use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class InDimFilter method getLongPredicateSupplier.
// As the set of filtered values can be large, parsing them as longs should be done only if needed, and only once.
// Pass in a common long predicate supplier to all filters created by .toFilter(), so that
// we only compute the long hashset/array once per query.
// This supplier must be thread-safe, since this DimFilter will be accessed in the query runners.
private Supplier<DruidLongPredicate> getLongPredicateSupplier() {
return new Supplier<DruidLongPredicate>() {
private final Object initLock = new Object();
private DruidLongPredicate predicate;
private void initLongValues() {
if (predicate != null) {
synchronized (initLock) {
if (predicate != null) {
LongArrayList longs = new LongArrayList(values.size());
for (String value : values) {
Long longValue = GuavaUtils.tryParseLong(value);
if (longValue != null) {
if (longs.size() > NUMERIC_HASHING_THRESHOLD) {
final LongOpenHashSet longHashSet = new LongOpenHashSet(longs);
predicate = new DruidLongPredicate() {
public boolean applyLong(long input) {
return longHashSet.contains(input);
} else {
final long[] longArray = longs.toLongArray();
predicate = new DruidLongPredicate() {
public boolean applyLong(long input) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(longArray, input) >= 0;
public DruidLongPredicate get() {
return predicate;
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class ExpressionObjectSelector method createBindings.
private static Expr.ObjectBinding createBindings(ColumnSelectorFactory columnSelectorFactory, Expr expression) {
final Map<String, Supplier<Number>> suppliers = Maps.newHashMap();
for (String columnName : Parser.findRequiredBindings(expression)) {
final ColumnCapabilities columnCapabilities = columnSelectorFactory.getColumnCapabilities(columnName);
final ValueType nativeType = columnCapabilities != null ? columnCapabilities.getType() : null;
final Supplier<Number> supplier;
if (nativeType == ValueType.FLOAT) {
supplier = supplierFromFloatSelector(columnSelectorFactory.makeFloatColumnSelector(columnName));
} else if (nativeType == ValueType.LONG) {
supplier = supplierFromLongSelector(columnSelectorFactory.makeLongColumnSelector(columnName));
} else if (nativeType == null) {
// Unknown ValueType. Try making an Object selector and see if that gives us anything useful.
supplier = supplierFromObjectSelector(columnSelectorFactory.makeObjectColumnSelector(columnName));
} else {
// Unhandleable ValueType (possibly STRING or COMPLEX).
supplier = null;
if (supplier != null) {
suppliers.put(columnName, supplier);
return Parser.withSuppliers(suppliers);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class AggregationTestHelper method createTopNQueryAggregationTestHelper.
public static final AggregationTestHelper createTopNQueryAggregationTestHelper(List<? extends Module> jsonModulesToRegister, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new DefaultObjectMapper();
TopNQueryQueryToolChest toolchest = new TopNQueryQueryToolChest(new TopNQueryConfig(), QueryRunnerTestHelper.NoopIntervalChunkingQueryRunnerDecorator());
TopNQueryRunnerFactory factory = new TopNQueryRunnerFactory(new StupidPool<>("TopNQueryRunnerFactory-bufferPool", new Supplier<ByteBuffer>() {
public ByteBuffer get() {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(10 * 1024 * 1024);
}), toolchest, QueryRunnerTestHelper.NOOP_QUERYWATCHER);
IndexIO indexIO = new IndexIO(mapper, new ColumnConfig() {
public int columnCacheSizeBytes() {
return 0;
return new AggregationTestHelper(mapper, new IndexMerger(mapper, indexIO), indexIO, toolchest, factory, tempFolder, jsonModulesToRegister);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class StringArrayWritable method toBytes.
public static final byte[] toBytes(final InputRow row, AggregatorFactory[] aggs, boolean reportParseExceptions) {
try {
ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
//write timestamp
//writing all dimensions
List<String> dimList = row.getDimensions();
WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, dimList.size());
if (dimList != null) {
for (String dim : dimList) {
List<String> dimValues = row.getDimension(dim);
writeString(dim, out);
writeStringArray(dimValues, out);
//writing all metrics
Supplier<InputRow> supplier = new Supplier<InputRow>() {
public InputRow get() {
return row;
WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, aggs.length);
for (AggregatorFactory aggFactory : aggs) {
String k = aggFactory.getName();
writeString(k, out);
Aggregator agg = aggFactory.factorize(IncrementalIndex.makeColumnSelectorFactory(VirtualColumns.EMPTY, aggFactory, supplier, true));
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
// "aggregate" can throw ParseExceptions if a selector expects something but gets something else.
if (reportParseExceptions) {
throw new ParseException(e, "Encountered parse error for aggregator[%s]", k);
log.debug(e, "Encountered parse error, skipping aggregator[%s].", k);
String t = aggFactory.getTypeName();
if (t.equals("float")) {
} else if (t.equals("long")) {
WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, agg.getLong());
} else {
//its a complex metric
Object val = agg.get();
ComplexMetricSerde serde = getComplexMetricSerde(t);
writeBytes(serde.toBytes(val), out);
return out.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw Throwables.propagate(ex);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class YeOldePlumberSchool method findPlumber.
public Plumber findPlumber(final DataSchema schema, final RealtimeTuningConfig config, final FireDepartmentMetrics metrics) {
// There can be only one.
final Sink theSink = new Sink(interval, schema, config.getShardSpec(), version, config.getMaxRowsInMemory(), config.isReportParseExceptions());
// Temporary directory to hold spilled segments.
final File persistDir = new File(tmpSegmentDir, theSink.getSegment().getIdentifier());
// Set of spilled segments. Will be merged at the end.
final Set<File> spilled = Sets.newHashSet();
// IndexMerger implementation.
final IndexMerger theIndexMerger = config.getBuildV9Directly() ? indexMergerV9 : indexMerger;
return new Plumber() {
public Object startJob() {
return null;
public int add(InputRow row, Supplier<Committer> committerSupplier) throws IndexSizeExceededException {
Sink sink = getSink(row.getTimestampFromEpoch());
if (sink == null) {
return -1;
final int numRows = sink.add(row);
if (!sink.canAppendRow()) {
return numRows;
private Sink getSink(long timestamp) {
if (theSink.getInterval().contains(timestamp)) {
return theSink;
} else {
return null;
public <T> QueryRunner<T> getQueryRunner(Query<T> query) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Don't query me, bro.");
public void persist(Committer committer) {
public void finishJob() {
// The segment we will upload
File fileToUpload = null;
try {
// User should have persisted everything by now.
Preconditions.checkState(!theSink.swappable(), "All data must be persisted before fininshing the job!");
if (spilled.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Nothing indexed?");
} else if (spilled.size() == 1) {
fileToUpload = Iterables.getOnlyElement(spilled);
} else {
List<QueryableIndex> indexes = Lists.newArrayList();
for (final File oneSpill : spilled) {
fileToUpload = new File(tmpSegmentDir, "merged");
theIndexMerger.mergeQueryableIndex(indexes, schema.getGranularitySpec().isRollup(), schema.getAggregators(), fileToUpload, config.getIndexSpec());
// Map merged segment so we can extract dimensions
final QueryableIndex mappedSegment = indexIO.loadIndex(fileToUpload);
final DataSegment segmentToUpload = theSink.getSegment().withDimensions(ImmutableList.copyOf(mappedSegment.getAvailableDimensions())).withBinaryVersion(SegmentUtils.getVersionFromDir(fileToUpload));
dataSegmentPusher.push(fileToUpload, segmentToUpload);"Uploaded segment[%s]", segmentToUpload.getIdentifier());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn(e, "Failed to merge and upload");
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
} finally {
try {
if (fileToUpload != null) {"Deleting Index File[%s]", fileToUpload);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn(e, "Error deleting directory[%s]", fileToUpload);
private void spillIfSwappable() {
if (theSink.swappable()) {
final FireHydrant indexToPersist = theSink.swap();
final int rowsToPersist = indexToPersist.getIndex().size();
final File dirToPersist = getSpillDir(indexToPersist.getCount());"Spilling index[%d] with rows[%d] to: %s", indexToPersist.getCount(), rowsToPersist, dirToPersist);
try {
theIndexMerger.persist(indexToPersist.getIndex(), dirToPersist, config.getIndexSpec());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn(e, "Failed to spill index[%d]", indexToPersist.getCount());
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
private File getSpillDir(final int n) {
return new File(persistDir, String.format("spill%d", n));