use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class RewriteGenderMsgsVisitorTest method testRewriteWithGenderSelectPlural.
public void testRewriteWithGenderSelectPlural() {
String soyCode = "" + "{@param n : ?}\n" + "{@param userGender : ?}\n" + "{@param targetGender : ?}\n" + "{msg genders=\"$userGender\" desc=\"...\"}\n" + " {select $targetGender}\n" + " {case 'female'}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}Send {$n} to her{/plural}\n" + " {default}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}Send {$n} to them{/plural}\n" + " {/select}\n" + "{/msg}\n";
// Note: Still has genders="..." in command text.
String expandedSoyCode = "{msg desc=\"...\" genders=\"$userGender\"}{select $userGender}{case 'female'}" + "{select $targetGender}{case 'female'}{plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}" + "Send {$n} to her{/plural}{default}{plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}" + "Send {$n} to them{/plural}{/select}{case 'male'}" + "{select $targetGender}{case 'female'}{plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}" + "Send {$n} to her{/plural}{default}{plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}" + "Send {$n} to them{/plural}{/select}{default}" + "{select $targetGender}{case 'female'}{plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}" + "Send {$n} to her{/plural}{default}{plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}" + "Send {$n} to them{/plural}{/select}{/select}";
ErrorReporter boom = ErrorReporter.exploding();
SoyFileSetNode soyTree = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forTemplateContents(soyCode).errorReporter(boom).parse().fileSet();
// After.
MsgNode msgAfterRewrite = (MsgNode) SharedTestUtils.getNode(soyTree, 0, 0);
// ------ Test that it has same msg id as equivalent msg using 'select'. ------
String soyCodeUsingSelect = "" + "{@param n : ?}\n" + "{@param userGender : ?}\n" + "{@param targetGender : ?}\n" + "{msg desc=\"...\"}\n" + " {select $userGender}\n" + " {case 'female'}\n" + " {select $targetGender}\n" + " {case 'female'}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}Send {$n} to her{/plural}\n" + " {default}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}Send {$n} to them{/plural}\n" + " {/select}\n" + " {case 'male'}\n" + " {select $targetGender}\n" + " {case 'female'}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}Send {$n} to her{/plural}\n" + " {default}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}Send {$n} to them{/plural}\n" + " {/select}\n" + " {default}\n" + " {select $targetGender}\n" + " {case 'female'}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to her{default}Send {$n} to her{/plural}\n" + " {default}\n" + " {plural $n}{case 1}Send it to them{default}Send {$n} to them{/plural}\n" + " {/select}\n" + " {/select}\n" + "{/msg}\n";
SoyFileSetNode soyTreeUsingSelect = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forTemplateContents(soyCodeUsingSelect).parse().fileSet();
MsgNode msgUsingSelect = (MsgNode) SharedTestUtils.getNode(soyTreeUsingSelect, 0, 0);
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class RenderVisitorTest method renderWithDataAndMsgBundle.
* Renders the given input string (should be a template body) and returns the result.
* @param templateBody The input string to render (should be a template body).
* @param data The soy data as a map of variables to objects.
* @param msgBundle The bundle of translated messages.
* @return The rendered result.
* @throws Exception If there's an error.
private String renderWithDataAndMsgBundle(String templateBody, SoyRecord data, @Nullable SoyMsgBundle msgBundle) throws Exception {
ErrorReporter boom = ErrorReporter.exploding();
SoyFileSetNode soyTree = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forTemplateContents(templateBody).errorReporter(boom).parse().fileSet();
TemplateNode templateNode = (TemplateNode) SharedTestUtils.getNode(soyTree);
StringBuilder outputSb = new StringBuilder();
RenderVisitor rv = new RenderVisitor(new EvalVisitorFactoryImpl(), outputSb, null, data, TEST_IJ_DATA, Predicates.<String>alwaysFalse(), msgBundle, xidRenamingMap, cssRenamingMap, false);
return outputSb.toString();
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class CheckTemplateVisibilityTest method testCallPrivateTemplateDifferentFile.
public void testCallPrivateTemplateDifferentFile() {
ErrorReporter errorReporter = ErrorReporter.createForTest();
SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents("{namespace ns}\n" + "/** Private template. */\n" + "{template .foo visibility=\"private\"}\n" + "oops!\n" + "{/template}", "{namespace ns2}\n" + "/** Public template. */\n" + "{template .bar}\n" + "{call /}\n" + "{/template}").errorReporter(errorReporter).parse();
assertThat(Iterables.getOnlyElement(errorReporter.getErrors()).message()).isEqualTo(" has private access in no-path.");
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class CombineConsecutiveRawTextNodesPassTest method testPathologicalPerformance.
// There used to be a pathological performance issue when merging many raw text nodes, this stress
// test would have timed out under the old implementation but now succeeds quickly.
// Before the fix this test took > 2 minutes
// After the fix it was down to about 1.5s
public void testPathologicalPerformance() {
String testFileContent = "{namespace boo}{template .foo}{/template}\n";
ErrorReporter boom = ErrorReporter.exploding();
SoyFileSetNode soyTree = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(testFileContent).errorReporter(boom).parse().fileSet();
TemplateNode template = soyTree.getChild(0).getChild(0);
// Things like this like this could happen in templates with a large number of html tags (e.g.
// in a literal block). since this is how they would be desugared.
final int numCopies = 100_000;
for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) {
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "<", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "div", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, " ", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "class", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "=", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "'", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "foo", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "'", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, ">", template.getSourceLocation()));
new CombineConsecutiveRawTextNodesPass().run(soyTree);
assertThat(((RawTextNode) template.getChild(0)).getRawText()).isEqualTo(Strings.repeat("<div class='foo'>", numCopies));
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class CombineConsecutiveRawTextNodesPassTest method testCombineConsecutiveRawTextNodes.
public void testCombineConsecutiveRawTextNodes() {
String testFileContent = "{namespace boo}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param goo */\n" + "{template .foo}\n" + " Blah{$goo}blah\n" + "{/template}\n";
ErrorReporter boom = ErrorReporter.exploding();
SoyFileSetNode soyTree = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(testFileContent).errorReporter(boom).parse().fileSet();
TemplateNode template = (TemplateNode) SharedTestUtils.getNode(soyTree);
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "bleh", template.getSourceLocation()));
template.addChild(new RawTextNode(0, "bluh", template.getSourceLocation()));
new CombineConsecutiveRawTextNodesPass().run(soyTree);
assertThat(((RawTextNode) template.getChild(0)).getRawText()).isEqualTo("Blah");
assertThat(((RawTextNode) template.getChild(2)).getRawText()).isEqualTo("blahblehbluh");