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Example 16 with Point

use of in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class HeatmapTileProvider method convolve.

 * Applies a 2D Gaussian convolution to the input grid, returning a 2D grid cropped of padding.
 * @param grid   Raw input grid to convolve: dimension (dim + 2 * radius) x (dim + 2 * radius)
 *               ie dim * dim with padding of size radius
 * @param kernel Pre-computed Gaussian kernel of size radius * 2 + 1
 * @return the smoothened grid
static double[][] convolve(double[][] grid, double[] kernel) {
    // Calculate radius size
    int radius = (int) Math.floor((double) kernel.length / 2.0);
    // Padded dimension
    int dimOld = grid.length;
    // Calculate final (non padded) dimension
    int dim = dimOld - 2 * radius;
    // Upper and lower limits of non padded (inclusive)
    int lowerLimit = radius;
    int upperLimit = radius + dim - 1;
    // Convolve horizontally
    double[][] intermediate = new double[dimOld][dimOld];
    // Need to convolve every point (including those outside of non-padded area)
    // but only need to add to points within non-padded area
    int x, y, x2, xUpperLimit, initial;
    double val;
    for (x = 0; x < dimOld; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < dimOld; y++) {
            // for each point (x, y)
            val = grid[x][y];
            // only bother if something there
            if (val != 0) {
                // need to "apply" convolution from that point to every point in
                // (max(lowerLimit, x - radius), y) to (min(upperLimit, x + radius), y)
                xUpperLimit = ((upperLimit < x + radius) ? upperLimit : x + radius) + 1;
                // Replace Math.max
                initial = (lowerLimit > x - radius) ? lowerLimit : x - radius;
                for (x2 = initial; x2 < xUpperLimit; x2++) {
                    // multiplier for x2 = x - radius is kernel[0]
                    // x2 = x + radius is kernel[radius * 2]
                    // so multiplier for x2 in general is kernel[x2 - (x - radius)]
                    intermediate[x2][y] += val * kernel[x2 - (x - radius)];
    // Convolve vertically
    double[][] outputGrid = new double[dim][dim];
    // Similarly, need to convolve every point, but only add to points within non-padded area
    // However, we are adding to a smaller grid here (previously, was to a grid of same size)
    int y2, yUpperLimit;
    // Don't care about convolving parts in horizontal padding - wont impact inner
    for (x = lowerLimit; x < upperLimit + 1; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < dimOld; y++) {
            // for each point (x, y)
            val = intermediate[x][y];
            // only bother if something there
            if (val != 0) {
                // need to "apply" convolution from that point to every point in
                // (x, max(lowerLimit, y - radius) to (x, min(upperLimit, y + radius))
                // Don't care about
                yUpperLimit = ((upperLimit < y + radius) ? upperLimit : y + radius) + 1;
                // replace math.max
                initial = (lowerLimit > y - radius) ? lowerLimit : y - radius;
                for (y2 = initial; y2 < yUpperLimit; y2++) {
                    // Similar logic to above
                    // subtract, as adding to a smaller grid
                    outputGrid[x - radius][y2 - radius] += val * kernel[y2 - (y - radius)];
    return outputGrid;
Also used : Point(


Point ( Bounds ( LongSparseArray ( Cluster ( SphericalMercatorProjection ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Bitmap ( LongSparseArray (androidx.collection.LongSparseArray)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1