use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class AvroSchemaToDdlConverterTest method pgInvokerRightsView.
public void pgInvokerRightsView() {
String avroString = "{" + " \"type\" : \"record\"," + " \"name\" : \"Names\"," + " \"fields\" : []," + " \"namespace\" : \"spannertest\"," + " \"googleStorage\" : \"CloudSpanner\"," + " \"googleFormatVersion\" : \"booleans\"," + " \"spannerViewSecurity\" : \"INVOKER\"," + " \"spannerViewQuery\" : \"SELECT first_name, last_name FROM Users\"" + "}";
Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroString);
AvroSchemaToDdlConverter converter = new AvroSchemaToDdlConverter(Dialect.POSTGRESQL);
Ddl ddl = converter.toDdl(Collections.singleton(schema));
assertEquals(ddl.dialect(), Dialect.POSTGRESQL);
assertThat(ddl.views(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(ddl.prettyPrint(), equalToCompressingWhiteSpace("CREATE VIEW \"Names\" SQL SECURITY INVOKER AS SELECT first_name, last_name FROM" + " Users"));
use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class AvroSchemaToDdlConverterTest method pgSimple.
public void pgSimple() {
String avroString = "{" + " \"type\" : \"record\"," + " \"name\" : \"Users\"," + " \"namespace\" : \"spannertest\"," + " \"fields\" : [ {" + " \"name\" : \"id\"," + " \"type\" : \"long\"," + " \"sqlType\" : \"bigint\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"first_name\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"string\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"character varying(10)\"," + " \"defaultExpression\" : \"'John'\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"last_name\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"string\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"character varying\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"full_name\"," + " \"type\" : \"null\"," + " \"sqlType\" : \"character varying\"," + " \"notNull\" : \"false\"," + " \"generationExpression\" : \"CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)\"," + " \"stored\" : \"true\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"numeric\"," + " \"type\" : [\"null\", {\"type\":\"bytes\",\"logicalType\":\"decimal\"}]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"numeric\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"numeric2\"," + " \"type\" : [\"null\", {\"type\":\"bytes\",\"logicalType\":\"decimal\"," + // Omitting sqlType
" \"precision\":147455,\"scale\":16383}]" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"notNumeric\"," + " \"type\" : [\"null\", {\"type\":\"bytes\",\"logicalType\":\"decimal\"," + // Omitting sqlType
" \"precision\":147455}]" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"notNumeric2\"," + " \"type\" : [\"null\", {\"type\":\"bytes\",\"logicalType\":\"decimal\"," + // Omitting sqlType
" \"precision\":147455,\"scale\":16384}]" + " }, {" + " \"name\":\"numericArr\"," + " \"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"bytes\"," + " \"logicalType\":\"decimal\",\"precision\":147455,\"scale\":16383}]}]" + // Omitting sqlType
" }, {" + " \"name\":\"notNumericArr\"," + " \"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"bytes\"," + // Omitting sqlType
" \"logicalType\":\"decimal\",\"precision\":147455}]}]" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"bool\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"boolean\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"boolean\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"float\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"double\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"double precision\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"bytes\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"bytes\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"bytea\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"text\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"string\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"text\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"timestamptz\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"string\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"timestamp with time zone\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"date\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"string\" ]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"date\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"varcharArr1\"," + " \"type\" : [\"null\"," + " {\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"string\"}]}]," + " \"sqlType\" : \"character varying[]\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"varcharArr2\"," + " \"type\" : [\"null\"," + " {\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"string\"}]}]" + // Omitting sqlType
" } ], \"googleStorage\" : \"CloudSpanner\", \"spannerParent\" : \"\", " + " \"googleFormatVersion\" : \"booleans\", \"spannerPrimaryKey_0\" : \"\\\"id\\\"" + " ASC\", \"spannerPrimaryKey_1\" : \"\\\"last_name\\\" ASC\", \"spannerIndex_0\" :" + " \"CREATE INDEX \\\"UsersByFirstName\\\" ON \\\"Users\\\" (\\\"first_name\\\")\", " + " \"spannerForeignKey_0\" : \"ALTER TABLE \\\"Users\\\" ADD CONSTRAINT \\\"fk\\\"" + " FOREIGN KEY (\\\"first_name\\\") REFERENCES \\\"AllowedNames\\\"" + " (\\\"first_name\\\")\", \"spannerCheckConstraint_0\" : \"CONSTRAINT \\\"ck\\\"" + " CHECK(\\\"first_name\\\" != \\\"last_name\\\")\"}";
Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroString);
AvroSchemaToDdlConverter converter = new AvroSchemaToDdlConverter(Dialect.POSTGRESQL);
Ddl ddl = converter.toDdl(Collections.singleton(schema));
assertEquals(ddl.dialect(), Dialect.POSTGRESQL);
assertThat(ddl.allTables(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(ddl.views(), hasSize(0));
assertThat(ddl.prettyPrint(), equalToCompressingWhiteSpace("CREATE TABLE \"Users\" (" + " \"id\" bigint NOT NULL," + " \"first_name\" character varying(10) DEFAULT 'John'," + " \"last_name\" character varying," + " \"full_name\" character varying GENERATED ALWAYS AS" + " (CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)) STORED," + " \"numeric\" numeric," + " \"numeric2\" numeric," + " \"notNumeric\" bytea," + " \"notNumeric2\" bytea," + " \"numericArr\" numeric[]," + " \"notNumericArr\" bytea[]," + " \"bool\" boolean," + " \"float\" double precision," + " \"bytes\" bytea," + " \"text\" text," + " \"timestamptz\" timestamp with time zone," + " \"date\" date," + " \"varcharArr1\" character varying[]," + " \"varcharArr2\" character varying[]," + " CONSTRAINT \"ck\" CHECK(\"first_name\" != \"last_name\")," + " PRIMARY KEY (\"id\", \"last_name\")" + " )" + " CREATE INDEX \"UsersByFirstName\" ON \"Users\" (\"first_name\")" + " ALTER TABLE \"Users\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"fk\" FOREIGN KEY (\"first_name\")" + " REFERENCES \"AllowedNames\" (\"first_name\")"));
use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class AvroSchemaToDdlConverterTest method pgEmptySchema.
public void pgEmptySchema() {
AvroSchemaToDdlConverter converter = new AvroSchemaToDdlConverter(Dialect.POSTGRESQL);
Ddl ddl = converter.toDdl(Collections.emptyList());
assertEquals(ddl.dialect(), Dialect.POSTGRESQL);
assertThat(ddl.allTables(), empty());
use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class AvroTableFileAsMutationsTest method testAvroToMutationsTransform.
public void testAvroToMutationsTransform() throws Exception {
DdlToAvroSchemaConverter converter = new DdlToAvroSchemaConverter("spannertest", "booleans", false);
Ddl ddl = Ddl.builder().createTable("Users").column("id").int64().notNull().endColumn().column("first_name").string().size(10).endColumn().column("last_name").type(Type.string()).max().endColumn().column("full_name").type(Type.string()).max().generatedAs("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)").stored().endColumn().primaryKey().asc("id").desc("last_name").end().endTable().build();
Collection<Schema> result = converter.convert(ddl);
assertThat(result, hasSize(1));
Schema usersSchema = result.iterator().next();
GenericRecord user1 = new GenericData.Record(usersSchema);
user1.put("id", 123L);
user1.put("first_name", "John");
user1.put("last_name", "Smith");
user1.put("full_name", "John Smith");
GenericRecord user2 = new GenericData.Record(usersSchema);
user2.put("id", 456L);
user2.put("first_name", "Jane");
user2.put("last_name", "Doe");
user2.put("full_name", "Jane Doe");
File file = tmpFolder.newFile("users.avro");
DatumWriter<GenericRecord> datumWriter = new GenericDatumWriter<>(usersSchema);
DataFileWriter<GenericRecord> dataFileWriter = new DataFileWriter<GenericRecord>(datumWriter);
dataFileWriter.create(usersSchema, file);
PCollectionView<Ddl> ddlView = p.apply("ddl", Create.of(ddl)).apply(View.asSingleton());
PCollection<Mutation> mutations = p.apply("files/tables", Create.of(ImmutableMap.of(file.toPath().toString(), "Users"))).apply(new AvroTableFileAsMutations(ddlView));
PAssert.that(mutations).containsInAnyOrder(Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("Users").set("id").to(123L).set("first_name").to("John").set("last_name").to("Smith").build(), Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("Users").set("id").to(456L).set("first_name").to("Jane").set("last_name").to("Doe").build());;
use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class CopyDbTest method emptyDb.
public void emptyDb() throws Exception {
Ddl ddl = Ddl.builder().build();
createAndPopulate(ddl, 0);