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Example 16 with RevId

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeBundleTest method diffChangesIgnoresChangeTimestampIfAnyOtherEntitiesExist.

public void diffChangesIgnoresChangeTimestampIfAnyOtherEntitiesExist() {
    Change c1 = TestChanges.newChange(new Project.NameKey("project"), new Account.Id(100));
    PatchSet ps = new PatchSet(c1.currentPatchSetId());
    ps.setRevision(new RevId("deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"));
    PatchSetApproval a = new PatchSetApproval(new PatchSetApproval.Key(c1.currentPatchSetId(), accountId, new LabelId("Code-Review")), (short) 1, TimeUtil.nowTs());
    Change c2 = clone(c1);
    // ReviewDb has later lastUpdatedOn timestamp than NoteDb, allowed since
    // NoteDb matches the latest timestamp of a non-Change entity.
    ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(ps), approvals(a), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(ps), approvals(a), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
    // Timestamps must actually match if Change is the only entity.
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "effective last updated time differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + " in NoteDb vs. ReviewDb:" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:12.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:18.0}");
Also used : Project( Account( PatchSet( Change( LabelId( RevId( PatchSetApproval( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with RevId

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeBundleTest method diffPatchSetsIgnoresCreatedOnWhenReviewDbIsNonMonotonic.

public void diffPatchSetsIgnoresCreatedOnWhenReviewDbIsNonMonotonic() throws Exception {
    Change c = TestChanges.newChange(project, accountId);
    Timestamp beforePs1 = TimeUtil.nowTs();
    PatchSet goodPs1 = new PatchSet(new PatchSet.Id(c.getId(), 1));
    goodPs1.setRevision(new RevId("deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"));
    PatchSet goodPs2 = new PatchSet(new PatchSet.Id(c.getId(), 2));
    goodPs2.setRevision(new RevId("deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"));
    PatchSet badPs2 = clone(goodPs2);
    // Both ReviewDb, exact match required.
    ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(goodPs1, goodPs2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(goodPs1, badPs2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "createdOn differs for PatchSet.Id " + badPs2.getId() + ":" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:18.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:06.0}");
    // Non-monotonic in ReviewDb but monotonic in NoteDb, timestamps are
    // ignored, including for ps1.
    PatchSet badPs1 = clone(goodPs1);
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(badPs1, badPs2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(goodPs1, goodPs2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
    assertNoDiffs(b2, b1);
    // Non-monotonic in NoteDb but monotonic in ReviewDb, timestamps are not
    // ignored.
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(goodPs1, goodPs2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(badPs1, badPs2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "createdOn differs for PatchSet.Id " + badPs1.getId() + " in NoteDb vs. ReviewDb:" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:24.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:12.0}", "createdOn differs for PatchSet.Id " + badPs2.getId() + " in NoteDb vs. ReviewDb:" + " {2009-09-30 17:00:06.0} != {2009-09-30 17:00:18.0}");
Also used : PatchSet( Change( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) RevId( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 18 with RevId

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeBundleTest method diffPatchSetsIgnoresTrailingNewlinesInPushCertificate.

public void diffPatchSetsIgnoresTrailingNewlinesInPushCertificate() throws Exception {
    Change c = TestChanges.newChange(project, accountId);
    PatchSet ps1 = new PatchSet(c.currentPatchSetId());
    ps1.setRevision(new RevId("deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"));
    ps1.setPushCertificate("some cert");
    PatchSet ps2 = clone(ps1);
    ps2.setPushCertificate(ps2.getPushCertificate() + "\n\n");
    ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(ps1), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(ps2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
    assertNoDiffs(b2, b1);
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(ps1), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c, messages(), patchSets(ps2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
    assertNoDiffs(b2, b1);
Also used : PatchSet( Change( RevId( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 19 with RevId

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class PatchSetUtil method insert.

public PatchSet insert(ReviewDb db, RevWalk rw, ChangeUpdate update, PatchSet.Id psId, ObjectId commit, boolean draft, List<String> groups, String pushCertificate, String description) throws OrmException, IOException {
    checkNotNull(groups, "groups may not be null");
    ensurePatchSetMatches(psId, update);
    PatchSet ps = new PatchSet(psId);
    ps.setRevision(new RevId(;
    ps.setCreatedOn(new Timestamp(update.getWhen().getTime()));
    update.setCommit(rw, commit, pushCertificate);
    if (draft) {
    return ps;
Also used : PatchSet( RevId( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp)

Example 20 with RevId

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeNotesTest method patchLineCommentNotesFormatMultiplePatchSetsSameRevId.

public void patchLineCommentNotesFormatMultiplePatchSetsSameRevId() throws Exception {
    Change c = newChange();
    PatchSet.Id psId1 = c.currentPatchSetId();
    PatchSet.Id psId2 = c.currentPatchSetId();
    String uuid1 = "uuid1";
    String uuid2 = "uuid2";
    String uuid3 = "uuid3";
    String message1 = "comment 1";
    String message2 = "comment 2";
    String message3 = "comment 3";
    CommentRange range1 = new CommentRange(1, 1, 2, 1);
    CommentRange range2 = new CommentRange(2, 1, 3, 1);
    Timestamp time = TimeUtil.nowTs();
    RevId revId = new RevId("abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234");
    Comment comment1 = newComment(psId1, "file1", uuid1, range1, range1.getEndLine(), otherUser, null, time, message1, (short) 0, revId.get(), false);
    Comment comment2 = newComment(psId1, "file1", uuid2, range2, range2.getEndLine(), otherUser, null, time, message2, (short) 0, revId.get(), false);
    Comment comment3 = newComment(psId2, "file1", uuid3, range1, range1.getEndLine(), otherUser, null, time, message3, (short) 0, revId.get(), false);
    ChangeUpdate update = newUpdate(c, otherUser);
    update.putComment(Status.PUBLISHED, comment3);
    update.putComment(Status.PUBLISHED, comment2);
    update.putComment(Status.PUBLISHED, comment1);
    ChangeNotes notes = newNotes(c);
    try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
        ArrayList<Note> notesInTree = Lists.newArrayList(notes.revisionNoteMap.noteMap.iterator());
        Note note = Iterables.getOnlyElement(notesInTree);
        byte[] bytes = walk.getObjectReader().open(note.getData(), Constants.OBJ_BLOB).getBytes();
        String noteString = new String(bytes, UTF_8);
        String timeStr = ChangeNoteUtil.formatTime(serverIdent, time);
        if (!testJson()) {
            assertThat(noteString).isEqualTo("Revision: abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234\n" + "Base-for-patch-set: 1\n" + "File: file1\n" + "\n" + "1:1-2:1\n" + timeStr + "\n" + "Author: Other Account <2@gerrit>\n" + "Unresolved: false\n" + "UUID: uuid1\n" + "Bytes: 9\n" + "comment 1\n" + "\n" + "2:1-3:1\n" + timeStr + "\n" + "Author: Other Account <2@gerrit>\n" + "Unresolved: false\n" + "UUID: uuid2\n" + "Bytes: 9\n" + "comment 2\n" + "\n" + "Base-for-patch-set: 2\n" + "File: file1\n" + "\n" + "1:1-2:1\n" + timeStr + "\n" + "Author: Other Account <2@gerrit>\n" + "Unresolved: false\n" + "UUID: uuid3\n" + "Bytes: 9\n" + "comment 3\n" + "\n");
    assertThat(notes.getComments()).isEqualTo(ImmutableListMultimap.of(revId, comment1, revId, comment2, revId, comment3));
Also used : Comment( CommentRange( PatchSet( Change( RevWalk(org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk) ChangeNotesRevWalk( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) RevId( Note(org.eclipse.jgit.notes.Note) Test(org.junit.Test)


RevId ( PatchSet ( Change ( Test (org.junit.Test)11 Comment ( LabelId ( PatchSetApproval ( ChangeData ( Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)3 Note (org.eclipse.jgit.notes.Note)3 RevCommit (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit)3 ResourceConflictException ( Account ( CommentRange ( Project ( OrmException ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 ObjectId (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId)2