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the class StreamingAeadFactoryTest method testBasicAesCtrHmacStreamingAead.
public void testBasicAesCtrHmacStreamingAead() throws Exception {
byte[] keyValue = Random.randBytes(AES_KEY_SIZE);
int derivedKeySize = AES_KEY_SIZE;
int ciphertextSegmentSize = 128;
KeysetHandle keysetHandle = TestUtil.createKeysetHandle(TestUtil.createKeyset(TestUtil.createKey(TestUtil.createAesCtrHmacStreamingKeyData(keyValue, derivedKeySize, ciphertextSegmentSize), 42, KeyStatusType.ENABLED, OutputPrefixType.RAW)));
StreamingAead streamingAead = StreamingAeadFactory.getPrimitive(keysetHandle);
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the class PublicKeyVerifyCli method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 4) {
System.out.println("Usage: PublicKeyVerifyCli keyset-file signature-file message-file output-file");
String keysetFilename = args[0];
String signatureFilename = args[1];
String messageFilename = args[2];
String outputFilename = args[3];
System.out.println("Using keyset from file " + keysetFilename + " to verify signature from file " + signatureFilename + " of the message from file " + messageFilename + ".");
System.out.println("The verification result will be written to file " + outputFilename);
// Init Tink.
// Read the keyset.
System.out.println("Reading the keyset...");
KeysetHandle keysetHandle = CliUtil.readKeyset(keysetFilename);
// Get the primitive.
System.out.println("Getting the primitive...");
PublicKeyVerify pkVerify = PublicKeyVerifyFactory.getPrimitive(keysetHandle);
// Read the signature.
byte[] signature =;
// Read the message.
byte[] message =;
// Verify the signature.
String verificationResult;
try {
pkVerify.verify(signature, message);
verificationResult = "valid";
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
System.out.println("Verification failed: " + e);
verificationResult = "invalid";
// Write the verification result to the output file.
CliUtil.write(verificationResult.getBytes(CliUtil.UTF_8), outputFilename);
System.out.println("All done.");
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the class ConvertKeysetCommand method convert.
* Changes format, encrypts or decrypts a keyset.
* <p>The keyset is read from {@code inputStream}. Its format can be either <code>json</code>
* or <code>binary</code>, and is specified by {@code inFormat}. The new key is generated
* from template {@code keyTemplate}. If the input keyset is encrypted, use
* {@code masterKeyUri} and {@code credentialPath} to decrypt. The output keyset
* is written to {@code outputStream} in {@code outFormat}, and encrypted if the
* input keyset is encrypted.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException if cannot encrypt/decrypt the keyset
* @throws IOException if cannot read/write the keyset
public static void convert(OutputStream outputStream, String outFormat, InputStream inputStream, String inFormat, String masterKeyUri, String credentialPath, String newMasterKeyUri, String newCredentialPath) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
KeysetHandle handle = TinkeyUtil.getKeysetHandle(inputStream, inFormat, masterKeyUri, credentialPath);
TinkeyUtil.writeKeyset(handle, outputStream, outFormat, newMasterKeyUri, newCredentialPath);
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the class CreatePublicKeysetCommand method create.
* Extracts public keys from {@code inputStream} (using {@code credentialPath} and
* {@code masterKeyUri} to decrypt if it is encrypted) and writes public keys to
* {@code outputStream}.
public static void create(OutputStream outputStream, String outFormat, InputStream inputStream, String inFormat, String masterKeyUri, String credentialPath) throws Exception {
KeysetHandle handle = TinkeyUtil.getKeysetHandle(inputStream, inFormat, masterKeyUri, credentialPath);
KeysetWriter writer = TinkeyUtil.createKeysetWriter(outputStream, outFormat);
CleartextKeysetHandle.write(handle.getPublicKeysetHandle(), writer);
use of in project tink by google.
the class AesEaxKeyManagerTest method testCiphertextSize.
public void testCiphertextSize() throws Exception {
byte[] keyValue = Random.randBytes(AES_KEY_SIZE);
KeysetHandle keysetHandle = TestUtil.createKeysetHandle(TestUtil.createKeyset(TestUtil.createKey(TestUtil.createAesEaxKeyData(keyValue, 16), 42, KeyStatusType.ENABLED, OutputPrefixType.TINK)));
Aead aead = AeadFactory.getPrimitive(keysetHandle);
byte[] plaintext = "plaintext".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] associatedData = "associatedData".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] ciphertext = aead.encrypt(plaintext, associatedData);
assertEquals(CryptoFormat.NON_RAW_PREFIX_SIZE + 16 + /* IV_SIZE */
plaintext.length + 16, /* TAG_SIZE */