use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class QRCodeReader method extractPureBits.
* This method detects a code in a "pure" image -- that is, pure monochrome image
* which contains only an unrotated, unskewed, image of a code, with some white border
* around it. This is a specialized method that works exceptionally fast in this special
* case.
* @see
private static BitMatrix extractPureBits(BitMatrix image) throws NotFoundException {
int[] leftTopBlack = image.getTopLeftOnBit();
int[] rightBottomBlack = image.getBottomRightOnBit();
if (leftTopBlack == null || rightBottomBlack == null) {
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
float moduleSize = moduleSize(leftTopBlack, image);
int top = leftTopBlack[1];
int bottom = rightBottomBlack[1];
int left = leftTopBlack[0];
int right = rightBottomBlack[0];
// Sanity check!
if (left >= right || top >= bottom) {
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
if (bottom - top != right - left) {
// Special case, where bottom-right module wasn't black so we found something else in the last row
// Assume it's a square, so use height as the width
right = left + (bottom - top);
int matrixWidth = Math.round((right - left + 1) / moduleSize);
int matrixHeight = Math.round((bottom - top + 1) / moduleSize);
if (matrixWidth <= 0 || matrixHeight <= 0) {
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
if (matrixHeight != matrixWidth) {
// Only possibly decode square regions
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
// Push in the "border" by half the module width so that we start
// sampling in the middle of the module. Just in case the image is a
// little off, this will help recover.
int nudge = (int) (moduleSize / 2.0f);
top += nudge;
left += nudge;
// But careful that this does not sample off the edge
// "right" is the farthest-right valid pixel location -- right+1 is not necessarily
// This is positive by how much the inner x loop below would be too large
int nudgedTooFarRight = left + (int) ((matrixWidth - 1) * moduleSize) - right;
if (nudgedTooFarRight > 0) {
if (nudgedTooFarRight > nudge) {
// Neither way fits; abort
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
left -= nudgedTooFarRight;
// See logic above
int nudgedTooFarDown = top + (int) ((matrixHeight - 1) * moduleSize) - bottom;
if (nudgedTooFarDown > 0) {
if (nudgedTooFarDown > nudge) {
// Neither way fits; abort
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
top -= nudgedTooFarDown;
// Now just read off the bits
BitMatrix bits = new BitMatrix(matrixWidth, matrixHeight);
for (int y = 0; y < matrixHeight; y++) {
int iOffset = top + (int) (y * moduleSize);
for (int x = 0; x < matrixWidth; x++) {
if (image.get(left + (int) (x * moduleSize), iOffset)) {
bits.set(x, y);
return bits;
use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class PDF417Writer method bitMatrixFrombitArray.
* This takes an array holding the values of the PDF 417
* @param input a byte array of information with 0 is black, and 1 is white
* @param margin border around the barcode
* @return BitMatrix of the input
private static BitMatrix bitMatrixFrombitArray(byte[][] input, int margin) {
// Creates the bitmatrix with extra space for whitespace
BitMatrix output = new BitMatrix(input[0].length + 2 * margin, input.length + 2 * margin);
for (int y = 0, yOutput = output.getHeight() - margin - 1; y < input.length; y++, yOutput--) {
for (int x = 0; x < input[0].length; x++) {
// Zero is white in the bytematrix
if (input[y][x] == 1) {
output.set(x + margin, yOutput);
return output;
use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class BitMatrixParser method readCodewords.
* <p>Reads the bits in the {@link BitMatrix} representing the finder pattern in the
* correct order in order to reconstruct the codewords bytes contained within the
* QR Code.</p>
* @return bytes encoded within the QR Code
* @throws FormatException if the exact number of bytes expected is not read
byte[] readCodewords() throws FormatException {
FormatInformation formatInfo = readFormatInformation();
Version version = readVersion();
// Get the data mask for the format used in this QR Code. This will exclude
// some bits from reading as we wind through the bit matrix.
DataMask dataMask = DataMask.forReference(formatInfo.getDataMask());
int dimension = bitMatrix.getHeight();
dataMask.unmaskBitMatrix(bitMatrix, dimension);
BitMatrix functionPattern = version.buildFunctionPattern();
boolean readingUp = true;
byte[] result = new byte[version.getTotalCodewords()];
int resultOffset = 0;
int currentByte = 0;
int bitsRead = 0;
// Read columns in pairs, from right to left
for (int j = dimension - 1; j > 0; j -= 2) {
if (j == 6) {
// Skip whole column with vertical alignment pattern;
// saves time and makes the other code proceed more cleanly
// Read alternatingly from bottom to top then top to bottom
for (int count = 0; count < dimension; count++) {
int i = readingUp ? dimension - 1 - count : count;
for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++) {
// Ignore bits covered by the function pattern
if (!functionPattern.get(j - col, i)) {
// Read a bit
currentByte <<= 1;
if (bitMatrix.get(j - col, i)) {
currentByte |= 1;
// If we've made a whole byte, save it off
if (bitsRead == 8) {
result[resultOffset++] = (byte) currentByte;
bitsRead = 0;
currentByte = 0;
// readingUp = !readingUp; // switch directions
readingUp ^= true;
if (resultOffset != version.getTotalCodewords()) {
throw FormatException.getFormatInstance();
return result;
use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class Detector method detect.
* Detects an Aztec Code in an image.
* @param isMirror if true, image is a mirror-image of original
* @return {@link AztecDetectorResult} encapsulating results of detecting an Aztec Code
* @throws NotFoundException if no Aztec Code can be found
public AztecDetectorResult detect(boolean isMirror) throws NotFoundException {
// 1. Get the center of the aztec matrix
Point pCenter = getMatrixCenter();
// 2. Get the center points of the four diagonal points just outside the bull's eye
// [topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft]
ResultPoint[] bullsEyeCorners = getBullsEyeCorners(pCenter);
if (isMirror) {
ResultPoint temp = bullsEyeCorners[0];
bullsEyeCorners[0] = bullsEyeCorners[2];
bullsEyeCorners[2] = temp;
// 3. Get the size of the matrix and other parameters from the bull's eye
// 4. Sample the grid
BitMatrix bits = sampleGrid(image, bullsEyeCorners[shift % 4], bullsEyeCorners[(shift + 1) % 4], bullsEyeCorners[(shift + 2) % 4], bullsEyeCorners[(shift + 3) % 4]);
// 5. Get the corners of the matrix.
ResultPoint[] corners = getMatrixCornerPoints(bullsEyeCorners);
return new AztecDetectorResult(bits, corners, compact, nbDataBlocks, nbLayers);
use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class Encoder method encode.
* Encodes the given binary content as an Aztec symbol
* @param data input data string
* @param minECCPercent minimal percentage of error check words (According to ISO/IEC 24778:2008,
* a minimum of 23% + 3 words is recommended)
* @param userSpecifiedLayers if non-zero, a user-specified value for the number of layers
* @return Aztec symbol matrix with metadata
public static AztecCode encode(byte[] data, int minECCPercent, int userSpecifiedLayers) {
// High-level encode
BitArray bits = new HighLevelEncoder(data).encode();
// stuff bits and choose symbol size
int eccBits = bits.getSize() * minECCPercent / 100 + 11;
int totalSizeBits = bits.getSize() + eccBits;
boolean compact;
int layers;
int totalBitsInLayer;
int wordSize;
BitArray stuffedBits;
if (userSpecifiedLayers != DEFAULT_AZTEC_LAYERS) {
compact = userSpecifiedLayers < 0;
layers = Math.abs(userSpecifiedLayers);
if (layers > (compact ? MAX_NB_BITS_COMPACT : MAX_NB_BITS)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Illegal value %s for layers", userSpecifiedLayers));
totalBitsInLayer = totalBitsInLayer(layers, compact);
wordSize = WORD_SIZE[layers];
int usableBitsInLayers = totalBitsInLayer - (totalBitsInLayer % wordSize);
stuffedBits = stuffBits(bits, wordSize);
if (stuffedBits.getSize() + eccBits > usableBitsInLayers) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data to large for user specified layer");
if (compact && stuffedBits.getSize() > wordSize * 64) {
// Compact format only allows 64 data words, though C4 can hold more words than that
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data to large for user specified layer");
} else {
wordSize = 0;
stuffedBits = null;
// is the same size, but has more data.
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
if (i > MAX_NB_BITS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for an Aztec code");
compact = i <= 3;
layers = compact ? i + 1 : i;
totalBitsInLayer = totalBitsInLayer(layers, compact);
if (totalSizeBits > totalBitsInLayer) {
// wordSize has changed
if (wordSize != WORD_SIZE[layers]) {
wordSize = WORD_SIZE[layers];
stuffedBits = stuffBits(bits, wordSize);
int usableBitsInLayers = totalBitsInLayer - (totalBitsInLayer % wordSize);
if (compact && stuffedBits.getSize() > wordSize * 64) {
// Compact format only allows 64 data words, though C4 can hold more words than that
if (stuffedBits.getSize() + eccBits <= usableBitsInLayers) {
BitArray messageBits = generateCheckWords(stuffedBits, totalBitsInLayer, wordSize);
// generate mode message
int messageSizeInWords = stuffedBits.getSize() / wordSize;
BitArray modeMessage = generateModeMessage(compact, layers, messageSizeInWords);
// allocate symbol
// not including alignment lines
int baseMatrixSize = compact ? 11 + layers * 4 : 14 + layers * 4;
int[] alignmentMap = new int[baseMatrixSize];
int matrixSize;
if (compact) {
// no alignment marks in compact mode, alignmentMap is a no-op
matrixSize = baseMatrixSize;
for (int i = 0; i < alignmentMap.length; i++) {
alignmentMap[i] = i;
} else {
matrixSize = baseMatrixSize + 1 + 2 * ((baseMatrixSize / 2 - 1) / 15);
int origCenter = baseMatrixSize / 2;
int center = matrixSize / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < origCenter; i++) {
int newOffset = i + i / 15;
alignmentMap[origCenter - i - 1] = center - newOffset - 1;
alignmentMap[origCenter + i] = center + newOffset + 1;
BitMatrix matrix = new BitMatrix(matrixSize);
// draw data bits
for (int i = 0, rowOffset = 0; i < layers; i++) {
int rowSize = compact ? (layers - i) * 4 + 9 : (layers - i) * 4 + 12;
for (int j = 0; j < rowSize; j++) {
int columnOffset = j * 2;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
if (messageBits.get(rowOffset + columnOffset + k)) {
matrix.set(alignmentMap[i * 2 + k], alignmentMap[i * 2 + j]);
if (messageBits.get(rowOffset + rowSize * 2 + columnOffset + k)) {
matrix.set(alignmentMap[i * 2 + j], alignmentMap[baseMatrixSize - 1 - i * 2 - k]);
if (messageBits.get(rowOffset + rowSize * 4 + columnOffset + k)) {
matrix.set(alignmentMap[baseMatrixSize - 1 - i * 2 - k], alignmentMap[baseMatrixSize - 1 - i * 2 - j]);
if (messageBits.get(rowOffset + rowSize * 6 + columnOffset + k)) {
matrix.set(alignmentMap[baseMatrixSize - 1 - i * 2 - j], alignmentMap[i * 2 + k]);
rowOffset += rowSize * 8;
// draw mode message
drawModeMessage(matrix, compact, matrixSize, modeMessage);
// draw alignment marks
if (compact) {
drawBullsEye(matrix, matrixSize / 2, 5);
} else {
drawBullsEye(matrix, matrixSize / 2, 7);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < baseMatrixSize / 2 - 1; i += 15, j += 16) {
for (int k = (matrixSize / 2) & 1; k < matrixSize; k += 2) {
matrix.set(matrixSize / 2 - j, k);
matrix.set(matrixSize / 2 + j, k);
matrix.set(k, matrixSize / 2 - j);
matrix.set(k, matrixSize / 2 + j);
AztecCode aztec = new AztecCode();
return aztec;