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Example 11 with SoyDict

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderSimplePlural.

public void testRenderSimplePlural() throws Exception {
    String templateBody = "{@param n_people: ?}\n" + "{@param person: ?}\n" + "  {msg desc=\"Simple plural message\"}\n" + "    {plural $n_people offset=\"1\"}\n" + "      {case 0}Nobody shared photos.\n" + "      {case 1}Only {$person} shared photos.\n" + "      {default}{$person} and {remainder($n_people)} others shared photos.\n" + "    {/plural}\n" + "  {/msg}\n";
    SoyDict data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("person", "Bob", "n_people", 0);
    assertRenderWithData(templateBody, data, "Nobody shared photos.");
    data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("person", "Bob", "n_people", 1);
    assertRenderWithData(templateBody, data, "Only Bob shared photos.");
    data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("person", "Bob", "n_people", 10);
    assertRenderWithData(templateBody, data, "Bob and 9 others shared photos.");
Also used : SoyDict( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with SoyDict

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderBasicCall.

public void testRenderBasicCall() throws Exception {
    String soyFileContent = "{namespace ns}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo @param foo @param goo */\n" + "{template .callerTemplate autoescape=\"deprecated-noncontextual\"}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"all\" /}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"$foo\" /}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"all\"}\n" + "    {param boo: $ /}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"all\"}\n" + "    {param boo: 'moo' /}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"$foo\"}\n" + "    {param boo}moo{/param}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate}\n" + "    {param boo}zoo{/param}\n" + "    {param goo: $ /}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "{/template}\n" + "\n" + "/**\n" + " * @param boo\n" + " * @param goo\n" + " */\n" + "{template .calleeTemplate autoescape=\"deprecated-noncontextual\"}\n" + "  {$boo}\n" + "  {for $n in $goo} {$n}{/for}{\\n}\n" + "{/template}\n";
    SoyDict foo = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("boo", "foo", "goo", SoyValueConverterUtility.newList(3, 2, 1));
    SoyDict data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("boo", "boo", "foo", foo, "goo", SoyValueConverterUtility.newList(1, 2, 3));
    String expectedOutput = "boo 1 2 3\n" + "foo 3 2 1\n" + "foo 1 2 3\n" + "moo 1 2 3\n" + "moo 3 2 1\n" + "zoo 3 2 1\n";
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(soyFileContent, "ns.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, Predicates.<String>alwaysFalse())).isEqualTo(expectedOutput);
Also used : SoyDict( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 13 with SoyDict

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderForStmt1.

public void testRenderForStmt1() throws Exception {
    String templateBody = "" + "{@param goo : list<?> }\n" + "{@param list0 : list<?> }\n" + "{@param foo : ? }\n" + "{@param boo : ? }\n" + "  {for $n in $goo}\n" + "    {if not isFirst($n)}{\\n}{/if}\n" + "    {$n} = Sum of 1 through {index($n) + 1}.\n" + "  {/for}\n" + "  {\\n}\n" + "  {for $i in $goo}\n" + "    {for $j in $foo.goo2}\n" + "      {if $i == $j} {$i + $j}{/if}\n" + "    {/for}\n" + "  {/for}\n" + "  {sp}\n" + "  {for $item in $list0}\n" + "    Blah\n" + "  {ifempty}\n" + "    Bluh\n" + "  {/for}\n" + "  {for $item in $list0}\n" + "    Blah\n" + "  {/for}\n" + "  {for $item in ['blah', 123, $boo]}\n" + "    {sp}{$item}\n" + "  {/for}\n";
    assertRender(templateBody, "" + "1 = Sum of 1 through 1.\n" + "3 = Sum of 1 through 2.\n" + "6 = Sum of 1 through 3.\n" + "10 = Sum of 1 through 4.\n" + "15 = Sum of 1 through 5.\n" + "21 = Sum of 1 through 6.\n" + " 2 6 12 20 30 42 Bluh blah 123 8");
    // Test iteration over map keys.
    templateBody = "" + "{@param myMap : map<string, ?> }\n" + "  {for $key in mapKeys($myMap)}\n" + "    {if isFirst($key)}\n" + "      [\n" + "    {/if}\n" + "    {$key}: {$myMap[$key]}\n" + "    {if isLast($key)}\n" + "      ]\n" + "    {else}\n" + "      ,{sp}\n" + "    {/if}\n" + "  {/for}\n";
    SoyDict data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("myMap", SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("aaa", "Blah", "bbb", 17));
    String output = renderWithData(templateBody, data);
    assertThat(ImmutableSet.of("[aaa: Blah, bbb: 17]", "[bbb: 17, aaa: Blah]")).contains(output);
Also used : SoyDict( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with SoyDict

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class StreamingPrintDirectivesTest method testStreamingDisablesRuntimeTypeChecks.

 * This test demonstrates a change in behavior when streaming print directives are in use, they
 * can elide some runtime type checking. This is because the compiler explicitly puts in {@code
 * checkcast} instructions whenever calling {@link SoyValueProvider#resolve} (see every caller of
 * {@link ExpressionDetacher#resolveSoyValueProvider(Expression)}). However, when we are able to
 * stream a soy value provider we can't insert a {@code checkcast} instruction because we never
 * actually calculate the full value.
 * <p>We could change SoyValueProvider.renderAndResolve to accept a TypePredicate and we could
 * sometimes enforce it, but for the time being this isn't happening.
public void testStreamingDisablesRuntimeTypeChecks() throws IOException {
    CompiledTemplates templates = compileFile("{namespace ns}", "", "{template .streamable}", "  {@param i : int}", "  {$i |streaming}", "{/template}", "", "{template .nonstreamable}", "  {@param i : int}", "  {$i |nonstreaming}", "{/template}");
    RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
    SoyDict badParam = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("i", "notAnInt");
    BufferingAppendable output = BufferingAppendable.buffering();
    templates.getTemplateFactory("ns.streamable").create(badParam, EMPTY_DICT).render(output, context);
    assertThat(output.getAndClearBuffer()).isEqualTo("(stream: notAnInt)");
    try {
        templates.getTemplateFactory("ns.nonstreamable").create(badParam, EMPTY_DICT).render(output, context);
        fail("Expected ClassCastException");
    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        assertThat(cce).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo(" cannot be cast to " + "");
Also used : RenderContext( BufferingAppendable( CompiledTemplates( SoyDict( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with SoyDict

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class BytecodeCompilerTest method testParamValidation.

public void testParamValidation() throws Exception {
    CompiledTemplates templates = TemplateTester.compileTemplateBody("{@param foo : int}", "{$foo ?: -1}");
    CompiledTemplate.Factory singleParam = templates.getTemplateFactory("");
    RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
    BufferingAppendable builder = LoggingAdvisingAppendable.buffering();
    SoyDict params = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("foo", IntegerData.forValue(1));
    singleParam.create(params, EMPTY_DICT).render(builder, context);
    singleParam.create(EMPTY_DICT, EMPTY_DICT).render(builder, context);
    templates = TemplateTester.compileTemplateBody("{@inject foo : int}", "{$foo}");
    CompiledTemplate.Factory singleIj = templates.getTemplateFactory("");
    context = getDefaultContext(templates);
    params = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("foo", IntegerData.forValue(1));
    singleIj.create(SoyValueConverter.EMPTY_DICT, params).render(builder, context);
    params = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict();
    singleIj.create(SoyValueConverter.EMPTY_DICT, params).render(builder, context);
Also used : RenderContext( BufferingAppendable( CompiledTemplates( SoyDict( CompiledTemplate( Test(org.junit.Test)


SoyDict ( Test (org.junit.Test)25 SoyTofuException ( BufferingAppendable ( SoyFutureException ( SoyLegacyObjectMap ( SoyValue ( CompiledTemplate ( CompiledTemplates ( RenderContext ( SoyRecord ( SoyValueProvider ( SoyMapImpl ( TemplateMetadata ( TemplateRegistry ( Flushable ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1