Search in sources :

Example 21 with FieldMask

use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.

the class QueryFactory method allWithMask.

     * Creates a {@link Query} to read all entity states with the {@link FieldMask}
     * applied to each of the results.
     * <p>Allows to set property paths for a {@link FieldMask}, applied to each of the query
     * results. This processing is performed according to the
     * <a href="">FieldMask specs</a>.
     * <p>In case the {@code paths} array contains entries inapplicable to the resulting entity
     * (e.g. a {@code path} references a missing field), such invalid paths
     * are silently ignored.
     * @param entityClass the class of a target entity
     * @param maskPaths   the property paths for the {@code FieldMask} applied
     *                    to each of results
     * @return an instance of {@code Query} formed according to the passed parameters
public Query allWithMask(Class<? extends Message> entityClass, String... maskPaths) {
    final FieldMask fieldMask = FieldMask.newBuilder().addAllPaths(Arrays.asList(maskPaths)).build();
    final Query result = composeQuery(entityClass, null, null, fieldMask);
    return result;
Also used : FieldMask(

Example 22 with FieldMask

use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.

the class EntityQueryProcessor method process.

public ImmutableCollection<Any> process(Query query) {
    final ImmutableList.Builder<Any> resultBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    final Target target = query.getTarget();
    final FieldMask fieldMask = query.getFieldMask();
    final ImmutableCollection<? extends Entity> entities;
    if (target.getIncludeAll() && fieldMask.getPathsList().isEmpty()) {
        entities = repository.loadAll();
    } else {
        final EntityFilters filters = target.getFilters();
        entities = repository.find(filters, fieldMask);
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
        final Message state = entity.getState();
        final Any packedState = AnyPacker.pack(state);
    final ImmutableList<Any> result =;
    return result;
Also used : Entity(io.spine.server.entity.Entity) Target(io.spine.client.Target) Message( ImmutableList( EntityFilters(io.spine.client.EntityFilters) Any( FieldMask(

Example 23 with FieldMask

use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.

the class AggregateQueryProcessor method process.

public ImmutableCollection<Any> process(Query query) {
    final ImmutableList.Builder<Any> resultBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    ImmutableCollection<EntityRecord> stateRecords;
    final Target target = query.getTarget();
    final FieldMask fieldMask = query.getFieldMask();
    final boolean shouldApplyFieldMask = !fieldMask.getPathsList().isEmpty();
    if (target.getIncludeAll()) {
        stateRecords = shouldApplyFieldMask ? standStorage.readAllByType(type, fieldMask) : standStorage.readAllByType(type);
    } else {
        stateRecords = doFetchWithFilters(target, fieldMask);
    for (EntityRecord record : stateRecords) {
        final Any state = record.getState();
    final ImmutableList<Any> result =;
    return result;
Also used : EntityRecord(io.spine.server.entity.EntityRecord) Target(io.spine.client.Target) ImmutableList( Any( FieldMask(

Example 24 with FieldMask

use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.

the class StandShould method doCheckReadingCustomersByIdAndFieldMask.

private void doCheckReadingCustomersByIdAndFieldMask(String... paths) {
    final Stand stand = prepareStandWithAggregateRepo(createStandStorage());
    final int querySize = 2;
    final Set<CustomerId> ids = new HashSet<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < querySize; i++) {
        final Customer customer = getSampleCustomer().toBuilder().setId(CustomerId.newBuilder().setNumber(i)).build();
        final Version stateVersion = Tests.newVersionWithNumber(1);
        stand.update(asEnvelope(customer.getId(), customer, stateVersion));
    final Query customerQuery = requestFactory.query().byIdsWithMask(Customer.class, ids, paths);
    final FieldMask fieldMask = FieldMask.newBuilder().addAllPaths(Arrays.asList(paths)).build();
    final MemoizeQueryResponseObserver observer = new MemoizeQueryResponseObserver() {

        public void onNext(QueryResponse value) {
            final List<Any> messages = value.getMessagesList();
            Verify.assertSize(ids.size(), messages);
            for (Any message : messages) {
                final Customer customer = AnyPacker.unpack(message);
                assertNotEquals(customer, null);
                assertMatches(customer, fieldMask);
    stand.execute(customerQuery, observer);
Also used : Query(io.spine.client.Query) Customer(io.spine.test.commandservice.customer.Customer) CustomerId(io.spine.test.commandservice.customer.CustomerId) Any( Version(io.spine.base.Version) QueryResponse(io.spine.client.QueryResponse) FieldMask( Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 25 with FieldMask

use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.

the class StandShould method select_entity_singleton_by_id_and_apply_field_masks.

public void select_entity_singleton_by_id_and_apply_field_masks() {
    final Stand stand = prepareStandWithAggregateRepo(createStandStorage());
    final String customerDescriptor = Customer.getDescriptor().getFullName();
    // clashes with non-related tests.
    @SuppressWarnings("DuplicateStringLiteralInspection") final String[] paths = { customerDescriptor + ".id", customerDescriptor + ".name" };
    final FieldMask fieldMask = FieldMask.newBuilder().addAllPaths(Arrays.asList(paths)).build();
    final List<Customer> customers = new LinkedList<>();
    final int count = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        // Has new ID each time
        final Customer customer = getSampleCustomer();
        final Version stateVersion = Tests.newVersionWithNumber(1);
        stand.update(asEnvelope(customer.getId(), customer, stateVersion));
    final Set<CustomerId> ids = Collections.singleton(customers.get(0).getId());
    final Query customerQuery = requestFactory.query().byIdsWithMask(Customer.class, ids, paths);
    final MemoizeQueryResponseObserver observer = new MemoizeQueryResponseObserver();
    stand.execute(customerQuery, observer);
    final List<Any> read = observer.responseHandled.getMessagesList();
    Verify.assertSize(1, read);
    final Customer customer = AnyPacker.unpack(read.get(0));
    assertMatches(customer, fieldMask);
Also used : Query(io.spine.client.Query) Customer(io.spine.test.commandservice.customer.Customer) CustomerId(io.spine.test.commandservice.customer.CustomerId) Any( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Version(io.spine.base.Version) FieldMask( Test(org.junit.Test) TenantAwareTest(io.spine.server.tenant.TenantAwareTest)


FieldMask ( Test (org.junit.Test)20 Any ( EntityRecord (io.spine.server.entity.EntityRecord)6 Descriptors ( Message ( Query (io.spine.client.Query)5 Project (io.spine.test.aggregate.Project)5 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)4 EntityFilters (io.spine.client.EntityFilters)3 Target (io.spine.client.Target)3 Matchers.containsString (org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString)3 ImmutableList ( Version (io.spine.base.Version)2 EntityId (io.spine.client.EntityId)2 EntityIdFilter (io.spine.client.EntityIdFilter)2 TenantAwareTest (io.spine.server.tenant.TenantAwareTest)2 TestEntity (io.spine.test.client.TestEntity)2 Customer (io.spine.test.commandservice.customer.Customer)2 CustomerId (io.spine.test.commandservice.customer.CustomerId)2