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Example 26 with TypeI

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeMismatch method registerMismatch.

static void registerMismatch(List<TypeMismatch> mismatches, List<TypeMismatch> implicitInterfaceUses, TypeI found, TypeI required, JSError error) {
    // Don't register a mismatch for differences in null or undefined or if the
    // code didn't downcast.
    found = removeNullUndefinedAndTemplates(found);
    required = removeNullUndefinedAndTemplates(required);
    if (found.isSubtypeOf(required) || required.isSubtypeOf(found)) {
        boolean strictMismatch = !found.isSubtypeWithoutStructuralTyping(required) && !required.isSubtypeWithoutStructuralTyping(found);
        if (strictMismatch && bothAreNotTypeVariables(found, required)) {
            implicitInterfaceUses.add(new TypeMismatch(found, required, Suppliers.ofInstance(error)));
    if (bothAreNotTypeVariables(found, required)) {
        mismatches.add(new TypeMismatch(found, required, Suppliers.ofInstance(error)));
    if (found.isFunctionType() && required.isFunctionType()) {
        FunctionTypeI fnTypeA = found.toMaybeFunctionType();
        FunctionTypeI fnTypeB = required.toMaybeFunctionType();
        Iterator<TypeI> paramItA = fnTypeA.getParameterTypes().iterator();
        Iterator<TypeI> paramItB = fnTypeB.getParameterTypes().iterator();
        while (paramItA.hasNext() && paramItB.hasNext()) {
            TypeMismatch.registerIfMismatch(mismatches, implicitInterfaceUses,,, error);
        TypeMismatch.registerIfMismatch(mismatches, implicitInterfaceUses, fnTypeA.getReturnType(), fnTypeB.getReturnType(), error);
Also used : TypeI( ObjectTypeI( FunctionTypeI( FunctionTypeI(

Example 27 with TypeI

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class JSType method acceptsArguments.

public final boolean acceptsArguments(List<? extends TypeI> argumentTypes) {
    int numArgs = argumentTypes.size();
    FunctionType fnType = this.getFunTypeIfSingletonObj();
    if (numArgs < fnType.getMinArity() || numArgs > fnType.getMaxArity()) {
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
        TypeI ithArgType = argumentTypes.get(i);
        JSType ithParamType = fnType.getFormalType(i);
        if (!ithArgType.isSubtypeOf(ithParamType)) {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : FunctionTypeI( TypeI( ObjectTypeI(

Example 28 with TypeI

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class DevirtualizePrototypeMethodsTest method checkTypeOfRewrittenMethods.

private void checkTypeOfRewrittenMethods() {
    TypeI thisType = getTypeAtPosition(0).toMaybeFunctionType().getInstanceType();
    FunctionTypeI fooType = getTypeAtPosition(1, 0, 0).toMaybeFunctionType();
    FunctionTypeI barType = getTypeAtPosition(2, 0, 0).toMaybeFunctionType();
    FunctionTypeI bazType = getTypeAtPosition(3, 0, 0).toMaybeFunctionType();
    TypeI fooResultType = getTypeAtPosition(5, 0);
    TypeI barResultType = getTypeAtPosition(6, 0);
    TypeI bazResultType = getTypeAtPosition(7, 0);
    TypeI number = fooResultType;
    TypeI receiver = fooType.getTypeOfThis();
    assertTrue("Expected number: " + number, number.isNumberValueType());
    // NOTE: OTI has the receiver as unknown, NTI has it as null.
    assertTrue("Expected null or unknown: " + receiver, receiver == null || receiver.isUnknownType());
    // Check that foo's type is {function(A): number}
    // Check that bar's type is {function(A, number): number}
    assertThat(barType.getParameterTypes()).containsExactly(thisType, number).inOrder();
    // Check that baz's type is {function(A): undefined} in OTI and {function(A): ?} in NTI
    // TODO(sdh): NTI currently fails to infer the result of the baz() call (b/37351897)
    // so we handle it more carefully.  When methods are deferred, this should be changed
    // to check that it's exactly unknown.
    assertTrue("Expected undefined or unknown: " + bazResultType, bazResultType.isVoidType() || bazResultType.isUnknownType());
    assertTrue("Expected undefined: " + bazType.getReturnType(), bazType.getReturnType().isVoidType());
Also used : TypeI( FunctionTypeI( FunctionTypeI(

Example 29 with TypeI

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class CheckAccessControls method getClassOfMethod.

 * Gets the type of the class that "owns" a method, or null if
 * we know that its un-owned.
private TypeI getClassOfMethod(Node n, Node parent) {
    checkState(n.isFunction(), n);
    if (parent.isAssign()) {
        Node lValue = parent.getFirstChild();
        if (NodeUtil.isGet(lValue)) {
            // We have an assignment of the form "a.b = ...".
            TypeI lValueType = lValue.getTypeI();
            if (lValueType != null && (lValueType.isConstructor() || lValueType.isInterface())) {
                // belongs to the "a.b" type.
                return (lValueType.toMaybeFunctionType()).getInstanceType();
            } else if (NodeUtil.isPrototypeProperty(lValue)) {
                return normalizeClassType(NodeUtil.getPrototypeClassName(lValue).getTypeI());
            } else {
                return normalizeClassType(lValue.getFirstChild().getTypeI());
        } else {
            // type off the "a".
            return normalizeClassType(lValue.getTypeI());
    } else if (NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n) || parent.isName()) {
        return normalizeClassType(n.getTypeI());
    } else if (parent.isStringKey() || parent.isGetterDef() || parent.isSetterDef()) {
        Node objectLitParent = parent.getGrandparent();
        if (!objectLitParent.isAssign()) {
            return null;
        Node className = NodeUtil.getPrototypeClassName(objectLitParent.getFirstChild());
        if (className != null) {
            return normalizeClassType(className.getTypeI());
    return null;
Also used : Node( TypeI( ObjectTypeI( FunctionTypeI(

Example 30 with TypeI

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class CheckAccessControls method checkPrivatePropertyVisibility.

private void checkPrivatePropertyVisibility(NodeTraversal t, Node getprop, Node parent, boolean isClassType, TypeI ownerType) {
    if (isClassType && isValidPrivateConstructorAccess(parent)) {
    // private access is not allowed outside the file from a different
    // enclosing class.
    TypeI accessedType = getprop.getFirstChild().getTypeI();
    String propertyName = getprop.getLastChild().getString();
    String readableTypeName = ownerType.equals(accessedType) ? typeRegistry.getReadableTypeName(getprop.getFirstChild()) : ownerType.toString();
    // TODO(tbreisacher): Should we also include the filename where ownerType is defined?, BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, propertyName, readableTypeName));
Also used : TypeI( ObjectTypeI( FunctionTypeI(


TypeI ( ObjectTypeI ( FunctionTypeI ( Node ( TypeIRegistry ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 JSType ( JSDocInfo ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 IdentityHashMap (java.util.IdentityHashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 ImmutableMap ( ImmutableSet ( DiGraphNode ( Visibility ( JSDocInfoBuilder ( JSTypeExpression ( Token ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1