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the class NegTranslator method translate.
* Translates an NEG instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The NEG instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction
* is not a NEG instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "neg");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 1) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not an neg instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
// NEG instructions have exactly one operand.
final IOperandTree operand = instruction.getOperands().get(0);
// Load the operand.
final TranslationResult result = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operand, true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
final String operandRegister = result.getRegister();
final OperandSize size = result.getSize();
final OperandSize resultSize = TranslationHelpers.getNextSize(size);
final String msbMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getMsbMask(size));
final String truncateMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getAllBitsMask(size));
final String shiftValue = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getShiftMsbLsbMask(size));
final String targetIsZero = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String msbTarget = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String negResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String msbResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String tempOf = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String truncatedResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
// CF = ( original value == 0 ? 0 : 1 )
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset, size, operandRegister, OperandSize.BYTE, targetIsZero));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 1, OperandSize.BYTE, targetIsZero, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
// Isolate the MSB of the original value
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 2, size, operandRegister, size, msbMask, size, msbTarget));
// Negate the value
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset + 3, size, "0", size, operandRegister, resultSize, negResult));
// Isolate the MSB of the result and write it into SF
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 4, resultSize, negResult, size, msbMask, size, msbResult));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 5, size, msbResult, size, shiftValue, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG));
// The OF is set is the original value was the lowest negative value of the target
// Example: EAX => OF is set if value was 0x80000000
// If that happens, the MSB of the operand and the result must both be set.
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 6, size, msbTarget, size, msbResult, size, tempOf));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 7, size, tempOf, size, shiftValue, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
// Make sure the result does not overflow
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 8, resultSize, negResult, size, truncateMask, size, truncatedResult));
// Set the ZF according to the result
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 9, size, truncatedResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
// Write the truncated result back to the operand
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset + 10, operand, truncatedResult, size, result.getAddress(), result.getType(), instructions);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class OrTranslator method translate.
* Translates a OR instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The OR instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not a OR instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "or");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a or instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
final IOperandTree targetOperand = operands.get(0);
final IOperandTree sourceOperand = operands.get(1);
// Load source operand.
final TranslationResult sourceResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, sourceOperand, true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Load destination operand.
final TranslationResult targetResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, targetOperand, true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
final OperandSize size = targetResult.getSize();
final String sourceRegister = sourceResult.getRegister();
final String targetRegister = targetResult.getRegister();
final String orResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
// Do the OR operation
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createOr(offset, size, sourceRegister, size, targetRegister, size, orResult));
// Set the flags according to the result of the OR operation
Helpers.generateBinaryOperationFlags(environment, offset + 1, orResult, size, instructions);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Write the result of the OR operation back into the target operand
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, targetOperand, orResult, size, targetResult.getAddress(), targetResult.getType(), instructions);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class PopTranslator method translate.
* Translates a POP instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The PUSH instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not an POP instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 1) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a pop instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
// POP instructions have exactly one operand
final IOperandTree operand = instruction.getOperands().get(0);
// Load the operand
final TranslationResult result = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operand, false);
final TranslationResultType resultType = result.getType();
final OperandSize resultSize = result.getSize();
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Load the value from the stack
final String popResult = Helpers.generatePop(environment, offset, resultSize, null, instructions);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Write the loaded value into the target register
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, operand, popResult, resultSize, result.getAddress(), resultType, instructions);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class MovzxTranslator method translate.
* Translates a MOVZX instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The MOVZX instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not a MOVZX instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "movzx");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a movzx instruction (invalid number of operand)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
final IOperandTree destOperand = operands.get(0);
final IOperandTree sourceOperand = operands.get(1);
// Load source operand.
final TranslationResult sourceResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, sourceOperand, true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
final String sourceRegister = sourceResult.getRegister();
// Load destination operand (must be a register).
final String destRegister = Helpers.getLeafValue(destOperand.getRootNode());
final OperandSize destSize = Helpers.getRegisterSize(destRegister);
final OperandSize sourceSize = sourceResult.getSize();
if (destSize == environment.getArchitectureSize()) {
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createOr(offset, destSize, "0", sourceSize, sourceRegister, destSize, destRegister));
} else {
Helpers.moveAndMask(environment, offset, sourceSize, sourceRegister, destRegister, instructions);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class SltTranslator method translate.
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "slt");
final Triple<IOperandTree, IOperandTree, IOperandTree> operands = OperandLoader.loadDuplicateFirst(instruction);
final String targetRegister = operands.first().getRootNode().getChildren().get(0).getValue();
final String sourceRegister1 = operands.second().getRootNode().getChildren().get(0).getValue();
final String sourceRegister2 = operands.third().getRootNode().getChildren().get(0).getValue();
final OperandSize dw = OperandSize.DWORD;
final long baseOffset = ReilHelpers.toReilAddress(instruction.getAddress()).toLong();
long offset = baseOffset;
final String subtractedValue = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String temporaryResultOne = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String temporaryResultTwo = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String xoredValue = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String result = environment.getNextVariableString();
// x<y = (x-y) XOR [(x XOR y) AND ((x-y) XOR x)]
// Subtract the input values
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset++, dw, sourceRegister1, dw, sourceRegister2, dw, subtractedValue));
// XOR the input values
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset++, dw, sourceRegister1, dw, sourceRegister2, dw, xoredValue));
// ((x-y) XOR x)
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset++, dw, subtractedValue, dw, xoredValue, dw, temporaryResultOne));
// (x XOR y) AND ((x-y) XOR x)
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, dw, temporaryResultOne, dw, xoredValue, dw, temporaryResultTwo));
// (x-y) XOR [(x XOR y) AND ((x-y) XOR x)]
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset++, dw, subtractedValue, dw, temporaryResultTwo, dw, result));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, dw, result, dw, String.valueOf(-31L), dw, targetRegister));