use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class LocationIndexTreeTest method createTestGraph2.
// see testgraph2.jpg
Graph createTestGraph2() {
Graph graph = createGHStorage(new RAMDirectory(), encodingManager, false);
NodeAccess na = graph.getNodeAccess();
na.setNode(8, 49.94553, 11.57214);
na.setNode(9, 49.94553, 11.57314);
na.setNode(10, 49.94553, 11.57414);
na.setNode(11, 49.94553, 11.57514);
na.setNode(12, 49.94553, 11.57614);
na.setNode(13, 49.94553, 11.57714);
na.setNode(0, 49.94653, 11.57114);
na.setNode(1, 49.94653, 11.57214);
na.setNode(2, 49.94653, 11.57314);
na.setNode(3, 49.94653, 11.57414);
na.setNode(4, 49.94653, 11.57514);
na.setNode(5, 49.94653, 11.57614);
na.setNode(6, 49.94653, 11.57714);
na.setNode(7, 49.94653, 11.57814);
na.setNode(14, 49.94753, 11.57214);
na.setNode(15, 49.94753, 11.57314);
na.setNode(16, 49.94753, 11.57614);
na.setNode(17, 49.94753, 11.57814);
na.setNode(18, 49.94853, 11.57114);
na.setNode(19, 49.94853, 11.57214);
na.setNode(20, 49.94853, 11.57814);
na.setNode(21, 49.94953, 11.57214);
na.setNode(22, 49.94953, 11.57614);
na.setNode(23, 49.95053, 11.57114);
na.setNode(24, 49.95053, 11.57214);
na.setNode(25, 49.95053, 11.57314);
na.setNode(26, 49.95053, 11.57514);
na.setNode(27, 49.95053, 11.57614);
na.setNode(28, 49.95053, 11.57714);
na.setNode(29, 49.95053, 11.57814);
na.setNode(30, 49.95153, 11.57214);
na.setNode(31, 49.95153, 11.57314);
na.setNode(32, 49.95153, 11.57514);
na.setNode(33, 49.95153, 11.57614);
na.setNode(34, 49.95153, 11.57714);
na.setNode(34, 49.95153, 11.57714);
// to create correct bounds
// bottom left
na.setNode(100, 49.941, 11.56614);
// top right
na.setNode(101, 49.96053, 11.58814);
graph.edge(0, 1, 10, true);
graph.edge(1, 2, 10, true);
graph.edge(2, 3, 10, true);
graph.edge(3, 4, 10, true);
graph.edge(4, 5, 10, true);
graph.edge(6, 7, 10, true);
graph.edge(8, 2, 10, true);
graph.edge(9, 2, 10, true);
graph.edge(10, 3, 10, true);
graph.edge(11, 4, 10, true);
graph.edge(12, 5, 10, true);
graph.edge(13, 6, 10, true);
graph.edge(1, 14, 10, true);
graph.edge(2, 15, 10, true);
graph.edge(5, 16, 10, true);
graph.edge(14, 15, 10, true);
graph.edge(16, 17, 10, true);
graph.edge(16, 20, 10, true);
graph.edge(16, 25, 10, true);
graph.edge(18, 14, 10, true);
graph.edge(18, 19, 10, true);
graph.edge(18, 21, 10, true);
graph.edge(19, 21, 10, true);
graph.edge(21, 24, 10, true);
graph.edge(23, 24, 10, true);
graph.edge(24, 25, 10, true);
graph.edge(26, 27, 10, true);
graph.edge(27, 28, 10, true);
graph.edge(28, 29, 10, true);
graph.edge(24, 30, 10, true);
graph.edge(24, 31, 10, true);
graph.edge(26, 32, 10, true);
graph.edge(27, 33, 10, true);
graph.edge(28, 34, 10, true);
return graph;
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class InstructionListTest method testEmptyList.
public void testEmptyList() {
Graph g = new GraphBuilder(carManager).create();
Path p = new Dijkstra(g, new ShortestWeighting(carEncoder), tMode).calcPath(0, 1);
InstructionList il = p.calcInstructions(usTR);
assertEquals(0, il.size());
assertEquals(0, il.createStartPoints().size());
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class LocationIndexTreeTest method testFindNClosest.
// 0---1---2
// | | |
// |10 | |
// | | | |
// 3-9-4---5
// | | |
// 6---7---8
public void testFindNClosest() {
Graph graph = createGHStorage(new RAMDirectory(), encodingManager, false);
NodeAccess na = graph.getNodeAccess();
na.setNode(0, 0.0010, 0.0000);
na.setNode(1, 0.0010, 0.0005);
na.setNode(2, 0.0010, 0.0010);
na.setNode(3, 0.0005, 0.0000);
na.setNode(4, 0.0005, 0.0005);
na.setNode(5, 0.0005, 0.0010);
na.setNode(6, 0.0000, 0.0000);
na.setNode(7, 0.0000, 0.0005);
na.setNode(8, 0.0000, 0.0010);
na.setNode(9, 0.0005, 0.0002);
na.setNode(10, 0.0007, 0.0002);
graph.edge(0, 1);
graph.edge(1, 2);
graph.edge(0, 3);
graph.edge(1, 4);
graph.edge(2, 5);
graph.edge(3, 9);
graph.edge(9, 4);
EdgeIteratorState edge4_5 = graph.edge(4, 5);
graph.edge(10, 9);
graph.edge(3, 6);
EdgeIteratorState edge4_7 = graph.edge(4, 7);
graph.edge(5, 8);
graph.edge(6, 7);
graph.edge(7, 8);
LocationIndexTree index = createIndexNoPrepare(graph, 500);
// query node 4 => get at least 4-5, 4-7
List<QueryResult> result = index.findNClosest(0.0004, 0.0006, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES, 15);
List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (QueryResult qr : result) {
assertEquals("edge ids do not match", Arrays.asList(edge4_5.getEdge(), edge4_7.getEdge()), ids);
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class LocationIndexTreeTest method testInMemIndex.
public void testInMemIndex() {
Graph graph = createTestGraph(encodingManager);
LocationIndexTree index = createIndexNoPrepare(graph, 50000);
LocationIndexTree.InMemConstructionIndex inMemIndex = index.getPrepareInMemIndex();
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(4, 4), index.getEntries());
assertEquals(4, inMemIndex.getEntriesOf(0).size());
assertEquals(10, inMemIndex.getEntriesOf(1).size());
assertEquals(0, inMemIndex.getEntriesOf(2).size());
// [LEAF 0 {} {0, 2}, LEAF 2 {} {0, 1}, LEAF 1 {} {2}, LEAF 3 {} {1}, LEAF 8 {} {0}, LEAF 10 {} {0}, LEAF 9 {} {0}, LEAF 4 {} {2}, LEAF 6 {} {0, 1, 2, 3}, LEAF 5 {} {0, 2, 3}, LEAF 7 {} {1, 2, 3}, LEAF 13 {} {1}]
// System.out.println(inMemIndex.getLayer(2));
index.dataAccess.create(10);, LocationIndexTree.START_POINTER);
// [LEAF 0 {2} {}, LEAF 2 {1} {}, LEAF 1 {2} {}, LEAF 3 {1} {}, LEAF 8 {0} {}, LEAF 10 {0} {}, LEAF 9 {0} {}, LEAF 4 {2} {}, LEAF 6 {0, 3} {}, LEAF 5 {0, 2, 3} {}, LEAF 7 {1, 2, 3} {}, LEAF 13 {1} {}]
// System.out.println(inMemIndex.getLayer(2));
GHIntHashSet set = new GHIntHashSet();
GHIntHashSet foundIds = new GHIntHashSet();
index.findNetworkEntries(0.5, -0.5, foundIds, 0);
assertEquals(set, foundIds);
index.findNetworkEntries(-0.5, -0.9, foundIds, 0);
index.findNetworkEntries(-0.5, -0.9, foundIds, 1);
assertEquals(set, foundIds);
assertEquals(2, findID(index, -0.5, -0.9));
// The optimization if(dist > normedHalf) => feed nodeA or nodeB
// although this reduces chance of nodes outside of the tile
// in practice it even increases file size!?
// Is this due to the CHGraph disconnect problem?
// set.clear();
// set.add(4);
// assertEquals(set, index.findNetworkEntries(-0.7, 1.5));
// set.clear();
// set.add(4);
// assertEquals(set, index.findNetworkEntries(-0.5, 0.5));
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class LocationIndexTreeTest method testRMin.
public void testRMin() {
Graph graph = createTestGraph(encodingManager);
LocationIndexTree index = createIndex(graph, 50000);
// query: 0.05 | -0.3
DistanceCalc distCalc = new DistancePlaneProjection();
double rmin = index.calculateRMin(0.05, -0.3);
double check = distCalc.calcDist(0.05, Math.abs(graph.getNodeAccess().getLon(2)) - index.getDeltaLon(), -0.3, -0.3);
assertTrue((rmin - check) < 0.0001);
double rmin2 = index.calculateRMin(0.05, -0.3, 1);
double check2 = distCalc.calcDist(0.05, Math.abs(graph.getNodeAccess().getLat(0)), -0.3, -0.3);
assertTrue((rmin2 - check2) < 0.0001);
GHIntHashSet points = new GHIntHashSet();
assertEquals(Double.MAX_VALUE, index.calcMinDistance(0.05, -0.3, points), 1e-1);
assertEquals(54757.03, index.calcMinDistance(0.05, -0.3, points), 1e-1);
/*GraphVisualizer gv = new GraphVisualizer(graph, index.getDeltaLat(), index.getDeltaLon(), index.getCenter(0, 0).lat, index.getCenter(0, 0).lon);
try {
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {}*/