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Example 41 with Compiler

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class MatchersTest method testJsDocType2.

public void testJsDocType2() {
    String input = "/** @type {number} */ let foo = 1;";
    Compiler compiler = getCompiler(input);
    Node root = compileToScriptRoot(compiler);
    Node node = root.getFirstFirstChild();
    assertTrue(Matchers.jsDocType("number").matches(node, new NodeMetadata(compiler)));
    assertFalse(Matchers.jsDocType("string").matches(node, new NodeMetadata(compiler)));
Also used : Compiler( Node( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 42 with Compiler

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SuggestedFixTest method testDeleteArgumentLast.

public void testDeleteArgumentLast() {
    String originalCode = "f(a, b, c);";
    String expectedCode = "f(a, b);";
    Compiler compiler = getCompiler(originalCode);
    Node root = compileToScriptRoot(compiler);
    SuggestedFix fix = new SuggestedFix.Builder().deleteArgument(root.getFirstFirstChild(), 2).build();
    assertChanges(fix, "", originalCode, expectedCode);
Also used : Compiler( Node( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 43 with Compiler

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SuggestedFixTest method testReplace_lowerPrecedence.

public void testReplace_lowerPrecedence() {
    String before = "2 * ";
    String after = "3";
    Compiler compiler = getCompiler(before + after + ";\n");
    Node root = compileToScriptRoot(compiler);
    Node newNode = IR.exprResult(IR.sub(IR.number(4), IR.number(1)));
    Node toReplace = root.getOnlyChild().getOnlyChild().getLastChild();
    SuggestedFix fix = new SuggestedFix.Builder().replace(toReplace, newNode, compiler).build();
    CodeReplacement replacement = CodeReplacement.create(before.length(), after.length(), "(4 - 1)");
    assertReplacement(fix, replacement);
Also used : Compiler( Node( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 44 with Compiler

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SuggestedFixTest method testDelete_multipleConstDeclaration.

public void testDelete_multipleConstDeclaration() {
    String input = "const foo = 3, bar = 4, baz = 5;";
    Compiler compiler = getCompiler(input);
    Node root = compileToScriptRoot(compiler);
    // Delete the 1st variable on the line. Make sure the deletion includes the assignment and the
    // trailing comma.
    SuggestedFix fix = new SuggestedFix.Builder().delete(root.getFirstFirstChild()).build();
    CodeReplacement replacement = CodeReplacement.create(6, "foo = 3, ".length(), "");
    assertReplacement(fix, replacement);
    // Delete the 2nd variable.
    fix = new SuggestedFix.Builder().delete(root.getFirstChild().getSecondChild()).build();
    replacement = CodeReplacement.create(15, "bar = 4, ".length(), "");
    assertReplacement(fix, replacement);
    // Delete the last variable. Make sure it removes the leading comma.
    fix = new SuggestedFix.Builder().delete(root.getFirstChild().getLastChild()).build();
    replacement = CodeReplacement.create(22, ", baz = 5".length(), "");
    assertReplacement(fix, replacement);
Also used : Compiler( Node( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 45 with Compiler

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SuggestedFixTest method assertAddGoogRequire.

private static void assertAddGoogRequire(String before, String after, String namespace) {
    Compiler compiler = getCompiler(before + after);
    Node root = compileToScriptRoot(compiler);
    Match match = new Match(root.getFirstChild(), new NodeMetadata(compiler));
    SuggestedFix fix = new SuggestedFix.Builder().addGoogRequire(match, namespace).build();
    CodeReplacement replacement = CodeReplacement.create(before.length(), 0, "goog.require('" + namespace + "');\n", namespace);
    assertReplacement(fix, replacement);
Also used : Compiler( Node(


Compiler ( Test (org.junit.Test)83 Node ( CompilerOptions ( SourceFile ( IOException ( File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Result ( AbstractCompiler ( BlackHoleErrorManager ( CompilerInput ( JSModule ( JSSourceFile ( CircularDependencyException ( AbstractJSProject (net.vtst.ow.closure.compiler.deps.AbstractJSProject)2 JSProject (net.vtst.ow.closure.compiler.deps.JSProject)2 ErrorManager ( JsAst ( LazyParsedDependencyInfo (