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Example 41 with Weighting

use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class CHPreparationGraph method buildTurnCostFunctionFromTurnCostStorage.

 * Builds a turn cost function for a given graph('s turn cost storage) and a weighting.
 * The trivial implementation would be simply returning {@link Weighting#calcTurnWeight}. However, it turned out
 * that reading all turn costs for the current encoder and then storing them in separate arrays upfront speeds up
 * edge-based CH preparation by about 25%. See #2084
public static TurnCostFunction buildTurnCostFunctionFromTurnCostStorage(Graph graph, Weighting weighting) {
    FlagEncoder encoder = weighting.getFlagEncoder();
    String key = TurnCost.key(encoder.toString());
    if (!encoder.hasEncodedValue(key))
        return (inEdge, viaNode, outEdge) -> 0;
    DecimalEncodedValue turnCostEnc = encoder.getDecimalEncodedValue(key);
    TurnCostStorage turnCostStorage = graph.getTurnCostStorage();
    // we maintain a list of inEdge/outEdge/turn-cost triples (we use two arrays for this) that is sorted by nodes
    LongArrayList turnCostEdgePairs = new LongArrayList();
    DoubleArrayList turnCosts = new DoubleArrayList();
    // for each node we store the index of the first turn cost entry/triple in the list
    final int[] turnCostNodes = new int[graph.getNodes() + 1];
    TurnCostStorage.TurnRelationIterator tcIter = turnCostStorage.getAllTurnRelations();
    int lastNode = -1;
    while ( {
        int viaNode = tcIter.getViaNode();
        if (viaNode < lastNode)
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        long edgePair = BitUtil.LITTLE.combineIntsToLong(tcIter.getFromEdge(), tcIter.getToEdge());
        // note that as long as we only use OSM turn restrictions all the turn costs are infinite anyway
        double turnCost = tcIter.getCost(turnCostEnc);
        int index = turnCostEdgePairs.size();
        if (viaNode != lastNode) {
            for (int i = lastNode + 1; i <= viaNode; i++) {
                turnCostNodes[i] = index;
        lastNode = viaNode;
    for (int i = lastNode + 1; i <= turnCostNodes.length - 1; i++) {
        turnCostNodes[i] = turnCostEdgePairs.size();
    turnCostNodes[turnCostNodes.length - 1] = turnCostEdgePairs.size();
    // currently the u-turn costs are the same for all junctions, so for now we just get them for one of them
    double uTurnCosts = weighting.calcTurnWeight(1, 0, 1);
    return (inEdge, viaNode, outEdge) -> {
        if (!EdgeIterator.Edge.isValid(inEdge) || !EdgeIterator.Edge.isValid(outEdge))
            return 0;
        else if (inEdge == outEdge)
            return uTurnCosts;
        // traverse all turn cost entries we have for this viaNode and return the turn costs if we find a match
        for (int i = turnCostNodes[viaNode]; i < turnCostNodes[viaNode + 1]; i++) {
            long l = turnCostEdgePairs.get(i);
            if (inEdge == BitUtil.LITTLE.getIntLow(l) && outEdge == BitUtil.LITTLE.getIntHigh(l))
                return turnCosts.get(i);
        return 0;
Also used : IndirectSort(com.carrotsearch.hppc.sorting.IndirectSort) com.carrotsearch.hppc(com.carrotsearch.hppc) TurnCost(com.graphhopper.routing.ev.TurnCost) EdgeIterator(com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIterator) GHUtility(com.graphhopper.util.GHUtility) BitUtil(com.graphhopper.util.BitUtil) IndirectComparator(com.carrotsearch.hppc.sorting.IndirectComparator) TurnCostStorage( Weighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting) DecimalEncodedValue(com.graphhopper.routing.ev.DecimalEncodedValue) Graph( FlagEncoder(com.graphhopper.routing.util.FlagEncoder) AllEdgesIterator(com.graphhopper.routing.util.AllEdgesIterator) FlagEncoder(com.graphhopper.routing.util.FlagEncoder) DecimalEncodedValue(com.graphhopper.routing.ev.DecimalEncodedValue) TurnCostStorage(

Example 42 with Weighting

use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class LowLevelAPIExample method useContractionHierarchiesToMakeQueriesFaster.

public static void useContractionHierarchiesToMakeQueriesFaster() {
    // Creating and saving the graph
    FlagEncoder encoder = new CarFlagEncoder();
    EncodingManager em = EncodingManager.create(encoder);
    Weighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(encoder);
    CHConfig chConfig = CHConfig.nodeBased("my_profile", weighting);
    GraphHopperStorage graph = new GraphBuilder(em).setRAM(graphLocation, true).create();
    // Set node coordinates and build location index
    NodeAccess na = graph.getNodeAccess();
    graph.edge(0, 1).set(encoder.getAccessEnc(), true).set(encoder.getAverageSpeedEnc(), 10).setDistance(1020);
    na.setNode(0, 15.15, 20.20);
    na.setNode(1, 15.25, 20.21);
    // Prepare the graph for fast querying ...
    PrepareContractionHierarchies pch = PrepareContractionHierarchies.fromGraphHopperStorage(graph, chConfig);
    PrepareContractionHierarchies.Result pchRes = pch.doWork();
    RoutingCHGraph chGraph = graph.createCHGraph(pchRes.getCHStorage(), pchRes.getCHConfig());
    // create location index
    LocationIndexTree index = new LocationIndexTree(graph, graph.getDirectory());
    // calculate a path with location index
    Snap fromSnap = index.findClosest(15.15, 20.20, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
    Snap toSnap = index.findClosest(15.25, 20.21, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
    QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, fromSnap, toSnap);
    BidirRoutingAlgorithm algo = new CHRoutingAlgorithmFactory(chGraph, queryGraph).createAlgo(new PMap());
    Path path = algo.calcPath(fromSnap.getClosestNode(), toSnap.getClosestNode());
    assert Helper.round(path.getDistance(), -2) == 1000;
Also used : Path(com.graphhopper.routing.Path) PrepareContractionHierarchies( PMap(com.graphhopper.util.PMap) Snap( BidirRoutingAlgorithm(com.graphhopper.routing.BidirRoutingAlgorithm) LocationIndexTree( FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) Weighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting) FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) CHRoutingAlgorithmFactory( QueryGraph(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph)

Example 43 with Weighting

use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class LowLevelAPIExample method createAndSaveGraph.

public static void createAndSaveGraph() {
    FlagEncoder encoder = new CarFlagEncoder();
    EncodingManager em = EncodingManager.create(encoder);
    GraphHopperStorage graph = new GraphBuilder(em).setRAM(graphLocation, true).create();
    // Make a weighted edge between two nodes and set average speed to 50km/h
    EdgeIteratorState edge = graph.edge(0, 1).setDistance(1234).set(encoder.getAverageSpeedEnc(), 50);
    // Set node coordinates and build location index
    NodeAccess na = graph.getNodeAccess();
    graph.edge(0, 1).set(encoder.getAccessEnc(), true).set(encoder.getAverageSpeedEnc(), 10).setDistance(1530);
    na.setNode(0, 15.15, 20.20);
    na.setNode(1, 15.25, 20.21);
    LocationIndexTree index = new LocationIndexTree(graph, graph.getDirectory());
    // Flush the graph and location index to disk
    // Load the graph ... can be also in a different code location
    graph = new GraphBuilder(em).setRAM(graphLocation, true).build();
    // Load the location index
    index = new LocationIndexTree(graph.getBaseGraph(), graph.getDirectory());
    if (!index.loadExisting())
        throw new IllegalStateException("location index cannot be loaded!");
    // calculate with location index
    Snap fromSnap = index.findClosest(15.15, 20.20, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
    Snap toSnap = index.findClosest(15.25, 20.21, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
    QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, fromSnap, toSnap);
    Weighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(encoder);
    Path path = new Dijkstra(queryGraph, weighting, TraversalMode.NODE_BASED).calcPath(fromSnap.getClosestNode(), toSnap.getClosestNode());
    assert Helper.round(path.getDistance(), -2) == 1500;
    // calculate without location index (get the fromId and toId nodes from other code parts)
    path = new Dijkstra(graph, weighting, TraversalMode.NODE_BASED).calcPath(0, 1);
    assert Helper.round(path.getDistance(), -2) == 1500;
Also used : Path(com.graphhopper.routing.Path) Snap( LocationIndexTree( Dijkstra(com.graphhopper.routing.Dijkstra) FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) Weighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting) EdgeIteratorState(com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIteratorState) FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) QueryGraph(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph)

Example 44 with Weighting

use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class RoutingAlgorithmTest method testTwoWeightsPerEdge2.

public void testTwoWeightsPerEdge2(Fixture f) {
    // other direction should be different!
    Weighting fakeWeighting = new Weighting() {

        private final Weighting tmpW = new FastestWeighting(f.carEncoder);

        public FlagEncoder getFlagEncoder() {
            return f.carEncoder;

        public double getMinWeight(double distance) {
            return 0.8 * distance;

        public final double calcEdgeWeight(EdgeIteratorState edgeState, boolean reverse) {
            int adj = edgeState.getAdjNode();
            int base = edgeState.getBaseNode();
            if (reverse) {
                int tmp = base;
                base = adj;
                adj = tmp;
            // a 'hill' at node 6
            if (adj == 6)
                return 3 * edgeState.getDistance();
            else if (base == 6)
                return edgeState.getDistance() * 0.9;
            else if (adj == 4)
                return 2 * edgeState.getDistance();
            return edgeState.getDistance() * 0.8;

        public final long calcEdgeMillis(EdgeIteratorState edgeState, boolean reverse) {
            return tmpW.calcEdgeMillis(edgeState, reverse);

        public double calcTurnWeight(int inEdge, int viaNode, int outEdge) {
            return tmpW.calcTurnWeight(inEdge, viaNode, outEdge);

        public long calcTurnMillis(int inEdge, int viaNode, int outEdge) {
            return tmpW.calcTurnMillis(inEdge, viaNode, outEdge);

        public boolean hasTurnCosts() {
            return tmpW.hasTurnCosts();

        public String getName() {
            return "custom";

        public String toString() {
            return tmpW.getFlagEncoder().toString() + "_" + getName();
    GraphHopperStorage graph = f.createGHStorage(true);
    initEleGraph(graph, f.carEncoder, 60);
    Path p = f.calcPath(graph, 0, 10);
    assertEquals(nodes(0, 4, 6, 10), p.calcNodes());
    graph = f.createGHStorage(true);
    initEleGraph(graph, f.carEncoder, 60);
    p = f.calcPath(graph, fakeWeighting, 3, 0, 10, 9);
    assertEquals(nodes(12, 0, 1, 2, 11, 7, 10, 13), p.calcNodes());
    assertEquals(37009621, p.getTime());
    assertEquals(616827, p.getDistance(), 1);
    assertEquals(493462, p.getWeight(), 1);
Also used : FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) Weighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting) ShortestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.ShortestWeighting) FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) ParameterizedTest(org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest) ArgumentsSource(org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ArgumentsSource)

Example 45 with Weighting

use of com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class RandomCHRoutingTest method runRandomTest.

private void runRandomTest(Fixture f, Random rnd, int numVirtualNodes) {
    LocationIndexTree locationIndex = new LocationIndexTree(f.graph, f.dir);
    PrepareContractionHierarchies pch = PrepareContractionHierarchies.fromGraphHopperStorage(f.graph, f.chConfig);
    PrepareContractionHierarchies.Result res = pch.doWork();
    RoutingCHGraph chGraph = f.graph.createCHGraph(res.getCHStorage(), res.getCHConfig());
    int numQueryGraph = 25;
    for (int j = 0; j < numQueryGraph; j++) {
        // add virtual nodes and edges, because they can change the routing behavior and/or produce bugs, e.g.
        // when via-points are used
        List<Snap> snaps = createRandomSnaps(f.graph.getBounds(), locationIndex, rnd, numVirtualNodes, false, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
        QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(f.graph, snaps);
        int numQueries = 100;
        int numPathsNotFound = 0;
        List<String> strictViolations = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numQueries; i++) {
            int from = rnd.nextInt(queryGraph.getNodes());
            int to = rnd.nextInt(queryGraph.getNodes());
            Weighting w = queryGraph.wrapWeighting(f.weighting);
            // using plain dijkstra instead of bidirectional, because of #1592
            RoutingAlgorithm refAlgo = new Dijkstra(queryGraph, w, f.traversalMode);
            Path refPath = refAlgo.calcPath(from, to);
            double refWeight = refPath.getWeight();
            QueryRoutingCHGraph routingCHGraph = new QueryRoutingCHGraph(chGraph, queryGraph);
            RoutingAlgorithm algo = new CHRoutingAlgorithmFactory(routingCHGraph).createAlgo(new PMap().putObject("stall_on_demand", true));
            Path path = algo.calcPath(from, to);
            if (refPath.isFound() && !path.isFound())
                fail("path not found for " + from + "->" + to + ", expected weight: " + refWeight);
            assertEquals(refPath.isFound(), path.isFound());
            if (!path.isFound()) {
            double weight = path.getWeight();
            if (Math.abs(refWeight - weight) > 1.e-2) {
                LOGGER.warn("expected: " + refPath.calcNodes());
                LOGGER.warn("given:    " + path.calcNodes());
                fail("wrong weight: " + from + "->" + to + ", dijkstra: " + refWeight + " vs. ch: " + path.getWeight());
            if (Math.abs(path.getDistance() - refPath.getDistance()) > 1.e-1) {
                strictViolations.add("wrong distance " + from + "->" + to + ", expected: " + refPath.getDistance() + ", given: " + path.getDistance());
            if (Math.abs(path.getTime() - refPath.getTime()) > 50) {
                strictViolations.add("wrong time " + from + "->" + to + ", expected: " + refPath.getTime() + ", given: " + path.getTime());
        if (numPathsNotFound > 0.9 * numQueries) {
            fail("Too many paths not found: " + numPathsNotFound + "/" + numQueries);
        if (strictViolations.size() > 0.05 * numQueries) {
            fail("Too many strict violations: " + strictViolations.size() + "/" + numQueries + "\n" + Helper.join("\n", strictViolations));
Also used : PrepareContractionHierarchies( QueryRoutingCHGraph(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryRoutingCHGraph) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PMap(com.graphhopper.util.PMap) QueryRoutingCHGraph(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryRoutingCHGraph) Snap( LocationIndexTree( FastestWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting) Weighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting) CHRoutingAlgorithmFactory( QueryGraph(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph)


Weighting (com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting)57 FastestWeighting (com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting)32 ShortestWeighting (com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.ShortestWeighting)15 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)15 Test (org.junit.Test)12 Snap ( ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)10 QueryGraph (com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph)9 GHPoint (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)9 Path (com.graphhopper.routing.Path)8 Graph ( LocationIndexTree ( Profile (com.graphhopper.config.Profile)7 GraphHopperStorage ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 GraphHopper (com.graphhopper.GraphHopper)6 IOException ( Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)6 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)6 AbstractWeighting (com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.AbstractWeighting)5