use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.DefaultTurnCostProvider in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class DefaultBidirPathExtractorTest method testExtract2.
public void testExtract2() {
// 1->2->3
Graph graph = createGraph();
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, carEncoder, graph.edge(1, 2).setDistance(10));
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, carEncoder, graph.edge(2, 3).setDistance(20));
// add some turn costs at node 2 where fwd&bwd searches meet. these costs have to be included in the
// weight and the time of the path
TurnCostStorage turnCostStorage = graph.getTurnCostStorage();
DecimalEncodedValue turnCostEnc = encodingManager.getDecimalEncodedValue(TurnCost.key(carEncoder.toString()));
turnCostStorage.set(turnCostEnc, 0, 2, 1, 5);
SPTEntry fwdEntry = new SPTEntry(0, 2, 0.6);
fwdEntry.parent = new SPTEntry(EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE, 1, 0);
SPTEntry bwdEntry = new SPTEntry(1, 2, 1.2);
bwdEntry.parent = new SPTEntry(EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE, 3, 0);
Path p = DefaultBidirPathExtractor.extractPath(graph, new FastestWeighting(carEncoder, new DefaultTurnCostProvider(carEncoder, turnCostStorage)), fwdEntry, bwdEntry, 0);
p.setWeight(5 + 1.8);
assertEquals(IntArrayList.from(1, 2, 3), p.calcNodes());
assertEquals(30, p.getDistance(), 1e-4);
assertEquals(5 + 1.8, p.getWeight(), 1e-4);
assertEquals(5000 + 1800, p.getTime(), 1.e-6);
use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.DefaultTurnCostProvider in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class AlternativeRouteEdgeCHTest method prepareCH.
private RoutingCHGraph prepareCH(GraphHopperStorage graph) {
TurnCostProvider turnCostProvider = new DefaultTurnCostProvider(carFE, graph.getTurnCostStorage());
CHConfig chConfig = CHConfig.edgeBased("profile", new FastestWeighting(carFE, turnCostProvider));
PrepareContractionHierarchies contractionHierarchies = PrepareContractionHierarchies.fromGraphHopperStorage(graph, chConfig);
PrepareContractionHierarchies.Result res = contractionHierarchies.doWork();
return graph.createCHGraph(res.getCHStorage(), res.getCHConfig());
use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.DefaultTurnCostProvider in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class EdgeBasedRoutingAlgorithmTest method testTurnCostsBug_991.
public void testTurnCostsBug_991(String algoStr) {
final GraphHopperStorage g = createStorage(createEncodingManager(false));
initGraph(g, carEncoder);
setTurnCost(g, 2, 5, 2, 3);
setTurnCost(g, 2, 2, 0, 1);
setTurnCost(g, 2, 5, 6, 3);
setTurnCost(g, 1, 6, 7, 4);
FastestWeighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(carEncoder, new DefaultTurnCostProvider(carEncoder, tcs) {
public double calcTurnWeight(int edgeFrom, int nodeVia, int edgeTo) {
if (edgeFrom >= 0)
assertNotNull(g.getEdgeIteratorState(edgeFrom, nodeVia), "edge " + edgeFrom + " to " + nodeVia + " does not exist");
if (edgeTo >= 0)
assertNotNull(g.getEdgeIteratorState(edgeTo, nodeVia), "edge " + edgeTo + " to " + nodeVia + " does not exist");
return super.calcTurnWeight(edgeFrom, nodeVia, edgeTo);
Path p = createAlgo(g, weighting, algoStr, EDGE_BASED).calcPath(5, 1);
assertEquals(IntArrayList.from(5, 6, 7, 4, 3, 1), p.calcNodes());
assertEquals(5 * 0.06 + 1, p.getWeight(), 1.e-6);
assertEquals(1300, p.getTime(), .1);
use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.DefaultTurnCostProvider in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class CHTurnCostTest method createCHConfigs.
* Creates a list of distinct CHProfiles with different u-turn costs that can be used by the tests.
* There is always a profile with infinite u-turn costs and one with u-turn-costs = 50.
private List<CHConfig> createCHConfigs() {
Set<CHConfig> configs = new LinkedHashSet<>(5);
// the first one is always the one with infinite u-turn costs
configs.add(CHConfig.edgeBased("p0", new ShortestWeighting(encoder, new DefaultTurnCostProvider(encoder, turnCostStorage, INFINITE_U_TURN_COSTS))));
// this one we also always add
configs.add(CHConfig.edgeBased("p1", new ShortestWeighting(encoder, new DefaultTurnCostProvider(encoder, turnCostStorage, 50))));
// add more (distinct) profiles
long seed = System.nanoTime();
Random rnd = new Random(seed);
while (configs.size() < 5) {
int uTurnCosts = 10 + rnd.nextInt(90);
configs.add(CHConfig.edgeBased("p" + configs.size(), new ShortestWeighting(encoder, new DefaultTurnCostProvider(encoder, turnCostStorage, uTurnCosts))));
return new ArrayList<>(configs);
use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.DefaultTurnCostProvider in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryGraphTest method testTurnCostsProperlyPropagated_Issue282.
public void testTurnCostsProperlyPropagated_Issue282() {
FlagEncoder encoder = new CarFlagEncoder(5, 5, 15);
EncodingManager em = EncodingManager.create(encoder);
GraphHopperStorage graphWithTurnCosts = new GraphBuilder(em).withTurnCosts(true).create();
TurnCostStorage turnExt = graphWithTurnCosts.getTurnCostStorage();
DecimalEncodedValue turnCostEnc = em.getDecimalEncodedValue(TurnCost.key(encoder.toString()));
NodeAccess na = graphWithTurnCosts.getNodeAccess();
na.setNode(0, .00, .00);
na.setNode(1, .00, .01);
na.setNode(2, .01, .01);
EdgeIteratorState edge0 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graphWithTurnCosts.edge(0, 1).setDistance(10));
EdgeIteratorState edge1 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graphWithTurnCosts.edge(2, 1).setDistance(10));
Weighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(encoder, new DefaultTurnCostProvider(encoder, graphWithTurnCosts.getTurnCostStorage()));
// no turn costs initially
assertEquals(0, weighting.calcTurnWeight(edge0.getEdge(), 1, edge1.getEdge()), .1);
// now use turn costs
turnExt.set(turnCostEnc, edge0.getEdge(), 1, edge1.getEdge(), 10);
assertEquals(10, weighting.calcTurnWeight(edge0.getEdge(), 1, edge1.getEdge()), .1);
// now use turn costs with query graph
Snap res1 = createLocationResult(0.000, 0.005, edge0, 0, Snap.Position.EDGE);
Snap res2 = createLocationResult(0.005, 0.010, edge1, 0, Snap.Position.EDGE);
QueryGraph qGraph = QueryGraph.create(graphWithTurnCosts, res1, res2);
weighting = qGraph.wrapWeighting(weighting);
int fromQueryEdge = GHUtility.getEdge(qGraph, res1.getClosestNode(), 1).getEdge();
int toQueryEdge = GHUtility.getEdge(qGraph, res2.getClosestNode(), 1).getEdge();
assertEquals(10, weighting.calcTurnWeight(fromQueryEdge, 1, toQueryEdge), .1);