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Example 6 with BlazeRuntime

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class CoverageCommand method setDefaultInstrumentationFilter.

   * Method implements a heuristic used to set default value of the
   * --instrumentation_filter option. Following algorithm is used:
   * 1) Identify all test targets on the command line.
   * 2) Expand all test suites into the individual test targets
   * 3) Calculate list of package names containing all test targets above.
   * 4) Replace all "javatests/" substrings in package names with "java/".
   * 5) If two packages reside in the same directory, use filter based on
   *    the parent directory name instead. Doing so significantly simplifies
   *    instrumentation filter in majority of real-life scenarios (in
   *    particular when dealing with my/package/... wildcards).
   * 6) Set --instrumentation_filter default value to instrument everything
   *    in those packages.
private void setDefaultInstrumentationFilter(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsParser optionsProvider) throws OptionsParsingException, AbruptExitException {
    try {
        BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
        // Initialize package cache, since it is used by the TargetPatternEvaluator.
        // TODO(bazel-team): Don't allow commands to setup the package cache more than once per build.
        // We'll have to move it earlier in the process to allow this. Possibly: Move it to
        // the command dispatcher and allow commands to annotate "need-packages".
        env.setupPackageCache(optionsProvider, runtime.getDefaultsPackageContent(optionsProvider));
        // Collect all possible test targets. We don't really care whether there will be parsing
        // errors here - they will be reported during actual build.
        TargetPatternEvaluator targetPatternEvaluator = env.newTargetPatternEvaluator();
        Set<Target> testTargets = targetPatternEvaluator.parseTargetPatternList(env.getReporter(), optionsProvider.getResidue(), FilteringPolicies.FILTER_TESTS, /*keep_going=*/
        SortedSet<String> packageFilters = Sets.newTreeSet();
        collectInstrumentedPackages(env, testTargets, packageFilters);
        String instrumentationFilter = "//" + Joiner.on(",//").join(packageFilters);
        final String instrumentationFilterOptionName = "instrumentation_filter";
        if (!packageFilters.isEmpty()) {
            env.getReporter().handle("Using default value for --instrumentation_filter: \"" + instrumentationFilter + "\"."));
            env.getReporter().handle("Override the above default with --" + instrumentationFilterOptionName));
            optionsProvider.parse(OptionPriority.COMPUTED_DEFAULT, "Instrumentation filter heuristic", ImmutableList.of("--" + instrumentationFilterOptionName + "=" + instrumentationFilter));
    } catch (TargetParsingException e) {
    // We can't compute heuristic - just use default filter.
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // We cannot quit now because AbstractCommand does not have the
        // infrastructure to do that. Just set a flag and return from exec() as
        // early as possible. We can do this because there is always an exec()
        // after an editOptions().
        wasInterrupted = true;
Also used : TargetPatternEvaluator( Target( TargetParsingException( BlazeRuntime(

Example 7 with BlazeRuntime

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class DumpCommand method exec.

public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) {
    BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
    DumpOptions dumpOptions = options.getOptions(DumpOptions.class);
    boolean anyOutput = dumpOptions.dumpPackages || dumpOptions.dumpVfs || dumpOptions.dumpActionCache || dumpOptions.dumpRuleClasses || (dumpOptions.dumpSkyframe != SkyframeDumpOption.OFF);
    if (!anyOutput) {
        Map<String, String> categories = new HashMap<>();
        categories.put("verbosity", "Options that control what internal state is dumped");
        Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> optionList = new ArrayList<>();
        env.getReporter().getOutErr().printErrLn(BlazeCommandUtils.expandHelpTopic(getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class).name(), getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class).help(), getClass(), optionList, categories, OptionsParser.HelpVerbosity.LONG, runtime.getProductName()));
        return ExitCode.ANALYSIS_FAILURE;
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(env.getReporter().getOutErr().getOutputStream());
    try {
        out.println("Warning: this information is intended for consumption by developers");
        out.println("only, and may change at any time.  Script against it at your own risk!");
        boolean success = true;
        if (dumpOptions.dumpPackages) {
        if (dumpOptions.dumpVfs) {
            out.println("Filesystem cache");
            FileSystemUtils.dump(env.getOutputBase().getFileSystem(), out);
        if (dumpOptions.dumpActionCache) {
            success &= dumpActionCache(env, out);
        if (dumpOptions.dumpRuleClasses) {
            dumpRuleClasses(runtime, out);
        if (dumpOptions.dumpSkyframe != SkyframeDumpOption.OFF) {
            success &= dumpSkyframe(env.getSkyframeExecutor(), dumpOptions.dumpSkyframe == SkyframeDumpOption.SUMMARY, out);
        return success ? ExitCode.SUCCESS : ExitCode.ANALYSIS_FAILURE;
    } finally {
Also used : OptionsBase( PrintStream( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) BlazeCommand( Command( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RuleClass( BlazeRuntime(

Example 8 with BlazeRuntime

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class HelpCommand method exec.

public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) {
    env.getEventBus().post(new NoBuildEvent());
    BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
    OutErr outErr = env.getReporter().getOutErr();
    Options helpOptions = options.getOptions(Options.class);
    if (options.getResidue().isEmpty()) {
        emitBlazeVersionInfo(outErr, runtime.getProductName());
        emitGenericHelp(outErr, runtime);
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    if (options.getResidue().size() != 1) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("You must specify exactly one command"));
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    String helpSubject = options.getResidue().get(0);
    if (helpSubject.equals("startup_options")) {
        emitBlazeVersionInfo(outErr, runtime.getProductName());
        emitStartupOptions(outErr, helpOptions.helpVerbosity, runtime, getOptionCategories(runtime));
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    } else if (helpSubject.equals("target-syntax")) {
        emitBlazeVersionInfo(outErr, runtime.getProductName());
        emitTargetSyntaxHelp(outErr, getOptionCategories(runtime), runtime.getProductName());
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    } else if (helpSubject.equals("info-keys")) {
        emitInfoKeysHelp(env, outErr);
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    } else if (helpSubject.equals("completion")) {
        emitCompletionHelp(runtime, outErr);
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    } else if (helpSubject.equals("everything-as-html")) {
        new HtmlEmitter(runtime).emit(outErr);
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    BlazeCommand command = runtime.getCommandMap().get(helpSubject);
    if (command == null) {
        ConfiguredRuleClassProvider provider = runtime.getRuleClassProvider();
        RuleClass ruleClass = provider.getRuleClassMap().get(helpSubject);
        if (ruleClass != null && ruleClass.isDocumented()) {
            // There is a rule with a corresponding name
            outErr.printOut(BlazeRuleHelpPrinter.getRuleDoc(helpSubject, provider));
            return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(null, "'" + helpSubject + "' is neither a command nor a build rule"));
            return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    emitBlazeVersionInfo(outErr, runtime.getProductName());
    outErr.printOut(BlazeCommandUtils.getUsage(command.getClass(), getOptionCategories(runtime), helpOptions.helpVerbosity, runtime.getBlazeModules(), runtime.getRuleClassProvider(), runtime.getProductName()));
    return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
Also used : OutErr( BlazeCommand( ConfiguredRuleClassProvider( NoBuildEvent( RuleClass( BlazeRuntime(

Example 9 with BlazeRuntime

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class FetchCommand method exec.

public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) {
    BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
    if (options.getResidue().isEmpty()) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(String.format("missing fetch expression. Type '%s help fetch' for syntax and help", env.getRuntime().getProductName())));
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    try {
        env.setupPackageCache(options, runtime.getDefaultsPackageContent());
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("fetch interrupted"));
        return ExitCode.INTERRUPTED;
    } catch (AbruptExitException e) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(null, "Unknown error: " + e.getMessage()));
        return e.getExitCode();
    PackageCacheOptions pkgOptions = options.getOptions(PackageCacheOptions.class);
    if (!pkgOptions.fetch) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(null, "You cannot run fetch with --fetch=false"));
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    // Querying for all of the dependencies of the targets has the side-effect of populating the
    // Skyframe graph for external targets, which requires downloading them. The JDK is required to
    // build everything but isn't counted as a dep in the build graph so we add it manually.
    ImmutableList.Builder<String> labelsToLoad = new ImmutableList.Builder<String>().addAll(options.getResidue());
    String query = Joiner.on(" union ").join(;
    query = "deps(" + query + ")";
    AbstractBlazeQueryEnvironment<Target> queryEnv = QueryCommand.newQueryEnvironment(env, options.getOptions(FetchOptions.class).keepGoing, false, Lists.<String>newArrayList(), 200, Sets.<Setting>newHashSet());
    // 1. Parse query:
    QueryExpression expr;
    try {
        expr = QueryExpression.parse(query, queryEnv);
    } catch (QueryException e) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(null, "Error while parsing '" + query + "': " + e.getMessage()));
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    // 2. Evaluate expression:
    try {
        queryEnv.evaluateQuery(expr, new ThreadSafeOutputFormatterCallback<Target>() {

            public void processOutput(Iterable<Target> partialResult) {
            // Throw away the result.
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    } catch (QueryException e) {
        // Keep consistent with reportBuildFileError()
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // Should be impossible since our OutputFormatterCallback doesn't throw IOException.
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    env.getReporter().handle(Event.progress("All external dependencies fetched successfully."));
    return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
Also used : ImmutableList( IOException( PackageCacheOptions( BlazeRuntime( Target( QueryException( AbruptExitException( QueryExpression(

Example 10 with BlazeRuntime

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class InfoCommand method exec.

public ExitCode exec(final CommandEnvironment env, final OptionsProvider optionsProvider) {
    final BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
    Options infoOptions = optionsProvider.getOptions(Options.class);
    OutErr outErr = env.getReporter().getOutErr();
    // Creating a BuildConfiguration is expensive and often unnecessary. Delay the creation until
    // it is needed.
    Supplier<BuildConfiguration> configurationSupplier = new Supplier<BuildConfiguration>() {

        private BuildConfiguration configuration;

        public BuildConfiguration get() {
            if (configuration != null) {
                return configuration;
            try {
                // In order to be able to answer configuration-specific queries, we need to setup the
                // package path. Since info inherits all the build options, all the necessary information
                // is available here.
                env.setupPackageCache(optionsProvider, runtime.getDefaultsPackageContent(optionsProvider));
                // TODO(bazel-team): What if there are multiple configurations? [multi-config]
                configuration = env.getConfigurations(optionsProvider).getTargetConfigurations().get(0);
                return configuration;
            } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
                throw new ExitCausingRuntimeException(ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR);
            } catch (AbruptExitException e) {
                throw new ExitCausingRuntimeException("unknown error: " + e.getMessage(), e.getExitCode());
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new ExitCausingRuntimeException(ExitCode.INTERRUPTED);
    Map<String, InfoItem> items = getInfoItemMap(env, optionsProvider);
    try {
        if (infoOptions.showMakeEnvironment) {
            Map<String, String> makeEnv = configurationSupplier.get().getMakeEnvironment();
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : makeEnv.entrySet()) {
                InfoItem item = new InfoItem.MakeInfoItem(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                items.put(item.getName(), item);
        List<String> residue = optionsProvider.getResidue();
        if (residue.size() > 1) {
            env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("at most one key may be specified"));
            return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
        String key = residue.size() == 1 ? residue.get(0) : null;
        env.getEventBus().post(new NoBuildEvent());
        if (key != null) {
            // print just the value for the specified key:
            byte[] value;
            if (items.containsKey(key)) {
                value = items.get(key).get(configurationSupplier, env);
            } else {
                env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("unknown key: '" + key + "'"));
                return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Cannot write info block: " + e.getMessage()));
                return ExitCode.ANALYSIS_FAILURE;
        } else {
            // print them all
            // We'll need this later anyway
            for (InfoItem infoItem : items.values()) {
                if (infoItem.isHidden()) {
                outErr.getOutputStream().write((infoItem.getName() + ": ").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
                outErr.getOutputStream().write(infoItem.get(configurationSupplier, env));
    } catch (AbruptExitException e) {
        return e.getExitCode();
    } catch (ExitCausingRuntimeException e) {
        return e.getExitCode();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return ExitCode.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return ExitCode.INTERRUPTED;
    return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
Also used : OutErr( NoBuildEvent( IOException( BlazeRuntime( InvalidConfigurationException( BuildConfiguration( Supplier( AbruptExitException( ImmutableMap( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map)


BlazeRuntime ( NoBuildEvent ( BuildRequest ( BuildTool ( Target ( BlazeCommand ( AbruptExitException ( IOException ( RuleClass ( PackageCacheOptions ( QueryException ( QueryExpression ( OutErr ( Path ( OptionsBase ( OptionsParsingException ( Supplier ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableMap ( ConfiguredRuleClassProvider (