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Example 21 with DecodeHintType

use of in project zxing by zxing.

the class DecodeHintManager method parseDecodeHints.

static Map<DecodeHintType, ?> parseDecodeHints(Uri inputUri) {
    String query = inputUri.getEncodedQuery();
    if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    // Extract parameters
    Map<String, String> parameters = splitQuery(query);
    Map<DecodeHintType, Object> hints = new EnumMap<>(DecodeHintType.class);
    for (DecodeHintType hintType : DecodeHintType.values()) {
        if (hintType == DecodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET || hintType == DecodeHintType.NEED_RESULT_POINT_CALLBACK || hintType == DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS) {
            // This hint is specified in another way
        String parameterName =;
        String parameterText = parameters.get(parameterName);
        if (parameterText == null) {
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(Object.class)) {
            // This is an unspecified type of hint content. Use the value as is.
            // TODO: Can we make a different assumption on this?
            hints.put(hintType, parameterText);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(Void.class)) {
            // Void hints are just flags: use the constant specified by DecodeHintType
            hints.put(hintType, Boolean.TRUE);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(String.class)) {
            // A string hint: use the decoded value.
            hints.put(hintType, parameterText);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(Boolean.class)) {
            // An empty parameter is simply a flag-style parameter, assuming true
            if (parameterText.isEmpty()) {
                hints.put(hintType, Boolean.TRUE);
            } else if ("0".equals(parameterText) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(parameterText) || "no".equalsIgnoreCase(parameterText)) {
                hints.put(hintType, Boolean.FALSE);
            } else {
                hints.put(hintType, Boolean.TRUE);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(int[].class)) {
            // Strip a trailing comma as in Java style array initialisers.
            if (!parameterText.isEmpty() && parameterText.charAt(parameterText.length() - 1) == ',') {
                parameterText = parameterText.substring(0, parameterText.length() - 1);
            String[] values = COMMA.split(parameterText);
            int[] array = new int[values.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                try {
                    array[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[i]);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Skipping array of integers hint " + hintType + " due to invalid numeric value: '" + values[i] + '\'');
                    array = null;
            if (array != null) {
                hints.put(hintType, array);
        Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported hint type '" + hintType + "' of type " + hintType.getValueType());
    Log.i(TAG, "Hints from the URI: " + hints);
    return hints;
Also used : DecodeHintType( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap)

Example 22 with DecodeHintType

use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.

the class DecodeHintManager method parseDecodeHints.

static Map<DecodeHintType, ?> parseDecodeHints(Uri inputUri) {
    String query = inputUri.getEncodedQuery();
    if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    // Extract parameters
    Map<String, String> parameters = splitQuery(query);
    Map<DecodeHintType, Object> hints = new EnumMap<>(DecodeHintType.class);
    for (DecodeHintType hintType : DecodeHintType.values()) {
        if (hintType == DecodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET || hintType == DecodeHintType.NEED_RESULT_POINT_CALLBACK || hintType == DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS) {
            // This hint is specified in another way
        String parameterName =;
        String parameterText = parameters.get(parameterName);
        if (parameterText == null) {
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(Object.class)) {
            // This is an unspecified type of hint content. Use the value as is.
            // TODO: Can we make a different assumption on this?
            hints.put(hintType, parameterText);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(Void.class)) {
            // Void hints are just flags: use the constant specified by DecodeHintType
            hints.put(hintType, Boolean.TRUE);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(String.class)) {
            // A string hint: use the decoded value.
            hints.put(hintType, parameterText);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(Boolean.class)) {
            // An empty parameter is simply a flag-style parameter, assuming true
            if (parameterText.isEmpty()) {
                hints.put(hintType, Boolean.TRUE);
            } else if ("0".equals(parameterText) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(parameterText) || "no".equalsIgnoreCase(parameterText)) {
                hints.put(hintType, Boolean.FALSE);
            } else {
                hints.put(hintType, Boolean.TRUE);
        if (hintType.getValueType().equals(int[].class)) {
            // Strip a trailing comma as in Java style array initialisers.
            if (!parameterText.isEmpty() && parameterText.charAt(parameterText.length() - 1) == ',') {
                parameterText = parameterText.substring(0, parameterText.length() - 1);
            String[] values = COMMA.split(parameterText);
            int[] array = new int[values.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                try {
                    array[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[i]);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Skipping array of integers hint " + hintType + " due to invalid numeric value: '" + values[i] + '\'');
                    array = null;
            if (array != null) {
                hints.put(hintType, array);
        Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported hint type '" + hintType + "' of type " + hintType.getValueType());
    Log.i(TAG, "Hints from the URI: " + hints);
    return hints;
Also used : DecodeHintType( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap)


DecodeHintType ( EnumMap (java.util.EnumMap)17 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)5 Result ( MultiFormatReader ( ReaderException ( BarcodeFormat ( BinaryBitmap ( NotFoundException ( ResultPoint ( BitmapFactory ( BitArray ( HybridBinarizer ( Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 Bitmap ( BufferedImageLuminanceSource ( ChecksumException ( FormatException ( LuminanceSource (