Search in sources :

Example 11 with SourceFile

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class CompileTask method findJavaScriptFiles.

 * Translates an Ant resource collection into the file list format that
 * the compiler expects.
private List<SourceFile> findJavaScriptFiles(ResourceCollection rc) {
    List<SourceFile> files = new ArrayList<>();
    Iterator<Resource> iter = rc.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        FileResource fr = (FileResource);
        // Construct path to file, relative to current working directory.
        File file = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath().relativize(fr.getFile().toPath()).toFile();
        files.add(SourceFile.fromFile(file, Charset.forName(encoding)));
    return files;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileResource( Resource( FileResource( SourceFile( SourceFile( File(

Example 12 with SourceFile

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class CompileTask method execute.

public void execute() {
    if (this.outputFile == null) {
        throw new BuildException("outputFile attribute must be set");
    CompilerOptions options = createCompilerOptions();
    Compiler compiler = createCompiler(options);
    List<SourceFile> externs = findExternFiles(options);
    List<SourceFile> sources = findSourceFiles();
    if (isStale() || forceRecompile) {
        log("Compiling " + sources.size() + " file(s) with " + externs.size() + " extern(s)");
        Result result = compiler.compile(externs, sources, options);
        if (result.success) {
            StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(compiler.toSource());
            if (this.outputWrapperFile != null) {
                try {
                    this.outputWrapper = Files.asCharSource(this.outputWrapperFile, UTF_8).read();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new BuildException("Invalid output_wrapper_file specified.");
            if (this.outputWrapper != null) {
                int pos = this.outputWrapper.indexOf(CommandLineRunner.OUTPUT_MARKER);
                if (pos > -1) {
                    String prefix = this.outputWrapper.substring(0, pos);
                    source.insert(0, prefix);
                    // end of outputWrapper
                    int suffixStart = pos + CommandLineRunner.OUTPUT_MARKER.length();
                    String suffix = this.outputWrapper.substring(suffixStart);
                } else {
                    throw new BuildException("Invalid output_wrapper specified. " + "Missing '" + CommandLineRunner.OUTPUT_MARKER + "'.");
            if (result.sourceMap != null) {
        } else {
            throw new BuildException("Compilation failed.");
    } else {
        log("None of the files changed. Compilation skipped.");
Also used : Compiler( CompilerOptions( BuildException( SourceFile( IOException( BuildException( Result(

Example 13 with SourceFile

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class DebuggerGwtMain method doCompile.

private void doCompile() {
    SourceFile externFile = SourceFile.fromCode("externs", externs.getValue());
    SourceFile srcFile = SourceFile.fromCode("input0", input0.getValue());
    Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
    try {
        Result result = compiler.compile(externFile, srcFile, options);
        updateUi(compiler, result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Compiler( SourceFile( Result(

Example 14 with SourceFile

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class CompileTask method findExternFiles.

private List<SourceFile> findExternFiles(CompilerOptions options) {
    List<SourceFile> files = new ArrayList<>();
    for (FileList list : this.externFileLists) {
    return files;
Also used : FileList( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SourceFile(

Example 15 with SourceFile

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class DepsGeneratorTest method testDuplicateProvidesIgnoredIfInClosureDirectory.

 * Ensures that DepsGenerator deduplicates dependencies from custom Closure Library branches.
public void testDuplicateProvidesIgnoredIfInClosureDirectory() throws Exception {
    // Create a stub Closure Library.
    SourceFile fauxClosureDeps = SourceFile.fromCode("dep1.js", "goog.addDependency('foo/a.js', ['a'], []);\n");
    SourceFile fauxClosureSrc = SourceFile.fromCode("path/to/closure/foo/a.js", "goog.provide('a');\n");
    // Create a source file that depends on the stub Closure Library.
    SourceFile userSrc = SourceFile.fromCode("my/package/script.js", "goog.require('a');\n" + "goog.provide('my.package.script');\n");
    DepsGenerator worker = new DepsGenerator(ImmutableList.of(fauxClosureDeps), ImmutableList.of(fauxClosureSrc, userSrc), DepsGenerator.InclusionStrategy.ALWAYS, PathUtil.makeAbsolute("./path/to/closure"), errorManager, new ModuleLoader(null, ImmutableList.of("."), ImmutableList.<DependencyInfo>of(), ModuleLoader.PathResolver.ABSOLUTE, ModuleLoader.ResolutionMode.BROWSER));
    String output = worker.computeDependencyCalls();
    assertWithMessage("Output should have been created.").that(output).isNotEmpty();
Also used : SourceFile(


SourceFile ( Compiler ( CompilerOptions ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 IOException ( Result ( StaticSourceFile ( EntryPoint ( LazyParsedDependencyInfo ( SourceMapInput ( ParserRunner ( Node ( File ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 JSExtern (net.vtst.ow.closure.compiler.deps.JSExtern)2 ImmutableMap ( ErrorManager ( JsAst ( Config ( Comment (