use of com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel.ItemsByTag in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class CoAggregateOperationBuilder method build.
* Builds and returns the multi-input {@link AggregateOperation}. It will
* call the supplied {@code exportFinishFn} to transform the {@link ItemsByTag}
* it creates to the result type it emits as the actual result.
* @param exportFinishFn function to convert {@link ItemsByTag} to the
* target result type. It must be stateless and {@linkplain
* Processor#isCooperative() cooperative}.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "ConstantConditions" })
public <R> AggregateOperation<Object[], R> build(@Nonnull FunctionEx<? super ItemsByTag, ? extends R> exportFinishFn) {
checkSerializable(exportFinishFn, "exportFinishFn");
Tag[] tags = opsByTag.keySet().stream().sorted().toArray(Tag[]::new);
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
Preconditions.checkTrue(tags[i].index() == i, "Registered tags' indices are " + stream(tags).map(Tag::index).collect(toList()) + ", but should be " + range(0, tags.length).boxed().collect(toList()));
// Variable `sorted` extracted due to type inference failure
Stream<Entry<Tag, AggregateOperation1>> sorted = opsByTag.entrySet().stream().sorted(comparing(Entry::getKey));
List<AggregateOperation1> ops =;
BiConsumerEx[] combineFns =[]::new);
BiConsumerEx[] deductFns =[]::new);
FunctionEx[] exportFns =[]::new);
FunctionEx[] finishFns =[]::new);
AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<Object[], Void> b = AggregateOperation.withCreate(() -> -> op.createFn().get()).toArray()).varArity();
opsByTag.forEach((tag, op) -> {
int index = tag.index();
b.andAccumulate(tag, (acc, item) -> op.accumulateFn().accept(acc[index], item));
return b.andCombine(stream(combineFns).anyMatch(Objects::isNull) ? null : (acc1, acc2) -> {
for (int i = 0; i < combineFns.length; i++) {
combineFns[i].accept(acc1[i], acc2[i]);
}).andDeduct(stream(deductFns).anyMatch(Objects::isNull) ? null : (acc1, acc2) -> {
for (int i = 0; i < deductFns.length; i++) {
deductFns[i].accept(acc1[i], acc2[i]);
}).<R>andExport(acc -> {
ItemsByTag result = new ItemsByTag();
for (int i = 0; i < exportFns.length; i++) {
result.put(tags[i], exportFns[i].apply(acc[i]));
return exportFinishFn.apply(result);
}).andFinish(acc -> {
ItemsByTag result = new ItemsByTag();
for (int i = 0; i < finishFns.length; i++) {
result.put(tags[i], finishFns[i].apply(acc[i]));
return exportFinishFn.apply(result);
use of com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel.ItemsByTag in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class AllOfAggregationBuilder method build.
* Builds and returns the composite {@link AggregateOperation1}. It will
* call the supplied {@code exportFinishFn} to transform the {@link ItemsByTag}
* it creates to the result type it emits as the actual result.
* @param exportFinishFn function that converts the {@link ItemsByTag} to
* the target result type. It must be stateless and {@linkplain
* Processor#isCooperative() cooperative}.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "ConstantConditions" })
public <R> AggregateOperation1<T, Object[], R> build(@Nonnull FunctionEx<ItemsByTag, R> exportFinishFn) {
checkSerializable(exportFinishFn, "exportFinishFn");
// Avoid capturing this builder in the lambdas:
List<Tag> tags = this.tags;
List<AggregateOperation1> operations = this.operations;
return (AggregateOperation1<T, Object[], R>) AggregateOperation.withCreate(() -> {
Object[] acc = new Object[tags.size()];
Arrays.setAll(acc, i -> operations.get(i).createFn().get());
return acc;
}).andAccumulate((acc, item) -> {
for (int i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) {
operations.get(i).accumulateFn().accept(acc[i], item);
}).andCombine( -> o.combineFn() == null) ? null : (acc1, acc2) -> {
for (int i = 0; i < acc1.length; i++) {
operations.get(i).combineFn().accept(acc1[i], acc2[i]);
}).andDeduct( -> o.deductFn() == null) ? null : (acc1, acc2) -> {
for (int i = 0; i < acc1.length; i++) {
operations.get(i).deductFn().accept(acc1[i], acc2[i]);
}).andExport(acc -> {
ItemsByTag result = new ItemsByTag();
for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
Object exportedVal = operations.get(i).exportFn().apply(acc[i]);
result.put(tags.get(i), exportedVal);
return exportFinishFn.apply(result);
}).andFinish(acc -> {
ItemsByTag result = new ItemsByTag();
for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
Object finishedVal = operations.get(i).finishFn().apply(acc[i]);
result.put(tags.get(i), finishedVal);
return exportFinishFn.apply(result);
use of com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel.ItemsByTag in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class WindowAggregateTest method aggregateBuilder_withComplexAggrOp.
public void aggregateBuilder_withComplexAggrOp() {
// Given
CoAggregateFixture fx = new CoAggregateFixture();
// When
WindowAggregateBuilder1<Integer> b = fx.stage0.aggregateBuilder();
Tag<Integer> tag0_in = b.tag0();
Tag<Integer> tag1_in = b.add(fx.newStage());
CoAggregateOperationBuilder b2 = coAggregateOperationBuilder();
Tag<Long> tag0 = b2.add(tag0_in, SUMMING);
Tag<Long> tag1 = b2.add(tag1_in, SUMMING);
StreamStage<WindowResult<ItemsByTag>> aggregated =;
// Then
assertEquals(fx.expectedString2, streamToString(this.<ItemsByTag>sinkStreamOfWinResult(), wr -> FORMAT_FN_2.apply(wr.end(), tuple2(wr.result().get(tag0), wr.result().get(tag1)))));
use of com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel.ItemsByTag in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class BatchAggregateTest method groupAggregateBuilder_withComplexAggrOp_withOutputFn.
public void groupAggregateBuilder_withComplexAggrOp_withOutputFn() {
// Given
GroupAggregateFixture fx = new GroupAggregateFixture();
BatchStageWithKey<Integer, Integer> stage0 = fx.srcStage0.groupingKey(fx.keyFn);
BatchStageWithKey<Integer, Integer> stage1 = fx.srcStage1().groupingKey(fx.keyFn);
BatchStageWithKey<Integer, Integer> stage2 = fx.srcStage2().groupingKey(fx.keyFn);
// When
GroupAggregateBuilder1<Integer, Integer> b = stage0.aggregateBuilder();
Tag<Integer> tag0_in = b.tag0();
Tag<Integer> tag1_in = b.add(stage1);
Tag<Integer> tag2_in = b.add(stage2);
CoAggregateOperationBuilder agb = coAggregateOperationBuilder();
Tag<Long> tag0 = agb.add(tag0_in, SUMMING);
Tag<Long> tag1 = agb.add(tag1_in, SUMMING);
Tag<Long> tag2 = agb.add(tag2_in, SUMMING);
AggregateOperation<Object[], ItemsByTag> aggrOp =;
BatchStage<Entry<Integer, Long>> aggregated = -> {
ItemsByTag ibt = e.getValue();
return entry(e.getKey(), ibt.get(tag0) + ibt.get(tag1) + ibt.get(tag2));
// Then
Map<Integer, Long> expectedMap0 =, fx.collectOp));
Map<Integer, Long> expectedMap1 =, fx.collectOp));
Map<Integer, Long> expectedMap2 =, fx.collectOp));
assertEquals(streamToString(expectedMap0.entrySet().stream(), e -> FORMAT_FN.apply(entry(e.getKey(), e.getValue() + expectedMap1.get(e.getKey()) + expectedMap2.get(e.getKey())))), streamToString(sinkStreamOfEntry(), FORMAT_FN));
use of com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel.ItemsByTag in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class BatchAggregateTest method aggregateBuilder_withComplexAggrOp.
public void aggregateBuilder_withComplexAggrOp() {
// Given
AggregateBuilderFixture fx = new AggregateBuilderFixture();
// When
AggregateBuilder1<Integer> b = batchStageFromInput().aggregateBuilder();
Tag<Integer> tag0_in = b.tag0();
Tag<Integer> tag1_in = b.add(fx.stage1);
Tag<Integer> tag2_in = b.add(fx.stage2);
CoAggregateOperationBuilder agb = coAggregateOperationBuilder();
Tag<Long> tag0 = agb.add(tag0_in, SUMMING);
Tag<Long> tag1 = agb.add(tag1_in, SUMMING);
Tag<Long> tag2 = agb.add(tag2_in, SUMMING);
AggregateOperation<Object[], ItemsByTag> aggrOp =;
BatchStage<ItemsByTag> aggregated =;
// Then
long sum0 = -> i).sum();
assertEquals(singletonList(itemsByTag(tag0, sum0, tag1, FACTOR_1 * sum0, tag2, FACTOR_2 * sum0)), new ArrayList<>(sinkList));