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Example 81 with TestExternsBuilder

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypedScopeCreatorTest method testGoogProvide_overwritingExternsFunction.

public void testGoogProvide_overwritingExternsFunction() {
    processClosurePrimitives = true;
    testSame(externs(new TestExternsBuilder().addClosureExterns().addExtra("/** @externs */ function eval(code) {}").build()), srcs(lines(// 
    "goog.provide('eval.subNs');", "eval.subNs = class {};", "new eval.subNs();")), warning(TypeValidator.DUP_VAR_DECLARATION_TYPE_MISMATCH));
Also used : TestExternsBuilder( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 82 with TestExternsBuilder

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class MultiPassTest method testDestructuringInsideArrowFunction.

public void testDestructuringInsideArrowFunction() {
    test(externs(new TestExternsBuilder().addJSCompLibraries().addConsole().build()), srcs(lines("var x, a, b;", "x = (() => {console.log(); return [a,b] = [1,2];})()")), expected(lines("var x, a, b;", "x = function () {", "   console.log();", "   return function () {", "       let $jscomp$destructuring$var0 = [1,2];", "       var $jscomp$destructuring$var1 = ", "$jscomp.makeIterator($jscomp$destructuring$var0);", "       a = $jscomp$destructuring$;", "       b = $jscomp$destructuring$;", "       return $jscomp$destructuring$var0;", "       } ();", "} ();")));
Also used : TestExternsBuilder( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 83 with TestExternsBuilder

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class RemoveUnusedCodeTest method testRemoveUnusedPolyfills_global_untyped.

public void testRemoveUnusedPolyfills_global_untyped() {
    final String mapPolyfill = "$jscomp.polyfill('Map', function() {}, 'es6', 'es3');";
    PolyfillRemovalTester tester = new PolyfillRemovalTester().addExterns(new TestExternsBuilder().addConsole().addExtra(JSCOMP_POLYFILL, "/** @constructor */ function Map() {}").build()).addPolyfill(mapPolyfill);
    // unused polyfill is removed
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log()", mapPolyfill);
    // used polyfill is not removed
    tester.expectNoRemovalTest("console.log(new Map())");
    // Local names shadowing global polyfills are not themselves polyfill references.
    "console.log(function(Map) {", "  console.log(new Map());", "});"), mapPolyfill);
Also used : TestExternsBuilder( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 84 with TestExternsBuilder

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class RemoveUnusedCodeTest method testRemoveUnusedPolyfills_guardedGlobals.

public void testRemoveUnusedPolyfills_guardedGlobals() {
    final String mapPolyfill = "$jscomp.polyfill('Map', function() {}, 'es6', 'es3');";
    PolyfillRemovalTester tester = new PolyfillRemovalTester().addExterns(new TestExternsBuilder().addConsole().addExtra(JSCOMP_POLYFILL, "/** @constructor */ function Map() {}", "/** @constructor */ function Promise() {}").build()).addPolyfill(mapPolyfill);
    "if (typeof Map !== 'undefined') {", "  console.log(Map);", "}"), mapPolyfill);
    "if (Map) {", "  console.log(Map);", "}"), mapPolyfill);
    final String promisePolyfill = "$jscomp.polyfill('Promise', function() {}, 'es6', 'es3');";
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest(lines(// Map is guarded, but Promise is not, so only Map is removed.
    "if (typeof Map !== 'undefined') {", "  console.log(Map);", "  console.log(Promise);", "}"), mapPolyfill);
Also used : TestExternsBuilder( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 85 with TestExternsBuilder

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class RemoveUnusedCodeTest method testRemoveUnusedPolyfills_globalWithPrototypePolyfill_untyped.

public void testRemoveUnusedPolyfills_globalWithPrototypePolyfill_untyped() {
    final String promisePolyfill = "$jscomp.polyfill('Promise', function() {}, 'es6', 'es3');";
    final String finallyPolyfill = "$jscomp.polyfill('Promise.prototype.finally', function() {}, 'es8', 'es3');";
    PolyfillRemovalTester tester = new PolyfillRemovalTester().addExterns(// 
    new TestExternsBuilder().addPromise().addConsole().addExtra(JSCOMP_POLYFILL).build()).addPolyfill(promisePolyfill).addPolyfill(finallyPolyfill);
    // Both the base polyfill and the extra method are removed when unused.
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log();", promisePolyfill, finallyPolyfill);
    // The extra method polyfill is removed if not used, even when the base is retained.
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise.resolve());", finallyPolyfill);
    // Promise is guarded by an optional chain.
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise?.resolve());", promisePolyfill, finallyPolyfill);
    // Can't remove finally without type information
    "", "const p = {finally() {}};", "p.finally();"), // it would actually prevent the Promise polyfill from being removed.
    // `finally` is guarded by an optional chain
    "", "const p = {finally() {}};", "p.finally?.();"), promisePolyfill, finallyPolyfill);
    // Retain both the base and the extra method when both are used.
    tester.expectNoRemovalTest("console.log(Promise.resolve().finally(() => {}));");
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise?.resolve()?.finally(() => {}));", // finally is not guarded
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise?.resolve().finally?.(() => {}));", promisePolyfill, // both are guarded
    // TODO(b/163394833): Note that this behavior could result in the Promise polyfill being
    // removed, then the Promise.prototype.finally polyfill code having nowhere to hang its value.
    // This is consistent with the way guarding with `&&` would behave, as demonstrated by the
    // following test case.
    // NOTE: In reality the Promise.prototype.finally polyfill references Promise, so
    // it would actually prevent the Promise polyfill from being removed.
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise?.resolve().finally(() => {}));", // only Promise guarded by optional chain
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise && Promise.resolve().finally(() => {}));", // only Promise guarded by optional chain
    tester.expectPolyfillsRemovedTest("console.log(Promise.resolve().finally?.(() => {}));", // only `finally` guarded by optional chain
    // The base polyfill is removed and the extra method retained if the constructor never shows up
    // anywhere in the source code.  NOTE: this is probably the wrong thing to do.  This situation
    // should only be possible if async function transpilation happens *after* RemoveUnusedCode
    // (since we have an async function).  The fact that we inserted the Promise polyfill in the
    // first case indicates the output language is < ES6.  When that later transpilation occurs, we
    // will end up adding uses of the Promise constructor.  We need to keep this in mind when moving
    // transpilation after optimizations.
    "", "async function f() {}", "f().finally(() => {});", ""), promisePolyfill);
Also used : TestExternsBuilder( Test(org.junit.Test)


TestExternsBuilder ( Test (org.junit.Test)106 CompilerOptions ( Node ( NodeSubject.assertNode ( Compiler ( SourceFile ( Color ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 CodeSubTree ( ImmutableList ( NoninjectingCompiler ( ClosureReverseAbstractInterpreter ( SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter ( FunctionType ( File ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1