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Example 26 with Comment

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class CommentTimestampAdapterTest method newAdapterRoundTripOfWholeComment.

public void newAdapterRoundTripOfWholeComment() {
    Comment c = new Comment(new Comment.Key("uuid", "filename", 1), new Account.Id(100), NON_DST_TS, (short) 0, "message", "serverId", false);
    c.lineNbr = 1;
    c.revId = "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef";
    String json = gson.toJson(c);
    assertThat(json).contains("\"writtenOn\": \"" + NON_DST_STR_TRUNC + "\",");
    Comment result = gson.fromJson(json, Comment.class);
    // Round-trip lossily truncates ms, but that's ok.
    result.writtenOn = NON_DST_TS;
Also used : Comment( Account( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with Comment

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ImpersonationIT method testVoteOnBehalfOfWithComment.

private void testVoteOnBehalfOfWithComment() throws Exception {
    PushOneCommit.Result r = createChange();
    ReviewInput in = new ReviewInput();
    in.onBehalfOf =;
    in.label("Code-Review", 1);
    CommentInput ci = new CommentInput();
    ci.path = Patch.COMMIT_MSG;
    ci.side = Side.REVISION;
    ci.line = 1;
    ci.message = "message";
    in.comments = ImmutableMap.of(ci.path, ImmutableList.of(ci));
    PatchSetApproval psa = Iterables.getOnlyElement(r.getChange().approvals().values());
    ChangeData cd = r.getChange();
    Comment c = Iterables.getOnlyElement(commentsUtil.publishedByChange(db, cd.notes()));
Also used : Comment( RobotComment( CommentInput( RobotCommentInput( ReviewInput( PatchSetApproval( ChangeData( PushOneCommit(

Example 28 with Comment

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeNoteUtil method parseComment.

private Comment parseComment(byte[] note, MutableInteger curr, String currentFileName, PatchSet.Id psId, RevId revId, boolean isForBase, Integer parentNumber) throws ConfigInvalidException {
    Change.Id changeId = psId.getParentKey();
    // Check if there is a new file.
    boolean newFile = (RawParseUtils.match(note, curr.value, FILE.getBytes(UTF_8))) != -1;
    if (newFile) {
        // If so, parse the new file name.
        currentFileName = parseFilename(note, curr, changeId);
    } else if (currentFileName == null) {
        throw parseException(changeId, "could not parse %s", FILE);
    CommentRange range = parseCommentRange(note, curr);
    if (range == null) {
        throw parseException(changeId, "could not parse %s", COMMENT_RANGE);
    Timestamp commentTime = parseTimestamp(note, curr, changeId);
    Account.Id aId = parseAuthor(note, curr, changeId, AUTHOR);
    boolean hasRealAuthor = (RawParseUtils.match(note, curr.value, REAL_AUTHOR.getBytes(UTF_8))) != -1;
    Account.Id raId = null;
    if (hasRealAuthor) {
        raId = parseAuthor(note, curr, changeId, REAL_AUTHOR);
    boolean hasParent = (RawParseUtils.match(note, curr.value, PARENT.getBytes(UTF_8))) != -1;
    String parentUUID = null;
    boolean unresolved = false;
    if (hasParent) {
        parentUUID = parseStringField(note, curr, changeId, PARENT);
    boolean hasUnresolved = (RawParseUtils.match(note, curr.value, UNRESOLVED.getBytes(UTF_8))) != -1;
    if (hasUnresolved) {
        unresolved = parseBooleanField(note, curr, changeId, UNRESOLVED);
    String uuid = parseStringField(note, curr, changeId, UUID);
    boolean hasTag = (RawParseUtils.match(note, curr.value, TAG.getBytes(UTF_8))) != -1;
    String tag = null;
    if (hasTag) {
        tag = parseStringField(note, curr, changeId, TAG);
    int commentLength = parseCommentLength(note, curr, changeId);
    String message = RawParseUtils.decode(UTF_8, note, curr.value, curr.value + commentLength);
    checkResult(message, "message contents", changeId);
    Comment c = new Comment(new Comment.Key(uuid, currentFileName, psId.get()), aId, commentTime, isForBase ? (short) (parentNumber == null ? 0 : -parentNumber) : (short) 1, message, serverId, unresolved);
    c.lineNbr = range.getEndLine();
    c.parentUuid = parentUUID;
    c.tag = tag;
    if (raId != null) {
    if (range.getStartCharacter() != -1) {
    curr.value = RawParseUtils.nextLF(note, curr.value + commentLength);
    curr.value = RawParseUtils.nextLF(note, curr.value);
    return c;
Also used : Account( Comment( CommentRange( Change( QuotedString(org.eclipse.jgit.util.QuotedString) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp)

Example 29 with Comment

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class CommentSender method getCommentGroupsTemplateData.

   * @return grouped inline comment data mapped to data structures that are suitable for passing
   *     into Soy.
private List<Map<String, Object>> getCommentGroupsTemplateData(Repository repo) {
    List<Map<String, Object>> commentGroups = new ArrayList<>();
    for (CommentSender.FileCommentGroup group : getGroupedInlineComments(repo)) {
        Map<String, Object> groupData = new HashMap<>();
        groupData.put("link", group.getLink());
        groupData.put("title", group.getTitle());
        groupData.put("patchSetId", group.patchSetId);
        List<Map<String, Object>> commentsList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Comment comment : group.comments) {
            Map<String, Object> commentData = new HashMap<>();
            commentData.put("lines", getLinesOfComment(comment, group.fileData));
            commentData.put("message", comment.message.trim());
            List<CommentFormatter.Block> blocks = CommentFormatter.parse(comment.message);
            commentData.put("messageBlocks", commentBlocksToSoyData(blocks));
            // Set the prefix.
            String prefix = getCommentLinePrefix(comment);
            commentData.put("linePrefix", prefix);
            commentData.put("linePrefixEmpty", Strings.padStart(": ", prefix.length(), ' '));
            // Set line numbers.
            int startLine;
            if (comment.range == null) {
                startLine = comment.lineNbr;
            } else {
                startLine = comment.range.startLine;
                commentData.put("endLine", comment.range.endLine);
            commentData.put("startLine", startLine);
            // Set the comment link.
            if (comment.lineNbr == 0) {
                commentData.put("link", group.getLink());
            } else if (comment.side == 0) {
                commentData.put("link", group.getLink() + "@a" + startLine);
            } else {
                commentData.put("link", group.getLink() + '@' + startLine);
            // Set robot comment data.
            if (comment instanceof RobotComment) {
                RobotComment robotComment = (RobotComment) comment;
                commentData.put("isRobotComment", true);
                commentData.put("robotId", robotComment.robotId);
                commentData.put("robotRunId", robotComment.robotRunId);
                commentData.put("robotUrl", robotComment.url);
            } else {
                commentData.put("isRobotComment", false);
            // If the comment has a quote, don't bother loading the parent message.
            if (!hasQuote(blocks)) {
                // Set parent comment info.
                Optional<Comment> parent = getParent(comment);
                if (parent.isPresent()) {
                    commentData.put("parentMessage", getShortenedCommentMessage(parent.get()));
        groupData.put("comments", commentsList);
    return commentGroups;
Also used : Comment( RobotComment( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RobotComment( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 30 with Comment

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class CommentSender method setComments.

public void setComments(List<Comment> comments) throws OrmException {
    inlineComments = comments;
    Set<String> paths = new HashSet<>();
    for (Comment c : comments) {
        if (!Patch.isMagic(c.key.filename)) {
Also used : Comment( RobotComment( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


Comment ( PatchSet ( Change ( Test (org.junit.Test)34 CommentRange ( Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)29 RevId ( ObjectId (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 RobotComment ( Account ( PatchLineComment ( ChangeNotesRevWalk ( Map (java.util.Map)6 Note (org.eclipse.jgit.notes.Note)6 NoteMap (org.eclipse.jgit.notes.NoteMap)6 RevWalk (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk)6 ChangeData ( ChangeMessage ( ChangeNotes (