CRL with ID=" + crl.getId() + ", message: " + ex.getMessage());
                    throw ex;
            } else if (CaDbEntryType.REQUEST == type) {
                PreparedStatement psAddRequest = statements[0];
                RequestType request = (RequestType) entry;
                String filename = request.getFile();
                ZipEntry zipEnty = zipFile.getEntry(filename);
                byte[] encodedRequest =;
                try {
                    int idx = 1;
                    psAddRequest.setLong(idx++, request.getId());
                    psAddRequest.setLong(idx++, request.getUpdate());
                    psAddRequest.setString(idx++, Base64.encodeToString(encodedRequest));
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    System.err.println("could not import REQUEST with ID=" + request.getId() + ", message: " + ex.getMessage());
                    throw ex;
            } else if (CaDbEntryType.REQCERT == type) {
                PreparedStatement psAddReqCert = statements[0];
                RequestCertType reqCert = (RequestCertType) entry;
                try {
                    int idx = 1;
                    psAddReqCert.setLong(idx++, reqCert.getId());
                    psAddReqCert.setLong(idx++, reqCert.getRid());
                    psAddReqCert.setLong(idx++, reqCert.getCid());
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    System.err.println("could not import REQUEST with ID=" + reqCert.getId() + ", message: " + ex.getMessage());
                    throw ex;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown CaDbEntryType " + type);
            boolean isLastBlock = !entries.hasNext();
            if (numEntriesInBatch > 0 && (numEntriesInBatch % numEntriesPerCommit == 0 || isLastBlock)) {
                if (evaulateOnly) {
                    for (PreparedStatement m : statements) {
                } else {
                    String sql = null;
                    try {
                        for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) {
                            sql = sqls[i];
                        sql = null;
                        commit("(commit import to CA)");
                    } catch (Throwable th) {
                        deleteFromTableWithLargerId(type.getTableName(), "ID", id, LOG);
                        if (CaDbEntryType.CERT == type) {
                            deleteFromTableWithLargerId("CRAW", "CID", id, LOG);
                        if (th instanceof SQLException) {
                            throw translate(sql, (SQLException) th);
                        } else if (th instanceof Exception) {
                            throw (Exception) th;
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception(th);
                lastSuccessfulEntryId = id;
                numEntriesInBatch = 0;
                echoToFile(type + ":" + (numProcessedInLastProcess + processLog.numProcessed()) + ":" + lastSuccessfulEntryId, processLogFile);
        return lastSuccessfulEntryId;
    } finally {
Also used : X509CRL( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ZipEntry( RequestCertType( CertType( CertificateException( DEROctetString(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString) ASN1Encodable(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable) TBSCertificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.TBSCertificate) CRLException( IdentifidDbObjectType( DbiXmlReader( PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) RequestCertType( XMLStreamException( DataAccessException(org.xipki.datasource.DataAccessException) JAXBException(javax.xml.bind.JAXBException) InvalidDataObjectException( CRLException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) CertificateException( Extension(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension) ZipFile( CrlType( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) ZipFile( File( Certificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate) TBSCertificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.TBSCertificate) RequestType(


Certificate (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate)53 IOException ( X509Certificate ( CertificateException ( CertificateAuthorityServiceClient ( Test (org.junit.Test)14 Operation ( File ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)9 CertificateEncodingException ( TBSCertificate (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.TBSCertificate)9 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)9 Certificate ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 X500Name (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name)8 ASN1Sequence (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence)7 Certificate (com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate)6 Extension (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension)6 OperatorCreationException (org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException)6 Date (java.util.Date)5