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Example 81 with PatchSet

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeData method computeChangedLines.

private Optional<ChangedLines> computeChangedLines() throws OrmException {
    Change c = change();
    if (c == null) {
        return Optional.empty();
    PatchSet ps = currentPatchSet();
    if (ps == null) {
        return Optional.empty();
    Optional<DiffSummary> ds = getDiffSummary(c, ps);
    if (ds.isPresent()) {
        return Optional.of(ds.get().getChangedLines());
    return Optional.empty();
Also used : PatchSet( Change( DiffSummary(

Example 82 with PatchSet

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeNotesTest method pushCertificate.

public void pushCertificate() throws Exception {
    String pushCert = "certificate version 0.1\n" + "pusher This is not a real push cert\n" + "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n" + "Version: GnuPG v1\n" + "\n" + "Nor is this a real signature.\n" + "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n";
    // ps2 with push cert
    Change c = newChange();
    PatchSet.Id psId1 = c.currentPatchSetId();
    PatchSet.Id psId2 = c.currentPatchSetId();
    ChangeUpdate update = newUpdate(c, changeOwner);
    RevCommit commit = tr.commit().message("PS2").create();
    update.setCommit(rw, commit, pushCert);
    ChangeNotes notes = newNotes(c);
    String note = readNote(notes, commit);
    if (!testJson()) {
    Map<PatchSet.Id, PatchSet> patchSets = notes.getPatchSets();
    // comment on ps2
    update = newUpdate(c, changeOwner);
    Timestamp ts = TimeUtil.nowTs();
    update.putComment(Status.PUBLISHED, newComment(psId2, "a.txt", "uuid1", new CommentRange(1, 2, 3, 4), 1, changeOwner, null, ts, "Comment", (short) 1,, false));
    notes = newNotes(c);
    patchSets = notes.getPatchSets();
    if (!testJson()) {
        assertThat(readNote(notes, commit)).isEqualTo(pushCert + "Revision: " + + "\n" + "Patch-set: 2\n" + "File: a.txt\n" + "\n" + "1:2-3:4\n" + ChangeNoteUtil.formatTime(serverIdent, ts) + "\n" + "Author: Change Owner <1@gerrit>\n" + "Unresolved: false\n" + "UUID: uuid1\n" + "Bytes: 7\n" + "Comment\n" + "\n");
Also used : CommentRange( PatchSet( Change( RequestId( GerritServerId( ObjectId(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId) RevId( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) RevCommit(org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 83 with PatchSet

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeJson method toChangeInfo.

private ChangeInfo toChangeInfo(ChangeData cd, Optional<PatchSet.Id> limitToPsId) throws PatchListNotAvailableException, GpgException, OrmException, IOException, PermissionBackendException {
    ChangeInfo out = new ChangeInfo();
    CurrentUser user = userProvider.get();
    ChangeControl ctl = cd.changeControl().forUser(user);
    if (has(CHECK)) {
        out.problems = checkerProvider.get().check(ctl, fix).problems();
        // If any problems were fixed, the ChangeData needs to be reloaded.
        for (ProblemInfo p : out.problems) {
            if (p.status == ProblemInfo.Status.FIXED) {
                cd = changeDataFactory.create(cd.db(), cd.project(), cd.getId());
    PermissionBackend.ForChange perm = permissionBackend.user(user).database(db).change(cd);
    Change in = cd.change();
    out.project = in.getProject().get();
    out.branch = in.getDest().getShortName();
    out.topic = in.getTopic();
    if (indexes.getSearchIndex().getSchema().hasField(ChangeField.ASSIGNEE)) {
        if (in.getAssignee() != null) {
            out.assignee = accountLoader.get(in.getAssignee());
    out.hashtags = cd.hashtags();
    out.changeId = in.getKey().get();
    if (in.getStatus().isOpen()) {
        SubmitTypeRecord str = cd.submitTypeRecord();
        if (str.isOk()) {
            out.submitType = str.type;
        out.mergeable = cd.isMergeable();
        if (has(SUBMITTABLE)) {
            out.submittable = submittable(cd);
    Optional<ChangedLines> changedLines = cd.changedLines();
    if (changedLines.isPresent()) {
        out.insertions = changedLines.get().insertions;
        out.deletions = changedLines.get().deletions;
    out.isPrivate = in.isPrivate() ? true : null;
    out.workInProgress = in.isWorkInProgress() ? true : null;
    out.subject = in.getSubject();
    out.status = in.getStatus().asChangeStatus();
    out.owner = accountLoader.get(in.getOwner());
    out.created = in.getCreatedOn();
    out.updated = in.getLastUpdatedOn();
    out._number = in.getId().get();
    out.unresolvedCommentCount = cd.unresolvedCommentCount();
    if (user.isIdentifiedUser()) {
        Collection<String> stars = cd.stars(user.getAccountId());
        out.starred = stars.contains(StarredChangesUtil.DEFAULT_LABEL) ? true : null;
        out.muted = stars.contains(StarredChangesUtil.MUTE_LABEL + "/" + cd.currentPatchSet().getPatchSetId()) ? true : null;
        if (!stars.isEmpty()) {
            out.stars = stars;
    if (in.getStatus().isOpen() && has(REVIEWED) && user.isIdentifiedUser()) {
        Account.Id accountId = user.getAccountId();
        if (out.muted != null) {
            out.reviewed = true;
        } else {
            out.reviewed = cd.reviewedBy().contains(accountId) ? true : null;
    out.labels = labelsFor(perm, ctl, cd, has(LABELS), has(DETAILED_LABELS));
    out.submitted = getSubmittedOn(cd);
    out.plugins = pluginDefinedAttributesFactory != null ? pluginDefinedAttributesFactory.create(cd) : null;
    if (out.labels != null && has(DETAILED_LABELS)) {
        // list permitted labels, since users can't vote on those patch sets.
        if (user.isIdentifiedUser() && (!limitToPsId.isPresent() || limitToPsId.get().equals(in.currentPatchSetId()))) {
            out.permittedLabels = cd.change().getStatus() != Change.Status.ABANDONED ? permittedLabels(perm, cd) : ImmutableMap.of();
        out.reviewers = new HashMap<>();
        for (ReviewerStateInternal state : ReviewerStateInternal.values()) {
            if (state == ReviewerStateInternal.REMOVED) {
            Collection<AccountInfo> reviewers = toAccountInfo(cd.reviewers().byState(state));
            if (!reviewers.isEmpty()) {
                out.reviewers.put(state.asReviewerState(), reviewers);
        out.removableReviewers = removableReviewers(ctl, out);
    if (has(REVIEWER_UPDATES)) {
        out.reviewerUpdates = reviewerUpdates(cd);
    boolean needMessages = has(MESSAGES);
    boolean needRevisions = has(ALL_REVISIONS) || has(CURRENT_REVISION) || limitToPsId.isPresent();
    Map<PatchSet.Id, PatchSet> src;
    if (needMessages || needRevisions) {
        src = loadPatchSets(cd, limitToPsId);
    } else {
        src = null;
    if (needMessages) {
        out.messages = messages(ctl, cd, src);
    // it will be passed to ActionVisitors as-is.
    if (needRevisions) {
        out.revisions = revisions(ctl, cd, src, out);
        if (out.revisions != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, RevisionInfo> entry : out.revisions.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().isCurrent) {
                    out.currentRevision = entry.getKey();
    if (has(CURRENT_ACTIONS) || has(CHANGE_ACTIONS)) {
        actionJson.addChangeActions(out, ctl);
    return out;
Also used : Account( CurrentUser( PermissionBackend( ChangeControl( ChangedLines( AccountInfo( ChangeInfo( ProblemInfo( ReviewerStateInternal( PatchSet( Change( SubmitTypeRecord( RevisionInfo( ObjectId(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId) Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) DynamicMap( ImmutableMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 84 with PatchSet

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class CreateMergePatchSet method applyImpl.

protected Response<ChangeInfo> applyImpl(BatchUpdate.Factory updateFactory, ChangeResource rsrc, MergePatchSetInput in) throws OrmException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException, RestApiException, UpdateException, PermissionBackendException {
    MergeInput merge = in.merge;
    if (merge == null || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(merge.source)) {
        throw new BadRequestException("merge.source must be non-empty");
    ChangeControl ctl = rsrc.getControl();
    PatchSet ps = psUtil.current(db.get(), ctl.getNotes());
    ProjectControl projectControl = ctl.getProjectControl();
    Change change = ctl.getChange();
    Project.NameKey project = change.getProject();
    Branch.NameKey dest = change.getDest();
    try (Repository git = gitManager.openRepository(project);
        ObjectInserter oi = git.newObjectInserter();
        ObjectReader reader = oi.newReader();
        RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
        RevCommit sourceCommit = MergeUtil.resolveCommit(git, rw, merge.source);
        if (!projectControl.canReadCommit(db.get(), git, sourceCommit)) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("cannot find source commit: " + merge.source + " to merge.");
        RevCommit currentPsCommit = rw.parseCommit(ObjectId.fromString(ps.getRevision().get()));
        Timestamp now = TimeUtil.nowTs();
        IdentifiedUser me = user.get().asIdentifiedUser();
        PersonIdent author = me.newCommitterIdent(now, serverTimeZone);
        RevCommit newCommit = createMergeCommit(in, projectControl, dest, git, oi, rw, currentPsCommit, sourceCommit, author, ObjectId.fromString(change.getKey().get().substring(1)));
        PatchSet.Id nextPsId = ChangeUtil.nextPatchSetId(ps.getId());
        PatchSetInserter psInserter = patchSetInserterFactory.create(ctl, nextPsId, newCommit);
        try (BatchUpdate bu = updateFactory.create(db.get(), project, me, now)) {
            bu.setRepository(git, rw, oi);
            bu.addOp(ctl.getId(), psInserter.setMessage("Uploaded patch set " + nextPsId.get() + ".").setDraft(ps.isDraft()).setNotify(NotifyHandling.NONE).setCheckAddPatchSetPermission(false));
        ChangeJson json = jsonFactory.create(ListChangesOption.CURRENT_REVISION);
        return Response.ok(json.format(psInserter.getChange()));
Also used : MergeInput( PatchSet( Change( RevWalk(org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk) IdentifiedUser( ProjectControl( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) BatchUpdate( Project( Repository(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository) ObjectInserter(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter) PersonIdent(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent) GerritPersonIdent( ChangeControl( Branch( BadRequestException( ObjectReader(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader) ResourceNotFoundException( RevCommit(org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit)

Example 85 with PatchSet

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class GetContent method getMergeList.

private byte[] getMergeList(ChangeNotes notes) throws OrmException, IOException {
    Change.Id changeId = notes.getChangeId();
    PatchSet ps = psUtil.current(db.get(), notes);
    if (ps == null) {
        throw new NoSuchChangeException(changeId);
    try (Repository git = gitManager.openRepository(notes.getProjectName());
        RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(git)) {
        return Text.forMergeList(ComparisonType.againstAutoMerge(), revWalk.getObjectReader(), ObjectId.fromString(ps.getRevision().get())).getContent();
    } catch (RepositoryNotFoundException e) {
        throw new NoSuchChangeException(changeId, e);
Also used : Repository(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository) NoSuchChangeException( PatchSet( Change( RepositoryNotFoundException(org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException) RevWalk(org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk)


PatchSet ( Change ( Test (org.junit.Test)44 ObjectId (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId)35 AbstractDaemonTest ( RevCommit (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit)26 Repository (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository)21 RevId ( ChangeControl ( ChangeData ( OrmException ( Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)18 RevWalk (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk)15 Project ( PatchSetApproval ( TestChanges.newPatchSet ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 ResourceConflictException ( Account (