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Example 16 with MatrixToImageConfig

use of in project sparrow by sparrowwallet.

the class ReceiveController method getQrCode.

private Image getQrCode(String address) {
    try {
        QRCodeWriter qrCodeWriter = new QRCodeWriter();
        BitMatrix qrMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(address, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 130, 130, Map.of(EncodeHintType.MARGIN, 2));
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        MatrixToImageWriter.writeToStream(qrMatrix, "PNG", baos, new MatrixToImageConfig());
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
        return new Image(bais);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error generating QR", e);
    return null;
Also used : QRCodeWriter( ByteArrayInputStream( BitMatrix( ByteArrayOutputStream( MatrixToImageConfig( Image(javafx.scene.image.Image)

Example 17 with MatrixToImageConfig

use of in project spring-commons by damianwajser.

the class DefaultFormatter method write.

public byte[] write(String text, int width, int height) throws WriterException, IOException {"Will generate image code=[{}], width=[{}], height=[{}]", text, width, height);
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    BitMatrix matrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(text, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height);
    MatrixToImageWriter.writeToStream(matrix, MediaType.IMAGE_PNG.getSubtype(), baos, new MatrixToImageConfig());
    return baos.toByteArray();
Also used : ByteArrayOutputStream( BitMatrix( MatrixToImageConfig(


MatrixToImageConfig ( BitMatrix ( BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)10 ByteArrayOutputStream ( WriterException ( QRCodeWriter ( MultiFormatWriter ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 EncodeHintType ( Color (java.awt.Color)3 Font (java.awt.Font)3 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)3 File ( ByteArrayInputStream ( Image (javafx.scene.image.Image)2 BarcodeFormat ( NotFoundException ( SymbolShapeHint ( ImportException (