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Example 51 with ThreadFactoryBuilder

use of in project stanbol by apache.

the class FstLinkingEngineComponent method applyConfig.

     * Called by {@link #activate(ComponentContext)}, 
     * {@link PlainFstLinkingComponnet#activate(ComponentContext)} and 
     * {@link NamedEntityFstLinkingComponnet#activate(ComponentContext)} to
     * apply the parsed {@link ComponentContext#getProperties()}. The
     * {@link LinkingModeEnum linking mode} is parsed separately as OSGI does not
     * allow to modify the parsed config and sup-classes do need to override
     * the linking mode.
     * @param linkingMode the linking mode
     * @param properties
     * @throws ConfigurationException
protected void applyConfig(LinkingModeEnum linkingMode, Dictionary<String, Object> properties, NamespacePrefixService prefixService) throws ConfigurationException {
    //(0) The name for the Enhancement Engine and the basic metadata
    Object value = properties.get(PROPERTY_NAME);
    if (value == null || value.toString().isEmpty()) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_NAME, "The EnhancementEngine name MUST BE configured!");
    } else {
        this.engineName = value.toString();
    }" - engine name: {}", engineName);
    engineMetadata = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
    engineMetadata.put(PROPERTY_NAME, this.engineName);
    value = properties.get(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING);
    engineMetadata.put(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, value == null ? Integer.valueOf(0) : value);
    //(0) set the linking mode
    this.linkingMode = linkingMode;" - linking mode: {}", linkingMode);
    //(1) parse the TextProcessing configuration
    //TODO: decide if we should use the TextProcessingConfig for this engine
    textProcessingConfig = TextProcessingConfig.createInstance(properties);
    //change default for EntityLinkerConfig.MIN_FOUND_TOKENS
    value = properties.get(EntityLinkerConfig.MIN_FOUND_TOKENS);
    entityLinkerConfig = EntityLinkerConfig.createInstance(properties, prefixService);
    if (value == null) {
        //no MIN_FOUND_TOKENS config present
        //manually set the default to the value used by this engine
    //(2) parse the configured IndexReference
    value = properties.get(SOLR_CORE);
    if (value == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(SOLR_CORE, "Missing required configuration of the SolrCore");
    } else {
        indexReference = IndexReference.parse(value.toString());
    value = properties.get(IndexConfiguration.FIELD_ENCODING);
    if (value == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(IndexConfiguration.FIELD_ENCODING, "Missing required configuration of the Solr Field Encoding");
    } else {
        try {
            fieldEncoding = FieldEncodingEnum.valueOf(value.toString().trim());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(IndexConfiguration.FIELD_ENCODING, "The configured " + "FieldEncoding MUST BE a member of " + Arrays.toString(FieldEncodingEnum.values()), e);
    value = properties.get(IndexConfiguration.SKIP_ALT_TOKENS);
    if (value instanceof Boolean) {
        skipAltTokensConfig = ((Boolean) value);
    } else if (value != null) {
        skipAltTokensConfig = Boolean.valueOf(value.toString());
    // else no config -> will use the default
    //(4) parse Origin information
    value = properties.get(ORIGIN);
    if (value instanceof RDFTerm) {
        origin = (RDFTerm) origin;
    } else if (value instanceof String) {
        try {
            URI originUri = new URI((String) value);
            if (originUri.isAbsolute()) {
                origin = new IRI((String) value);
            } else {
                origin = new PlainLiteralImpl((String) value);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            origin = new PlainLiteralImpl((String) value);
        }" - origin: {}", origin);
    } else if (value != null) {
        log.warn("Values of the {} property MUST BE of type RDFTerm or String " + "(parsed: {} (type:{}))", new Object[] { ORIGIN, value, value.getClass() });
    //else no ORIGIN information provided
    //(5) init the FST configuration
    //We can create the default configuration only here, as it depends on the
    //name of the solrIndex
    String defaultConfig = "*;" + IndexConfiguration.PARAM_FST + "=" + indexReference.getIndex() + ";" + IndexConfiguration.PARAM_FIELD + "=" + IndexConfiguration.DEFAULT_FIELD;
    fstConfig = new LanguageConfiguration(IndexConfiguration.FST_CONFIG, new String[] { defaultConfig });
    //now set the actual configuration parsed to the engine
    value = properties.get(IndexConfiguration.FST_CONFIG);
    if (value != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) {
    //else keep the default
    value = properties.get(IndexConfiguration.FST_FOLDER);
    if (value instanceof String) {
        this.fstFolder = ((String) value).trim();
        if (this.fstFolder.isEmpty()) {
            this.fstFolder = null;
    } else if (value == null) {
        this.fstFolder = null;
    } else {
        throw new ConfigurationException(IndexConfiguration.FST_FOLDER, "Values MUST BE of type String" + "(found: " + value.getClass().getName() + ")!");
    //(6) Create the ThreadPool used for the runtime creation of FST models
    value = properties.get(FST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE);
    int tpSize;
    if (value instanceof Number) {
        tpSize = ((Number) value).intValue();
    } else if (value != null) {
        try {
            tpSize = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(FST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, "Unable to parse the integer FST thread pool size from the " + "configured " + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + " '" + value + "'!", e);
    } else {
        tpSize = -1;
    if (tpSize <= 0) {
        //if configured value <= 0 we use the default
    //build a ThreadFactoryBuilder for low priority daemon threads that
    //do use a meaningful name
    ThreadFactoryBuilder tfBuilder = new ThreadFactoryBuilder();
    //should be stopped if the VM closes
    //low priority
    tfBuilder.setNameFormat(engineName + "-FstRuntimeCreation-thread-%d");
    if (fstCreatorService != null && !fstCreatorService.isTerminated()) {
        //NOTE: We can not call terminateNow, because to interrupt threads
        //      here would also close FileChannels used by the SolrCore
        //      and produce java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
        //      exceptions followed by java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
        //      on following calls to affected files of the SolrIndex.
        //Because of that we just log a warning and let uncompleted tasks
        log.warn("some items in a previouse FST Runtime Creation Threadpool have " + "still not finished!");
    fstCreatorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(tpSize,;
    //(7) Parse the EntityCache config
    int entityCacheSize;
    value = properties.get(ENTITY_CACHE_SIZE);
    if (value instanceof Number) {
        entityCacheSize = ((Number) value).intValue();
    } else if (value != null) {
        try {
            entityCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(ENTITY_CACHE_SIZE, "Unable to parse the integer EntityCacheSize from the " + "configured " + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + " '" + value + "'!", e);
    } else {
        entityCacheSize = -1;
    if (entityCacheSize == 0) {" ... EntityCache deactivated");
        this.entityCacheSize = entityCacheSize;
    } else {
        this.entityCacheSize = entityCacheSize < 0 ? DEFAULT_ENTITY_CACHE_SIZE : entityCacheSize;" ... EntityCache enabled (size: {})", this.entityCacheSize);
    //(8) parse the Entity type field
    value = properties.get(IndexConfiguration.SOLR_TYPE_FIELD);
    if (value == null || StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) {
        solrTypeField = null;
    } else {
        solrTypeField = value.toString().trim();
    //(9) parse the Entity Ranking field
    value = properties.get(IndexConfiguration.SOLR_RANKING_FIELD);
    if (value == null) {
        solrRankingField = null;
    } else {
        solrRankingField = value.toString().trim();
    //(10) parse the NamedEntity type mappings (if linkingMode = NER)
    if (linkingMode == LinkingModeEnum.NER) {
        nerTypeMappings = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
        value = properties.get(NAMED_ENTITY_TYPE_MAPPINGS);
        if (value instanceof String[]) {
            //support array
            value = Arrays.asList((String[]) value);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            //single value
            value = Collections.singleton(value);
        if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {
            //and collection
  " - process Named Entity Type Mappings (used by LinkingMode: {})", linkingMode);
            configs: for (Object o : (Iterable<?>) value) {
                if (o != null) {
                    StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder("useage: ");
                    usage.append("'{namedEntity-tag-or-uri} > {entityType-1}[,{entityType-n}]'");
                    String[] config = o.toString().split(">");
                    String namedEntityType = config[0].trim();
                    if (namedEntityType.isEmpty()) {
                        log.warn("Invalid Type Mapping Config '{}': Missing namedEntityType ({}) -> ignore this config", o, usage);
                        continue configs;
                    if (NamespaceMappingUtils.getPrefix(namedEntityType) != null) {
                        namedEntityType = NamespaceMappingUtils.getConfiguredUri(prefixService, NAMED_ENTITY_TYPE_MAPPINGS, namedEntityType);
                    if (config.length < 2 || config[1].isEmpty()) {
                        log.warn("Invalid Type Mapping Config '{}': Missing dc:type URI '{}' ({}) -> ignore this config", o, usage);
                        continue configs;
                    String entityTypes = config[1].trim();
                    if (config.length > 2) {
                        log.warn("Configuration after 2nd '>' gets ignored. Will use mapping '{} > {}' from config {}", new Object[] { namedEntityType, entityTypes, o });
                    Set<String> types = nerTypeMappings.get(namedEntityType);
                    if (types == null) {
                        //add new element to the mapping
                        types = new HashSet<String>();
                        nerTypeMappings.put(namedEntityType, types);
                    for (String entityType : entityTypes.split(";")) {
                        entityType = entityType.trim();
                        if (!entityType.isEmpty()) {
                            String typeUri;
                            if ("*".equals(entityType)) {
                                //null is used as wildcard
                                typeUri = null;
                            } else {
                                typeUri = NamespaceMappingUtils.getConfiguredUri(prefixService, NAMED_ENTITY_TYPE_MAPPINGS, entityType);
                  "   - add {} > {}", namedEntityType, typeUri);
                    //else ignore empty mapping
        } else {
            //no mappings defined ... set wildcard mapping
  " - No Named Entity type mappings configured. Will use wildcard mappings");
            nerTypeMappings = Collections.singletonMap(null, Collections.<String>singleton(null));
    //(11) start tracking the SolrCore
    try {
        solrServerTracker = new RegisteredSolrServerTracker(bundleContext, indexReference, null) {

            public void removedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service) {
      " ... SolrCore for {} was removed!", reference);
                //try to get an other serviceReference from the tracker
                if (reference.equals(FstLinkingEngineComponent.this.solrServerReference)) {
                    updateEngineRegistration(solrServerTracker.getServiceReference(), null);
                } else {
          "  - removed SolrCore was not used for FST linking");
                super.removedService(reference, service);

            public void modifiedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service) {
      " ... SolrCore for {} was updated!", indexReference);
                updateEngineRegistration(solrServerTracker.getServiceReference(), null);
                super.modifiedService(reference, service);

            public SolrServer addingService(ServiceReference reference) {
                SolrServer server = super.addingService(reference);
                if (solrCore != null) {
          "Multiple SolrCores for name {}! Will update engine " + "with the newly added {}!", new Object[] { solrCore.getName(), indexReference, reference });
                updateEngineRegistration(reference, server);
                return server;
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(SOLR_CORE, "parsed SolrCore name '" + value.toString() + "' is invalid (expected: '[{server-name}:]{indexname}'");
    try {;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        //FIX for STANBOL-1416 (see
        //If an available SolrCore can not be correctly initialized we will
        //get the exception here. In this case we want this component to be
        //activated and waiting for further service events. Because of that
        //we catch here the exception.
        log.debug("Error while processing existing SolrCore Service during " + "opening SolrServiceTracker ... waiting for further service" + "Events", e);
Also used : IRI(org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) URISyntaxException( URI( EmbeddedSolrServer(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.EmbeddedSolrServer) SolrServer(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer) ConfigurationException( ThreadFactoryBuilder( InvalidSyntaxException(org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) RegisteredSolrServerTracker(org.apache.stanbol.commons.solr.RegisteredSolrServerTracker) PlainLiteralImpl(org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.impl.utils.PlainLiteralImpl) RDFTerm(org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.RDFTerm) ServiceReference(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference) Collection(java.util.Collection) LanguageConfiguration(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.utils.LanguageConfiguration)

Example 52 with ThreadFactoryBuilder

use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.

the class SeedNodeMain method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("SeedNodeMain").setDaemon(true).build();
    // We don't want to do the full argument parsing here as that might easily change in update versions
    // So we only handle the absolute minimum which is APP_NAME, APP_DATA_DIR_KEY and USER_DATA_DIR
    OptionParser parser = new OptionParser();
    parser.accepts(AppOptionKeys.USER_DATA_DIR_KEY, description("User data directory", DEFAULT_USER_DATA_DIR)).withRequiredArg();
    parser.accepts(AppOptionKeys.APP_NAME_KEY, description("Application name", DEFAULT_APP_NAME)).withRequiredArg();
    OptionSet options;
    try {
        options = parser.parse(args);
    } catch (OptionException ex) {
        System.out.println("error: " + ex.getMessage());
    BitsquareEnvironment bitsquareEnvironment = new BitsquareEnvironment(options);
    // need to call that before BitsquareAppMain().execute(args)
    // For some reason the JavaFX launch process results in us losing the thread context class loader: reset it.
    // In order to work around a bug in JavaFX 8u25 and below, you must include the following code as the first line of your realMain method:
    new SeedNodeMain().execute(args);
Also used : ThreadFactory(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory) ThreadFactoryBuilder( OptionException(joptsimple.OptionException) BitsquareEnvironment( OptionSet(joptsimple.OptionSet) OptionParser(joptsimple.OptionParser)

Example 53 with ThreadFactoryBuilder

use of in project stanbol by apache.

the class EntityhubDereferenceEngine method activate.

protected void activate(ComponentContext ctx) throws ConfigurationException {
    Dictionary<String, Object> properties = ctx.getProperties();
    bundleContext = ctx.getBundleContext();"> activate {}", getClass().getSimpleName());
    //get the metadata later set to the enhancement engine
    DereferenceEngineConfig engineConfig = new DereferenceEngineConfig(properties, prefixService);
    log.debug(" - engineName: {}", engineConfig.getEngineName());
    //parse the Entityhub Site used for dereferencing
    Object value = properties.get(SITE_ID);
    //init the EntitySource
    if (value == null) {
        //all referenced sites
        siteName = "*";
    } else {
        siteName = value.toString();
    if (siteName.isEmpty()) {
        siteName = "*";
    log.debug(" - siteName: {}", siteName);
    final boolean sharedPoolState;
    value = properties.get(SHARED_THREAD_POOL_STATE);
    if (value instanceof Boolean) {
        sharedPoolState = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
    } else if (value != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) {
        sharedPoolState = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
    } else {
    final ExecutorServiceProvider esProvider;
    log.debug(" - shared thread pool state: {}", sharedPoolState);
    if (sharedPoolState) {
        esProvider = new SharedExecutorServiceProvider(ctx.getBundleContext());
    } else {
        //we need to create our own ExecutorService
        value = properties.get(THREAD_POOL_SIZE);
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            this.threadPoolSize = ((Number) value).intValue();
        } else if (value != null) {
            try {
                this.threadPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(THREAD_POOL_SIZE, "Value '" + value + "'(type: " + value.getClass().getName() + ") can not be parsed " + "as Integer");
        } else {
            this.threadPoolSize = DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
        if (threadPoolSize > 0) {
            String namePattern = getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + engineConfig.getEngineName() + "-thread-%s";
            ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(namePattern).setDaemon(true).build();
            log.debug(" - create Threadpool(namePattern='{}' | size='{}')", namePattern, threadPoolSize);
            executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadPoolSize, threadFactory);
        } else {
            log.debug(" - no thread pool configured (poolSize: {})", threadPoolSize);
            executorService = null;
        esProvider = new StaticExecutorServiceProvider(executorService);
    //init the tracking entity searcher
    trackedServiceCount = 0;
    if (Entityhub.ENTITYHUB_IDS.contains(siteName.toLowerCase())) {"  ... init Entityhub dereferencer");
        entityDereferencer = new EntityhubDereferencer(bundleContext, this, esProvider);
    } else if (siteName.equals("*")) {"  ... init dereferencer for all referenced sites");
        entityDereferencer = new SitesDereferencer(bundleContext, this, esProvider);
    } else {" ... init dereferencer for referenced site {}", siteName);
        entityDereferencer = new SiteDereferencer(bundleContext, siteName, this, esProvider);
    //set the namespace prefix service to the dereferencer
    //now parse dereference field config
    entityDereferenceEngine = new EntityDereferenceEngine(entityDereferencer, engineConfig, new //we want to use our own DereferenceContext impl
    DereferenceContextFactory() {

        public DereferenceContext createContext(EntityDereferenceEngine engine, Map<String, Object> enhancementProperties) throws DereferenceConfigurationException {
            return new EntityhubDereferenceContext(engine, enhancementProperties);
    //NOTE: registration of this instance as OSGI service is done as soon as the
    //      entityhub service backing the entityDereferencer is available.
    //finally start tracking;
Also used : ThreadFactory(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory) DereferenceContextFactory(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference.DereferenceContextFactory) DereferenceEngineConfig(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference.DereferenceEngineConfig) SharedExecutorServiceProvider(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference.entityhub.shared.SharedExecutorServiceProvider) EntityDereferenceEngine(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference.EntityDereferenceEngine) SharedExecutorServiceProvider(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference.entityhub.shared.SharedExecutorServiceProvider) ConfigurationException( DereferenceConfigurationException(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference.DereferenceConfigurationException) ThreadFactoryBuilder( Map(java.util.Map) Activate(org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate)

Example 54 with ThreadFactoryBuilder

use of in project GeoGig by boundlessgeo.

the class DataStoreConcurrencyTest method beforeTest.

public void beforeTest() throws Exception {
    File workingDirectory = tmp.newFolder("repo");
    File userHomeDirectory = tmp.newFolder("home");
    TestPlatform platform = new TestPlatform(workingDirectory);
    Context injector = new CLITestContextBuilder(platform).build();
    GeoGIG geogig = new GeoGIG(injector);
    store = new GeoGigDataStore(geogig);
    editThreads = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(writeThreadCount, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("edit-thread-%d").build());
    readThreads = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(readThreadCount, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("read-thread-%d").build());
    initialCommitCount = copyOf(store.getGeogig().command(LogOp.class).call()).size();
Also used : Context(org.locationtech.geogig.api.Context) InitOp(org.locationtech.geogig.api.porcelain.InitOp) TestPlatform(org.locationtech.geogig.api.TestPlatform) ThreadFactoryBuilder( GeoGigDataStore( File( CLITestContextBuilder(org.locationtech.geogig.cli.test.functional.general.CLITestContextBuilder) GeoGIG(org.locationtech.geogig.api.GeoGIG) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 55 with ThreadFactoryBuilder

use of in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class StressCommand method doExecute.

protected Void doExecute() {
    // Apply sane lower bounds to all of the configurable options
    intervalInSeconds = Math.max(1, intervalInSeconds);
    numberOfNodes = Math.max(1, numberOfNodes);
    numberOfInterfacesPerNode = Math.max(1, numberOfInterfacesPerNode);
    numberOfGroupsPerInterface = Math.max(1, numberOfGroupsPerInterface);
    numberOfNumericAttributesPerGroup = Math.max(0, numberOfNumericAttributesPerGroup);
    numberOfStringAttributesPerGroup = Math.max(0, numberOfStringAttributesPerGroup);
    reportIntervalInSeconds = Math.max(1, reportIntervalInSeconds);
    numberOfGeneratorThreads = Math.max(1, numberOfGeneratorThreads);
    stringVariationFactor = Math.max(0, stringVariationFactor);
    if (stringVariationFactor > 0) {
        stringAttributesVaried = metrics.meter("string-attributes-varied");
    // Display the effective settings and rates
    double attributesPerSecond = (1 / (double) intervalInSeconds) * numberOfGroupsPerInterface * numberOfInterfacesPerNode * numberOfNodes;
    System.out.printf("Generating collection sets every %d seconds\n", intervalInSeconds);
    System.out.printf("\t for %d nodes\n", numberOfNodes);
    System.out.printf("\t with %d interfaces\n", numberOfInterfacesPerNode);
    System.out.printf("\t with %d attribute groups\n", numberOfGroupsPerInterface);
    System.out.printf("\t with %d numeric attributes\n", numberOfNumericAttributesPerGroup);
    System.out.printf("\t with %d string attributes\n", numberOfStringAttributesPerGroup);
    System.out.printf("Across %d threads\n", numberOfGeneratorThreads);
    if (stringVariationFactor > 0) {
        System.out.printf("With string variation factor %d\n", stringVariationFactor);
    System.out.printf("Which will yield an effective\n");
    System.out.printf("\t %.2f numeric attributes per second\n", numberOfNumericAttributesPerGroup * attributesPerSecond);
    System.out.printf("\t %.2f string attributes per second\n", numberOfStringAttributesPerGroup * attributesPerSecond);
    ConsoleReporter reporter = ConsoleReporter.forRegistry(metrics).convertRatesTo(TimeUnit.SECONDS).convertDurationsTo(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build();
    // Setup the executor
    ThreadFactory threadFactoy = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Metrics Stress Tool Generator #%d").build();
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfGeneratorThreads, threadFactoy);
    // Setup auxiliary objects needed by the persister
    ServiceParameters params = new ServiceParameters(Collections.emptyMap());
    RrdRepository repository = new RrdRepository();
    repository.setStep(Math.max(intervalInSeconds, 1));
    repository.setHeartBeat(repository.getStep() * 2);
    if (rras != null && rras.size() > 0) {
    } else {
        repository.setRraList(Lists.newArrayList(// Use the default list of RRAs we provide in our stock configuration files
        "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2016", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:1488", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:366", "RRA:MAX:0.5:288:366", "RRA:MIN:0.5:288:366"));
    repository.setRrdBaseDir(Paths.get(System.getProperty("opennms.home"), "share", "rrd", "snmp").toFile());
    // Calculate how we fast we should insert the collection sets
    int sleepTimeInMillisBetweenNodes = 0;
    int sleepTimeInSecondsBetweenIterations = 0;
    System.out.printf("Sleeping for\n");
    if (burst) {
        sleepTimeInSecondsBetweenIterations = intervalInSeconds;
        System.out.printf("\t %d seconds between batches\n", sleepTimeInSecondsBetweenIterations);
    } else {
        // We want to "stream" the collection sets
        sleepTimeInMillisBetweenNodes = Math.round((((float) intervalInSeconds * 1000) / numberOfNodes) * numberOfGeneratorThreads);
        System.out.printf("\t %d milliseconds between nodes\n", sleepTimeInMillisBetweenNodes);
    // Start generating, and keep generating until we're interrupted
    try {
        reporter.start(reportIntervalInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        while (true) {
            final Context context = batchTimer.time();
            try {
                // Split the tasks up among the threads
                List<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int generatorThreadId = 0; generatorThreadId < numberOfGeneratorThreads; generatorThreadId++) {
                    futures.add(executor.submit(generateAndPersistCollectionSets(params, repository, generatorThreadId, sleepTimeInMillisBetweenNodes)));
                // Wait for all the tasks to complete before starting others
                for (Future<Void> future : futures) {
            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            } finally {
            try {
                Thread.sleep(sleepTimeInSecondsBetweenIterations * 1000);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } finally {
    return null;
Also used : Context(com.codahale.metrics.Timer.Context) ThreadFactory(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory) ConsoleReporter(com.codahale.metrics.ConsoleReporter) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RrdRepository(org.opennms.netmgt.rrd.RrdRepository) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) ThreadFactoryBuilder( Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) ServiceParameters(org.opennms.netmgt.collection.api.ServiceParameters) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)


ThreadFactoryBuilder ( ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)49 ThreadFactory (java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory)46 IOException ( Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)19 ThreadPoolExecutor (java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor)19 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Callable (java.util.concurrent.Callable)12 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)12 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)11 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)10 Map (java.util.Map)10 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)9 ScheduledExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService)9 Test (org.junit.Test)9 LinkedBlockingQueue (java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue)8 Before (org.junit.Before)8