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Example 6 with SoyRecord

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderDelegateCallWithoutDefault.

public void testRenderDelegateCallWithoutDefault() throws Exception {
    String soyFileContent1a = "{namespace ns1}\n" + "\n" + "/***/\n" + "{template .callerTemplate}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate allowemptydefault=\"true\"}\n" + "    {param boo: 'aaaaaah' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "{/template}\n";
    String soyFileContent1b = "{namespace ns1}\n" + "\n" + "/***/\n" + "{template .callerTemplate}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate}\n" + "    {param boo: 'aaaaaah' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "{/template}\n";
    String soyFileContent2 = "{delpackage SecretFeature}\n" + "{namespace ns2}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // implementation in SecretFeature
    "  111 {$boo}\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n";
    SoyRecord data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict();
    ParseResult parseResult;
    // ------ Test with only file 1a in bundle. ------
    parseResult = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1a).parse();
    Predicate<String> activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.alwaysFalse();
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEmpty();
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("SecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEmpty();
    // ------ Test with both files 1a and 2 in bundle. ------
    parseResult = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1a, soyFileContent2).parse();
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.alwaysFalse();
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEmpty();
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("SecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("111 aaaaaah");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("NonexistentFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEmpty();
    activeDelPackageNames ="NonexistentFeature", "SecretFeature"));
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("111 aaaaaah");
    // ------ Test with only file 1b in bundle. ------
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.alwaysFalse();
    try {
        renderTemplateInFile(SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1b).parse(), "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames);
        fail("expected RenderException");
    } catch (RenderException e) {
        assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Found no active impl for delegate call");
    try {
        renderTemplateInFile(SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1b, soyFileContent2).parse(), "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames);
        fail("expected RenderException");
    } catch (RenderException e) {
        assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Found no active impl for delegate call");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("SecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1b, soyFileContent2).parse(), "ns1.callerTemplate", data, null, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("111 aaaaaah");
Also used : SoyRecord( ParseResult( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with SoyRecord

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testStreamLazyParamsToOutputStreamDirectly.

public void testStreamLazyParamsToOutputStreamDirectly() {
    String soyFileContent = Joiner.on("\n").join("{namespace ns}", "", "{template .callee}", "  {@param body: html}", "  <div>", "    {$body}", "  </div>", "{/template}", "", "{template .caller}", "  {@param future: string}", "  {call .callee}", "    {param body kind=\"html\"}", "      static-content{sp}", "      {$future}", "    {/param}", "  {/call}", "{/template}");
    final StringBuilder outputSb = new StringBuilder();
    final AtomicReference<String> outputAtFutureGetTime = new AtomicReference<>();
    AbstractFuture<String> future = new AbstractFuture<String>() {


        public String get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
            return super.get();
    SoyRecord data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("future", future);
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent).parse(), "ns.caller", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, Predicates.<String>alwaysFalse(), outputSb)).isEqualTo("<div>static-content future-content</div>");
    // we only get the <div>.  we used to get the 'static-content' as well but that was only
    // because we aren't using the autoescaper.
Also used : SoyRecord( AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) AbstractFuture( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with SoyRecord

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class DetachStateTest method testDetachOnParamTransclusion.

public void testDetachOnParamTransclusion() throws IOException {
    CompiledTemplates templates = TemplateTester.compileFile("{namespace ns}", "", "/** */", "{template .caller}", "  {@param callerParam : string}", "  {call .callee}", "    {param calleeParam kind=\"text\"}", "      prefix {$callerParam} suffix", "    {/param}", "  {/call}", "{/template}", "", "/** */", "{template .callee}", "  {@param calleeParam : string}", "  {$calleeParam}", "{/template}", "");
    CompiledTemplate.Factory factory = templates.getTemplateFactory("ns.caller");
    RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
    SettableFuture<String> param = SettableFuture.create();
    SoyRecord params = asRecord(ImmutableMap.of("callerParam", param));
    CompiledTemplate template = factory.create(params, EMPTY_DICT);
    BufferingAppendable output = LoggingAdvisingAppendable.buffering();
    assertThat(template.render(output, context)).isEqualTo(RenderResult.continueAfter(param));
    assertThat(output.toString()).isEqualTo("prefix ");
    assertThat(template.render(output, context)).isEqualTo(RenderResult.done());
    assertThat(output.toString()).isEqualTo("prefix foo suffix");
Also used : RenderContext( SoyRecord( BufferingAppendable( CompiledTemplates( CompiledTemplate( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with SoyRecord

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderDelegateCall.

public void testRenderDelegateCall() throws Exception {
    String soyFileContent1 = "{namespace ns1}\n" + "\n" + "/***/\n" + "{template .callerTemplate}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate}\n" + "    {param boo: 'aaaaaah' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "{/template}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // default implementation (doesn't use $boo)
    "  000\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n";
    String soyFileContent2 = "{delpackage SecretFeature}\n" + "{namespace ns2}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // implementation in SecretFeature
    "  111 {$boo}\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n";
    String soyFileContent3 = "{delpackage AlternateSecretFeature}\n" + "{namespace ns3}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // implementation in AlternateSecretFeature
    "  222 {call .helper data=\"all\" /}\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n";
    String soyFileContent4 = "{delpackage AlternateSecretFeature}\n" + "{namespace ns3}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{template .helper}\n" + "  {$boo} {$ij.ijStr}\n" + "{/template}\n";
    final ParseResult parseResult = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1, soyFileContent2, soyFileContent3, soyFileContent4).errorReporter(FAIL).parse();
    final SoyRecord data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict();
    Predicate<String> activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.alwaysFalse();
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("000");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("SecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("111 aaaaaah");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("AlternateSecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("222 aaaaaah injected");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("NonexistentFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("000");
    activeDelPackageNames ="NonexistentFeature", "AlternateSecretFeature"));
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("222 aaaaaah injected");
    try {
        renderTemplateInFile(parseResult, "ns1.callerTemplate", data, TEST_IJ_DATA,"SecretFeature", "AlternateSecretFeature")));
        fail("expected RenderException");
    } catch (RenderException e) {
        assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("For delegate template 'myApp.myDelegate', found two active implementations with" + " equal priority");
Also used : SoyRecord( ParseResult( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 10 with SoyRecord

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderFuture.

public void testRenderFuture() throws Exception {
    final StringBuilder progress = new StringBuilder();
    Flushable flushable = new Flushable() {

        public void flush() {
    String soyFileContent = "{namespace ns}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo @param foo @param goo */\n" + "{template .callerTemplate autoescape=\"deprecated-noncontextual\"}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"all\" /}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"$foo\" /}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"all\"}\n" + "    {param boo: $ /}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"all\"}\n" + "    {param boo: 'moo' /}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate data=\"$foo\"}\n" + "    {param boo}moo{/param}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "  {call .calleeTemplate}\n" + "    {param boo}zoo{/param}\n" + "    {param goo: $ /}\n" + "  {/call}\n" + "{/template}\n" + "\n" + "/**\n" + " * @param boo\n" + " * @param goo\n" + " */\n" + "{template .calleeTemplate autoescape=\"deprecated-noncontextual\"}\n" + "  {$boo}{$ij.future}\n" + "  {for $n in $goo} {$n}{/for}{\\n}\n" + "{/template}\n";
    TemplateRegistry templateRegistry = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent).errorReporter(FAIL).parse().registry();
    SoyDict foo = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("boo", new TestFuture("foo", progress), "goo", SoyValueConverterUtility.newList(3, 2, 1));
    SoyDict data = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("boo", new TestFuture("boo", progress), "foo", foo, "goo", SoyValueConverterUtility.newList(1, 2, 3));
    SoyRecord testIj = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("future", new TestFuture("ij", progress));
    StringBuilder outputSb = new StringBuilder();
    CountingFlushableAppendable output = new CountingFlushableAppendable(outputSb, flushable);
    RenderVisitor rv = new RenderVisitor(new EvalVisitorFactoryImpl(), output, templateRegistry, data, testIj, Predicates.<String>alwaysFalse(), null, xidRenamingMap, cssRenamingMap, false);
    String expectedOutput = "booij 1 2 3\n" + "fooij 3 2 1\n" + "fooij 1 2 3\n" + "mooij 1 2 3\n" + "mooij 3 2 1\n" + "zooij 3 2 1\n";
Also used : TemplateRegistry( SoyRecord( SoyDict( Flushable( Test(org.junit.Test)


SoyRecord ( Test (org.junit.Test)8 BufferingAppendable ( CompiledTemplate ( CompiledTemplates ( AbstractFuture ( ParseResult ( SoyValue ( RenderContext ( AtomicReference (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference)2 SanitizedContentKind ( ContentKind ( SoyDict ( SoyProtoValue ( AugmentedParamStore ( BasicParamStore ( ParamStore ( SoyPrintDirective ( CallParamContentNode ( CallParamNode (