use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class LabelNormalizerTest method emptyPermissionRangeOmitsResult.
public void emptyPermissionRangeOmitsResult() throws Exception {
PatchSetApproval cr = psa(userId, "Code-Review", 1);
PatchSetApproval v = psa(userId, "Verified", 1);
assertEquals(Result.create(list(), list(), list(cr, v)), norm.normalize(change, list(cr, v)));
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class LabelNormalizerTest method normalizeByPermission.
public void normalizeByPermission() throws Exception {
ProjectConfig pc = loadAllProjects();
allow(pc, forLabel("Code-Review"), -1, 1, REGISTERED_USERS, "refs/heads/*");
allow(pc, forLabel("Verified"), -1, 1, REGISTERED_USERS, "refs/heads/*");
PatchSetApproval cr = psa(userId, "Code-Review", 2);
PatchSetApproval v = psa(userId, "Verified", 1);
assertEquals(Result.create(list(v), list(copy(cr, 1)), list()), norm.normalize(change, list(cr, v)));
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeBundleTest method diffPatchSetApprovalsMixedSourcesAllowsSlop.
public void diffPatchSetApprovalsMixedSourcesAllowsSlop() throws Exception {
Change c = TestChanges.newChange(project, accountId);
PatchSetApproval a1 = new PatchSetApproval(new PatchSetApproval.Key(c.currentPatchSetId(), accountId, new LabelId("Code-Review")), (short) 1, roundToSecond(TimeUtil.nowTs()));
PatchSetApproval a2 = clone(a1);
// Both are ReviewDb, exact timestamp match is required.
ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), latest(c), approvals(a1), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), latest(c), approvals(a2), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
assertDiffs(b1, b2, "granted differs for PatchSetApproval.Key " + c.getId() + "%2C1,100,Code-Review:" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:07.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:08.0}");
// One NoteDb, slop is allowed.
b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), latest(c), approvals(a1), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), latest(c), approvals(a2), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
// But not too much slop.
PatchSetApproval a3 = clone(a1);
b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), latest(c), approvals(a1), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
ChangeBundle b3 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), latest(c), approvals(a3), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
String msg = "granted differs for PatchSetApproval.Key " + c.getId() + "%2C1,100,Code-Review in NoteDb vs. ReviewDb:" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:07.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:15.0}";
assertDiffs(b1, b3, msg);
assertDiffs(b3, b1, msg);
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeBundleTest method diffChangesTakesMaxEntityTimestampFromReviewDb.
public void diffChangesTakesMaxEntityTimestampFromReviewDb() throws Exception {
Change c1 = TestChanges.newChange(new Project.NameKey("project"), new Account.Id(100));
PatchSet ps = new PatchSet(c1.currentPatchSetId());
ps.setRevision(new RevId("deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"));
PatchSetApproval a = new PatchSetApproval(new PatchSetApproval.Key(c1.currentPatchSetId(), accountId, new LabelId("Code-Review")), (short) 1, TimeUtil.nowTs());
Change c2 = clone(c1);
// Both ReviewDb, exact match required.
ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(ps), approvals(a), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(ps), approvals(a), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
assertDiffs(b1, b2, "effective last updated time differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + ":" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:00.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:12.0}");
// NoteDb allows latest timestamp from all entities in bundle.
b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(ps), approvals(a), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ReviewerJson method format.
public ReviewerInfo format(ReviewerInfo out, PermissionBackend.ForChange perm, ChangeData cd, Iterable<PatchSetApproval> approvals) throws OrmException, PermissionBackendException {
LabelTypes labelTypes = cd.getLabelTypes();
// Don't use Maps.newTreeMap(Comparator) due to OpenJDK bug 100167.
out.approvals = new TreeMap<>(labelTypes.nameComparator());
for (PatchSetApproval ca : approvals) {
for (PermissionRange pr : cd.changeControl().getLabelRanges()) {
if (!pr.isEmpty()) {
LabelType at = labelTypes.byLabel(ca.getLabelId());
if (at != null) {
out.approvals.put(at.getName(), formatValue(ca.getValue()));
// Add dummy approvals for all permitted labels for the user even if they
// do not exist in the DB.
PatchSet ps = cd.currentPatchSet();
if (ps != null) {
for (SubmitRecord rec : new SubmitRuleEvaluator(cd).setFastEvalLabels(true).setAllowDraft(true).evaluate()) {
if (rec.labels == null) {
for (SubmitRecord.Label label : rec.labels) {
String name = label.label;
LabelType type = labelTypes.byLabel(name);
if (!out.approvals.containsKey(name) && type != null && perm.test(new LabelPermission(type))) {
out.approvals.put(name, formatValue((short) 0));
if (out.approvals.isEmpty()) {
out.approvals = null;
return out;