Search in sources :

Example 6 with RequestException

use of in project data-access by pentaho.

the class JdbcDatasourceService method remove.

/* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.ui.service.IUIDatasourceAdminService#remove(org.pentaho.platform
   * .dataaccess.datasource.IDatasourceInfo)
public void remove(IDatasourceInfo dsInfo, Object callback) {
    final XulServiceCallback<Boolean> responseCallback = (XulServiceCallback<Boolean>) callback;
    RequestBuilder deleteConnectionBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.DELETE, getBaseURL() + NameUtils.URLEncode("deletebyname?name={0}", dsInfo.getId()));
    try {
        deleteConnectionBuilder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {

            public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
                responseCallback.success(response.getStatusCode() == Response.SC_OK);

            public void onError(Request request, Throwable error) {
                responseCallback.error(error.getLocalizedMessage(), error);
    } catch (RequestException e) {
        responseCallback.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
Also used : XulServiceCallback(org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulServiceCallback) Response( RequestBuilder( RequestCallback( Request( RequestException(

Example 7 with RequestException

use of in project data-access by pentaho.

the class WizardConnectionController method handleDialogAccept.

public void handleDialogAccept() {
    // first, test the connection
    RequestBuilder testConnectionBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.PUT, ConnectionController.getServiceURL("test"));
    testConnectionBuilder.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    try {
        // AutoBean<IDatabaseConnection> bean = AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean(currentConnection);
        AutoBean<IDatabaseConnection> bean = createIDatabaseConnectionBean(currentConnection);
        testConnectionBuilder.sendRequest(AutoBeanCodex.encode(bean).getPayload(), new RequestCallback() {

            public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {

            public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
                try {
                    if (response.getStatusCode() == Response.SC_OK) {
                        // test is ok, now check if we are renaming
                    } else {
                        // confirm if we should continu saving this invalid connection.
                } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (RequestException e) {
Also used : Response( RequestBuilder( RequestCallback( Request( IDatabaseConnection(org.pentaho.database.model.IDatabaseConnection) RequestException( RequestException( Bindable(org.pentaho.ui.xul.stereotype.Bindable)

Example 8 with RequestException

use of in project data-access by pentaho.

the class WizardConnectionController method addConnection.

public void addConnection() {
    RequestBuilder addConnectionBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, ConnectionController.getServiceURL("add"));
    addConnectionBuilder.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    try {
        // AutoBean<IDatabaseConnection> bean = AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean(currentConnection);
        AutoBean<IDatabaseConnection> bean = createIDatabaseConnectionBean(currentConnection);
        addConnectionBuilder.sendRequest(AutoBeanCodex.encode(bean).getPayload(), new RequestCallback() {

            public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {

            public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
                try {
                    if (response.getStatusCode() == Response.SC_OK) {
                        IDatabaseConnection conn = AutobeanUtilities.connectionBeanToImpl(currentConnection);
                    } else {
                        openErrorDialog(MessageHandler.getString("ERROR"), // $NON-NLS-1$
                        MessageHandler.getString(// $NON-NLS-1$
                } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (RequestException e) {
Also used : Response( RequestBuilder( RequestCallback( Request( IDatabaseConnection(org.pentaho.database.model.IDatabaseConnection) RequestException( RequestException( Bindable(org.pentaho.ui.xul.stereotype.Bindable)

Example 9 with RequestException

use of in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.

the class QueryUi method asyncGetJson.

private void asyncGetJson(final String url, final GotJsonCallback callback) {
    final RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, url);
    try {
        builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {

            public void onError(final Request request, final Throwable e) {
                displayError("Failed to get " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
                // Since we don't call the callback we've been given, reset this
                // bit of state as we're not going to retry anything right now.
                pending_requests = 0;

            public void onResponseReceived(final Request request, final Response response) {
                final int code = response.getStatusCode();
                if (code == Response.SC_OK) {
                } else if (code >= Response.SC_BAD_REQUEST) {
                    // 400+ => Oops.
                    // Since we don't call the callback we've been given, reset this
                    // bit of state as we're not going to retry anything right now.
                    pending_requests = 0;
                    String err = response.getText();
                    // an error message.
                    if (!err.isEmpty() && err.charAt(0) == '{') {
                        final JSONValue json = JSONParser.parse(err);
                        final JSONObject result = json == null ? null : json.isObject();
                        final JSONValue jerr = result == null ? null : result.get("err");
                        final JSONString serr = jerr == null ? null : jerr.isString();
                        err = serr.stringValue();
                        // If the error message has multiple lines (which is common if
                        // it contains a stack trace), show only the first line and
                        // hide the rest in a panel users can expand.
                        final int newline = err.indexOf('\n', 1);
                        final String msg = "Request failed: " + response.getStatusText();
                        if (newline < 0) {
                            displayError(msg + ": " + err);
                        } else {
                            final DisclosurePanel dp = new DisclosurePanel(err.substring(0, newline));
                            // Attach the widget.
                            final InlineLabel content = new InlineLabel(err.substring(newline, err.length()));
                            // For readable stack traces.
                    } else {
                        displayError("Request failed while getting " + url + ": " + response.getStatusText());
                        // Since we don't call the callback we've been given, reset this
                        // bit of state as we're not going to retry anything right now.
                        pending_requests = 0;
    } catch (RequestException e) {
        displayError("Failed to get " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
Also used : RequestBuilder( Request( DisclosurePanel( JSONString( RequestException( EntryPoint( Response( JSONValue( RequestCallback( JSONObject( InlineLabel( JSONString(

Example 10 with RequestException

use of in project blogwt by billy1380.

the class BlogService method getRatings.

public Request getRatings(GetRatingsRequest input, AsyncSuccess<GetRatingsRequest, GetRatingsResponse> onSuccess, AsyncFailure<GetRatingsRequest> onFailure) {
    Request handle = null;
    try {
        handle = sendRequest(BlogMethodGetRatings, input, new RequestCallback() {

            public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
                try {
                    GetRatingsResponse outputParameter = new GetRatingsResponse();
                    parseResponse(response, outputParameter);
                    if (onSuccess != null) {
              , outputParameter);
                    onCallSuccess(BlogService.this, BlogMethodGetRatings, input, outputParameter);
                } catch (JSONException | HttpException exception) {
                    if (onFailure != null) {
              , exception);
                    onCallFailure(BlogService.this, BlogMethodGetRatings, input, exception);

            public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
                if (onFailure != null) {
          , exception);
                onCallFailure(BlogService.this, BlogMethodGetRatings, input, exception);
        onCallStart(BlogService.this, BlogMethodGetRatings, input, handle);
    } catch (RequestException exception) {
        if (onFailure != null) {
  , exception);
        onCallFailure(BlogService.this, BlogMethodGetRatings, input, exception);
    return handle;
Also used : GetRatingsResponse( UpdatePropertiesResponse( SubmitRatingResponse( UpdatePostResponse( GetTagsResponse( DeleteResourceResponse( GetArchiveEntriesResponse( Response( GetPostResponse( SetupBlogResponse( GetResourcesResponse( CreatePostResponse( GetRelatedPostsResponse( GetResourceResponse( GetPostsResponse( UpdateResourceResponse( DeletePostResponse( GetPropertiesResponse( GetRatingsResponse( RequestCallback( UpdatePostRequest( GetResourcesRequest( GetResourceRequest( DeleteResourceRequest( GetRelatedPostsRequest( GetTagsRequest( UpdatePropertiesRequest( GetRatingsRequest( DeletePostRequest( SubmitRatingRequest( CreatePostRequest( GetArchiveEntriesRequest( Request( UpdateResourceRequest( GetPostsRequest( GetPropertiesRequest( GetPostRequest( SetupBlogRequest( JSONException( HttpException(com.willshex.gson.web.service.client.HttpException) RequestException(


RequestException ( RequestCallback ( Response ( Request ( RequestBuilder ( JSONException ( HttpException (com.willshex.gson.web.service.client.HttpException)55 CsrfRequestBuilder (org.pentaho.mantle.client.csrf.CsrfRequestBuilder)17 MessageDialogBox (org.pentaho.gwt.widgets.client.dialogs.MessageDialogBox)16 BlockUsersRequest ( BlockUsersResponse ( ChangePasswordRequest ( ChangePasswordResponse ( ChangeUserAccessRequest ( ChangeUserAccessResponse ( ChangeUserDetailsRequest ( ChangeUserDetailsResponse ( CheckUsernameRequest ( CheckUsernameResponse ( FollowUsersRequest (