use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class PrepareDepsOfPatternValue method excludedDirectoriesBeneath.
private static ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedDirectoriesBeneath(TargetPatternKey targetPatternKey, int position, List<TargetPatternSkyKeyOrException> keysMaybe) {
ImmutableSet.Builder<PathFragment> excludedDirectoriesBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (int j = position + 1; j < keysMaybe.size(); j++) {
TargetPatternSkyKeyOrException laterPatternMaybe = keysMaybe.get(j);
SkyKey laterSkyKey;
try {
laterSkyKey = laterPatternMaybe.getSkyKey();
} catch (TargetParsingException ignored) {
laterSkyKey = null;
if (laterSkyKey != null) {
TargetPatternKey laterTargetPatternKey = (TargetPatternKey) laterSkyKey.argument();
TargetPattern laterParsedPattern = laterTargetPatternKey.getParsedPattern();
if (laterTargetPatternKey.isNegative() && laterParsedPattern.getType() == Type.TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY && targetPatternKey.getParsedPattern().containsDirectoryOfTBDForTBD(laterParsedPattern)) {
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class PrepareDepsOfPatternValue method keys.
* Returns an iterable of {@link PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyOrException}, with {@link
* TargetPatternKey} arguments. Negative target patterns of type other than {@link
* Type#TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY} are not permitted. If a provided pattern fails to parse or is
* negative but not a {@link Type#TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY}, an element in the returned iterable
* will throw when its {@link PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyOrException#getSkyKey} method is called
* and will return the failing pattern when its {@link
* PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyOrException#getOriginalPattern} method is called.
* <p>There may be fewer returned elements than patterns provided as input. This function will
* combine negative {@link Type#TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY} patterns with preceding patterns to
* return an iterable of SkyKeys that avoids loading excluded directories during evaluation.
* @param patterns The list of patterns, e.g. [//foo/..., -//foo/biz/...]. If a pattern's first
* character is "-", it is treated as a negative pattern.
* @param offset The offset to apply to relative target patterns.
public static Iterable<PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyOrException> keys(List<String> patterns, String offset) {
List<TargetPatternSkyKeyOrException> keysMaybe = ImmutableList.copyOf(TargetPatternValue.keys(patterns, FilteringPolicies.NO_FILTER, offset));
// This code path is evaluated only for query universe preloading, and the quadratic cost of
// the code below (i.e. for each pattern, consider each later pattern as a candidate for
// subdirectory exclusion) is only acceptable because all the use cases for query universe
// preloading involve short (<10 items) pattern sequences.
ImmutableList.Builder<PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyOrException> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < keysMaybe.size(); i++) {
TargetPatternSkyKeyOrException keyMaybe = keysMaybe.get(i);
SkyKey skyKey;
try {
skyKey = keyMaybe.getSkyKey();
} catch (TargetParsingException e) {
// keyMaybe.getSkyKey() may throw TargetParsingException if its corresponding pattern
// failed to parse. If so, wrap the exception and return it, so that our caller can
// deal with it.
skyKey = null;
builder.add(new PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyException(e, keyMaybe.getOriginalPattern()));
if (skyKey != null) {
TargetPatternKey targetPatternKey = (TargetPatternKey) skyKey.argument();
if (targetPatternKey.isNegative()) {
if (!targetPatternKey.getParsedPattern().getType().equals(Type.TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY)) {
builder.add(new PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyException(new TargetParsingException("Negative target patterns of types other than \"targets below directory\"" + " are not permitted."), targetPatternKey.toString()));
// Otherwise it's a negative TBD pattern which was combined with previous patterns as an
// excluded directory. These can be skipped because there's no PrepareDepsOfPattern work
// to be done for them.
} else {
builder.add(new PrepareDepsOfPatternSkyKeyValue(setExcludedDirectories(targetPatternKey, excludedDirectoriesBeneath(targetPatternKey, i, keysMaybe))));
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction method handleTargetParsingException.
private static void handleTargetParsingException(EventHandler eventHandler, boolean handlerIsParseFailureListener, SkyKey key, TargetParsingException e) {
TargetPatternKey patternKey = (TargetPatternKey) key.argument();
String rawPattern = patternKey.getPattern();
handleTargetParsingException(eventHandler, handlerIsParseFailureListener, rawPattern, e);