Search in sources :

Example 21 with OptionsBuilder

use of in project copybara by google.

the class VerifyMatchTest method setup.

public void setup() throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = Jimfs.newFileSystem();
    checkoutDir = fs.getPath("/");
    console = new TestingConsole();
    options = new OptionsBuilder().setConsole(console);
    skylark = new SkylarkTestExecutor(options, Core.class);
Also used : TestingConsole( FileSystem(java.nio.file.FileSystem) OptionsBuilder( SkylarkTestExecutor( Core( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 22 with OptionsBuilder

use of in project copybara by google.

the class MetadataModuleTest method setup.

public void setup() throws Exception {
    options = new OptionsBuilder();
    authoring = "authoring.overwrite('" + DEFAULT_AUTHOR + "')";
    workdir = Files.createTempDirectory("workdir");
    origin = new DummyOrigin().setAuthor(ORIGINAL_AUTHOR);
    destination = new RecordsProcessCallDestination();
    options.setConsole(new TestingConsole());
    options.testingOptions.origin = origin;
    options.testingOptions.destination = destination;
    skylark = new SkylarkParser(ImmutableSet.of(Core.class, Authoring.Module.class, TestingModule.class, MetadataModule.class));
    skylarkExecutor = new SkylarkTestExecutor(options, MetadataModule.class);
    origin.addSimpleChange(0, "first commit\n\nExtended text").setAuthor(FOO_BAR).addSimpleChange(1, "second commit\n\nExtended text").setAuthor(FOO_BAZ).addSimpleChange(2, "third commit\n\nExtended text");
    // We don't care about already migrated code
    testingConsole = new TestingConsole();
Also used : RecordsProcessCallDestination( SkylarkParser( Authoring( DummyOrigin( TestingConsole( OptionsBuilder( SkylarkTestExecutor( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 23 with OptionsBuilder

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitMirrorTest method setup.

public void setup() throws Exception {
    workdir = Files.createTempDirectory("workdir");
    options = new OptionsBuilder().setEnvironment(GitTestUtil.getGitEnv()).setOutputRootToTmpDir().setWorkdirToRealTempDir().setConsole(new TestingConsole());
    originRepo = newBareRepo(Files.createTempDirectory("gitdir"), getGitEnv(), /*verbose=*/
    destRepo = bareRepo(Files.createTempDirectory("destinationFolder"));
    skylark = new SkylarkTestExecutor(options, GitModule.class);
    Files.write(originRepo.getWorkTree().resolve("test.txt"), "some content".getBytes());
    originRepo.simpleCommand("commit", "-m", "first file");
    originRepo.simpleCommand("branch", "other");
Also used : TestingConsole( OptionsBuilder( SkylarkTestExecutor( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 24 with OptionsBuilder

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GithubPrOriginTest method setup.

public void setup() throws Exception {
    repoGitDir = Files.createTempDirectory("GithubPrDestinationTest-repoGitDir");
    workdir = Files.createTempDirectory("workdir");
    localHub = Files.createTempDirectory("localHub");
    git("init", "--bare", repoGitDir.toString());
    console = new TestingConsole();
    options = new OptionsBuilder().setConsole(console).setOutputRootToTmpDir();
    options.git = new TestGitOptions(localHub, () -> this.options.general, new Validator() {

        public void validateFetch(String url, boolean prune, boolean force, Iterable<String> refspecs) {
            for (String refspec : refspecs) {
                // WARNING! This check is important. While using short names like
                // 'master' in git fetch works for local git invocations, other
                // implementations of GitRepository might have problems if we don't
                // pass the whole reference.
    options.github = new GithubOptions(() -> options.general, options.git) {

        public GithubApi getApi(String project) throws RepoException {
            return super.getApi(project);

        protected HttpTransport getHttpTransport() {
            return gitApiMockHttpTransport;
    Path credentialsFile = Files.createTempFile("credentials", "test");
    Files.write(credentialsFile, "".getBytes(UTF_8));
    options.git.credentialHelperStorePath = credentialsFile.toString();
    skylark = new SkylarkTestExecutor(options, GitModule.class);
    skylarkParser = new SkylarkParser(ImmutableSet.of(Core.class, Authoring.Module.class, FolderModule.class, GitModule.class));
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) SkylarkParser( TestGitOptions( GithubApi( RepoException( OptionsBuilder( SkylarkTestExecutor( HttpTransport( GitApiMockHttpTransport( Authoring( TestingConsole( Validator( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 25 with OptionsBuilder

use of in project copybara by google.

the class ExamplesTest method testExamples.

public void testExamples() throws ValidationException {
    SkylarkTestExecutor executor = new SkylarkTestExecutor(new OptionsBuilder(), Iterables.toArray(getUserModules(), Class.class));
    boolean anyFound = false;
    for (Class<?> module : executor.getModules()) {
        for (Field field : module.getDeclaredFields()) {
            Examples examples = field.getAnnotation(Examples.class);
            ImmutableList<Example> samples;
            if (examples == null) {
                Example singleSample = field.getAnnotation(Example.class);
                if (singleSample != null) {
                    samples = ImmutableList.of(singleSample);
                } else {
            } else {
                samples = ImmutableList.copyOf(examples.value());
            for (Example example : samples) {
                anyFound = true;
                Object val = null;
                String exampleRef = module.getName() + "#" + field.getName() + ": " + example.title();
                try {
                    val = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(example.testExistingVariable()) ? executor.eval("a", "a=" + example.code()) : executor.eval(example.testExistingVariable(), example.code());
                } catch (ValidationException e) {
                    throw new ValidationException(e, "'%s' contains errors.", exampleRef);
    assertWithMessage("Could not find any example to run!").that(anyFound).isTrue();
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ValidationException( Example( SkylarkTestExecutor( OptionsBuilder( Examples( Test(org.junit.Test)


OptionsBuilder ( Before (org.junit.Before)33 TestingConsole ( SkylarkTestExecutor ( FileSystem (java.nio.file.FileSystem)7 Core ( SkylarkParser ( DummyOrigin ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)5 Authoring ( RepoException ( RecordsProcessCallDestination ( TestGitOptions ( HttpTransport ( GitApiMockHttpTransport ( MockLowLevelHttpRequest ( GeneralOptions ( GithubApi ( TestingEventMonitor ( IOException (