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Example 6 with FlexCellFormatter

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class EditFormItemTabItem method basicInformationTab.

	 * Returns flex table with basic information and textboxes
	 * @return
private Widget basicInformationTab() {
    // item application types
    ArrayList<String> itemApplicationTypes = JsonUtils.listFromJsArrayString(item.getApplicationTypes());
    // federation attributes to select from
    federationAttributes.addItem("No item selected (empty value)", "");
    federationAttributes.addItem("Display name", "displayName");
    federationAttributes.addItem("Common name", "cn");
    federationAttributes.addItem("Mail", "mail");
    federationAttributes.addItem("Organization", "o");
    federationAttributes.addItem("Level of Assurance (LoA)", "loa");
    federationAttributes.addItem("First name", "givenName");
    federationAttributes.addItem("Sure name", "sn");
    federationAttributes.addItem("EPPN", "eppn");
    federationAttributes.addItem("IdP Category", "md_entityCategory");
    federationAttributes.addItem("IdP Affiliation", "affiliation");
    federationAttributes.addItem("EduPersonScopedAffiliation", "eduPersonScopedAffiliation");
    federationAttributes.addItem("schacHomeOrganization", "schacHomeOrganization");
    // application types
    GetAttributesDefinition attrDef = new GetAttributesDefinition(new JsonCallbackEvents() {

        public void onError(PerunError error) {
            perunDestinationAttributeListBox.addItem("No item selected (empty value)", "");
            if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute() != null && !item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().isEmpty()) {
                // add and select returned perun dest attr
                perunDestinationAttributeListBox.addItem(item.getPerunDestinationAttribute(), item.getPerunDestinationAttribute());

        public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) {
            // clear
            // set empty possibility
            perunDestinationAttributeListBox.addItem("No item selected (empty value)", "");
            ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> list = JsonUtils.jsoAsList(jso);
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                // sort
                list = new TableSorter<AttributeDefinition>().sortByFriendlyName(list);
                for (AttributeDefinition def : list) {
                    // add only member and user attributes
                    if (def.getEntity().equalsIgnoreCase("user") || def.getEntity().equalsIgnoreCase("member")) {
                        perunDestinationAttributeListBox.addItem(def.getFriendlyName() + " (" + def.getEntity() + " / " + def.getDefinition() + ")", def.getName());
            } else {
                // no attr def loaded, keep as it is set
                if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute() != null && !item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().isEmpty()) {
                    perunDestinationAttributeListBox.addItem(item.getPerunDestinationAttribute(), item.getPerunDestinationAttribute());
            // set selected
            for (int i = 0; i < perunDestinationAttributeListBox.getItemCount(); i++) {
                // set proper value as "selected"
                if (perunDestinationAttributeListBox.getValue(i).equalsIgnoreCase(item.getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {

        public void onLoadingStart() {
    // layout
    FlexTable ft = new FlexTable();
    FlexCellFormatter ftf = ft.getFlexCellFormatter();
    // fill values
    for (int i = 0; i < federationAttributes.getItemCount(); i++) {
        if (federationAttributes.getValue(i).equals(item.getFederationAttribute())) {
    for (Application.ApplicationType type : Application.ApplicationType.values()) {
        CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
        boolean checked = itemApplicationTypes.contains(type.toString());
    // sizes
    // basic info
    int row = 0;
    Label shortNameLabel = new Label("Short name:");
    ft.setWidget(row, 0, shortNameLabel);
    ft.setWidget(row, 1, shortNameTextBox);
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Internal item identification (used as fallback when you forgot to set \"Label\" for some language).");
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
    Label inputLabel = new Label("Input widget:");
    ft.setWidget(row, 0, inputLabel);
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, CreateFormItemTabItem.inputTypes.get(item.getType()));
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Specify what input widget is used for this item.");
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
    // set colspan for tops
    for (int i = 0; i < ft.getRowCount(); i++) {
        ftf.setColSpan(i, 1, 2);
    Label l = new Label("Display on application:");
    ft.setWidget(row, 0, l);
    ftf.setWidth(row, 0, "160px");
    int i = 0;
    for (Application.ApplicationType type : Application.ApplicationType.values()) {
        CheckBox cb = applicationTypesCheckBoxes.get(i);
        if (type.equals(Application.ApplicationType.INITIAL)) {
            cb.setTitle("If checked, display form item on INITIAL application");
        } else {
            cb.setTitle("If checked, display form item on EXTENSION application");
        ft.setWidget(row, i + 1, cb);
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Define on which application types is this item displayed.");
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
    ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
    // IF BUTTON OR COMMENT, don't show these
    if (!item.getType().equals("SUBMIT_BUTTON") && !item.getType().equals("AUTO_SUBMIT_BUTTON") && !item.getType().equals("HTML_COMMENT") && !item.getType().equals("HEADING")) {
        // load attr defs only when showed
        Label requiredLabel = new Label("Required:");
        ft.setWidget(row, 0, requiredLabel);
        ft.setWidget(row, 1, requiredCheckBox);
        ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
        ft.setHTML(row, 1, "If checked, user can`t submit empty value (doesn't apply to non-editable fields).");
        ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
        ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
        Label destAttrLabel = new Label("Destination attribute:");
        ft.setWidget(row, 0, destAttrLabel);
        ft.setWidget(row, 1, perunDestinationAttributeListBox);
        ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
        ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Select attribute, where will be submitted value stored after accepting user`s application and where is taken to pre-fill the form.");
        ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
        ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
        Label fedAttrLabel = new Label("Federation attribute:");
        ft.setWidget(row, 0, fedAttrLabel);
        ft.setWidget(row, 1, federationAttributes);
        ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
        ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Select federation attribute to get pre-filed value from.");
        ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
        ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
        if (!item.getType().equals("VALIDATED_EMAIL") && !item.getType().equals("TIMEZONE")) {
            Label regexLabel = new Label("Regular expression:");
            ft.setWidget(row, 0, regexLabel);
            ft.setWidget(row, 1, regexTextBox);
            ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
            ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Regular expression used for item value validation (before submitting by user).");
            ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
            ftf.setColSpan(row, 1, 2);
    // set styles
    for (int n = 0; n < ft.getRowCount(); n++) {
        ftf.setStyleName(n, 0, "itemName");
    // scroll panel
    ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(ft);
    sp.setSize("560px", "320px");
    return sp;
Also used : JsonCallbackEvents(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.json.JsonCallbackEvents) FlexCellFormatter( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONString( JavaScriptObject( GetAttributesDefinition(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.json.attributesManager.GetAttributesDefinition)

Example 7 with FlexCellFormatter

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class EditMailTabItem method basicInformationTab.

	 * Returns flex table with basic information
	 * @return
private Widget basicInformationTab() {
    VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
    vp.setSize("500px", "350px");
    // layout
    FlexTable ft = new FlexTable();
    FlexCellFormatter ftf = ft.getFlexCellFormatter();
    vp.add(new HTML("&nbsp;"));
    // basic info
    int row = 0;
    ft.setHTML(row, 0, "E-mail type:");
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, ApplicationMail.getTranslatedMailType(appMail.getMailType()));
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 0, "itemName");
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Type of notification (action which trigger sending and who is notified).");
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
    ft.setHTML(row, 0, "Application type: ");
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, Application.getTranslatedType(appMail.getAppType()));
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 0, "itemName");
    ftf.setWidth(row, 0, "120px");
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, "Application type which will trigger sending.");
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
    ft.setHTML(row, 0, "Sending enabled:");
    ft.setWidget(row, 1, sendingEnabledCheckBox);
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 0, "itemName");
    ft.setHTML(row, 1, "If checked, notification will be sent. Un-check it to temporary disable sending.");
    ftf.setStyleName(row, 1, "inputFormInlineComment");
    return vp;
Also used : FlexCellFormatter(

Example 8 with FlexCellFormatter

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class EditMailTabItem method availableTagsTab.

	 * Returns flex table with available tags
	 * @return
private Widget availableTagsTab() {
    VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
    vp.setSize("500px", "350px");
    // layout
    FlexTable ft = new FlexTable();
    FlexCellFormatter ftf = ft.getFlexCellFormatter();
    ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(ft);
    sp.setSize("100%", "300px");
    vp.add(new HTML("&nbsp;"));
    ft.setHTML(0, 0, "Following tags can be used in mail's subject and text and are replaced by actual data on sending. Just copy/paste tags from here to input form. When no data for tag is found, it's replaced by whitespace.");
    ftf.addStyleName(0, 0, "inputFormInlineComment");
    HTML text = new HTML("<strong><u>Application related:</u></strong>" + "<p><strong>{appId}</strong> - application ID" + "<br/><strong>{actor}</strong> - user's login used when submitting application" + "<br/><strong>{extSource}</strong> - user's identity provider when submitting application" + "<br/><strong>{voName}</strong> - name of VO of application form" + "<br/><strong>{groupName}</strong> - name of group, if application form is for group membership" + "<br/><strong>{mailFooter}</strong> - common mail footer defined by VO" + "<br/><strong>{errors}</strong> - errors description, what happened while processing new application. Useful for VO administrators." + "<br/><strong>{customMessage}</strong> - optional message passed by administrators when rejecting an application" + "<p><strong><u>User related:</u></strong>" + "<p><strong>{firstName}</strong> - users first name taken from application form or Perun" + "<br/><strong>{lastName}</strong> - users last name taken from application form or Perun" + "<br/><strong>{displayName}</strong> - users display name taken from application form or Perun" + "<br/><strong>{mail}</strong> - users preferred mail from application form or Perun" + "<br/><strong>{login-<i>namespace</i>}</strong> - user's login in selected namespace, taken from registration form or Perun. You MUST specify the namespace, e.g. <i>{login-einfra}</i> will print user's login in einfra namespace." + "<br/><strong>{membershipExpiration}</strong> - membership expiration date decided after membership creation or extension." + "<p><strong><u>Validation links for users:</u></strong>" + "<p><span class=\"inputFormInlineComment\">Works only for \"Mail validation / user \" mail type! Used to verify email address provided by users =&gt; verify application.</span>" + "<p><strong>{validationLink}</strong> - link for email address verification. Please make sure you set \"Registrar URL\" setting of your VO/group. " + "If you don't specify authorization in \"Registrar URL\", you can use following options: " + "<p><strong>{validationLink-krb}</strong> - link for Kerberos authentication" + "<br/><strong>{validationLink-fed}</strong> - link for Shibboleth IdP (federation) authentication" + "<br/><strong>{validationLink-cert}</strong> - link for personal certificate authentication" + "<br/><strong>{validationLink-non}</strong> - link without any authentication" + "<p><strong><u>Application GUI links for users:</u></strong>" + "<p><span class=\"inputFormInlineComment\">Used to navigate users to the list of theirs applications.</span>" + "<p><strong>{appGuiUrl}</strong> - link to overview of submitted registrations for users. Please make sure you set \"Registrar URL\" setting of your VO/group. " + "If you don't specify authorization in \"Registrar URL\", you can use following options: " + "<p><strong>{appGuiUrl-krb}</strong> - link for Kerberos authentication" + "<br/><strong>{appGuiUrl-fed}</strong> - link for Shibboleth IdP (federation) authentication" + "<br/><strong>{appGuiUrl-cert}</strong> - link for personal certificate authentication" + "<br/><strong>{appGuiUrl-non}</strong> - link without any authentication" + "<p><strong><u>Application GUI links for administrators:</u></strong>" + "<p><span class=\"inputFormInlineComment\">Used to navigate administrators to the registration detail, where they can check and approve or reject the application.</span>" + "<p><strong>{appDetailUrl}</strong> - link to registration detail in administrative GUI. Please make sure you set \"Registrar URL\" setting of your VO/group. " + "If you don't specify authorization in \"Registrar URL\", you can use following options: " + "<p><strong>{appDetailUrl-krb}</strong> - link for Kerberos authentication" + "<br/><strong>{appDetailUrl-fed}</strong> - link for Shibboleth IdP (federation) authentication" + "<br/><strong>{appDetailUrl-cert}</strong> - link for personal certificate authentication" + "<p><strong><u>Perun GUI links for administrators:</u></strong>" + "<p><span class=\"inputFormInlineComment\">Used to navigate administrators to the administrative GUI of Perun. Can be used for users to locate user detail too.</span>" + "<p><strong>{perunGuiUrl}</strong> - link to administrative GUI. Please make sure you set \"Registrar URL\" setting of your VO/group. " + "If you don't specify authorization in \"Registrar URL\", you can use following options: " + "<p><strong>{perunGuiUrl-krb}</strong> - link for Kerberos authentication" + "<br/><strong>{perunGuiUrl-fed}</strong> - link for Shibboleth IdP (federation) authentication" + "<br/><strong>{perunGuiUrl-cert}</strong> - link for personal certificate authentication" + "<p><strong><u>User invitations:</u></strong>" + "<p><span class=\"inputFormInlineComment\">Following tags can be used on user invitation template</span>" + "<p><strong>{voName}</strong> - name of VO to invite user into" + "<br/><strong>{groupName}</strong> - name of Group to invite user into" + "<br/><strong>{displayName}</strong> - invited user's name" + "<br/><strong>{mailFooter}</strong> - common mail footer defined by VO" + "<p><strong>{invitationLink}</strong> - link to registration form. Please make sure you set \"Registrar URL\" setting of your VO/group. " + "If you don't specify authorization in \"Registrar URL\", you can use following options: " + "<p><strong>{invitationLink-krb}</strong> - link for Kerberos authentication" + "<br/><strong>{invitationLink-fed}</strong> - link for Shibboleth IdP (federation) authentication" + "<br/><strong>{invitationLink-cert}</strong> - link for personal certificate authentication" + "<br/><strong>{invitationLink-non}</strong> - link without any authentication");
    text.getElement().setAttribute("style", "line-height: 1.5em !important;");
    ft.setWidget(1, 0, text);
    return vp;
Also used : FlexCellFormatter(

Example 9 with FlexCellFormatter

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class EditMailTabItem method messageTab.

	 * Returns message texarea
	 * @param locale
	 * @return
private Widget messageTab(String locale) {
    VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
    vp.setSize("500px", "350px");
    // layout
    FlexTable ft = new FlexTable();
    FlexCellFormatter ftf = ft.getFlexCellFormatter();
    // inputs
    TextBox tb = new TextBox();
    messagesSubjects.put(locale, tb);
    TextArea ta = new TextArea();
    ta.setSize("450px", "190px");
    messagesTextAreas.put(locale, ta);
    // adds inputs to the flex table
    ft.setHTML(0, 0, "Subject:");
    ftf.setStyleName(0, 0, "itemName");
    ft.setWidget(0, 1, tb);
    ftf.setHorizontalAlignment(0, 1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);
    ft.setHTML(1, 0, "Text:");
    ftf.setStyleName(1, 0, "itemName");
    //ftf.setColSpan(1, 0, 2);
    Anchor a = new Anchor("see available tags >>");
    a.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

        public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) {
            // select last tab
            tabPanel.selectTab(tabPanel.getWidgetCount() - 1);
    ft.setWidget(1, 1, a);
    ft.setWidget(2, 0, ta);
    ftf.setColSpan(2, 0, 2);
    vp.add(new HTML("&nbsp;"));
    // fill values
    MailText message = appMail.getMessage(locale);
    if (message != null) {
    return vp;
Also used : ClickHandler( FlexCellFormatter( ClickEvent( MailText(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.MailText)

Example 10 with FlexCellFormatter

use of in project perun by CESNET.

the class PreviewFormTabItem method prepareApplicationForm.

	 * Prepares the widgets from the items as A DISPLAY FOR THE USER
	 * @param sp scroll panel
public void prepareApplicationForm(ScrollPanel sp) {
    FlexTable ft = new FlexTable();
    ft.setSize("100%", "100%");
    FlexCellFormatter fcf = ft.getFlexCellFormatter();
    int i = 0;
    for (final ApplicationFormItem item : formItems) {
        // skip items not from correct app type
        ArrayList<String> itemApplicationTypes = JsonUtils.listFromJsArrayString(item.getApplicationTypes());
        if (!itemApplicationTypes.contains(appType))
        // generate correct items
        RegistrarFormItemGenerator gen = new RegistrarFormItemGenerator(item, locale);
        gen.addValidationTrigger(new FormValidator() {

            public void triggerValidation() {
        // if button, add onclick
        if (item.getType().equals("SUBMIT_BUTTON")) {
            this.sendButton = (Button) gen.getWidget();
            sendButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

                public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                    // revalidate again, with force validation
                    if (!validateFormValues(true)) {
                    // sending is disabled
                    Confirm c = new Confirm("Sending disabled", new Label("Sending form is disabled in preview mode, but form items value validation works."), true);
        // get localized texts
        ItemTexts itemTexts = item.getItemTexts(locale);
        if (!gen.isVisible()) {
        // WITH LABEL (input box ...)
        if (gen.isLabelShown()) {
            // 0 = label
            if (item.isRequired() == true) {
                // required
                ft.setHTML(i, 0, "<strong>" + gen.getLabelOrShortname() + "*</strong>");
            } else {
                // optional
                ft.setHTML(i, 0, "<strong>" + gen.getLabelOrShortname() + "</strong>");
            // 1 = widget
            Widget w = gen.getWidget();
            ft.setWidget(i, 1, w);
            // 2 = status
            ft.setWidget(i, 2, gen.getStatusWidget());
            // 3 = HELP
            if (itemTexts.getHelp() != null && itemTexts.getHelp().length() > 0) {
                Label help = new Label(itemTexts.getHelp());
                ft.setWidget(i, 3, help);
            // format
            fcf.setStyleName(i, 0, "applicationFormLabel");
            fcf.setStyleName(i, 1, "applicationFormWidget");
            fcf.setStyleName(i, 2, "applicationFormCheck");
            fcf.setStyleName(i, 3, "applicationFormHelp");
        } else {
            ft.setWidget(i, 0, gen.getWidget());
            // colspan = 2
            fcf.setColSpan(i, 0, 4);
            fcf.setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT);
            fcf.setVerticalAlignment(i, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
Also used : FlexCellFormatter( ClickEvent( Confirm(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.Confirm) FormValidator(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.client.applicationresources.FormValidator) ClickHandler( RegistrarFormItemGenerator(cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.client.applicationresources.RegistrarFormItemGenerator)


FlexCellFormatter ( ClickEvent ( ClickHandler ( TabItem (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.tabs.TabItem)19 CustomButton (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.CustomButton)19 TabMenu (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.TabMenu)17 ExtendedTextBox (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.ExtendedTextBox)14 JavaScriptObject ( JsonCallbackEvents (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.json.JsonCallbackEvents)10 RegistrarFormItemGenerator (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.client.applicationresources.RegistrarFormItemGenerator)6 PerunError (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.PerunError)5 JSONString ( VirtualOrganization (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.model.VirtualOrganization)3 ListBoxWithObjects (cz.metacentrum.perun.webgui.widgets.ListBoxWithObjects)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ChangeEvent ( ChangeHandler ( ImageResource ( Anchor ( Image (