use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class MetastoreHiveStatisticsProvider method calculateNullsFraction.
static Estimate calculateNullsFraction(String column, Collection<PartitionStatistics> partitionStatistics) {
List<PartitionStatistics> statisticsWithKnownRowCountAndNullsCount = -> {
if (!statistics.getBasicStatistics().getRowCount().isPresent()) {
return false;
HiveColumnStatistics columnStatistics = statistics.getColumnStatistics().get(column);
if (columnStatistics == null) {
return false;
return columnStatistics.getNullsCount().isPresent();
if (statisticsWithKnownRowCountAndNullsCount.isEmpty()) {
return Estimate.unknown();
long totalNullsCount = 0;
long totalRowCount = 0;
for (PartitionStatistics statistics : statisticsWithKnownRowCountAndNullsCount) {
long rowCount = statistics.getBasicStatistics().getRowCount().orElseThrow(() -> new VerifyException("rowCount is not present"));
verify(rowCount >= 0, "rowCount must be greater than or equal to zero");
HiveColumnStatistics columnStatistics = statistics.getColumnStatistics().get(column);
verify(columnStatistics != null, "columnStatistics is null");
long nullsCount = columnStatistics.getNullsCount().orElseThrow(() -> new VerifyException("nullsCount is not present"));
verify(nullsCount >= 0, "nullsCount must be greater than or equal to zero");
verify(nullsCount <= rowCount, "nullsCount must be less than or equal to rowCount. nullsCount: %s. rowCount: %s.", nullsCount, rowCount);
totalNullsCount += nullsCount;
totalRowCount += rowCount;
if (totalRowCount == 0) {
verify(totalNullsCount <= totalRowCount, "totalNullsCount must be less than or equal to totalRowCount. totalNullsCount: %s. totalRowCount: %s.", totalNullsCount, totalRowCount);
return Estimate.of(((double) totalNullsCount) / totalRowCount);
use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class Driver method processNewSources.
private void processNewSources() {
checkLockHeld("Lock must be held to call processNewSources");
// only update if the driver is still alive
if (state.get() != State.ALIVE) {
TaskSource sourceUpdate = pendingTaskSourceUpdates.getAndSet(null);
if (sourceUpdate == null) {
// merge the current source and the specified source update
TaskSource newSource = currentTaskSource.update(sourceUpdate);
// if the update contains no new data, just return
if (newSource == currentTaskSource) {
// determine new splits to add
Set<ScheduledSplit> newSplits = Sets.difference(newSource.getSplits(), currentTaskSource.getSplits());
// add new splits
SourceOperator sourceOperator = this.sourceOperator.orElseThrow(VerifyException::new);
for (ScheduledSplit newSplit : newSplits) {
Split split = newSplit.getSplit();
if (fragmentResultCacheContext.get().isPresent() && !(split.getConnectorSplit() instanceof RemoteSplit)) {
this.fragmentResultCacheContext.set(this.fragmentResultCacheContext.get().map(context -> context.updateRuntimeInformation(split.getConnectorSplit())));
Optional<Iterator<Page>> pages = fragmentResultCacheContext.get().get().getFragmentResultCacheManager().get(fragmentResultCacheContext.get().get().getHashedCanonicalPlanFragment(), split);
sourceOperator.getOperatorContext().getRuntimeStats().addMetricValue(pages.isPresent() ? RuntimeMetricName.FRAGMENT_RESULT_CACHE_HIT : RuntimeMetricName.FRAGMENT_RESULT_CACHE_MISS, 1);
Supplier<Optional<UpdatablePageSource>> pageSource = sourceOperator.addSplit(split);
deleteOperator.ifPresent(deleteOperator -> deleteOperator.setPageSource(pageSource));
// set no more splits
if (newSource.isNoMoreSplits()) {
currentTaskSource = newSource;
use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class ResultSetValues method extractValues.
int extractValues(ResultSet resultSet, Set<Integer> uuidColumns, Set<Integer> hexColumns) throws SQLException {
checkArgument(resultSet != null, "resultSet is null");
int completedBytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
Class<?> javaType = types.get(i).getJavaType();
if (javaType == boolean.class) {
booleans[i] = resultSet.getBoolean(i + 1);
nulls[i] = resultSet.wasNull();
if (!nulls[i]) {
completedBytes += SIZE_OF_BYTE;
} else if (javaType == long.class) {
longs[i] = resultSet.getLong(i + 1);
nulls[i] = resultSet.wasNull();
if (!nulls[i]) {
completedBytes += SIZE_OF_LONG;
} else if (javaType == double.class) {
doubles[i] = resultSet.getDouble(i + 1);
nulls[i] = resultSet.wasNull();
if (!nulls[i]) {
completedBytes += SIZE_OF_DOUBLE;
} else if (javaType == Slice.class) {
if (uuidColumns.contains(i)) {
byte[] bytes = resultSet.getBytes(i + 1);
nulls[i] = resultSet.wasNull();
strings[i] = nulls[i] ? null : uuidFromBytes(bytes).toString().toLowerCase(ENGLISH);
} else if (hexColumns.contains(i)) {
long value = resultSet.getLong(i + 1);
nulls[i] = resultSet.wasNull();
strings[i] = nulls[i] ? null : format("%016x", value);
} else {
String value = resultSet.getString(i + 1);
nulls[i] = resultSet.wasNull();
strings[i] = nulls[i] ? null : value;
if (!nulls[i]) {
completedBytes += strings[i].length();
} else {
throw new VerifyException("Unknown Java type: " + javaType);
return completedBytes;
use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class BucketBalancer method computeAssignmentChanges.
private static Multimap<String, BucketAssignment> computeAssignmentChanges(ClusterState clusterState) {
Multimap<String, BucketAssignment> sourceToAllocationChanges = HashMultimap.create();
Map<String, Long> allocationBytes = new HashMap<>(clusterState.getAssignedBytes());
Set<String> activeNodes = clusterState.getActiveNodes();
for (Distribution distribution : clusterState.getDistributionAssignments().keySet()) {
// number of buckets in this distribution assigned to a node
Multiset<String> allocationCounts = HashMultiset.create();
Collection<BucketAssignment> distributionAssignments = clusterState.getDistributionAssignments().get(distribution);;
int currentMin = allocationBytes.keySet().stream().mapToInt(allocationCounts::count).min().getAsInt();
int currentMax = allocationBytes.keySet().stream().mapToInt(allocationCounts::count).max().getAsInt();
int numBuckets = distributionAssignments.size();
int targetMin = (int) Math.floor((numBuckets * 1.0) / clusterState.getActiveNodes().size());
int targetMax = (int) Math.ceil((numBuckets * 1.0) / clusterState.getActiveNodes().size());"Distribution %s: Current bucket skew: min %s, max %s. Target bucket skew: min %s, max %s", distribution.getId(), currentMin, currentMax, targetMin, targetMax);
for (String source : ImmutableSet.copyOf(allocationCounts)) {
List<BucketAssignment> existingAssignments = -> assignment.getNodeIdentifier().equals(source)).collect(toList());
for (BucketAssignment existingAssignment : existingAssignments) {
if (activeNodes.contains(source) && allocationCounts.count(source) <= targetMin) {
// identify nodes with bucket counts lower than the computed target, and greedily select from this set based on projected disk utilization.
// greediness means that this may produce decidedly non-optimal results if one looks at the global distribution of buckets->nodes.
// also, this assumes that nodes in a cluster have identical storage capacity
String target = -> !candidate.equals(source) && allocationCounts.count(candidate) < targetMax).sorted(comparingInt(allocationCounts::count)).min(Comparator.comparingDouble(allocationBytes::get)).orElseThrow(() -> new VerifyException("unable to find target for rebalancing"));
long bucketSize = clusterState.getDistributionBucketSize().get(distribution);
// only move bucket if it reduces imbalance
if (activeNodes.contains(source) && (allocationCounts.count(source) == targetMax && allocationCounts.count(target) == targetMin)) {
allocationBytes.compute(source, (k, v) -> v - bucketSize);
allocationBytes.compute(target, (k, v) -> v + bucketSize);
sourceToAllocationChanges.put(existingAssignment.getNodeIdentifier(), new BucketAssignment(existingAssignment.getDistributionId(), existingAssignment.getBucketNumber(), target));
return sourceToAllocationChanges;
use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class ColumnRangesSystemTable method pageSource.
public ConnectorPageSource pageSource(ConnectorTransactionHandle transactionHandle, ConnectorSession session, TupleDomain<Integer> constraint) {
String metadataSqlQuery = getColumnRangesMetadataSqlQuery(sourceTable, indexedRaptorColumns);
List<Type> columnTypes = tableMetadata.getColumns().stream().map(ColumnMetadata::getType).collect(toImmutableList());
PageListBuilder pageListBuilder = new PageListBuilder(columnTypes);
try (Connection connection =;
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(metadataSqlQuery)) {
if ( {
for (int i = 0; i < columnTypes.size(); ++i) {
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = pageListBuilder.nextBlockBuilder();
Type columnType = columnTypes.get(i);
if (columnType.equals(BIGINT) || columnType.equals(DATE) || columnType.equals(TIMESTAMP)) {
long value = resultSet.getLong(i + 1);
if (!resultSet.wasNull()) {
columnType.writeLong(blockBuilder, value);
} else {
} else if (columnType.equals(BOOLEAN)) {
boolean value = resultSet.getBoolean(i + 1);
if (!resultSet.wasNull()) {
BOOLEAN.writeBoolean(blockBuilder, value);
} else {
} else {
throw new VerifyException("Unknown or unsupported column type: " + columnType);
} catch (SQLException | DBIException e) {
throw metadataError(e);
return new FixedPageSource(;