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Example 16 with Header

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class GetAllGroups method getEmptyTable.

 * Returns table with groups in hierarchical structure and with custom field updater
 * @return table widget
public CellTable<Group> getEmptyTable() {
    // Table data provider.
    dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<Group>(list);
    // Cell table
    table = new PerunTable<Group>(list);
    // Connect the table to the data provider.
    // Sorting
    ListHandler<Group> columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<Group>(dataProvider.getList());
    // table selection
    table.setSelectionModel(selectionModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager.<Group>createCheckboxManager());
    // set empty content & loader
    if (!session.isVoAdmin(voId)) {
        loaderImage.setEmptyResultMessage("You are not manager of any group in this VO.");
    } else {
        loaderImage.setEmptyResultMessage("VO has no groups.");
    Column<Group, Group> checkBoxColumn = new Column<Group, Group>(new PerunCheckboxCell<Group>(true, false, coreGroupsCheckable)) {

        public Group getValue(Group object) {
            // Get the value from the selection model.
            return object;
    // updates the columns size
    table.setColumnWidth(checkBoxColumn, 40.0, Unit.PX);
    // Add the columns
    // Checkbox column header
    CheckboxCell cb = new CheckboxCell();
    Header<Boolean> checkBoxHeader = new Header<Boolean>(cb) {

        public Boolean getValue() {
            // return true to see a checked checkbox.
            return false;
    checkBoxHeader.setUpdater(new ValueUpdater<Boolean>() {

        public void update(Boolean value) {
            // sets selected to all, if value = true, unselect otherwise
            for (Group obj : list) {
                if (!obj.isCoreGroup()) {
                    selectionModel.setSelected(obj, value);
    if (checkable) {
        table.addColumn(checkBoxColumn, checkBoxHeader);
    table.addIdColumn("Group ID", tableFieldUpdater);
    // set row styles based on: isCoreGroup()
    table.setRowStyles(new RowStyles<Group>() {

        public String getStyleNames(Group row, int rowIndex) {
            if (row.isCoreGroup()) {
                return "bold";
            return "";
    return table;
Also used : Group(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.Group) ListHandler( Header( Column( CheckboxCell( PerunCheckboxCell(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.PerunCheckboxCell)

Example 17 with Header

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class GetAllRichGroups method getEmptyTable.

 * Returns table with groups in hierarchical structure and with custom field updater
 * @return table widget
public CellTable<RichGroup> getEmptyTable() {
    // Table data provider.
    dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<RichGroup>(list);
    // Cell table
    table = new PerunTable<RichGroup>(list);
    // Connect the table to the data provider.
    // Sorting
    ListHandler<RichGroup> columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<RichGroup>(dataProvider.getList());
    // table selection
    table.setSelectionModel(selectionModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager.<RichGroup>createCheckboxManager());
    // set empty content & loader
    if (!session.isVoAdmin(voId)) {
        loaderImage.setEmptyResultMessage("You are not manager of any group in this VO.");
    } else {
        loaderImage.setEmptyResultMessage("VO has no groups.");
    Column<RichGroup, RichGroup> checkBoxColumn = new Column<RichGroup, RichGroup>(new PerunCheckboxCell<RichGroup>(true, false, coreGroupsCheckable)) {

        public RichGroup getValue(RichGroup object) {
            // Get the value from the selection model.
            return object;
    // updates the columns size
    table.setColumnWidth(checkBoxColumn, 40.0, Unit.PX);
    // Add the columns
    // Checkbox column header
    CheckboxCell cb = new CheckboxCell();
    Header<Boolean> checkBoxHeader = new Header<Boolean>(cb) {

        public Boolean getValue() {
            // return true to see a checked checkbox.
            return false;
    checkBoxHeader.setUpdater(new ValueUpdater<Boolean>() {

        public void update(Boolean value) {
            // sets selected to all, if value = true, unselect otherwise
            for (RichGroup obj : list) {
                if (!obj.isCoreGroup()) {
                    selectionModel.setSelected(obj, value);
    if (checkable) {
        table.addColumn(checkBoxColumn, checkBoxHeader);
    table.addIdColumn("Group ID", tableFieldUpdater);
    // Add a synchronization clicable icon column.
    final Column<RichGroup, RichGroup> syncColumn = new Column<RichGroup, RichGroup>(new CustomClickableInfoCellWithImageResource("click")) {

        public RichGroup getValue(RichGroup object) {
            return object;

        public String getCellStyleNames(Cell.Context context, RichGroup object) {
            if (tableFieldUpdater != null) {
                return super.getCellStyleNames(context, object) + " pointer image-hover";
            } else {
                return super.getCellStyleNames(context, object);
    syncColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<RichGroup, RichGroup>() {

        public void update(int index, final RichGroup object, RichGroup value) {
            GetEntityById get = new GetEntityById(PerunEntity.RICH_GROUP, object.getId(), new JsonCallbackEvents() {

                public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) {
                    final RichGroup object = jso.cast();
                    String name, syncEnabled, syncInterval, syncStartTimestamp, syncTimestamp, syncSuccessTimestamp, syncState, authGroup, syncTimes, syncSuccessStartTimestamp;
                    name = object.getName();
                    if (object.isSyncEnabled()) {
                        syncEnabled = "enabled";
                    } else {
                        syncEnabled = "disabled";
                    if (object.getSynchronizationInterval() == null) {
                        syncInterval = "N/A";
                    } else {
                        if (JsonUtils.checkParseInt(object.getSynchronizationInterval())) {
                            int time = Integer.parseInt(object.getSynchronizationInterval()) * 5 / 60;
                            if (time == 0) {
                                time = Integer.parseInt(object.getSynchronizationInterval()) * 5;
                                syncInterval = time + " minute(s)";
                            } else {
                                syncInterval = time + " hour(s)";
                        } else {
                            syncInterval = object.getSynchronizationInterval();
                    if (object.getSynchronizationTimes() != null && object.getSynchronizationTimes().length() > 0) {
                        syncTimes = object.getSynchronizationTimes().join(", ");
                    } else {
                        syncTimes = "N/A";
                    if (object.getLastSynchronizationState() == null) {
                        if (object.getLastSuccessSynchronizationTimestamp() != null) {
                            syncState = "OK";
                        } else {
                            syncState = "Not synced yet";
                    } else {
                        if (session.isPerunAdmin()) {
                            syncState = object.getLastSynchronizationState();
                        } else {
                            syncState = "Internal Error";
                    if (object.getLastSynchronizationTimestamp() == null) {
                        syncTimestamp = "N/A";
                    } else {
                        syncTimestamp = object.getLastSynchronizationTimestamp().split("\\.")[0];
                    if (object.getStartOfLastSynchronizationTimestamp() == null) {
                        syncStartTimestamp = "N/A";
                    } else {
                        syncStartTimestamp = object.getStartOfLastSynchronizationTimestamp().split("\\.")[0];
                    if (object.getLastSuccessSynchronizationTimestamp() == null) {
                        syncSuccessTimestamp = "N/A";
                    } else {
                        syncSuccessTimestamp = object.getLastSuccessSynchronizationTimestamp().split("\\.")[0];
                    if (object.getStartOfLastSuccessfulSynchronization() == null) {
                        syncSuccessStartTimestamp = "N/A";
                    } else {
                        syncSuccessStartTimestamp = object.getStartOfLastSuccessfulSynchronization().split("\\.")[0];
                    if (Objects.equals(object.getAuthoritativeGroup(), "1")) {
                        authGroup = "Yes";
                    } else {
                        authGroup = "No";
                    String html = "Group name: <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(name).asString() + "</b><br>";
                    html += "Authoritative group: <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(authGroup).asString() + "</b><br>";
                    html += "Synchronization: <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncEnabled).asString() + "</b><br>";
                    html += "Sync. Interval: <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncInterval).asString() + "</b><br>";
                    html += "Sync. Times: <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncTimes).asString() + "</b><br>-----------------<br>";
                    if (object.isSyncEnabled()) {
                        html += "Last sync. state: <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncState).asString() + "</b><br>";
                        html += "Last sync. timestamp (start): <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncStartTimestamp).asString() + "</b><br>";
                        html += "Last sync. timestamp (end): <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncTimestamp).asString() + "</b><br>";
                        html += "Last successful sync. timestamp (start): <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncSuccessStartTimestamp).asString() + "</b><br>";
                        html += "Last successful sync. timestamp (end): <b>" + SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(syncSuccessTimestamp).asString() + "</b><br>";
                    FlexTable layout = new FlexTable();
                    layout.setWidget(0, 0, new HTML("<p>" + new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.informationIcon())));
                    layout.setHTML(0, 1, "<p style=\"line-height: 1.2;\">" + html);
                    layout.getFlexCellFormatter().setAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP);
                    layout.getFlexCellFormatter().setAlignment(0, 1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP);
                    layout.getFlexCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, 0, "alert-box-image");
                    final CustomButton okButton = new CustomButton("Force synchronization", SmallIcons.INSTANCE.arrowRefreshIcon());
                    okButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

                        public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                            ForceGroupSynchronization call = new ForceGroupSynchronization(JsonCallbackEvents.disableButtonEvents(okButton));
                    if (!session.isVoAdmin(object.getVoId()) && !session.isGroupAdmin(object.getId()))
                    final Confirm c = new Confirm("Group synchronization info", layout, okButton, null, true);
                    c.setCancelClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

                        public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
    columnSortHandler.setComparator(syncColumn, new Comparator<RichGroup>() {

        public int compare(RichGroup o1, RichGroup o2) {
            if (o1 != null && o2 != null) {
                int o1val = 0;
                int o2val = 0;
                if (o1.isSyncEnabled())
                    o1val = 5;
                if (o2.isSyncEnabled())
                    o2val = 5;
                if (Objects.equals(o1.getAuthoritativeGroup(), "1"))
                    o1val = o1val + 3;
                if (Objects.equals(o2.getAuthoritativeGroup(), "1"))
                    o2val = o2val + 3;
                return o1val - o2val;
            return 0;
    table.addColumn(syncColumn, "Sync");
    table.setColumnWidth(syncColumn, "70px");
    // set row styles based on: isCoreGroup()
    table.setRowStyles(new RowStyles<RichGroup>() {

        public String getStyleNames(RichGroup row, int rowIndex) {
            if (row.isCoreGroup()) {
                return "bold";
            return "";
    return table;
Also used : RichGroup(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.RichGroup) ClickEvent( Confirm(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.Confirm) AjaxLoaderImage(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.AjaxLoaderImage) Column( CustomButton(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.CustomButton) CheckboxCell( PerunCheckboxCell(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.PerunCheckboxCell) ListHandler( ClickHandler( Header( JavaScriptObject( CustomClickableInfoCellWithImageResource(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.CustomClickableInfoCellWithImageResource)


CheckboxCell ( Column ( Header ( PerunCheckboxCell (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.PerunCheckboxCell)16 ListHandler ( GeneralObject (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.GeneralObject)9 Attribute (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.Attribute)7 Group (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.Group)5 PerunAttributeValueCell (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.PerunAttributeValueCell)4 PerunAttributeDescriptionCell (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.PerunAttributeDescriptionCell)3 PerunAttributeNameCell (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.cells.PerunAttributeNameCell)3 JavaScriptObject ( ClickEvent ( ClickHandler ( ColumnSortEvent ( TextColumn ( IsClickableCell (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.json.columnProviders.IsClickableCell)2 MemberColumnProvider (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.json.columnProviders.MemberColumnProvider)2 RichMember (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.RichMember)2 Confirm (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.Confirm)2