use of in project google-gin by gwtplus.
the class BindingResolver method resolveBindings.
public void resolveBindings(GinjectorBindings origin) {
TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, PrettyPrinter.format("Resolving bindings for %s", origin));
// Use providers so that the instances are cleaned up after this method. This ensures that even
// though BindingResolver may be held on to (eg, {@link GinjectorBindings}, we won't leak
// memory used for temporary storage during resolution.
DependencyExplorerOutput output = explorerFactory.create(branch).explore(origin);
UnresolvedBindingValidator validator = validatorFactory.create(branch);
InvalidKeys invalidKeys = validator.getInvalidKeys(output);
if (validator.validate(output, invalidKeys)) {
validator.pruneInvalidOptional(output, invalidKeys);