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Example 6 with ListMultimap

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class ProjectResourceRepositoryTest method testInvalidateIds.

// Ensure that we invalidate the id cache when the file is rescanned but ids don't change
// (this was broken)
public void testInvalidateIds() {
    // Like testOverlayUpdates1, but rather than testing changes to layout resources (file-based resource)
    // perform document edits in value-documents
    VirtualFile layoutFile = myFixture.copyFileToProject(LAYOUT, "res/layout/layout1.xml");
    VirtualFile res1 = myFixture.copyFileToProject(VALUES, "res/values/values.xml").getParent().getParent();
    VirtualFile res2 = myFixture.copyFileToProject(VALUES_OVERLAY1, "res2/values/values.xml").getParent().getParent();
    VirtualFile res3 = myFixture.copyFileToProject(VALUES_OVERLAY2, "res3/values/nameDoesNotMatter.xml").getParent().getParent();
    myFixture.copyFileToProject(VALUES_OVERLAY2_NO, "res3/values-no/values.xml");
    assertNotSame(res1, res2);
    assertNotSame(res1, res3);
    assertNotSame(res2, res3);
    // Just need an empty repository to make it a real module -set-; otherwise with a single
    // module we just get a module repository, not a module set repository
    LocalResourceRepository other = new LocalResourceRepository("unit test") {

        protected Map<ResourceType, ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem>> getMap() {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        protected ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> getMap(ResourceType type, boolean create) {
            return ArrayListMultimap.create();

        protected Set<VirtualFile> computeResourceDirs() {
            return ImmutableSet.of();
    ModuleResourceRepository module = ModuleResourceRepository.createForTest(myFacet, Arrays.asList(res1, res2, res3));
    final ProjectResourceRepository resources = ProjectResourceRepository.createForTest(myFacet, Arrays.asList(module, other));
    PsiFile layoutPsiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(getProject()).findFile(layoutFile);
    assertTrue(resources.hasResourceItem(ResourceType.ID, "btn_title_refresh"));
    final ResourceItem item = getFirstItem(resources, ResourceType.ID, "btn_title_refresh");
    final long generation = resources.getModificationCount();
    final PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(getProject());
    final Document document = documentManager.getDocument(layoutPsiFile);
    WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(null, () -> {
        String string = "<ImageView style=\"@style/TitleBarSeparator\" />";
        int offset = document.getText().indexOf(string);
        document.deleteString(offset, offset + string.length());
    ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
        assertTrue(generation < resources.getModificationCount());
        // Should still be defined:
        assertTrue(resources.hasResourceItem(ResourceType.ID, "btn_title_refresh"));
        ResourceItem newItem = getFirstItem(resources, ResourceType.ID, "btn_title_refresh");
        // However, should be a different item
        assertNotSame(item, newItem);
Also used : VirtualFile(com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile) ResourceType( Document(com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document) PsiFile(com.intellij.psi.PsiFile) ArrayListMultimap( ListMultimap( ResourceItem( PsiDocumentManager(com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager)

Example 7 with ListMultimap

use of in project hbase by apache.

the class AccessController method initialize.

void initialize(RegionCoprocessorEnvironment e) throws IOException {
    final Region region = e.getRegion();
    Configuration conf = e.getConfiguration();
    Map<byte[], ListMultimap<String, TablePermission>> tables = AccessControlLists.loadAll(region);
    // znode for that table.
    for (Map.Entry<byte[], ListMultimap<String, TablePermission>> t : tables.entrySet()) {
        byte[] entry = t.getKey();
        ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms = t.getValue();
        byte[] serialized = AccessControlLists.writePermissionsAsBytes(perms, conf);
        this.authManager.getZKPermissionWatcher().writeToZookeeper(entry, serialized);
    initialized = true;
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) CompoundConfiguration(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompoundConfiguration) Region(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.Region) ArrayListMultimap( ListMultimap( Map(java.util.Map) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 8 with ListMultimap

use of in project hbase by apache.

the class TestTablePermissions method testBasicWrite.

public void testBasicWrite() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration();
    try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) {
        // add some permissions
        addUserPermission(conf, new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes("george"), TEST_TABLE, null, (byte[]) null, UserPermission.Action.READ, UserPermission.Action.WRITE), connection.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME));
        addUserPermission(conf, new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes("hubert"), TEST_TABLE, null, (byte[]) null, UserPermission.Action.READ), connection.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME));
        addUserPermission(conf, new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes("humphrey"), TEST_TABLE, TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER, UserPermission.Action.READ), connection.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME));
    // retrieve the same
    ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms = AccessControlLists.getTablePermissions(conf, TEST_TABLE);
    List<TablePermission> userPerms = perms.get("george");
    assertNotNull("Should have permissions for george", userPerms);
    assertEquals("Should have 1 permission for george", 1, userPerms.size());
    TablePermission permission = userPerms.get(0);
    assertEquals("Permission should be for " + TEST_TABLE, TEST_TABLE, permission.getTableName());
    assertNull("Column family should be empty", permission.getFamily());
    // check actions
    assertEquals(2, permission.getActions().length);
    List<TablePermission.Action> actions = Arrays.asList(permission.getActions());
    userPerms = perms.get("hubert");
    assertNotNull("Should have permissions for hubert", userPerms);
    assertEquals("Should have 1 permission for hubert", 1, userPerms.size());
    permission = userPerms.get(0);
    assertEquals("Permission should be for " + TEST_TABLE, TEST_TABLE, permission.getTableName());
    assertNull("Column family should be empty", permission.getFamily());
    // check actions
    assertEquals(1, permission.getActions().length);
    actions = Arrays.asList(permission.getActions());
    userPerms = perms.get("humphrey");
    assertNotNull("Should have permissions for humphrey", userPerms);
    assertEquals("Should have 1 permission for humphrey", 1, userPerms.size());
    permission = userPerms.get(0);
    assertEquals("Permission should be for " + TEST_TABLE, TEST_TABLE, permission.getTableName());
    assertTrue("Permission should be for family " + TEST_FAMILY, Bytes.equals(TEST_FAMILY, permission.getFamily()));
    assertTrue("Permission should be for qualifier " + TEST_QUALIFIER, Bytes.equals(TEST_QUALIFIER, permission.getQualifier()));
    // check actions
    assertEquals(1, permission.getActions().length);
    actions = Arrays.asList(permission.getActions());
    // table 2 permissions
    try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
        Table table = connection.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
        AccessControlLists.addUserPermission(conf, new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes("hubert"), TEST_TABLE2, null, (byte[]) null, TablePermission.Action.READ, TablePermission.Action.WRITE), table);
    // check full load
    Map<byte[], ListMultimap<String, TablePermission>> allPerms = AccessControlLists.loadAll(conf);
    assertEquals("Full permission map should have entries for both test tables", 2, allPerms.size());
    userPerms = allPerms.get(TEST_TABLE.getName()).get("hubert");
    assertEquals(1, userPerms.size());
    permission = userPerms.get(0);
    assertEquals(TEST_TABLE, permission.getTableName());
    assertEquals(1, permission.getActions().length);
    assertEquals(TablePermission.Action.READ, permission.getActions()[0]);
    userPerms = allPerms.get(TEST_TABLE2.getName()).get("hubert");
    assertEquals(1, userPerms.size());
    permission = userPerms.get(0);
    assertEquals(TEST_TABLE2, permission.getTableName());
    assertEquals(2, permission.getActions().length);
    actions = Arrays.asList(permission.getActions());
Also used : Table(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table) Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) Connection(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection) ArrayListMultimap( ListMultimap( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with ListMultimap

use of in project guice by google.

the class SingletonScope method scope.

   * Provides singleton scope with the following properties: - creates no more than one instance per
   * Key as a creator is used no more than once, - result is cached and returned quickly on
   * subsequent calls, - exception in a creator is not treated as instance creation and is not
   * cached, - creates singletons in parallel whenever possible, - waits for dependent singletons to
   * be created even across threads and when dependencies are shared as long as no circular
   * dependencies are detected, - returns circular proxy only when circular dependencies are
   * detected, - aside from that, blocking synchronization is only used for proxy creation and
   * initialization,
   * @see CycleDetectingLockFactory
public <T> Provider<T> scope(final Key<T> key, final Provider<T> creator) {
     * Locking strategy: - volatile instance: double-checked locking for quick exit when scope is
     * initialized, - constructionContext: manipulations with proxies list or instance
     * initialization - creationLock: singleton instance creation, -- allows to guarantee only one
     * instance per singleton, -- special type of a lock, that prevents potential deadlocks, --
     * guards constructionContext for all operations except proxy creation
    return new Provider<T>() {

       * The lazily initialized singleton instance. Once set, this will either have type T or will
       * be equal to NULL. Would never be reset to null.
        volatile Object instance;

       * Circular proxies are used when potential deadlocks are detected. Guarded by itself.
       * ConstructionContext is not thread-safe, so each call should be synchronized.
        final ConstructionContext<T> constructionContext = new ConstructionContext<T>();

        /** For each binding there is a separate lock that we hold during object creation. */
        final CycleDetectingLock<Key<?>> creationLock = cycleDetectingLockFactory.create(key);

       * The singleton provider needs a reference back to the injector, in order to get ahold of
       * InternalContext during instantiation.
        final InjectorImpl /* @Nullable */

            // If we are getting called by Scoping
            if (creator instanceof ProviderToInternalFactoryAdapter) {
                injector = ((ProviderToInternalFactoryAdapter) creator).getInjector();
            } else {
                injector = null;

        public T get() {
            // cache volatile variable for the usual case of already initialized object
            final Object initialInstance = instance;
            if (initialInstance == null) {
                // instance is not initialized yet
                // first, store the current InternalContext in a map, so that if there is a circular
                // dependency error, we can use the InternalContext objects to create a complete
                // error message.
                // Handle injector being null, which can happen when users call Scoping.scope themselves
                final InternalContext context = injector == null ? null : injector.getLocalContext();
                // acquire lock for current binding to initialize an instance
                final ListMultimap<Thread, Key<?>> locksCycle = creationLock.lockOrDetectPotentialLocksCycle();
                if (locksCycle.isEmpty()) {
                    // this thread now owns creation of an instance
                    try {
                        // intentionally reread volatile variable to prevent double initialization
                        if (instance == null) {
                            // creator throwing an exception can cause circular proxies created in
                            // different thread to never be resolved, just a warning
                            T provided = creator.get();
                            Object providedNotNull = provided == null ? NULL : provided;
                            // scope called recursively can initialize instance as a side effect
                            if (instance == null) {
                                // detection within the same thread; they are not real instances to cache
                                if (Scopes.isCircularProxy(provided)) {
                                    return provided;
                                synchronized (constructionContext) {
                                    // guarantee thread-safety for instance and proxies initialization
                                    instance = providedNotNull;
                            } else {
                                // safety assert in case instance was initialized
                                Preconditions.checkState(instance == providedNotNull, "Singleton is called recursively returning different results");
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                        // this helps to prevent potential memory leaks in circular proxies list
                        synchronized (constructionContext) {
                        throw e;
                    } finally {
                        // always release our creation lock, even on failures
                } else {
                    if (context == null) {
                        throw new ProvisionException(ImmutableList.of(createCycleDependenciesMessage(locksCycle, null)));
                    // potential deadlock detected, creation lock is not taken by this thread
                    synchronized (constructionContext) {
                        // guarantee thread-safety for instance and proxies initialization
                        if (instance == null) {
                            // creating a proxy to satisfy circular dependency across several threads
                            Dependency<?> dependency = Preconditions.checkNotNull(context.getDependency(), "internalContext.getDependency()");
                            Class<?> rawType = dependency.getKey().getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
                            try {
                                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T proxy = (T) constructionContext.createProxy(new Errors(), context.getInjectorOptions(), rawType);
                                return proxy;
                            } catch (ErrorsException e) {
                                // best effort to create a rich error message
                                Message proxyCreationError = Iterables.getOnlyElement(e.getErrors().getMessages());
                                Message cycleDependenciesMessage = createCycleDependenciesMessage(locksCycle, proxyCreationError);
                                // adding stack trace generated by us in addition to a standard one
                                throw new ProvisionException(ImmutableList.of(cycleDependenciesMessage, proxyCreationError));
                // at this point we're sure that singleton was initialized,
                // reread volatile variable to catch all corner cases
                // caching volatile variable to minimize number of reads performed
                final Object initializedInstance = instance;
                Preconditions.checkState(initializedInstance != null, "Internal error: Singleton is not initialized contrary to our expectations");
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T initializedTypedInstance = (T) initializedInstance;
                return initializedInstance == NULL ? null : initializedTypedInstance;
            } else {
                // singleton is already initialized and local cache can be used
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T typedInitialIntance = (T) initialInstance;
                return initialInstance == NULL ? null : typedInitialIntance;

       * Helper method to create beautiful and rich error descriptions. Best effort and slow. Tries
       * its best to provide dependency information from injectors currently available in a global
       * internal context.
       * <p>The main thing being done is creating a list of Dependencies involved into lock cycle
       * across all the threads involved. This is a structure we're creating:
       * <pre>
       * { Current Thread, C.class, B.class, Other Thread, B.class, C.class, Current Thread }
       * To be inserted in the beginning by Guice: { A.class, B.class, C.class }
       * </pre>
       * When we're calling Guice to create A and it fails in the deadlock while trying to create C,
       * which is being created by another thread, which waits for B. List would be reversed before
       * printing it to the end user.
        private Message createCycleDependenciesMessage(ListMultimap<Thread, Key<?>> locksCycle, /* @Nullable */
        Message proxyCreationError) {
            // this is the main thing that we'll show in an error message,
            // current thread is populate by Guice
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb);
            fmt.format("Encountered circular dependency spanning several threads.");
            if (proxyCreationError != null) {
                fmt.format(" %s", proxyCreationError.getMessage());
            for (Thread lockedThread : locksCycle.keySet()) {
                List<Key<?>> lockedKeys = locksCycle.get(lockedThread);
                fmt.format("%s is holding locks the following singletons in the cycle:%n", lockedThread);
                for (Key<?> lockedKey : lockedKeys) {
                    fmt.format("%s%n", Errors.convert(lockedKey));
                for (StackTraceElement traceElement : lockedThread.getStackTrace()) {
                    fmt.format("\tat %s%n", traceElement);
            return new Message(Thread.currentThread(), sb.toString());

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("%s[%s]", creator, Scopes.SINGLETON);
Also used : Message( Formatter(java.util.Formatter) ProvisionException( Provider( ListMultimap( Key(

Example 10 with ListMultimap

use of in project MinecraftForge by MinecraftForge.

the class ForgeChunkManager method loadWorld.

static void loadWorld(World world) {
    ArrayListMultimap<String, Ticket> newTickets = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    tickets.put(world, newTickets);
    forcedChunks.put(world, ImmutableSetMultimap.<ChunkPos, Ticket>of());
    if (!(world instanceof WorldServer)) {
    if (dormantChunkCacheSize != 0) {
        // only put into cache if we're using dormant chunk caching
        dormantChunkCache.put(world, CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(dormantChunkCacheSize).<Long, Chunk>build());
    WorldServer worldServer = (WorldServer) world;
    File chunkDir = worldServer.getChunkSaveLocation();
    File chunkLoaderData = new File(chunkDir, "forcedchunks.dat");
    if (chunkLoaderData.exists() && chunkLoaderData.isFile()) {
        ArrayListMultimap<String, Ticket> loadedTickets = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        Map<String, ListMultimap<String, Ticket>> playerLoadedTickets = Maps.newHashMap();
        NBTTagCompound forcedChunkData;
        try {
            forcedChunkData =;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            FMLLog.log(Level.WARN, e, "Unable to read forced chunk data at %s - it will be ignored", chunkLoaderData.getAbsolutePath());
        NBTTagList ticketList = forcedChunkData.getTagList("TicketList", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
        for (int i = 0; i < ticketList.tagCount(); i++) {
            NBTTagCompound ticketHolder = ticketList.getCompoundTagAt(i);
            String modId = ticketHolder.getString("Owner");
            boolean isPlayer = ForgeVersion.MOD_ID.equals(modId);
            if (!isPlayer && !Loader.isModLoaded(modId)) {
                FMLLog.warning("Found chunkloading data for mod %s which is currently not available or active - it will be removed from the world save", modId);
            if (!isPlayer && !callbacks.containsKey(modId)) {
                FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has registered persistent chunkloading data but doesn't seem to want to be called back with it - it will be removed from the world save", modId);
            NBTTagList tickets = ticketHolder.getTagList("Tickets", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
            for (int j = 0; j < tickets.tagCount(); j++) {
                NBTTagCompound ticket = tickets.getCompoundTagAt(j);
                modId = ticket.hasKey("ModId") ? ticket.getString("ModId") : modId;
                Type type = Type.values()[ticket.getByte("Type")];
                //byte ticketChunkDepth = ticket.getByte("ChunkListDepth");
                Ticket tick = new Ticket(modId, type, world);
                if (ticket.hasKey("ModData")) {
                    tick.modData = ticket.getCompoundTag("ModData");
                if (ticket.hasKey("Player")) {
                    tick.player = ticket.getString("Player");
                    if (!playerLoadedTickets.containsKey(tick.modId)) {
                        playerLoadedTickets.put(modId, ArrayListMultimap.<String, Ticket>create());
                    playerLoadedTickets.get(tick.modId).put(tick.player, tick);
                } else {
                    loadedTickets.put(modId, tick);
                if (type == Type.ENTITY) {
                    tick.entityChunkX = ticket.getInteger("chunkX");
                    tick.entityChunkZ = ticket.getInteger("chunkZ");
                    UUID uuid = new UUID(ticket.getLong("PersistentIDMSB"), ticket.getLong("PersistentIDLSB"));
                    // add the ticket to the "pending entity" list
                    pendingEntities.put(uuid, tick);
        for (Ticket tick : ImmutableSet.copyOf(pendingEntities.values())) {
            if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && tick.entity == null) {
                // force the world to load the entity's chunk
                // the load will come back through the loadEntity method and attach the entity
                // to the ticket
                world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(tick.entityChunkX, tick.entityChunkZ);
        for (Ticket tick : ImmutableSet.copyOf(pendingEntities.values())) {
            if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && tick.entity == null) {
                FMLLog.warning("Failed to load persistent chunkloading entity %s from store.", pendingEntities.inverse().get(tick));
                loadedTickets.remove(tick.modId, tick);
        // send callbacks
        for (String modId : loadedTickets.keySet()) {
            LoadingCallback loadingCallback = callbacks.get(modId);
            if (loadingCallback == null) {
            int maxTicketLength = getMaxTicketLengthFor(modId);
            List<Ticket> tickets = loadedTickets.get(modId);
            if (loadingCallback instanceof OrderedLoadingCallback) {
                OrderedLoadingCallback orderedLoadingCallback = (OrderedLoadingCallback) loadingCallback;
                tickets = orderedLoadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(ImmutableList.copyOf(tickets), world, maxTicketLength);
            if (tickets.size() > maxTicketLength) {
                FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has too many open chunkloading tickets %d. Excess will be dropped", modId, tickets.size());
                tickets.subList(maxTicketLength, tickets.size()).clear();
  , tickets);
            loadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(ImmutableList.copyOf(tickets), world);
        for (String modId : playerLoadedTickets.keySet()) {
            LoadingCallback loadingCallback = callbacks.get(modId);
            if (loadingCallback == null) {
            ListMultimap<String, Ticket> tickets = playerLoadedTickets.get(modId);
            if (loadingCallback instanceof PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback) {
                PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback orderedLoadingCallback = (PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback) loadingCallback;
                tickets = orderedLoadingCallback.playerTicketsLoaded(ImmutableListMultimap.copyOf(tickets), world);
  , tickets.values());
            loadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(ImmutableList.copyOf(tickets.values()), world);
Also used : NBTTagCompound(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound) WorldServer( IOException( NBTTagList(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList) ArrayListMultimap( ListMultimap( ImmutableListMultimap( UUID(java.util.UUID) File(


ListMultimap ( ArrayListMultimap ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 List (java.util.List)4 ResourceItem ( ResourceType ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)3 Strings ( Lists ( Maps ( MultimapBuilder ( VirtualFile (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile)2 Collection (java.util.Collection)2 Collections (java.util.Collections)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Set (java.util.Set)2 Configuration (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)2