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Example 31 with Type

use of in project java-smt by sosy-lab.

the class CVC4FormulaManager method dumpFormula.

public Appender dumpFormula(Expr f) {
    assert getFormulaCreator().getFormulaType(f) == FormulaType.BooleanType : "Only BooleanFormulas may be dumped";
    return new Appenders.AbstractAppender() {

        public void appendTo(Appendable out) throws IOException {
            // get all symbols
            final Map<String, Expr> allVars = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            creator.extractVariablesAndUFs(f, true, allVars::put);
            // print all symbols
            for (Map.Entry<String, Expr> entry : allVars.entrySet()) {
                String name = entry.getKey();
                Expr var = entry.getValue();
                // escaping is stolen from SMTInterpol, lets hope this remains consistent
                out.append("(declare-fun ").append(PrintTerm.quoteIdentifier(name)).append(" (");
                // add function parameters
                Iterable<Type> childrenTypes = Iterables.transform(var, Expr::getType);
                out.append(Joiner.on(" ").join(childrenTypes));
                // and return type
                out.append(") ").append(var.getType().toString()).append(")\n");
            // now add the final assert
            out.append("(assert ");
            // f.toStream() uses LET-expressions and is exactly what we want.
            try (OutputStream stream = new OutputStream() {

                public void write(int chr) throws IOException {
                    out.append((char) chr);
            }) {
Also used : Type(edu.stanford.CVC4.Type) FormulaType(org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FormulaType) Expr(edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr) OutputStream( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 32 with Type

use of in project java-smt by sosy-lab.

the class CVC4NativeAPITest method checkLIAUfsUnsat.

public void checkLIAUfsUnsat() {
    // 0 <= f(x)
    // 0 <= f(y)
    // f(x) + f(y) = x
    // f(x) + f(y) = y
    // f(x) = x + 1
    // f(y) = y - 1
    Expr zero = exprMgr.mkConst(new Rational(0));
    Expr one = exprMgr.mkConst(new Rational(1));
    Type intType = exprMgr.integerType();
    // Type for UFs later
    Type intToInt = exprMgr.mkFunctionType(intType, intType);
    Expr xInt = exprMgr.mkVar("x", intType);
    Expr yInt = exprMgr.mkVar("y", intType);
    // declare UFs
    Expr f = exprMgr.mkVar("f", intToInt);
    // Apply UFs
    Expr fx = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.APPLY_UF, f, xInt);
    Expr fy = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.APPLY_UF, f, yInt);
    Expr plus = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.PLUS, fx, fy);
    // Make some assumptions
    Expr assumptions1 = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.AND, exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.LEQ, zero, fx), exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.LEQ, zero, fy));
    Expr assumptions2 = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.AND, exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.EQUAL, fx, exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.PLUS, xInt, one)), exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.EQUAL, fy, exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.MINUS, yInt, one)), exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.EQUAL, plus, xInt), exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.EQUAL, plus, yInt));
    Result satCheck = smtEngine.checkSat();
Also used : Type(edu.stanford.CVC4.Type) SortType(edu.stanford.CVC4.SortType) ArrayType(edu.stanford.CVC4.ArrayType) BitVectorType(edu.stanford.CVC4.BitVectorType) CVC4.vectorExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.vectorExpr) SExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.SExpr) Expr(edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr) Rational(edu.stanford.CVC4.Rational) Result(edu.stanford.CVC4.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 33 with Type

use of in project java-smt by sosy-lab.

the class CVC4NativeAPITest method checkBooleanUFDeclaration.

public void checkBooleanUFDeclaration() {
    Type boolType = exprMgr.booleanType();
    Type intType = exprMgr.integerType();
    // arg is bool, return is int
    Type ufType = exprMgr.mkFunctionType(boolType, intType);
    Expr uf = exprMgr.mkVar("fun_bi", ufType);
    Expr ufTrue = exprMgr.mkExpr(uf, exprMgr.mkConst(true));
    Expr ufFalse = exprMgr.mkExpr(uf, exprMgr.mkConst(false));
    Expr assumptions = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.NOT, exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.EQUAL, ufTrue, ufFalse));
    Result satCheck = smtEngine.checkSat();
Also used : Type(edu.stanford.CVC4.Type) SortType(edu.stanford.CVC4.SortType) ArrayType(edu.stanford.CVC4.ArrayType) BitVectorType(edu.stanford.CVC4.BitVectorType) CVC4.vectorExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.vectorExpr) SExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.SExpr) Expr(edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr) Result(edu.stanford.CVC4.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 34 with Type

use of in project java-smt by sosy-lab.

the class CVC4NativeAPITest method checkUnsatCore.

public void checkUnsatCore() {
    // (a & b) & (not(a OR b))
    // Enable UNSAT Core first!
    smtEngine.setOption("produce-unsat-cores", new SExpr(true));
    Type boolType = exprMgr.booleanType();
    Expr a = exprMgr.mkVar("a", boolType);
    Expr b = exprMgr.mkVar("b", boolType);
    Expr aAndb = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.AND, a, b);
    Expr notaOrb = exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.NOT, exprMgr.mkExpr(Kind.OR, a, b));
    Result satCheck = smtEngine.checkSat();
    UnsatCore unsatCore = smtEngine.getUnsatCore();
    // UnsatCores are iterable
    for (Expr e : unsatCore) {
        assertThat(e.toString()).isIn(Arrays.asList("(not (or a b))", "(and a b)"));
Also used : Type(edu.stanford.CVC4.Type) SortType(edu.stanford.CVC4.SortType) ArrayType(edu.stanford.CVC4.ArrayType) BitVectorType(edu.stanford.CVC4.BitVectorType) UnsatCore(edu.stanford.CVC4.UnsatCore) CVC4.vectorExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.vectorExpr) SExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.SExpr) Expr(edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr) SExpr(edu.stanford.CVC4.SExpr) Result(edu.stanford.CVC4.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 35 with Type

use of in project google-cloud-java by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class Type method fromProto.

static Type fromProto( proto) {
    Code type = Code.fromProtoCode(proto.getCode());
    switch(type) {
        case BOOL:
            return bool();
        case INT64:
            return int64();
        case FLOAT64:
            return float64();
        case STRING:
            return string();
        case BYTES:
            return bytes();
        case TIMESTAMP:
            return timestamp();
        case DATE:
            return date();
        case ARRAY:
            checkArgument(proto.hasArrayElementType(), "Missing expected 'array_element_type' field in 'Type' message: %s", proto);
            Type elementType;
            try {
                elementType = fromProto(proto.getArrayElementType());
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse 'array_element_type' attribute in 'Type' message: " + proto, e);
            return array(elementType);
        case STRUCT:
            checkArgument(proto.hasStructType(), "Missing expected 'struct_type' field in 'Type' message: %s", proto);
            List<StructField> fields = new ArrayList<>(proto.getStructType().getFieldsCount());
            for ( field : proto.getStructType().getFieldsList()) {
                checkArgument(field.hasType(), "Missing expected 'type' attribute in 'Field': %s", proto);
                // Names may be empty; for example, the name of the column returned by "SELECT 1".
                String name = Strings.nullToEmpty(field.getName());
                fields.add(StructField.of(name, fromProto(field.getType())));
            return struct(fields);
            throw new AssertionError("Unimplemented case: " + type);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TypeCode(


Type ( Test (org.junit.Test)22 Type (edu.stanford.CVC4.Type)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 ByteString ( Type ( ArrayType (edu.stanford.CVC4.ArrayType)11 BitVectorType (edu.stanford.CVC4.BitVectorType)11 Expr (edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr)11 MapType ( Type (org.apache.xbean.asm9.Type)10 ExecuteSqlRequest ( CVC4.vectorExpr (edu.stanford.CVC4.vectorExpr)9 CheckedExpr ( FieldType (org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.FieldType)8 FormulaType (org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FormulaType)8 ListValue ( CheckerEnv.dynElementType (org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv.dynElementType)7 CheckerEnv.getObjectWellKnownType (org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv.getObjectWellKnownType)7 CheckerEnv.isObjectWellKnownType (org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv.isObjectWellKnownType)7