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Example 26 with Key

use of in project beam by apache.

the class DatastoreV1Test method testDeleteEntities.

 * Test that entities with valid keys are transformed to delete mutations.
public void testDeleteEntities() throws Exception {
    Key key = makeKey("bird", "finch").build();
    Entity entity = Entity.newBuilder().setKey(key).build();
    DeleteEntityFn deleteEntityFn = new DeleteEntityFn();
    Mutation expectedMutation = makeDelete(entity.getKey()).build();
    assertEquals(expectedMutation, deleteEntityFn.apply(entity));
Also used : Entity( DeleteEntity( DeleteEntityFn( Mutation( DeleteKey( Key( DatastoreHelper.makeKey( DatastoreV1.isValidKey( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with Key

use of in project beam by apache.

the class DatastoreV1Test method testHasNameOrId.

 * Test the detection of complete and incomplete keys.
public void testHasNameOrId() {
    Key key;
    // Complete with name, no ancestor
    key = makeKey("bird", "finch").build();
    // Complete with id, no ancestor
    key = makeKey("bird", 123).build();
    // Incomplete, no ancestor
    key = makeKey("bird").build();
    // Complete with name and ancestor
    key = makeKey("bird", "owl").build();
    key = makeKey(key, "bird", "horned").build();
    // Complete with id and ancestor
    key = makeKey("bird", "owl").build();
    key = makeKey(key, "bird", 123).build();
    // Incomplete with ancestor
    key = makeKey("bird", "owl").build();
    key = makeKey(key, "bird").build();
    key = makeKey().build();
Also used : DeleteKey( Key( DatastoreHelper.makeKey( DatastoreV1.isValidKey( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 28 with Key

use of in project beam by apache.

the class DatastoreV1Test method testDeleteEntitiesWithIncompleteKeys.

 * Test that entities with incomplete keys cannot be deleted.
public void testDeleteEntitiesWithIncompleteKeys() throws Exception {
    Key key = makeKey("bird").build();
    Entity entity = Entity.newBuilder().setKey(key).build();
    DeleteEntityFn deleteEntityFn = new DeleteEntityFn();
    thrown.expectMessage("Entities to be deleted from the Cloud Datastore must have complete keys");
Also used : Entity( DeleteEntity( DeleteEntityFn( DeleteKey( Key( DatastoreHelper.makeKey( DatastoreV1.isValidKey( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 29 with Key

use of in project beam by apache.

the class V1ReadIT method writeEntitiesToDatastore.

// Creates entities and write them to datastore
private static void writeEntitiesToDatastore(V1TestOptions options, String project, String ancestor, long numEntities) throws Exception {
    Datastore datastore = getDatastore(options, project);
    // Write test entities to datastore
    V1TestWriter writer = new V1TestWriter(datastore, new UpsertMutationBuilder());
    Key ancestorKey = makeAncestorKey(options.getNamespace(), options.getKind(), ancestor);
    for (long i = 0; i < numEntities; i++) {
        Entity entity = makeEntity(i, ancestorKey, options.getKind(), options.getNamespace(), 0);
Also used : Entity( V1TestUtil.makeEntity( UpsertMutationBuilder( V1TestUtil.getDatastore( Datastore( V1TestWriter( V1TestUtil.makeAncestorKey( Key(

Example 30 with Key

use of in project java-recaptchaenterprise by googleapis.

the class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClientTest method listKeysTest.

public void listKeysTest() throws Exception {
    Key responsesElement = Key.newBuilder().build();
    ListKeysResponse expectedResponse = ListKeysResponse.newBuilder().setNextPageToken("").addAllKeys(Arrays.asList(responsesElement)).build();
    ListKeysRequest request = ListKeysRequest.newBuilder().setParent(ProjectName.of("[PROJECT]").toString()).setPageSize(883849137).setPageToken("pageToken873572522").build();
    ListKeysPagedResponse pagedListResponse = client.listKeys(request);
    List<Key> resources = Lists.newArrayList(pagedListResponse.iterateAll());
    Assert.assertEquals(1, resources.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponse.getKeysList().get(0), resources.get(0));
    List<AbstractMessage> actualRequests = mockRecaptchaEnterpriseService.getRequests();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, actualRequests.size());
    ListKeysRequest actualRequest = ((ListKeysRequest) actualRequests.get(0));
    Assert.assertEquals(request.getParent(), actualRequest.getParent());
    Assert.assertEquals(request.getPageSize(), actualRequest.getPageSize());
    Assert.assertEquals(request.getPageToken(), actualRequest.getPageToken());
    Assert.assertTrue(channelProvider.isHeaderSent(ApiClientHeaderProvider.getDefaultApiClientHeaderKey(), GaxGrpcProperties.getDefaultApiClientHeaderPattern()));
Also used : AbstractMessage( ListKeysPagedResponse( ListKeysRequest( ListKeysResponse( Key( Test(org.junit.Test)


Test (org.junit.Test)27 Key ( AbstractMessage ( DatastoreHelper.makeKey ( Key ( RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient ( Entity ( DeleteKey ( DatastoreV1.isValidKey ( Mutation ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 InvalidArgumentException ( GetKeyRequest ( Key ( StatusRuntimeException (io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Query ( DeleteKeyRequest ( GetMetricsRequest ( Metrics (