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the class StreamingPrintDirectivesTest method testStreamingCloseable.
public void testStreamingCloseable() throws IOException {
// Test to make sure the .close() is consistently called
// the |streamingCloseable directive buffers all data until close is called so if close isn't
// called it should print nothing.
CompiledTemplates templates = compileFile("{namespace ns}", "", "{template .basic}", " {@param p : ?}", " {$p|streamingCloseable:' closed!'}", "{/template}", "", "{template .nested kind=\"text\"}", " {@param p : ?}", // escapeHtml is not closeable and it is streaming
" {$p|escapeHtml|streamingCloseable:'(close)'}", "{/template}", "", "{template .nestedDeeper kind=\"text\"}", " {@param p : ?}", " {$p|escapeHtml", " |streamingCloseable:'(c1)'", " |streamingCloseable:'(c2)'", " |escapeHtml", " |streamingCloseable:'(c3)'}", "{/template}", "");
RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
assertThat(renderToString("ns.basic", ImmutableMap.of("p", "hello"), templates, context)).isEqualTo("hello closed!");
assertThat(renderToString("ns.nested", ImmutableMap.of("p", "hello"), templates, context)).isEqualTo("hello(close)");
assertThat(renderToString("ns.nestedDeeper", ImmutableMap.of("p", "hello"), templates, context)).isEqualTo("hello(c1)(c2)(c3)");
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class StreamingPrintDirectivesTest method testStreaming.
public void testStreaming() throws IOException {
BufferingAppendable output = BufferingAppendable.buffering();
CompiledTemplates templates = compileFile("{namespace ns}", "", "{template .foo}", " {@param future1 : ?}", " {@param future2 : ?}", " foo_prefix{sp}", " {call .streamable}", " {param p kind=\"html\"}", " param_prefix{sp}{$future1}{sp}param_suffix", " {/param}", " {/call}", "", " {sp}interlude{sp}", "", " {call .unstreamable}", " {param p kind=\"html\"}", " param_prefix{sp}{$future2}{sp}param_suffix", " {/param}", " {/call}", " {sp}foo_suffix", "{/template}", "", "{template .streamable}", " {@param p : ?}", " streamable_prefix{sp}", " {$p |streaming}{sp}", " streamable_suffix", "{/template}", "", "{template .unstreamable}", " {@param p : ?}", " unstreamable_prefix{sp}", " {$p |nonstreaming}{sp}", " unstreamable_suffix", "{/template}", "");
CompiledTemplate.Factory factory = templates.getTemplateFactory("");
RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
SettableFuture<String> future1 = SettableFuture.create();
SettableFuture<String> future2 = SettableFuture.create();
CompiledTemplate create = factory.create(SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("future1", future1, "future2", future2), SoyValueConverter.EMPTY_DICT);
RenderResult result = create.render(output, context);
// rendering paused because it found our future
// but we actually rendered the first half of the param even though it went through a print
// directive. all the content in parens went through our directive
assertThat(output.getAndClearBuffer()).isEqualTo("foo_prefix streamable_prefix (stream: param_prefix )");
result = create.render(output, context);
// here we made it into .unstreamable, but printed no part of the parameter due to the non
// streamable print directive
assertThat(output.getAndClearBuffer()).isEqualTo("(stream: future1)(stream: param_suffix) streamable_suffix interlude " + "unstreamable_prefix ");
result = create.render(output, context);
// now we render the full future2 parameter all at once and the
assertThat(output.getAndClearBuffer()).isEqualTo("param_prefix future2 param_suffix unstreamable_suffix foo_suffix");
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the class StreamingPrintDirectivesTest method testStreamingPrintOrdering.
// There was a bug that caused us to apply print directives in the wrong order when there were
// multiple streaming print directives.
public void testStreamingPrintOrdering() throws IOException {
CompiledTemplates templates = compileFile("{namespace ns}", "", "{template .foo}", " {@param s : ?}", " {$s |streaming:'first' |streaming:'second'}", "{/template}", "");
RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
BufferingAppendable output = BufferingAppendable.buffering();
CompiledTemplate template = templates.getTemplateFactory("").create(SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("s", "hello"), EMPTY_DICT);
template.render(output, context);
assertThat(output.getAndClearBuffer()).isEqualTo("(second: (first: hello))");
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the class StreamingPrintDirectivesTest method testStreamingCall.
public void testStreamingCall() throws IOException {
// As of right now only a few directives support streaming, but this includes |escapeHtml and
// |escapeJsString, so we should be able to transitively stream through all of that.
CompiledTemplates templates = compileFile("{namespace ns}", "", "{template .foo}", " {call .bar data=\"all\"/}", "{/template}", "", "{template .bar}", " <script>var x=\"{call .baz data=\"all\" /}\";</script>", "{/template}", "", "{template .baz kind=\"text\"}", " {@param future : ?}", " \"{$future}\" ", "{/template}", "");
RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
BufferingAppendable output = BufferingAppendable.buffering();
SettableFuture<String> future = SettableFuture.create();
CompiledTemplate template = templates.getTemplateFactory("").create(SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("future", future), EMPTY_DICT);
template.render(output, context);
assertThat(output.getAndClearBuffer()).isEqualTo("<script>var x=\"\\x22");
template.render(output, context);
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class BytecodeCompilerTest method testParamValidation.
public void testParamValidation() throws Exception {
CompiledTemplates templates = TemplateTester.compileTemplateBody("{@param foo : int}", "{$foo ?: -1}");
CompiledTemplate.Factory singleParam = templates.getTemplateFactory("");
RenderContext context = getDefaultContext(templates);
BufferingAppendable builder = LoggingAdvisingAppendable.buffering();
SoyDict params = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("foo", IntegerData.forValue(1));
singleParam.create(params, EMPTY_DICT).render(builder, context);
singleParam.create(EMPTY_DICT, EMPTY_DICT).render(builder, context);
templates = TemplateTester.compileTemplateBody("{@inject foo : int}", "{$foo}");
CompiledTemplate.Factory singleIj = templates.getTemplateFactory("");
context = getDefaultContext(templates);
params = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict("foo", IntegerData.forValue(1));
singleIj.create(SoyValueConverter.EMPTY_DICT, params).render(builder, context);
params = SoyValueConverterUtility.newDict();
singleIj.create(SoyValueConverter.EMPTY_DICT, params).render(builder, context);