use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ASMDatumCodecTest method testMap.
public void testMap() throws IOException, UnsupportedTypeException {
TypeToken<Map<String, List<String>>> type = new TypeToken<Map<String, List<String>>>() {
PipedOutputStream os = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream(os);
DatumWriter<Map<String, List<String>>> writer = getWriter(type);
ImmutableMap<String, List<String>> map = ImmutableMap.<String, List<String>>of("k1", Lists.newArrayList("v1"), "k2", Lists.newArrayList("v2", null));
writer.encode(map, new BinaryEncoder(os));
ReflectionDatumReader<Map<String, List<String>>> reader = new ReflectionDatumReader<>(getSchema(type), type);
Assert.assertEquals(map, BinaryDecoder(is), getSchema(type)));
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ASMDatumCodecTest method testReferenceArray.
public void testReferenceArray() throws IOException, UnsupportedTypeException {
TypeToken<String[]> type = new TypeToken<String[]>() {
PipedOutputStream os = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream(os);
String[] writeValue = new String[] { "1", "2", null, "3" };
DatumWriter<String[]> writer = getWriter(type);
writer.encode(writeValue, new BinaryEncoder(os));
ReflectionDatumReader<String[]> reader = new ReflectionDatumReader<>(getSchema(type), type);
String[] value = BinaryDecoder(is), getSchema(type));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(writeValue, value);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ASMDatumCodecTest method testRecordArray.
public void testRecordArray() throws IOException, UnsupportedTypeException {
TypeToken<Record[][]> type = new TypeToken<Record[][]>() {
PipedOutputStream os = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream(os);
DatumWriter<Record[][]> writer = getWriter(type);
Record[][] writeValue = new Record[][] { { new Record(10, "testing", ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c"), TestEnum.VALUE2) } };
writer.encode(writeValue, new BinaryEncoder(os));
ReflectionDatumReader<Record[][]> reader = new ReflectionDatumReader<>(getSchema(type), type);
Record[][] value = BinaryDecoder(is), getSchema(type));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(writeValue, value);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ASMDatumCodecTest method testString.
public void testString() throws UnsupportedTypeException, IOException {
TypeToken<String> type = new TypeToken<String>() {
PipedOutputStream os = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream(os);
DatumWriter<String> writer = getWriter(type);
writer.encode("Testing message", new BinaryEncoder(os));
ReflectionDatumReader<String> reader = new ReflectionDatumReader<>(getSchema(type), type);
String value = BinaryDecoder(is), getSchema(type));
Assert.assertEquals("Testing message", value);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ASMDatumCodecTest method testRecord.
public void testRecord() throws IOException, UnsupportedTypeException {
TypeToken<Record> type = new TypeToken<Record>() {
PipedOutputStream os = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream(os);
DatumWriter<Record> writer = getWriter(type);
Record writeValue = new Record(10, "testing", ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c"), TestEnum.VALUE2);
writer.encode(writeValue, new BinaryEncoder(os));
ReflectionDatumReader<Record> reader = new ReflectionDatumReader<>(getSchema(type), type);
Record value = BinaryDecoder(is), getSchema(type));
Assert.assertEquals(writeValue, value);