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Example 21 with MutationBatch

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class RemoteStore method handleWriteError.

private void handleWriteError(Status status) {
    hardAssert(!status.isOk(), "Handling write error with status OK.");
    // Only handle permanent errors here. If it's transient, just let the retry logic kick in.
    if (Datastore.isPermanentWriteError(status)) {
        // If this was a permanent error, the request itself was the problem so it's not going
        // to succeed if we resend it.
        MutationBatch batch = writePipeline.poll();
        // In this case it's also unlikely that the server itself is melting down -- this was
        // just a bad request, so inhibit backoff on the next restart
        remoteStoreCallback.handleRejectedWrite(batch.getBatchId(), status);
        // It's possible that with the completion of this mutation another slot has freed up.
Also used : MutationBatch(

Example 22 with MutationBatch

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class RemoteStore method handleWriteStreamMutationResults.

 * Handles a successful StreamingWriteResponse from the server that contains a mutation result.
private void handleWriteStreamMutationResults(SnapshotVersion commitVersion, List<MutationResult> results) {
    // This is a response to a write containing mutations and should be correlated to the first
    // write in our write pipeline.
    MutationBatch batch = writePipeline.poll();
    MutationBatchResult mutationBatchResult = MutationBatchResult.create(batch, commitVersion, results, writeStream.getLastStreamToken());
    // It's possible that with the completion of this mutation another slot has freed up.
Also used : MutationBatchResult( MutationBatch(

Example 23 with MutationBatch

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class SQLiteMutationQueue method getAllMutationBatchesAffectingDocumentKey.

public List<MutationBatch> getAllMutationBatchesAffectingDocumentKey(DocumentKey documentKey) {
    String path = EncodedPath.encode(documentKey.getPath());
    List<MutationBatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
    db.query("SELECT m.batch_id, SUBSTR(m.mutations, 1, ?) " + "FROM document_mutations dm, mutations m " + "WHERE dm.uid = ? " + "AND dm.path = ? " + "AND dm.uid = m.uid " + "AND dm.batch_id = m.batch_id " + "ORDER BY dm.batch_id").binding(BLOB_MAX_INLINE_LENGTH, uid, path).forEach(row -> result.add(decodeInlineMutationBatch(row.getInt(0), row.getBlob(1))));
    return result;
Also used : MutationBatch( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteString(

Example 24 with MutationBatch

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class SQLiteMutationQueue method addMutationBatch.

public MutationBatch addMutationBatch(Timestamp localWriteTime, List<Mutation> baseMutations, List<Mutation> mutations) {
    int batchId = nextBatchId;
    nextBatchId += 1;
    MutationBatch batch = new MutationBatch(batchId, localWriteTime, baseMutations, mutations);
    MessageLite proto = serializer.encodeMutationBatch(batch);
    db.execute("INSERT INTO mutations (uid, batch_id, mutations) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", uid, batchId, proto.toByteArray());
    // PORTING NOTE: Unlike LevelDB, these entries must be unique.
    // Since user and batchId are fixed within this function body, it's enough to track unique keys
    // added in this batch.
    Set<DocumentKey> inserted = new HashSet<>();
    SQLiteStatement indexInserter = db.prepare("INSERT INTO document_mutations (uid, path, batch_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
    for (Mutation mutation : mutations) {
        DocumentKey key = mutation.getKey();
        if (!inserted.add(key)) {
        String path = EncodedPath.encode(key.getPath());
        db.execute(indexInserter, uid, path, batchId);
    return batch;
Also used : MutationBatch( SQLiteStatement(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement) DocumentKey( Mutation( ByteString( MessageLite( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 25 with MutationBatch

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class SQLiteMutationQueue method getAllMutationBatchesAffectingDocumentKeys.

public List<MutationBatch> getAllMutationBatchesAffectingDocumentKeys(Iterable<DocumentKey> documentKeys) {
    List<Object> args = new ArrayList<>();
    for (DocumentKey key : documentKeys) {
    SQLitePersistence.LongQuery longQuery = new SQLitePersistence.LongQuery(db, "SELECT DISTINCT dm.batch_id, SUBSTR(m.mutations, 1, ?) " + "FROM document_mutations dm, mutations m " + "WHERE dm.uid = ? " + "AND dm.path IN (", Arrays.asList(BLOB_MAX_INLINE_LENGTH, uid), args, ") " + "AND dm.uid = m.uid " + "AND dm.batch_id = m.batch_id " + "ORDER BY dm.batch_id");
    List<MutationBatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<Integer> uniqueBatchIds = new HashSet<>();
    while (longQuery.hasMoreSubqueries()) {
        longQuery.performNextSubquery().forEach(row -> {
            int batchId = row.getInt(0);
            if (!uniqueBatchIds.contains(batchId)) {
                result.add(decodeInlineMutationBatch(batchId, row.getBlob(1)));
    // performance penalty on the normal case.
    if (longQuery.getSubqueriesPerformed() > 1) {
        Collections.sort(result, (MutationBatch lhs, MutationBatch rhs) -> Util.compareIntegers(lhs.getBatchId(), rhs.getBatchId()));
    return result;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MutationBatch( DocumentKey( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


MutationBatch ( Test (org.junit.Test)15 Mutation ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 DocumentKey ( SetMutation ( PatchMutation ( TestUtil.setMutation ( Write ( ByteString ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 WriteBatch ( TestUtil.patchMutation ( MutableDocument ( Timestamp ( ImmutableSortedMap ( Query ( SnapshotVersion ( MutationBatchResult ( TestUtil.deleteMutation (