use of in project rstudio by rstudio.
the class SliderBar method drawKnob.
* Draw the knob where it is supposed to be relative to the line.
private void drawKnob() {
// Abort if not attached
if (!isAttached()) {
// Move the knob to the correct position
Element knobElement = knobImage.getElement();
int lineWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(lineElement, "offsetWidth");
int knobWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(knobElement, "offsetWidth");
int knobLeftOffset = (int) (lineLeftOffset + (getKnobPercent() * lineWidth) - (knobWidth / 2));
knobLeftOffset = Math.min(knobLeftOffset, lineLeftOffset + lineWidth - (knobWidth / 2) - 1);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(knobElement, "left", knobLeftOffset + "px");
use of in project rstudio by rstudio.
the class SliderBar method drawTicks.
* Draw the tick along the line.
private void drawTicks() {
// Abort if not attached
if (!isAttached()) {
// Draw the ticks
int lineWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(lineElement, "offsetWidth");
if (numTicks > 0) {
// Create the ticks or make them visible
for (int i = 0; i <= numTicks; i++) {
Element tick = null;
if (i < tickElements.size()) {
tick = tickElements.get(i);
} else {
// Create the new tick
tick = DOM.createDiv();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tick, "position", "absolute");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tick, "display", "none");
DOM.appendChild(getElement(), tick);
if (enabled) {
DOM.setElementProperty(tick, "className", "gwt-SliderBar-tick");
} else {
DOM.setElementProperty(tick, "className", "gwt-SliderBar-tick gwt-SliderBar-tick-disabled");
// Position the tick and make it visible
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tick, "visibility", "hidden");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tick, "display", "");
int tickWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(tick, "offsetWidth");
int tickLeftOffset = lineLeftOffset + (lineWidth * i / numTicks) - (tickWidth / 2);
tickLeftOffset = Math.min(tickLeftOffset, lineLeftOffset + lineWidth - tickWidth);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tick, "left", tickLeftOffset + "px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tick, "visibility", "visible");
// Hide unused ticks
for (int i = (numTicks + 1); i < tickElements.size(); i++) {
DOM.setStyleAttribute(tickElements.get(i), "display", "none");
} else {
// Hide all ticks
for (Element elem : tickElements) {
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "display", "none");
use of in project rstudio by rstudio.
the class SliderBar method drawLabels.
* Draw the labels along the line.
private void drawLabels() {
// Abort if not attached
if (!isAttached()) {
// Draw the labels
int lineWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(lineElement, "offsetWidth");
if (numLabels > 0) {
// Create the labels or make them visible
for (int i = 0; i <= numLabels; i++) {
Element label = null;
if (i < labelElements.size()) {
label = labelElements.get(i);
} else {
// Create the new label
label = DOM.createDiv();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "position", "absolute");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "display", "none");
if (enabled) {
DOM.setElementProperty(label, "className", "gwt-SliderBar-label");
} else {
DOM.setElementProperty(label, "className", "gwt-SliderBar-label-disabled");
DOM.appendChild(getElement(), label);
// Set the label text
double value = minValue + (getTotalRange() * i / numLabels);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "visibility", "hidden");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "display", "");
DOM.setElementProperty(label, "innerHTML", formatLabel(value));
// Move to the left so the label width is not clipped by the shell
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "left", "0px");
// Position the label and make it visible
int labelWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(label, "offsetWidth");
int labelLeftOffset = lineLeftOffset + (lineWidth * i / numLabels) - (labelWidth / 2);
labelLeftOffset = Math.min(labelLeftOffset, lineLeftOffset + lineWidth - labelWidth);
labelLeftOffset = Math.max(labelLeftOffset, lineLeftOffset);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "left", labelLeftOffset + "px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(label, "visibility", "visible");
// Hide unused labels
for (int i = (numLabels + 1); i < labelElements.size(); i++) {
DOM.setStyleAttribute(labelElements.get(i), "display", "none");
} else {
// Hide all labels
for (Element elem : labelElements) {
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "display", "none");
use of in project perun by CESNET.
the class AdvancedStackPanel method insert.
public void insert(Widget w, int beforeIndex) {
// header
Element trh = DOM.createTR();
Element tdh = DOM.createTD();
DOM.appendChild(trh, tdh);
DOM.appendChild(tdh, createHeaderElem());
// body
Element trb = DOM.createTR();
Element tdb = DOM.createTD();
DOM.appendChild(trb, tdb);
// DOM indices are 2x logical indices; 2 dom elements per stack item
beforeIndex = adjustIndex(w, beforeIndex);
int effectiveIndex = beforeIndex * 2;
// this ordering puts the body below the header
DOM.insertChild(body, trb, effectiveIndex);
DOM.insertChild(body, trh, effectiveIndex);
// header styling
setStyleName(tdh, DEFAULT_ITEM_STYLENAME, true);
DOM.setElementPropertyInt(tdh, "__owner", hashCode());
DOM.setElementProperty(tdh, "height", "1px");
// body styling
setStyleName(tdb, DEFAULT_STYLENAME + "Content", true);
DOM.setElementProperty(tdb, "height", "100%");
DOM.setElementProperty(tdb, "vAlign", "top");
// Now that the DOM is connected, call insert (this ensures that
// onLoad() is
// not fired until the child widget is attached to the DOM).
insert(w, tdb, beforeIndex, false);
// Update indices of all elements to the right.
// Correct visible stack for new location.
if (visibleStack == -1) {
} else {
setStackVisible(beforeIndex, false);
if (visibleStack >= beforeIndex) {
// Reshow the stack to apply style names
setStackVisible(visibleStack, true);
use of in project perun by CESNET.
the class AdvancedStackPanel method setStackContentVisible.
private void setStackContentVisible(int index, boolean visible) {
Element tr = DOM.getChild(body, (index * 2) + 1);
UIObject.setVisible(tr, visible);