use of in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class DetectBeta method detectHandwrittenOcrGcs.
// [END vision_handwritten_ocr_beta]
// [START vision_handwritten_ocr_gcs_beta]
* Performs handwritten text detection on a remote image on Google Cloud Storage.
* @param gcsPath The path to the remote file on Google Cloud Storage to detect handwritten text
* on.
* @param out A {@link PrintStream} to write the results to.
* @throws Exception on errors while closing the client.
* @throws IOException on Input/Output errors.
public static void detectHandwrittenOcrGcs(String gcsPath, PrintStream out) throws Exception {
List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
ImageSource imgSource = ImageSource.newBuilder().setGcsImageUri(gcsPath).build();
Image img = Image.newBuilder().setSource(imgSource).build();
Feature feat = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION).build();
// Set the parameters for the image
ImageContext imageContext = ImageContext.newBuilder().addLanguageHints("en-t-i0-handwrit").build();
AnnotateImageRequest request = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().addFeatures(feat).setImage(img).setImageContext(imageContext).build();
try (ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.batchAnnotateImages(requests);
List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses = response.getResponsesList();
for (AnnotateImageResponse res : responses) {
if (res.hasError()) {
out.printf("Error: %s\n", res.getError().getMessage());
// For full list of available annotations, see
TextAnnotation annotation = res.getFullTextAnnotation();
for (Page page : annotation.getPagesList()) {
String pageText = "";
for (Block block : page.getBlocksList()) {
String blockText = "";
for (Paragraph para : block.getParagraphsList()) {
String paraText = "";
for (Word word : para.getWordsList()) {
String wordText = "";
for (Symbol symbol : word.getSymbolsList()) {
wordText = wordText + symbol.getText();
out.format("Symbol text: %s (confidence: %f)\n", symbol.getText(), symbol.getConfidence());
out.format("Word text: %s (confidence: %f)\n\n", wordText, word.getConfidence());
paraText = String.format("%s %s", paraText, wordText);
// Output Example using Paragraph:
out.println("\nParagraph: \n" + paraText);
out.format("Paragraph Confidence: %f\n", para.getConfidence());
blockText = blockText + paraText;
pageText = pageText + blockText;
out.println("\nComplete annotation:");
use of in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesGcs method asyncBatchAnnotateImagesGcs.
// Performs asynchronous batch annotation of images on Google Cloud Storage
public static void asyncBatchAnnotateImagesGcs(String gcsSourcePath, String gcsDestinationPath) throws Exception {
// String gcsDestinationPath = "gs://YOUR_BUCKET_ID/path_to_store_annotation";
try (ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
ImageSource imgSource = ImageSource.newBuilder().setImageUri(gcsSourcePath).build();
Image image = Image.newBuilder().setSource(imgSource).build();
// Set the GCS destination path for where to save the results.
GcsDestination gcsDestination = GcsDestination.newBuilder().setUri(gcsDestinationPath).build();
// Create the configuration for the output with the batch size.
// The batch size sets how many pages should be grouped into each json output file.
OutputConfig outputConfig = OutputConfig.newBuilder().setGcsDestination(gcsDestination).setBatchSize(2).build();
// Select the Features required by the vision API
Feature features = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.LABEL_DETECTION).setType(Type.TEXT_DETECTION).setType(Type.IMAGE_PROPERTIES).build();
// Build the request
AnnotateImageRequest annotateImageRequest = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().setImage(image).addFeatures(features).build();
AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesRequest request = AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesRequest.newBuilder().addAllRequests(requests).setOutputConfig(outputConfig).build();
OperationFuture<AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesResponse, OperationMetadata> response = client.asyncBatchAnnotateImagesAsync(request);
System.out.println("Waiting for the operation to finish.");
// we're not processing the response, since we'll be reading the output from GCS.
response.get(180, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Once the request has completed and the output has been
// written to GCS, we can list all the output files.
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
// Get the destination location from the gcsDestinationPath
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("gs://([^/]+)/(.+)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(gcsDestinationPath);
if (matcher.find()) {
String bucketName =;
String prefix =;
// Get the list of objects with the given prefix from the GCS bucket
Bucket bucket = storage.get(bucketName);
Page<Blob> pageList = bucket.list(BlobListOption.prefix(prefix));
Blob firstOutputFile = null;
// List objects with the given prefix.
System.out.println("Output files:");
for (Blob blob : pageList.iterateAll()) {
// the first two image requests
if (firstOutputFile == null) {
firstOutputFile = blob;
// Get the contents of the file and convert the JSON contents to an
// BatchAnnotateImagesResponse
// object. If the Blob is small read all its content in one request
// (Note: the file is a .json file)
// Storage guide:
String jsonContents = new String(firstOutputFile.getContent());
Builder builder = BatchAnnotateImagesResponse.newBuilder();
JsonFormat.parser().merge(jsonContents, builder);
// Build the AnnotateFileResponse object
BatchAnnotateImagesResponse batchAnnotateImagesResponse =;
// Here we print the response for the first image
// The response contains more information:
// annotation/pages/blocks/paragraphs/words/symbols/colors
// including confidence score and bounding boxes
System.out.format("\nResponse: %s\n", batchAnnotateImagesResponse.getResponses(0));
} else {
System.out.println("No MATCH");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error during asyncBatchAnnotateImagesGcs: \n" + e.toString());
use of in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class DetectSafeSearchGcs method detectSafeSearchGcs.
// Detects whether the specified image on Google Cloud Storage has features you would want to
// moderate.
public static void detectSafeSearchGcs(String gcsPath) throws IOException {
List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
ImageSource imgSource = ImageSource.newBuilder().setGcsImageUri(gcsPath).build();
Image img = Image.newBuilder().setSource(imgSource).build();
Feature feat = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.SAFE_SEARCH_DETECTION).build();
AnnotateImageRequest request = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().addFeatures(feat).setImage(img).build();
// the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
try (ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.batchAnnotateImages(requests);
List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses = response.getResponsesList();
for (AnnotateImageResponse res : responses) {
if (res.hasError()) {
System.out.format("Error: %s%n", res.getError().getMessage());
// For full list of available annotations, see
SafeSearchAnnotation annotation = res.getSafeSearchAnnotation();
System.out.format("adult: %s%nmedical: %s%nspoofed: %s%nviolence: %s%nracy: %s%n", annotation.getAdult(), annotation.getMedical(), annotation.getSpoof(), annotation.getViolence(), annotation.getRacy());
use of in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class DetectWebEntitiesGcs method detectWebEntitiesGcs.
// Find web entities given the remote image on Google Cloud Storage.
public static void detectWebEntitiesGcs(String gcsPath) throws IOException {
// the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
try (ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
// Set the image source to the given gs uri
ImageSource imageSource = ImageSource.newBuilder().setGcsImageUri(gcsPath).build();
// Build the image
Image image = Image.newBuilder().setSource(imageSource).build();
// Create the request with the image and the specified feature: web detection
AnnotateImageRequest request = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().addFeatures(Feature.newBuilder().setType(Feature.Type.WEB_DETECTION)).setImage(image).build();
// Perform the request
BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.batchAnnotateImages(Arrays.asList(request));
// Display the results
response.getResponsesList().stream().forEach(r -> r.getWebDetection().getWebEntitiesList().stream().forEach(entity -> {
System.out.format("Description: %s%n", entity.getDescription());
System.out.format("Score: %f%n", entity.getScore());
use of in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class AsyncBatchAnnotateImages method asyncBatchAnnotateImages.
public static void asyncBatchAnnotateImages(String inputImageUri, String outputUri) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
// the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
try (ImageAnnotatorClient imageAnnotatorClient = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
// You can send multiple images to be annotated, this sample demonstrates how to do this with
// one image. If you want to use multiple images, you have to create a `AnnotateImageRequest`
// object for each image that you want annotated.
// First specify where the vision api can find the image
ImageSource source = ImageSource.newBuilder().setImageUri(inputImageUri).build();
Image image = Image.newBuilder().setSource(source).build();
// Set the type of annotation you want to perform on the image
Feature feature = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Feature.Type.LABEL_DETECTION).build();
// Build the request object for that one image. Note: for additional images you have to create
// additional `AnnotateImageRequest` objects and store them in a list to be used below.
AnnotateImageRequest imageRequest = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().setImage(image).addFeatures(feature).build();
// Set where to store the results for the images that will be annotated.
GcsDestination gcsDestination = GcsDestination.newBuilder().setUri(outputUri).build();
OutputConfig outputConfig = OutputConfig.newBuilder().setGcsDestination(gcsDestination).setBatchSize(// The max number of responses to output in each JSON file
// Add each `AnnotateImageRequest` object to the batch request and add the output config.
AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesRequest request = AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesRequest.newBuilder().addRequests(imageRequest).setOutputConfig(outputConfig).build();
// Make the asynchronous batch request.
AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = imageAnnotatorClient.asyncBatchAnnotateImagesAsync(request).get();
// The output is written to GCS with the provided output_uri as prefix
String gcsOutputUri = response.getOutputConfig().getGcsDestination().getUri();
System.out.format("Output written to GCS with prefix: %s%n", gcsOutputUri);